Those of you in the UK will know that EGX 2016 - the UK's biggest gaming show - took place last weekend and there were plenty of lovely games to gawk at. Sadly Nintendo sat it out this year, so there wasn't a lot for us to report on specifically, but we did get some hands-on time with Yooka-Laylee, which comes to Wii U (alongside other formats) early next year.

While the version on show was for the PC and the build isn't current, we came away very impressed indeed. The visuals have matured considerably since we last laid eyes on the game, with both characters and environments gaining an impressive amount of detail. It's hard to believe this is a game based on the Unity engine, such is the complexity of the visuals - the only negative is a slightly inconsistent frame rate, something we imagine the guys at Playtonic are already working hard to remedy in a more recent build of the game. The gameplay also feels tight and responsive, and the time-limited demo gave us a tantalising glimpse of the role transformations will play in the final product.

We were also lucky enough to wag some chins with none other than Chris Sutherland, Project Director & Software Engineer at Yooka-Laylee developer Playtonic. While we only had time for a very short chat, he did speak a little about the Wii U version of the game.

Yooka-Laylee arrives in the first quarter of 2017. Are you still unreasonably excited about this Rare Revival? Let us know by posting a comment. And if you attended EGX and were a bit sad that Nintendo (and by extension Nintendo Life) wasn't involved, then you can bring a smile to your face by looking at what we did last year.