With Christmas almost here, many of you are no doubt wondering exactly what gaming goodies Saint Nick is going to leave under your tree. These days it's all 3DS, Wii U and perhaps PS4 and Xbox One, but back in 1994 there were only two real options: Nintendo and Sega.
The guys over at iretrogamer.com have put together another vintage home movie classic, this time focused on the Christmas of 1994. At this time the war between Nintendo and Sega was in full flow, but it was something of a transitional period for the industry; Sega had released in its CD-based add-on and was about to launch the 32-bit Saturn in Japan, while Nintendo had given the SNES a shot in the arm with Donkey Kong Country, the Rare-produced platformer which used CGI sprites to make the visuals really pop.
Both the Sega CD and Donkey Kong feature in this latest video, which revolves around a family member getting their dream present after waiting a full twelve months. The footage is interesting in that it shows just how much of a presence Sega had in the US market at that time - but, as we all know, this wouldn't last and the Saturn marked the beginning of the company's downfall. It would eventually leave the hardware sector for good following the release of the Dreamcast, moving into third-party publishing instead.
Give the video a watch and let us know what your memories of Christmas 1994 are - if you were around to see it, of course.
Comments 27
"With Christmas almost here, many of you are no doubt wondering exactly what gaming goodies Saint Nick is going to leave under your tree."
An NES Mini Classic? Not a hope in hell.
Edit: What? A video about the sworn enemy? Grrr! It was an enjoyable video. The games weren't great on the Sega CD. I was probably playing Super Mario All Stars that year, I think though I'm not sure. Now it's possible I was playing Secret Of Mana. I still remember buying that game, where I bought it, had no idea what to expect but the back of the box sold me on it. And WOW, what a game!
Being a retro games collector, I love seeing all the consoles and games from back then in brand new mint condition. Shame those cardboard boxes never lasted! I also love seeing games being played on CRTs. Ah, nostalgia....
Christmas 1994? I didn't have my own console yet so no gaming stuff, just playing what my brothers got. It was 1997 when I got my first console just for me, a SEGA Saturn with Sonic Jam, SEGA Rally, and Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams from the cover of the Official UK SEGA Saturn Magazine. As soon as the shops in town opened after Christmas Dad took me and my brothers in to spend our Christmas money, and I picked up Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, and Virtua Fighter 2.
My Saturn will be 19 this year and is still going strong, thanks to the addition of a 4M so I can muddle my way through imports and regret that I'll never be able to comprehend Japanese enough to play Kenji Eno's Real Sound: Kaze no Regret.
I'll grab D and Enemy Zero some day for it.
@GravyThief that's the thing with Nintendo all the way until Nintendo 64. Sega master system had actual box cases which I still have to this day. I've ripped or lost even my n64 boxes
I got my Mega CD for Xmas 93, the Mega 32X as a late Xmas present in January 95 and then the Saturn Xmas 95.My poor parents must have have spent a fortune. Was great at the time though.
Xmas 1994? My Amiga was busted so I was a Game Boy / Super Nintendo kid. Good times!
I still play my Sega CD. I love silly pointless consoles (says a lot about me 😅). It's got my favourite version of Final Fight. I prefer it even over the Xbox Arcade version because it has limited continues.
There are number of great game on it, Terminator for example. The music on that game is epic!
Maybe I like the Wii U so much because it's a silly console as well as having a lot of great games.
Next stop Philips CDi (I bought one from new 😳 when they where in the shops).
@PAppleyard Final Fight was superb,absolutely loved that game. Silpheed has to be my favourite though. Those 3D polygons blew my teenage mind,put the original Starfox to shame really.
That was the best years of my gaming life.
I love videos like these. Seeing the joy of the holiday really puts a smile on my heart.
The Sega CD had a decent amount of support for being an add-on, and was home to great titles like Snatcher, Sonic CD, Eternal Champions CD and Lunar. It unfortunately also became flooded with boring, mostly awful Full Motion Video "movie" style games that I think the console ended up being remembered for the most.
Just watched the video, I couldn't stop smiling. He was bang on with what he said at the end. If you owned the Mega CD and had the right games for it, you loved it.
I wish my Aunts/Uncles were that generous!
