It's nearly two weeks since Nintendo hosted its Switch Presentation in Japan, and lots of opinions and details have been shared since. We also had teams go to both the London and New York press / public events after the broadcast, and we wrote up quite a few articles about the system and games as a result (linked further down). Now, having allowed a bit of time to pass, some of us have put together some broad thoughts with our impressions of the Switch, and what stood out through the various demos and showcases.
You can see these impressions below, in addition to links to all of our other hands-on impressions articles.

Tom Whitehead
My colleagues below share more viewpoints on the system in terms of how it feels, standout games and so on, so I'll take a slightly different tack - how well I think the system will be received by varied kinds of gamers.
I've written previously about a few concerns, particularly at the steep asking price of the system, games and accessories at launch. Quite how permanent those prices will be is uncertain, as we've seen in the past (notably with 3DS) that a change in direction can come if the market doesn't respond well. That said, it's not impossible that the system will perform strongly at its existing prices; indeed some analysts seem relatively optimistic. I just hope the system sells well, as it could then have a snowball effect - good sales bring more support from third-parties of various types, and also give Nintendo confidence to go all-in with its own projects. Right now I have my fingers crossed.
All of that aside, I was relieved when I got to play around with the Switch in its various configurations. The 'HD Rumble' in the Joy-Cons is fantastic, and those little controllers feel surprisingly good; I suspect the big N put plenty of R & D resources into them. They look so small in concept videos, but in the hand they feel absolutely fine, it's almost like a trick of the eyes. Also importantly, the console itself is a higher build quality than we typically get from Nintendo. The big N's systems are mostly robust and reliable, but also typically feel like kids' toys. I'm a big defender of the Wii U and the GamePad, wishing the latter had been utilised more, but I've always rolled my eyes at the design of the chunky controller. Maybe it's because I'm getting on a bit (by modern standards), but I prefer controllers that don't look like a Fisher Price 'My First Tablet' toy. The Switch console / tablet, in that sense, is quite a change in approach.
It feels and looks rather slick, light and thin enough to justify its portable role, and with enough quality material and stylish design to be played without any self-consciousness on a train. That may sound petty, and it probably is, but the image and visual impact of a gadget does matter, and I think Nintendo now realises this. It still looks like a Nintendo system, with hints of a playful aesthetic, but it also looks like a modern piece of technology.
Beyond that, the broader console does seem to be well designed all around. The 'Switch' mechanic from TV to portable and back again is as neat as advertised, while the screen belies its 720p resolution limitation with a crisp image. I also love the Pro Controller - I felt the Wii U Pro Controller was a contender for most comfortable pad in this current generation, and the new one (despite shifting its right stick down) feels as good. Quality-wise it stands up, and the motion controls in something like Splatoon 2 are very impressive.
Having played various games in different configurations (TV, portable, tabletop) and with multiple controllers, I left the event feeling good about the system Nintendo is delivering. If the company can get it into the public's hands, particularly with solid sales momentum in the first few months, I think positive word of mouth could go a long way. It's classic Nintendo - innovative, fun and charming - but with a slightly more serious edge to its design, recognising that gamers above a certain age want slick technology, and younger gamers typically look to those older players to see what's 'cool'. Unlike the Wii U, it's a system that has a chance to impress on a superficial level, with plenty of tricks and features to then make its case through games and unique experiences.

Darren Calvert
After getting hands-on time with the Nintendo Switch any fears that it would be similar to the Wii U GamePad were quickly dismissed. While they both share a 6.2" screen, the 720p screen on the Switch looks extremely vibrant and the colours really pop. The device with Joy-Cons attached is weighted perfectly and its slim profile is very comfortable to hold for extended periods of time.
When detached the Joy-Cons are a joy to use (and that's not a con) — they feel very natural to hold and are so light you almost forget about them when playing motion controlled games. What impressed me most was the intricate nature of the HD Rumble feature; you really need to try it for yourself to get a feeling for how effectively it can - for example - give you the impression of rolling marbles around in a box resting on the palm of your hand. It's magical.
Without repeating everything that was recently revealed about the Switch, I'll just say I have no qualms with the hardware whatsoever. It's got a very premium feel about it and almost feels Apple-like in a sense. I have some slight concerns that the home console aspect of the Switch is being emphasised above its portable nature, the lack of a killer pack-in title and of course the higher-than-expected price — but these are all things which Nintendo can fix along the way. Fundamentally the hardware on offer here is really solid and shines with games such as Zelda BotW, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe among others. I don't think anyone who buys a Nintendo Switch at launch will feel too disappointed with their purchase.
Lee Meyer
I've never loved the Wii U. I loved the Wii and I love the 3DS, but the Wii U never gave me the exciting, Nintendo-magical flutter of its brothers and sisters. Maybe it's because there weren't enough games released for it; maybe it's that Nintendo never quite optimized the software; maybe it's because the GamePad rattles and feels like a Fisher Price toy. I've put up with the inherently less compelling Wii U for years because I love Nintendo.
After some time with the Switch, I think a new love affair is about to be born.
Gone is the bulky, glossy GamePad; in its place is a slick, matte tablet that will look right at home with the other items in my entertainment centre. From what I can tell, the Wii U's long, slow loading appears to be fixed in the Switch. And most importantly, it's got a year of game releases planned out. I know that there's not much there in terms of quantity, but between The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and ARMS, I'm set for the next several months. And with a massive new Mario game on track for the holidays, that Nintendo magic feels like it's coming back.
Obviously, it's too soon to tell if things will turn out better for the Switch than they did the Wii U. But from what I've seen and played, it's a safe bet that I'm going to have a lot more to look forward to than these past years. I'm ready to Switch - are you?

Steve Bowling
I was unreasonably hyped going into the Switch event, but after having spent some quality time with the console, I feel like it met my admittedly lofty expectations. Sure, the launch lineup could be stronger, and I'd love to have seen 1-2 Switch as a pack-in or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe available on day one, but what I saw impressed me greatly.
It's really hard to understate how incredible it is to see a game as beautiful as Breath of the Wild or Mario Kart, or even Splatoon, running on a device you're holding in your hands. On a TV it's still plenty gorgeous, but the awe didn't really kick in for me until I undocked the console and realized this relatively svelte gadget was powering games that look better than those on my comparatively huge Wii U.
