Bandai Namco Entertainment made a somewhat brief appearance in the Nintendo Switch Presentation, with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 being shown in a sizzle reel. In a PR release a sidenote also mentions that Japanese role-playing IP Tales of and rhythm series Taiko Drum Master are also in development for the new Nintendo system.
The original Taiko Drum Master released in 2004 on PlayStation 2 before moving to mobile, and multiple releases also arrived on 3DS in Japan during this generation. Meanwhile information has not been disclosed as to which Tales of entry is in works; the latest game in the series was Tales of Berseria which released in Japan last summer.

As for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, it'll bring its fast paced gameplay and local co-op mode allowing players to share the adventure with friends. No release date has been given yet by the company, however with the game releasing back in October 2016 on other hardware it seems Namco is eager to tell us more, commenting that it will "share more details soon". With that in mind it surely won't be long before we know the release date alongside more information on other progressing works.
What do you think about Bandai Namco bringing Tales of, Taiko & Dragon Ball to the Switch?
Comments 64
What about Tekken 7? .
Bamco bringing the good stuff. I appreciate the support, but I'm not expecting TDM to make it out of Japan. Tales games are a bit spotty in that regard as well.
@Oscarzxn This has to happen. I hope they're saving the announcement for E3. Harada seems interested in the Switch, for what that's worth.
I love the Tales of series, this is great news! A remake of the original Tales of Symphonia would be cool, but if we're just getting ports it would be nice to get some of their recent games like Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria.
Taiko games ?
If there is more than 100 songs, included Kitasaitama 2000 (appeared as well on MaiMai SEGA), enhanched graphics, right difficulty degree, Count me in !
As long... the unlocking method is not iffy. (I can die in boredom if I have to play predetermined boring songs in order to get better songs unlocked)
Oh, since Bamco take a chance for contribute their games, please Bamco. Make Go Vacation 2 !! Duet with Nintendo !
More and more games getting announced each day. Going in the right direction.
I haven't seen a Taiko Drum Master game since the PS2. Has there seriously never been another game released outside of Japan?
I'm not surprised with the support. Bandai Namco have helped with Smash Bros. and Pokken Tournament so they'd definitely be on board.
Yep, here is my bank account Nintendo. Although at this point I have a backlog of Taiko games to finish. More Tales is always great. Not much of a DB fan but I may give this one a shot.
EDIT: I do hope that Bamco makes some version of the Tatacon for Switch though. I know you don't NEED it but as a Taikoka it makes the game much easier because the motions are familiar to me.
hooray for region free Nintendo Switch, looking forward to playing more outside of the US!
See for a presentation that was being aired out of Japan and live in front of Japanese media THIS should have been mentioned.
Going for a single multi-region approach resulted in less games announcements actually being announced in the presentation.
It'll be great to have a Tales Of game again. I loved Tales Of Symphonia on Gamecube, that was an awesome game.
@Frosty_09 Yeah, props to Nintendo for that. I can't enjoy games as much if I can't read the text (even in games like Taiko Drum), but I'm sure lots of people appreciate having more options.
Can't wait for Taiko Drum Master which I don't have to bite my nails (in vain) hoping it'll get localized because REGION FREE.
As a DBZ fan... idk about Xenoverse 2. My youngest brother mainly played the first one and I haven't seen him touch it in ages.
Never played a Tales game. Heard certain ones were fantastic and others could be passed on so depending on which one this is, I may try it out.
But as wonderful as this news is... WHEN IS TEKKEN THOUGH? D:
I want that tales of game. As soon as possible. And then another tales of game
Loved Tales of Symphonia on GameCube, less so the Wii sequel, but haven't played one since. I'm interested in whether it'll be a port of the recent one or a new one
Nice! I really like Taiko.
@Frosty_09 Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. I just hope that eShop titles aren't region-locked; I've only ever imported a few amiibo, and between paying extra and waiting for that package to arrive, I'd rather just download it if I can.
Some encouraging news. Never played a Tales game myself, though of course I've heard Phantasia and Symphonia are excellent. At any rate, more JRPGs is almost always a good thing.
Only played the most recent Tales Of. It had wonderful graphics, great characters and music but the gameplay sucked. Confusing combat rules that mean you just have to button mash and a blatently linear story
Is the "Tales of" series any good ?
I have Tales of the Abyss for my 3DS but couldn't get past 19 hours because I got bored and confused by the names they used for everything.
The map didn't have the town names either so I got lost (at least I couldn't find them) and it kinda felt like a lazy port.
I usually love RPG but maybe I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. How does the new game stack up against it ?
Xenoverse 2 apparently is a continuation of the first entry's story. Would have been more logical to release Xenoverse 1. Then again, maybe the Switch release will be a compilation of the two.
The news of a "Tales of" game on the Switch really just made my day.
Great to have a Tales game! I hope it isn't a remake, I hope it is the localization of the most recent one.
Third parties are announcing more stuff with each passing day, that's good. At this time with the Wii U, we still had no announcements from third parties!
I would also love to play Naruto UNStorm on switch, can't be the only one here...