Actually, yes. It WAS all about Donkey Kong Country.
Interesting. In 1994 I was all about my PC and Donkey Kong Country if I had played it (did not even hear about it) would have seem completely outdated... Like 10 years behind. I'm sure people today say there's a huge graphical difference but seriously... Donkey Kong Country compared to what I was playing as in TIE Fighter and WC: Privateer... Like generations difference. I was rocking the Game Boy though , its limitations accepted for the perfect controls and mobility...
Mikey has such trouble with boxes
I wouldn't say the Saturn marked the beginning of Sega's downfall. The Sega CD and 32X are the culprits. But you are right, Sega were massive.
If people thought the Wii u was confusing. 😵
I remember my friend getting a Sega CD for Christmas. We had some good times with it. Now days the FMV and loading times turn most people off but it was awesome back then. We were able to amass a nice collection of games for it.
Lessee... 1994. Gaming-wise I got DKC and Illusion of Gaia. I was in heaven. Other notable years were '92 when I got an SNES, SMW, and Zelda:LttP and '95 when I got DKC2 and Chrono Trigger. Good times indeed.
Using an arm as a metaphor for the SNES vs. SEGA CD "rivalry" does little but conjure up images of the truck stop arm wrestling episode of Dexter's Laboratory. Only, the latter never got any kind of a souped-up robot arm to prevent the NC-17 rated results that would realistically ensue.
David and Goliath? More like a yellow Pikmin versus Galactus.
@samuelvictor I was a cutting edge kid back in the day haha. I really don't know how my parents done it to be honest, I'm from a typical working class family myself. Once I was in my teens I bought most of my games myself though. Through paper rounds, bacon rounds,tablet and macaroon, odd jobs and a great method I used to use in Woolies and John Menzies. Once a game was completed I'd take it back and say it was bought as a present but I already have it or some other sorry excuse. Sometimes I'd have a receipt, sometimes I never. I got away with it so many times it's unbelievable thinking back. Both stores knew me well, I'd spend hours each week in John Menzies reading magazines and staring at game boxes. They probably done it because they felt sorry for me haha.
I was Sega die hard growing up, my first Nintendo console was the 64 although I did aquire a Gameboy from someone a few years earlier with a couple of games. Then it was my favourite console of all, the Dreamcast. I've only owned Nintendo consoles since then.
Atari, Sinclair, Sega and Nintendo In 35 years of gaming they're the only console manufacturers I've been with and I wouldn't have it any other way.
@PAppleyard Even though you can play arcade perfect versions of Final Fight on more recent consoles, I also prefer the Mega CD version. I have fond memories of paying a fortune for a converter cartridge so I could play the US version on my PAL Mega CD, and now I've got the Japanese version with its amazing cover art. The music is great too!
Ahhh the sega cd how it blew my mind!! Batman Returns (driving segments) and oh the soundtrack!! Night Trap, Willy Beamish, Lords of Thunder, Cobra Command, Final fight, Mickey Mania, Amazing Spider-Man, Sonic CD, Ground Zero Texas, Keio flying squadron, Robo Aleste, Time Gal, Road Avenger, cliffhanger (snowboarding segments), Dragons Lair, Prince of Persia, Mansion of hidden souls,Eternal Champions!! Oh What a great time I had with this console!! What a damn shame Sega left the console race!
I think I got my SEGA CD about that time. I played the crap out of it for a bit until PlayStation and N64 came and blew it away.
@samuelvictor Later on I picked up Gungriffon, NiGHTS into Dreams, Burnign Rangers, Sonic R, Fighters Megamix, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Virtual On, and the fantastic Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka. Very very fond memories of the Saturn, had some fantastic games that couldn't be found elsewhere (and many still can't)
I was actually gifted the original Game Boy model on the eve of Christmas in 1994! It was not my idea, and I was not even aware of the updated Game Boy Pocket or the Super Game Boy at the time. Yes, I could have played the Super Game Boy since I already had the Super Nintendo Entertainment System for a while.
I'm fairly sure either 1995 or 1996 was when I got a Sega Genesis, my first home gaming console. (1994 may have been too early for me, I was 4 years old, after all)
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