One of the things that most impressed me, though, was just how realistic Nintendo's gimmicky-sounding HD Rumble works. When I had a chance to play 1-2 Switch, I tried a demo in which you had to guess how many marbles were rolling around inside a Joy-Con; it was such an impressive demo that everyone in the room passed the controller around to feel it. That moment made me realize that Nintendo may be onto something here, beyond just the initial concept of taking console games with you on the go, that is.
I'm really looking forward to my first year with the Switch. I think Nintendo is wisely spacing out releases and information to keep us talking about the console throughout the year. I'm worried about third-party support, which doesn't quite look strong enough yet, but I'm hoping it will fill out as more people buy the machine. For now, I'm counting down the days until I can play Zelda. Now if only I could successfully preorder a Pro Controller!

Narelle Ho Sang
I've never been much of a couch or multiplayer sort of person. Where others have had fond childhood Nintendo memories, those days passed me by. I didn't own a dedicated Nintendo console growing up but from my hands-on with the Nintendo Switch, I can already tell I'll be changing the way I think about and play games.
The first game I'll play on the Switch will be Breath of the Wild. I suspect I'll use the console primarily as my new portable. Having JRPGs on the go is something I've come to love thanks to the 3DS and Sony's PS Vita. What surprised me most from my time with the system, however, is how much fun Snipperclips was. The experience of co-op play in that game was delightful. The game is clever and very creative, and when I played it on the Switch the setup showcased the screen with its kickstand. With Joy-Cons in hand and a friend to play with it, it was simple and surprising at how easy it felt to just dive into the experience. I could see myself with family members and friends for a relaxed game night.
This was a completely different experience from what 1-2-Switch delivered, which really feels like a party game. Competitive play of that title was fun too but, for me, not nearly as entertaining as how personal the co-op felt in Snipperclips. The Switch offers a range on how to experience games, and while its portability may be the one feature I use most, I'm really excited to share experiences with friends and family one-on-one, as well.
Further Switch Impressions and Features
- The Big Nintendo Switch Presentation Summary
- A Breakdown of Confirmed Nintendo Switch Games and Release Dates
- First Impressions: We Take a Look at Eleven Nintendo Switch Games
- Hands On: Putting the Nintendo Switch Hardware Through Its Paces
- Talking Point: Considering the Paid Online Service for Nintendo Switch
- Ten Intriguing Third-Party Switch Games for Your Wishlist
- Nintendo Switch Parental Controls Beat Console Rivals to the Punch
- Talking Point: Important Features Yet to be Revealed for the Nintendo Switch
Let us know your current thoughts on the Nintendo Switch - are you optimistic and excited about the new system, or concerned and pessimistic? Sound off, as always, in the comments.
Comments 145
I find it ironic that this will be the console that has a Sonic gaming coming before a Mario game.
Hey NintendoLife did u saw the new UK tv spot in where they promo a man in the bathroom playing the console? Real reasons to get Switch even if nobody will say so. Lol!
Edit: read yours and I like those reasons as well and also share a few concerns still but I am onboard.
@Jessica286 Had to re position my Wii U console so i could do this thankfully the Switch i won't have the same problem
I'm so excited!
I want it but the real question is do I need it right now?! I honestly can wait till Mario comes out so I'm still debating cancelling my pre-order.
@canucksfan989 no matter where I put my WiiU I couldn't do it so I am also glad I can with the Switch.
5 weeks...
@Spoony_Tech I will get it anyway I just know I will so thats why I am buying it day one because why no. I did the same with PS4 even though well now there is a PRO version that I will never get btw. Do what ur heart tells u to.
Home and handheld console games in one platform. This is the most important thing for me!
I don't feel he same hype I have previously prior to the release of a Nintendo console. Past mistakes with the Wii U, and the lack of games on day one has kind of soured it a bit. But I'm sure once the thing is in my hands I'll start to love it!
Again, I am not a ninty guy. Aside from the 3ds, I have never owned a Nintendo console, and honestly I have never finished a Zelda game(or come close).
With that said, the initial announcement had my Switch hype over 9000, and while the presentation and info that has come out afterwards has...tempered how optimistic I am of the switch being a runaway success, I am still looking forward to my preorder, and actually can't wait to hopefully beat my first Zelda.
Third party support is my biggest concern, as I think pricing will be more competitive with the holidays. I have a PS4, so I'll miss nothing, but I would really like some big games to come to the switch, having the option to go portable would be appreciated.
@Spoony_Tech Please let me have it!
I'm worried about 3rd party support, battery life & price of accessories but then I remember ZELDA ON THE BOG! Take my money now!
My very personal take on the Switch: I am a Nintendo fan, but I consider myself balanced, with my feet on the ground. Although I bought the Wii U, I never felt that I could recommend it to my friends. With the Switch, I will of course get it for me, but now I feel like I can tell a friend, without any concern of disappointment, to get one if they can. I'm really optimistic about it.
I can wait.
I can't wait, but I will.
This 2D birdman isn't getting one at launch, even if he tried.
@Spoony_Tech Don't do it Tech...don't do it!
Yes, I'm getting a Switch. But do I need it right this second? No. I'm content to wait a few months for the system to build up a bit more of a library.
Besides, I already have plenty of games to play on the systems I currently have.
After the Wii u . . . I'll wait.
@Spoony_Tech If you really don't want it until Mario - aren't you a big Splatoon guy? - then I'd say wait, could be a bundle or price cut by then. And what could be better under the tree than a Switch for the kids?
But if you think you'll want it this summer for Splatoon 2 and MK8D I'd say keep your pre-oder b/c it took two full years for Wii to be in stock in case you forgot. Switch won't be that bad, but there could be searching involved.
We're good until Christmas. In fact we're so flush right now with our 10 new PS4 games my kids don't even want Zelda or Horizon Zero Dawn at launch, too soon. And we're waiting for reviews on Yooka-Laylee. But I think we'll need Switch for Mario and at least 1 good game announced at E3 - Pikmin 4, Luigis Mansion 3, Kid I car us Uprising 2. Something big will drop at E3.