Tails of! AWESOME!
Nice i love the Tails series but never heard of Taiko Drum Master.
I do hope we get Tekken on the system as i thought Tekken 7 was an exclusive for sony at the moment.
So many rpgs coming. I like that! The drum game is also fun. So good news
Yes I love another Tales for Nintendo. The Switch is officially the RPG machine for me this gen, it's like the Super NES all over again.
@AlphaJaguar I'm sure Nintendo payed them to help develop those games. If they really had a good relationship with Nintendo, they definitely didn't show it by porting none of their big games the past few years to the Wii U. So honestly, this is surprising.
Tales of. That's good news.
@WinterSugoi Perhaps this is my optimism showing, but since Hori is putting a HRAP on the Switch I feel like fighting games are coming. They usually don't put their premium sticks on systems with poor FG support.
@Arnold-Kage http://taikotime.blogspot.com/
The west only got one game. I've been modding/importing systems since PS2 to play these games. Here you go. Have fun!
EDIT: apparently I can't hot link so just toss it in your address bar.
Tales of Zestiria was a dumpster fire, honestly I'd rather they give us an enhanced version of Abyss or just port Vesperia over. Would also like an exclusive tales title.
Day 1 if Tales of Berseria comes over. I kind of wanted it for PS4, but if it's coming to switch then I'll get it asap.
A new Tales of game is yet another reason why I'm convinced the Switch is a good buy for me.
If Taiko Drum Master isnt localized this time around, I know exactly what my first import is gonna be!
@DTFaux Same. This game looks like a lot of fun! And fortunately a game that can be enjoyed without needing to understand too much text.
This is all well and good, I'll prob get them if the reviews are good. But I'm reeeeeaaaaalllly hoping Tekken 7 or a Tekken of some kind is one of the 80 games in development.
@Nik-Davies yep, Wii U never got these type of announcements. It is looking better already. Capcom needs to give us Resident Evil 7, RE 2 remake, and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Thanks for the link
@Arnold-Kage No problem! Question: Why is Lyndis missing her head?
Port Tales of Vesperia!!!
Dang I wanna play that one so bad. Still not BC for X1.
Would probably be better than any of the one ones, although Berseria looks promising
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Tales of Symphonia is one of my favourite GameCube games. Hopefully a new entry in the series or port of a recent release for the Switch.
New tales game? Or ports of older ones?
Tales of Berseria on Switch please !
Wow weird i did not notice it before but i think her picture was too big. Will look for a smaller one soon.
@Arnold-Kage Really? Darn I should have said something sooner. I've been meaning to ask about it for a bit. Happy to help!
YES. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
I had to forget one of my favourite game franchises because it was almost sony exclusive.
Fondly remember playing eternia, phantasia, destiny and symphonia (graces too in japanese xD) <3 <3 <3
But if it returns to switch I'm gonna play it again, and again, and again and again =D!
please include the tekken 7
Namco give us soul caliber!
Tales is awesome news, but my hype depends on whether they plan to localise it. The series has been sadly sporadic in that regard.
@nhSnork Well it has been better in recent years, I think only Vesperia (PS3) and Innocence R were the only ones not to make it (excluding compilation "Tales of Worlds" titles).
Personally, I want a new Tales game rather than a rerelease or port. Symphonia was great but it's already been released 3 times.
And of course, Bandai Namco means Ace Combat. Again, I doubt and don't think AC7 should come to Switch; it's likely to try and maximise the PS4's capabilities and VR. Instead, offer an all new title. Perhaps a side story or perhaps my long desired remake of AC3 (properly this time).
Oh hey, it's that minigame from Yakuza 5.
Well glad you brought it to my attention and i had more important issues to worry about then a picture for my avatar the last few weeks
@Tsurii wtf is a bamco?
I love me a Tales game. I'm going to love the Switch.
Glad that another in the Tales series will grace Nintendo's platform. Here's hoping it's something good and not just a remake of a 'popular' entry.
Tales = instabuy. Fantastic series, even when it's bad it's fun.
It will be great to get another Tales game back on Nintendo. Fell in love with Symphonia but since then all we've had was a (pretty average) sequel and a remake of Abyss on 3DS. Strange when you consider Symphonia was a GameCube exclusive at first.
Awesome. I'll be picking up Taiko Drum Master when it comes out for sure. No region locks is going to be great.
@Ryu_Niiyama Yes I do agreed that more fighting games are on their way to the Switch. If you look at the Nintendo Switch Japanese website, a BlazBlue logo (located next to FIFA and NBA 2K18) which looks similar to the logo for the game's latest entry, Central Fiction, appeared on the very bottom.
Also Arc System Works had this tweet about the Nintendo Switch:
I know I'm excited for this, I love BlazBlue: Continuum Shift on the 3DS and Guilty Gear XX on the Wii. Having another entry of either one for the Switch would be spectacular.
@retro_player_22 If we get central fiction I would be over the moon. I have been holding out on a price drop (since there is a blazblue every year it seems.)
I'll give the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 ago n Tales of but not sure about that Taiko Drum Master.
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