I'm on board. This is the first Nintendo console I am getting at launch since the N64 and I am hyped. The ability to play the very high quality Nintendo homes games, on the go, is a dream come true.
I also very much appreciate the joy cons and what they're trying to do, as I already own a PS4 and Xbone, and I don't need a third console that plays those games. I want the very unique Nintendo experience and this clearly appears to be headed towards that direction.
@Xaessya GameCube had Sonic Adventure 2 Battle before Super Mario Sunshine.
I need to get it in my hands, for the acid test of, "I love it!". However, I'm sure I will love it!
Price I don't like, but video games are an expensive hobby. Look, life in general doesn't give me enough time, or money to dedicate to buying tons of games for one console, & the time to play them all in a few months, then be bored of what I have, wanting more games; so, I can be happy with owning between 5-10 games for any given console, from its lifespan. If I end up desiring enough games for a particular system, that it reaches 15-20, then I'm extra satisfied. By the way, I'm not poking fun at anyone who does invest beyond heavily into video game consoles/games/accessories purchases.
I still have to watch the Treehouse videos, but from what little I have seen, I think I'm going to love the experiences very much.
I'm glad that although Nintendo is apparently trying to distance itself from the Wii/WU branding, that Nintendo touted the NS inherits a bit of tech/innovation from past Nintendo systems; Specifically, I'm referring to the JoyCons being a Swiss-Army knife. I just pray, & hope Nintendo appropriately puts all that tech to thorough use(not just used for one game, & that's it), & only when appropriate. Otherwise, all that tech that contributed to the price of the system, will have gone mostly unused; a real shame, missed opportunities, & leaving a sour taste to people who bought the system, only to have most of its tech go unused.
@rjejr: "Something big will drop at E3." - I do wonder if Nintendo has learned from the 3DS, & WU's launch/window.
Can it be March 3rd already? Great reviews on your time with the console. I've had this lingering doubt as to the feel of the joy-con's in hand despite many reviews like this saying they are fine. I suppose this will be a hurdle for the average consumer as well. I guess it looks like the joy-con are akin in size to the Nvidia SHIELD TV remote which is even more thin, but still very comfortable to hold in hand. Either way I plan on buying the console with an extra set of joy-cons at launch in preparation for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe battle mode.
Now if only the Switch Pro controller would go on sale in the US. It hit Amazon yesterday but sold out promptly, from what I hear because Nintendo only yesterday got FCC approval on it's wireless. Hopefully they don't all get nabbed by resellers here in the US. I'll likely use the joy-cons for most games, but I like the idea of Switch Pro controller and it's 40 hr battery and overall button layout.
@MERG Good to hear from you stranger! I'm still weighing put my options but even with a tax refund coming now's not a good time to go spending 400$ for basically Zelda. A game I can play on my Wii U. Now if SMT V was released this Summer then it would be much sooner.
@rjejr As much as I love Splatoon I played it so much that I burnt out on it. It's definitely a game I want though and will be excited to play it when I'm ready. Besides by then maybe all the content will be out!
Oh and the only thing keeping me from dropping the pre-order is I have the Master Edition for BotW also on pre-order. Really thinking if I do drop the pre-order I'll still get that.
I am proper excited for this launch. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy (I'm 38 and have only ever played two Zelda games and not a massive Mario fan) but the flexibility this console provides lets me choose how and when I play without compromising the quality of the games I play. Come on march 3rd.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm surprised, I got the impression from your previous comments you'd be getting one Day One.
@Spoony_Tech I'm in the exact same boat. I really love the look and design of the Switch. I love the features it's going to have. I'm really excited for the console itself. But at the same I don't need it right away. I have it preordered but I too am thinking of cancelling. I can buy Zelda on Wii U and it's the only game I'm really really excited for til Mario. I mean if I get the system at launch I'll inevitably pick up Bomberman, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and maybe another title or two to fill the release void. Then again I think there's somethign special about getting a console on release day. I've always gotten Nintendo consoles witihin a month of release but never on release day. There's just something special about having a Nintendo console from the day it releases to watch it grow and see where it goes.
@KrakenSoup I feel ya there. My biggest fear is it will be a one game system for me for 6 months till Splatoon comes out. I also feel it's selfish to spend 400$ plus basically on myself till then as I maybe the only one in the household to play it. There's 5 of us here and when I got the Wii U we all could play it day one just because of Nintendo land.
@Spoony_Tech "Stranger" in more ways than one! I fully understand financial constraints and being responsible. I was just giving you a hard time. Personally I can't help my I need it, I have time to add more games to my playlist, no...but I'm getting it!
Too many mentions of marbles in a box.
People don't wanna spend $300 counting marbles.
Cmon, Nintendo, show us the games...
For anyone that is immediately on board for certain titles, just purchase the titles, put 'em away, & purchase the system later. Of course, this is also based on your trust of whether you know for a fact that you will like any given title. Otherwise, it's just foolish to purchase games you may not enjoy.
@Spoony_Tech Kind of my feelings too. I'm completely torn. I want the system now because I love it, but it will likely be a one game system for me at least until Splatoon 2 comes out. I too have a house to pay for, luckily not all on my own, but still even with the help of my spouse and mother in law, houses don't come cheap. But I'm justifying it by selling a bunch of unwanted games so I technically won't have to use any out-of-pocket money. My other concern is the system will be hard to find after launch for the first several months. If I cancel my preorder I could risk not being able to find one for months when it comes time to actually buy one. And nothing kills my hype quicker than something not being readily available. I was pumped for the NES Classic and we all know what happened with that. Now I literally don't even want it.
@Capt_N why would you buy the games and not the system? Surely if your not getting a switch for 6 months you might as well wait on the games too as they would almost certainly be cheaper by then.
I could wait on the Switch but then again I'd miss out on all that play time. Plus I'd have to listen to everyone on here banging on about how good it is and by then i wouldn't be able to get one for love nor money.
I'm noticing, compared with the Wii U launch and the months leading up to it, the overall press and consumer buzz seem generally positive. I remember the articles, literally daily, just slamming on Big N and the U, long before it's launch. Feels different this time around. I hope the system does well.
@KrakenSoup I do have some money saved up for it maybe 150$ or so but it's also crossed my mind that I could just pick up both my pre-orders (Switch and Zelda) and sell the Master Edition online and that would basically pay for the Switch or at least the rest of the money I would need. I really don't want to be that person but I've never sold anything online before so it's not like I do it all the time.
Then the other part of me says keep the Master Edition even if I don't get the Switch right away and sell the game and pick up the Wii U version.
It had Luigi's Mansion at launch title which is a Mario universe game.
@Xaessya Is Sonic due before April 28th? If not, at least Mario Kart will be there first...
@Xaessya Mario Kart?
I really dont care about marbles in a controller. I dont care for the marketing approach on this.
Stick "new improved rumble" on the box and get on with the games!
Excited to get a switch. Still hoping for ffvii and xv though.
@gcunit: "Too many mentions of marbles in a box." - I just hope, & pray Nintendo adequately uses the tech in the Joycons, & system itself, where/when appropriate. Otherwise, it's wasted money, & game opportunities.
@Mellor2000: For me, it's easier to, if necessary, get the game, then the system later, if need be. It's the same cost (in the end), but spaces out how much I shell out at any one time. It's mostly a preference thing of mine. Edit: It's also workable, if it's not immediately financially viable to get a system, due to other costs of living.
@gcunit lol. That made me laugh with tears in my eyes. So true.
I am excited for it. First 2 consoles I had as a kid were NES and SNES but haven't had a Nintendo system since the N64. While I do think the launch lineup is atrocious and I highly doubt it will get sustained 3rd party support, I do have one preordered with a slew of accessories. I have a ps4 so I doubt I will ever buy any 3rd party games on the switch but I am excited about getting back into Nintendo franchises I have played in 20 years with my kids.
The more I see of the Switch, the most I am disappointed. It's a glorified tablet and have seen ones of the same quality for around $80. You can get wireless controllers for $25 for tablets as well. The console shouldn't cost more than $105 including controller and should have simply used an HDMI cable for connecting to the T.V. That should have made it cost $110.00. Throw it a $40 game and price it at $149.99, half of what the competition charges.
My pre order is currently sitting at Grey Switch, Zelda, Bomberman, pro controller, carry case and screen protector. £480! Oh well I'm worth it 😀
I'll get a Switch when I start to care about it.
@Xaessya mario kart?
Do I need one? No.
Do I want one? Probably not.
Gone are the days of buying a console for a handful of games (even if those games are mostly of exceedingly high quality)
I'm giving the Switch button layout a big old side-eye. I'm sure they've tested it plenty but in portable mode, and on that ugly 'dog' controller... ugh.
Steve's comment that he wishes he could preorder a Pro Controller was, perhaps, telling.
I'm waiting until Mario to get one. I have such a huge backlog on 3DS and Wii U. I need to beat those first before jumping into a new console. Playing Breath of the Wild on Wii U is okay with me.
Man bring this console to my doorstep i want it!
Zelda has sooo much to do i will finish every side story/quest, or special item i can find. And maybe the green tunic lol it has to be there lol and epona.
I also want a first person shooter to play online.
There hasn't been any game announcements that blew me away yet, but there are some interesting titles. I've got to try ARMs: I still feel guilty for leaving Codename S.T.E.A.M. out to dry. Not making that mistake again.
I sincerely hope that Project Sonic, Dragon Quest 11, and the new Fire Emblem get epic trailers to get me well and truly hyped.
@Spoony_Tech Let me know what you do. I'm pretty sure if you buy the Switch then Splatoon 2 won't be out until August but if you cancel your pre-order then it will be out in June.
Tough call, I'm glad it's you and not me, I just got done agonizing over a PS4 purchase for 3 long years. I mean we want one, I'd keep it if we won one, but $300 plus a game - in March - was always going to be a tough sale for us. Holiday, birthday, graduation, bar mitzvah, I need to an excuse to drop that kind of cash, gotta teach my kids the value of money and all that. I suppose we could have gone the "save your allowance" route, but that works better for games, not consoles. (My tax return is already spent on real estate taxes, $8k a year.)
Whatever you decide I'm sure it will be fine.
Again, I don't want to be all "you weren't there, man" but I was lucky enough to go to the London launch event.
And what I saw was happy people enjoying games. Stood uncomplaining in the queue for Zelda, discussing time lines, a few of us getting our 3DSs out to check street passes.
Bantering with mates and the demonstrators playing ARMS.
And yes, people giggling at the daftness of the 1-2-Switch games.
I saw people just enjoying the damn thing.
I think you all will too, once you get your hands on it. Really, Nintendo have nailed the hardware side. It's a lovely, sophisticated and desirable shiny object.
Price? Yes. It is expensive, but consoles are.
Extra controllers expensive? Yep, I agree, but not essential.
Lack of launch games? C'mon. Let's be realistic, there has to be a balance here, there aren't the resourses to spaff loads of games at launch, but looking at NintendoLife there is a rich schedule for the year.
Nintendo never has been, and never will be the coolest kid in class. But it is the one that you'll want to be a friend for life, if you give it time to show you all it is.
@Xaessya Gamecube did it with Sonic Adventure 2, unless you count Luigi's Mansion as a "Mario" game.
Good article
@Xaessya True it was a Mario universe game but not neccessarily a Mario game.
@Spoony_Tech I have money saved for the console just in case, just have to sell a few things if I want more games than just Zelda. I'm not as concerned about the money right now since I'm going to spending it on a Switch eventually anyway. But I don't want this to be like Wii U which I bought 2 weeks after launch, played New Super Mario Bros U and it sat and collected dust for nearly a year before I used it again.
I am obsessive about knowing as much as I possibly can about most anything I buy. (I need a new chair for my drafting table and Amazon may start charging me rent for all the time I'm spending there lately, lol)
I am positive re: the Switch, but there are still too many unanswered questions for me to be able to justify a purchase right now. I hovered over the 'buy' button on 3 sites when pre-orders went up, but just couldn't do it yet.
Being of the senior persuasion we don't get a tax refund. There are other places for me to put the $ this time of year. My new set of 120 Polychromos pencils and new light were a higher priority for me. And that damn chair if I can figure which one I want.
I'm really looking at the end of the year before seriously considering getting the Switch. I'm getting BotW on Wii U. Ive got lots to play on my N3DS, with more coming out.
We each need to make decisions that are right for us.
I have been a Nintendo fan since the beginning, but I’ve really grown tired of the gimmicky home console from Nintendo. This was supposed to be “THE” system that finally puts Nintendo at the top of competition. But what are they really giving us? A tablet with a cartridge slot we can play on our TV? This is innovative? Don’t get me started about the reappearance of the 2 piece controller. I can’t wait for the “where is the other half of my controller” arguments with the kids. I don’t think Mario, Zelda & the rest of the gang will be able to save this system. And from what I’ve read there still won’t be an Achievement/Trophy system, this will only hurt the Switch, even if you don’t care about them – other people do. I will think about buying one when my current Tablet fails and I need a new one. Or I find one on the secondary market for cheap. Really sad, I had such high hopes for Nintendo this time around.
I myself cannot wait.
I know A lot of people are saying they can wait and I commend them on their discipline, I myself just can't commit to missing out on a new Nintendo device.
Too much magic of realising how great their new systems are!
Even the Wii U wowed me the first time i played off TV.
I honesty cannot wait. I sincerely hope this form factor takes off and replaces stand alone home consoles! (Hey, the home console replaced the dedicated arcade cabinet...stranger things have happened when money is concerned.)
@rjejr: "I need to an excuse to drop that kind of cash" - I would wholeheartedly say that putting your family first, & you last is being incredibly responsible, & doing the right thing. You sound like you do that. That being the case, remember that you, too, are entitled to a little fun money. But, as you, & k8sMum were talking about, it's true that, as I also mentioned above, that general cost/expenses of life might put NS on the back burner for many, including me, until perhaps my birthday, or Christmas.
@Xaessya Just like Sonic Racing Transformed came out on Wii U before Mario Kart!!!
@Capt_N I got birthday is in March so I told my wife and kids that the Switch and Breath of the Wild Special Edition are the entirety of my Birthday presents
Eh ? Playing Switch inside bathroom ?
Be careful or you will get Bzzzztttt....!!!
Electrocuted. XD
The Switch is Day One for me! When XCX came out on the Wii U it was very frustrating having to wait to come home from work to continue playing especially during the weeks I had a 70hr work week...and I ended up playing XC again on my 3DS while i was on the go until i got home to play XCX...guess u can say i love me some xenoblade!
But now I can play anywhere i want, never having to stop my game and the appeal of that is exactly what ive wanted since the gameboy player on the GCN...I'm ready, my son is ready and i keep replaying the XC2 trailer...if it really releases 2017 my brain might just about a sequel to TMS#FE on the Switch...the possibilities alone have me counting the days until March 3!
@k8sMum I bought a really nice looking desk chair on Amazon last year. The most uncomfortable thing I've ever sat in in my life. The bottom is too long and my thighs were higher than my gluteous maximus. I started going back to the chiropractor to work out the muscle tightness. I'm planning on getting a new one and just trashing it.
So, I'd recommend buying one in a store after sitting in as many as possible. I'll never buy a chair online again, no matter how much money I save. My health isn't worth the savings.
@leo13: Nice!
@Anti-Matter: She probably won't get electrocuted, unless the battery, & its amperage is strong enough. Most people think batteries can't electrocute, or even just shock, but they can under certain circumstances; However, most battery-operated devices(not plugged in, but operating off of the battery) can not, as their power is too weak.
@WanderingPB Pablo Picasso is back in the house.
You just reminded me. If I had a 1 hour commute each way on the railroad like my wife this would be Day 1. But my wife working that far from home means I won't. Someday, after the kids go off to college, just in time for Switch 2.
@Spoony_Tech @KrakenSoup
As a Wii U owner I don't really need it day one either.
But then again, I really reaaaaaally waaaaant it day one. Heck I'm foaming at the mouth even now to get my mits on portable version of Zelda and Mario Kart. Like I always say,, if you're gonna get it eventually anyways....
I have pre-ordered the Switch and will play Zelda (the Wii u port) and just hope something else gets released that I want to play while waiting for Christnas and Mario.
I have paid enough for Mario Kart and the extra tracks and won't give Nintendo another 50 quid for the Deluxe ripoff.
I think the portability of the Switch is vastly overrated. And I would have chosen PS 4 graphics over portability.
That said it is what it is and consoles don't sell games. Games sell the console. So far it's not looking great but it is early days, allowing for the long time arrival of the Switch.
Nintendo was right when it said that the then NX was NOT a replacement for the Wii U, although it is. It was just a polite way of telling us it would not be backwards compatible.
As we speak I bet many of the failed Wii u games are being ported for the Switch. Starfox, Kirby, Pikmin etc.
@Mellor2000 "Plus I'd have to listen to everyone on here banging on about how good it is..."
Don't forget that small bunch of party poopers who don't own it who'll remind us ad nauseum how much they hate it and how much Nintendo has let them down...and then end up buying it anyway
@JaxonH Yea it is definitely a need vs want issue. I'm probably going to get it just so I at least have the satisfaction of knowing I have it.
I think the Switch is a very solid machine for the most part with a load of potential, but it's entirely in Nintendo's hands whether it fully delivers on that great potential, and of that I'm not so convinced just now.
@impurekind Couldn't agree more. That's exactly how I feel, and you put it far more succinctly than I ever could.
I think the system will be fine. Though I have some concerns regarding the online service, the Switch looks like a premium device and that makes me happy.
I gave the Wii U to my sister so the kids can have something to play. I've already gamed out everything I could from the system, so here's to hoping the Switch gets excellent games in the coming 5 years.
I really don't care about HD rumble in casual games,
I really don't care about casual games!
I really hate indie games!
I'm waiting it out for arcade games!
If Nintendo stays quiet, the next 5 weeks are going to be slow with news.
Yeah, I remember the Nintendo Switch. Good times, good times...
I don't feel what most describe as "hype" for consoles, and only for a few games, but I will pick the Switch up at launch for Bomberman R and Zelda, knowing there's a nice catalog of RPGs and other games coming up. That said, I hope the price is truly justified once I've gotten to grips with it, as it will cost me around 400-500 euros to get what I'm looking for. Hopefully a couple of sold Wii-U games will soften the blow.
I've stated my impression many times, I think. Pre-ordering it, pleased with the current launch lineup but would have aimed for day one even otherwise because I know what I'm investing in hardware-wise.
@nhSnork "I know what I'm investing in hardware-wise" Are the exact specs out then? Or what is this based on?
@zool MK8 is currently going for £34.99 on Amazon,not too bad really.
I will be waiting a few years on this console. The entire reason is the price, with no worthwhile storage space. People are just taking it for granted, but a $300 system with 32 gb's is not something to clap about now a days. They already said part of that will be used by the console itself, so just for Zelda, you will use more than 35% to 40% of the space on the console. And those memory cards they want us to use are not cheap. They are cheaper than vita memory, but the vita doesn't have 13+ gigabyte games, and we all know for a fact that while Nintendo is a stickler for stuff like trying to optimize games, the third parties in the business are not. We will have 20+ gigabyte games on the system, so we can't get away with small memory cards. This effectively ups the price of the system to a minimum of $350 if you want to redownload all the time, to $400+. This for a system that is less powerful than the other systems on the market, and, just like the wii u, can be hamstrung by an extremely pricey gimmick.
So I am the type of gamer who will be waiting a few years hoping for both a price drop in the system, and for the sdxc, or whatever, cards to lower in price. I really enjoyed the Wii U, but I barely touched the digital portion of it, so had virtually no storage issues until Xenoblade Chronicles came out and even the physical version required you to download gigabyte of data if you wanted a smoother experience.
I just found out earlier my local gamestore does trade ins and offer up to 45% off most games.I'm going to take all my physical Wii U games and see what they offer for them.If they cover the cost of a Pro-controller and go someway towards a game on top I'll be happy.I'll keep hold of my Bayonetta 2 and Smash discs though and I have the vast majority of my games downloaded onto my Wii U which I don't intend to sell..
I've preordered the system, a couple games, and a couple of pro controllers. I don't have a problem buying one system at the price listed. However, to take advantage of the system's local multiplayer, our family will need multiple systems. I would like to be able to buy a second system without the dock, and without the grip. This option would be nice for people who only want to play it portable.
I think I've come to the conclusion that the Switch logo is my favorite one among Nintendo's logos.
I mean, the Joy-Con-shaped halfs with the asymmetrical sticks represent a great deal of what the concept behind the Switch is, especially when animated with that nice "click" sound. It kinda reminds me the "gray and blue circles" animation that introduced the Wii commercials, and I've always liked that.
But, digressions aside, the point is I think the logo, in addition to being in line with the hardware, also looks pretty cool, way cooler than its predecessors.
I think this Switch TV ad says it all! JUST LOOK AT THE FUN!
I'm confident that the Switch will do well, however the lack of key information on the online aspect (Such as Virtual Console, the payed online, etc.) has been very concerning, especially since it's about month away from launch. Of course it will do very well at launch especially since vast amounts of longtime Nintendo fans and Tech Enthusiasts are pre-ordering it. But in order to keep that hype and numbers going, (especially for the casual consumer, which Nintendo needs to grab) Nintendo needs to make sure that everything about the Switch (whether it is about the internet service, control functionality, and of course the games that will be released) All of which should be addressed soon, if they want it to be a consistent success.
A balanced Nintendo fan. You my friend are a rarity. I agree with you 100% however.
You make good points on the online service but until the cost is reveal I will reserve my judgement.
Xbox and PS have a strong online service with a zillion online games, integrated chat and free games.
Nintendo has 1% of the online games these consoles do.
If they ask us to pay close to anything that PS and Xbox charge with so little content most people (not fanboys) will tell them to go to hell.
About online service for Switch, I have feeling if Switch itself can streaming online even no WiFi signal (Considering about Airplane mode). To get that streaming online, I think we must pay some fee for unlimited streaming signal from Switch itself (I assume Switch has internet modem inside). So, we can play online without WiFi signal 24 hours 7 days just for $4 - $5 each month. Once again, this is just my assumption.
Why wait? If you like splatoon, if you like Mario kart, if you like Zelda, then this console will be worth buying. So why play Zelda on wii u when you could play it on switch. If you don’t have the money then ok I can understand that, but if you can afford it then go for it. I will play Zelda on switch and keep playing Mario kart and splatoon on wii u until their switch versions come out.
I'm excited but I don't really have a reasonable chance to get one on launch day, maybe after the next big shipment. The asking price in Canada ($400 or 399.99 that penny makes a big difference) is ridiculous but so is everything video games in Canada these days.
I hope my walmart has one on launch day. I really need this system and look.... when designing a system or games u can't please everyone but what u can do is please most and I think nintendo is back to their old ways (lol not the bad ones) but I would love for my switch to remind me of the snes and how much I love playing video games. I want street fighter back, I want mortal kombat and many other classics that left nintendo and if this Damn system can run skyrim (even if it's a old port) then I have faith that as long as nintendo can bring the audience and sales in then we will eventually start to see all the games that was on if not started on nintendo consoles come back home. Please come back home Capcom. I miss street fighter and megaman and if any body can make megaman a hit game again it's nintendo and this is my first comment and I've been on this site for years 😂😂😂 so don't thrash my post or grammatical too hard
Typo grammar 😂😂😂😂😂
@Mii_duck I See Somebody Has Some sense🖒🖒🖒
@rjejr much obliged my friend hope you, your wife and kids have all been doing well
but I concur and believe that it really depends on each individuals situation and whether or not it's financially feasible to get the Switch day one but as for me i managed to somehow fight the temptation to buy the FFXV limited edition PS4 slim this past holiday and just put that money away for the Switch...why u ask...c'mon knowing me that XC2 trailer made me go full stupid into nintendofanboy unlimited overdrive jubilance...and besides i forgot to take my aricept this past month but i like the first reason better
I'm still not sold on the Switch yet
There are far too many details that are unknown and a lot of what is known is turning me off (lack of internal storage, paid online, etc)
For me the joycons are a point of contention. I liked motion control on the Wii but at the same time I'm worried that the Joycons will not really be used to do anything significantly different than what was done with the Wii. I feel like Nintendo exhausted a lot of their ideas on the Wii. Even with the Wii U gyro controls were rarely used. I feel like it's driving up the price of the system for a feature that will most likely be forgotten by Nintendo after a few years. (Look at the 3ds and it's 3d and gyro features. Hardly any games use them anymore).
In addition, there are some real issues that I WANT Nintendo to address. Digital purchases should not be tied to your hardware. I want a real account system this time. I also want cheaper VC prices and no more drip feed of games.
Switch is a console designed for Japanese market first and foremost. It's portable and uses ARMS chip so the latest Japanese mobile games can be ported easily. In case you didn't know, mobile games are more popular than console games in Japan.
In the West, Switch has the advantage of using it on the toilet when urgent nature called.
@Anti-Matter lol
@Hotfusion Agreed. I guess I should also reserve my judgement too. Until we see what Nintendo has to offer.
So Michael Pachter thinks it will do well.I'm curious about how the comments section will go when it's no doubt reported here later.Normally many are up in arms when he criticises Nintendo.Now we have a vocal group who are criticizing the Switch.How will they react to Pachter's praise.I look forward to finding out later.
@Spoony_Tech Cancel it. If you're on the fence then let someone who really wants one get theirs.
@Oat So basically you don't like the controls, the capacity, the online service, the account system, the prices, or the games catalogue. Just don't get a Switch!
Perhaps I'll write tomorrow on what I think makes the NS stand out... I don't think it's true potential has really been articulated yet.
It's definitely going to be a late bloomer, though, I'll say that much for now. I'll wait for 2018 to get one.
@cfgk24 He's still getting paid to state the obvious... lol
@3MonthBeef Hey, it got them their coveted clicks yesterday, right?
Me too. I can just play Zelda on my WiiU and wait until Summer / Fall to save up more cash and go all out for a system, pro controller, another set of Joycons and a couple of games.
March 3rd can't come soon enough!
@Spoony_Tech I am in the same position.
Me and my son have played both Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 to Death!
Eventhough I like Zelda, it is not enough reason for me to buy an entire new console, since we are already heavy invested in the WiiU. Especially since Nintendo has made very Clear there is no difference between the two consoles for this game.
So buying the Switch now would mean I have to wait many months before the next game comes out I am interested in ( Mario Odyssey ).
To much praise given to those joy-cons. They do not have a proper d-pad, and is therefore a disaster in my eyes.
"Hey buddy, let's play two player on the go shall we?".
"Cool year. Those joy-cons look neat. What two player games do you have?"
"Street Fighter 2 and Contra... Oh never mind then!"
It would be so fantastic, if Nintendo released Joy-con d-pad versions, with no analog stick at all, but the d-pad in the proper spot where it belongs. That would be very pleasant to play 2d games with
@PlywoodStick There's a lot of that about recently lol
@OorWullie just checked it's now at £49.99. would have pre-ordered at £34.99. 😒
@Spoony_Tech You'll never actually need a console. But wanting it's a different story. Everyone getting it at launch - wants the console day one. If you can wait - by all means. You're not obligated to do otherwise.
@8itmap_k1d This guy gets it.
As I am thinking of the Switch as a handheld (with a convenient way of connecting to the TV when I'm at home) I am hyped as hell. Other people may not be interested in ever taking it out of the dock and may think it is just a 'Wii U 1.5', but for me it is a huge leap forwards from 3DS and Vita. The idea of playing games like Breath of the Wild, MK8, Mario Odyssey and Skyrim on the train (where I spend a large chunk of my life) has me more excited than I have been for a games machine in years.
@zool Yep,it's gone back up to what it was at.its actually £44.99 though,that seems to be the standard price retailers have set the last few days.Base have it for £41.99
Tesco have BOTW for £48.That's pretty good.*awin*gmo**
@yomanation don't forget reading books! I always go to a mayor book sale once a year where all books are cheap, because they're in ramsj state, meaning they are marked with a magic marker on the underside of the pages to indicate they can't be sold for full price anymore
Don't worry. You are not alone. I love to play 3DS so taking Switch on the go will be my main priority. If Wii U = Wii 2, Switch = Wii 3 + 3DS.
Been trying to decide which one to preorder - I like the neon blue and red, but the grey seems a little more classy. And specifically I can't help but wonder if its not better to have a neutral colour surrounding the screen when playing.
Any thoughts?
@UmniKnight I wasn't talking specs, although that may count as well since the least we know officially is a custom Tegra inside the machine and the ability to handle recent games like Dark Souls 3. The point is, I'm investing in a system that will alllow me to have actual and conveniently offline access to many more games and franchises typically reserved for home consoles than before. Switch is a great concept for gamers who have a busy schedule keeping them outside their homes most of the week.
I already know playing BOTW on the tablet lying on bed will be the most amazing thing ever.... but those reactions to the HD Rumble are really interesting. If it's so cool and innovative and hi tech and groundbreaking I wish it would be highlighted and advertised to a huge extent in the following months ... sounds like a homerun hopefully.
@Mii_duck You almost brought me to tears with that. I really wish I'd been able to go to that event now - it sounds like a magical experience.
There is no reflection needed. Give that shiny new Nintendo console and now. Is it expensive? A little at the beginning. Will there be enough games and fillers to keep me entertained? Probably. i just can't wait. Give me that neon joy con and all the accessories.
Lets be real; no console launches with a stellar library of games. That said, I'm still pretty pleased with what will be available day one. And if the build quality is better than previous consoles that felt like a toy, then I will gladly pay a little extra, for a man's gaming console. My hype is through the roof.
@WanderingPB XC2 will be compelling, but I sill don't believe it will be out this year in the west. If it is out this holiday alongside Mario Adventure Switch will be hard to resist at Christmas.
I think in my head Switch doesn't really release until Christmas and it won't be fully unveiled until E3, all of this March stuff is just like a beta launch or Preview Broadway performances.
@Capt_N "or Christmas"
I'm a grown man and father now, but growing up we were always working poor, but we always had a good Christmas. That's carried over and I always like to have really good presents for my kids under the tree. Switch will probably be that this year, but we'll see, their interests are growing - VR, 3D printers and robots. But Switch is on the list.
I grew up with Nintendo - the first console I owned as a kid was the original NES. Ever since, I have bought every Nintendo home console on day one. I guess you could consider me a Nintendo fanboy.
I always follow gaming news and have been following the whole launch saga of the Switch. This will be the first Nintendo home console I do not buy on day one. Here are my reasons:
The Wii U was a big disappointment to me. It had some great games, don't get me wrong, but it felt very forgotten about. The Wii U controller usually felt like an afterthought and was mostly used for menus. Nintendo (not surprisingly) abandoned it very quickly, which has caused me to lose some faith in Nintendo.
The Switch launch lineup is the weakest of any launch lineup I have ever seen. The only strong game is Zelda, and I can play the exact same game on my now abandoned Wii U.
The price. As per usual, I feel like Nintendo is overpricing their console launch. I get there are extras (the controllers, dock, etc. etc.), but from a Spec standpoint, the tablet sounds like an nVidia Shield tablet, which you can buy for $200 or less. As most have said, the sweet spot would have been $249 just for the hardware, and $299 with a pack in.
It feels odd to not be buying the system day one, but I am taking a wait and see approach this time. I don't want to feel like I wasted my money like I did with the Wii U.
@rjejr i can't disagree with that my friend to me its always the games that are the deciding factor to purchase like I waited a year and a half before finally getting a 3ds but the biggest selling point for me is the fact that i can continue my game on the go and based on my hectic work schedule and breath of the wild my day one purchase is more than justified and thats not including all the other games im getting for it...its a nice flow and im good with that but if and thats a big IF XC2 comes out this year Ninty had me at hello...but i cant help but but agree that maybe its Japan getting it this year and we'll get it spring next year...overall im a happy camper in a water proof tent when its raining outside...though those good microsd cards are a bit pricey around the 200gb range which bothers me
@rjejr: You sir, I tip my hat to. Again, you sound like a good father/husband/family-man.
@Capt_N Thanks, I try. I take all of my frustrations out on here on Nintendo then I'm able to be happy camper w/ my family in real life. Perfect avatar for that comment BTW.
@WanderingPB That's the thing w/ Switch and I. I'm never going to play w/ it out of the dock, I'd be just as happy w/ a $200 Switch-in-a-Dock (SwitchTV) that didn't have a screen. I don't think it needs a tablet screen though I could be missing something. So I'll just play Zelda on my Wii U on my TV for now.
@rjejr I'm guessing you're buying the Switch as primarily a home-console then?
@rjejr i hear you man...i guess like the Cloud amiibo your going to end up waiting huh? LOL! you know whats krazy sometimes after work instead of continuing XCX i would keep in playing XC on my 3DS LOL! When a game is good it doesnt matter where or how you play it as long as you can play it thats just me though also since ur waiting and if u finish ur new ps4 games and BOTW give Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE a go its a really surprisingly fun game! my personal GOTY for last year once you have a connecting session with all your characters its feels so satisfying LOL!
@rjejr: That sounds like a very workable way to go about things. You're welcome! & Thanks about my avatar!
@WanderingPB TMS#FE just looks weird to me. I really like JRPG, but only games that look like FFVII or Chrono Trigger. Those really animated looking ones never appealed to me. And singing and dancing? Un, no.
@UmniKnight Yes, I'll only play it on TV. Well unless I get a job w/ a 1 hour railroad commute. My kids would get it for portable. It's just a matter of - can we all share 1 system that way, or do we need 2, or 3? 1 to start though.
@rjejr all those concerns about TMS#FE are valid and understandably so but the gameplay and darker tones of the dungeons, gamepd use and fighting mechanics create a truly fun game and dare i say you will have some of those songs stuck in your head. The trailer doesnt do it justice its totally a hidden gem and Atlus at its finest! I was just as worried as you were but much like Windwaker if you get get over its looks there's a great game and adventure waiting for you...hell even the bromance in FFXV didnt deter longtime fans an open mind leads to evolution my friend which is why FF6 fans are salty about FF7...both are needed and the series grows
@WanderingPB If I were younger and had the time, but the backlog of games I really want to play grows longer every day, I'll never ever get to my PS3 copy of Skyrim. Not ever. And I'd really like to replay ALL of the Kingdom Hearts games. At my rate that's at least 12 - 18 months right there. Though if I start today I could still be done before KH3 came out.
@rjejr My question to you would be: Do you feel it's good enough as a home-console only to warrant purchase? I've had the feeling that, as a handheld, it could disappoint home-console buyers by having sacrifices to have the handheld part.
@rjejr same here my friend im just now finally getting to play FE Fates on my 3ds...i'll trade being younger to just having more time during the day to actually play my games LOL! Being a responsible parent is rough but at least i can have all the cookies i want to eat before dinner so there are at least some perks though at the quick rate my son beats games thats when i really feel old LOL!
Let's be realistic here, Zelda BotW, Super Bomberman R, and I Am Setsuna are enough to hold anyone over until Shovel Knight/Sonic Mania and the next games to release.. I say this because we need to enjoy these games, not rush to beat them and demand the next one. If we are having fun and enjoying the titles as they come, then hardly anyone will worry about the small selection. ESPECIALLY once Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon hit... Even ARMS (which I am a strong supporter of, it's worthy of being at EVO)!
I guess all I'm trying to say is, One game at a time. Really hype to get my hands on one at launch, and even more hype to know that some of my favorite JRPGs are making their way over too.
@WanderingPB "all the cookies i want to eat before dinner"
That is one of the best things about being the adult, eating chocolate chip or Oreo cookies while I'm cooking dinner for everyone. We're gonna work that hard, we need our perks. All about the trade-offs.
@UmniKnight "Do you feel it's good enough as a home-console only to warrant purchase?"
I think it will be nice when it gets some high quality Nintneod games I want to play - Mario Odyssey, Luigi's Mansion 3 or Pikmin 4 or Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or who knows. I usually require 3 games I really want. I waited until PS4 got Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4 and FFXV before buying. Waited 3 years and I'm a Sony 1st, Nintendo 2nd, guy.
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