Well known for launching in Japan and contributing to a Nintendo Network meltdown over the festive period in 2013, Pokémon Bank is a key part of current-gen Pokémon gaming for some; for a small annual fee it allows you to store 'mon online and transfer them between games. Somewhat subtly, The Pokémon Company has now announced that there's a delay in the next evolution of the service.
Originally an update was expected in late Fall / Autumn to add support for the Virtual Console releases - Red, Blue and Yellow in the West - in addition to the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Moon. Though the Gen 1 downloads have now been out for a number of months, it's now confirmed that the update for those games (and Sun / Moon) is expected in January 2017. This wasn't announced as such, but quietly stated in the description for the video below on the official Pokémon Japanese channel; the actual video is a re-upload.
It's always disappointing to see delays like this, especially as it looks set to miss the launch of Sun and Moon. Nevertheless, hopefully the extra time will ensure a smooth launch for the updated version of the service.
Some further information is available on how the Bank will work with the Virtual Console games. According to Serebii, Gen 1 Pokémon will get into the Pokémon Bank via Poké Transporter, and won't be transferable to Gen VI games. Also, the Bank update will a include a "special mode to view the Pokédex".
Comments 50
Nintendo seem to miss a lot of deadlines it sets.
I don't mind if it's correcting issues, but it would still be nice if stuff came out on time.
Good. This way we can have a fresh start and an authentic experience of everyone only using Pokemon native to Alola online for a few months.
I'm curious whether you will be able to use Pokemon caught in previous games on battle spot/competitions later. Not like XY, which required all the Pokemon to have that little blue pentagon on them. Otherwise, that would mean only the Kalos forms being usable.
@Braok Best typo ever
Oh well, I'm in no hurry, not like I'm going to National Dex in a month anyhow..
Actually I think that is good! Because now I'll capture the pokemon in Alola instead of transfer from my bank.
I don't use the service, but is Nintendo completely inept at getting anything to come out on time?!
This just gives me time to work on my pokearmy from yellow and blue now
This doesn't really affect me since I always want to use pokemon obtained in the game for the first time I play through the story. Still, more delays are disappointing and this sucks for anyone that wanted to bring their old favourites into it straight away.
it is fine with me. I need the time to get a full pokedex anyways and I would rather have a chance to complete the game without using Pokemon from other games.
Guess $5 per year, every year, doesn't get you much. Still better than the $15 Pokedex PRO on 3DS which is a gen behind. Nothing PRO about it, just a waste of $15.
My kids get all the mainline Pokemon games day 1 every year, but they don't see the point in spending $5 for bank. Maybe b/c they each spent $15 on Pro. This delay until January probably won't help persuade them.
I'm actually glad it's that way. We had much more fun with battling online with the only mons available in-game in XY - the game was pure in that sense. When the bank opened, every team turned into 6 shiny Arceus with perfect IVs (exagerating here but you get the idea).
This is GREAT NEWS!!! When I got Alpha Sapphire, I completed my Pokedex in 5 minutes. Having to wait for Pokemon Bank will give the push to catch em all.
@Pokefanmum82 I think that's what I want to do. The completionist in me is speaking up, it'll be a long hard road though
@rjejr Pro was lacking of information from the beginning, though seeing the mons in 3D was a nice touch at the time. But the dex is even more outdated now. Bulbapedia and Serebii are like the best places to check the stuff out. Tell your kids about those sites if they ever need some info regarding pokemon.
Game Freak, you thirsty low lives.
Bank is disgusting just because you want people to play your way.
I don't know how Pokemon Bank works yet (in terms of levels and stuff; I do know HMs and items don't transfer), but could this intend to prevent the first wave of buyers from transferring their mews, mewtwos and other mewthrees and curbstomping at least half the story mode? XD
Yeah. We can tell you're exaggerating, because no one could have 6 shiny perfect Arceus's get through the Bank because it stopped hacked mons. Your idea doesn't matter since people could hack mons in XY anyway.
@KO-Cub AFAIK in the first days people didn't know how to hack the games due to their freshness. Hackers needs some time to work with the software, if there was an exploit allowing to hack the games in its early days, then it must have missed my attention. Bank actually alows you to import hacked pokemon - they just need to be legit made. So a non shiny Arceus with 6IVs shouldn't be a big problem to transfer.
I think this is a good thing... prevents people from just transferring over their old Pokemon straight away and using them rather than getting to properly know the new Pokemon.
Transferring Pokemon in the the past was always a post-story option, likely for this exact reason, but it did get in the way a bit when doing repeat playthroughs.
Bank was originally released a while after X&Y, and that worked out pretty well, so I'm guessing they're just trying to repeat that.
Well I got no problem with this. Gives me a chance to give the new mons a look see as to who will join my team.
@Piersen I'm wondering if that was Nintendo/Game Freaks intention? Which I have no problem with. I don't normally transfer Pokemon anyway until I've gotten familiar with the new gen.
I take it we can't transfer Pokemon (3DS to 3DS (not the Bank)) from XY or ORAS since they're a different gen?
@Fandabidozi who knows. Gen 1 and 2 made it possible since the software was largely similar. Was direct trade possible between Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and the Black/White series?
@ThomasBW84 woah woah m80, calm down with the xposing, it's getting out of hand
pls your triggering me
I think the bank is in place of those gen to gen transfers now. In which case nothing can move up to S&M until the bank update in January.
I still need to finish the other 2 VC games, anyways.
@KTT My kids know about those websites, thanks. They just don't know why Ninteod would make a Pokedex "Pro", charge $15 for it, then not keep it updated, at least as long as 3DS is still around. Even if they charged $2 or $3, at least get the X & Y Pokemon in there, it's been years. Doesn't make them trust Nintendo enough to give them $5 yearly for the bank, they figure they'll just stop supporting it at some point and it will all be for nothing.
@rjejr : That's Game Freak's fault though, not Nintendo's. They've also released the Pokédex 3D Pro app on iOS and that hasn't been updated either.
They can just rerelease the same app updated with the new Pokémon and make us pay $15 all over again (close to $20 in Australia) and us longterm fans will still swallow it up. I find it ridiculous that they're still selling the app (particularly at full price) and even occasionally put it on "sale" in spite of it being grossly obsolete.
I'm quite angry about this delay because I've been (impatiently) waiting for Sun/Moon just so that I can transfer all of my Gen I Pokémon over, and now I have to wait another couple of months… (I just want to play R/B/Y again… and I don't want to lose all of the Pokémon that I've caught/trained already)
This delay better mean that they'll be releasing G/S/C to coincide with the Pokémon Bank update… or else…
@sillygostly "That's Game Freak's fault though, not Nintendo's."
Thanks for the correction, but I still dont' think that will get my kids rushing out to pay $5 for the bank. Guess we'll see how NX goes.
@rjejr The "Pro" name is used to distinguish it from the free version of the same thing. Pokedex 3D isn't available anywhere by now thought, and it required actively using spotpass/streetpass to unlock all the BW creatures. Pro added every pokemon from gen 1 to BW2, plus some minor features, but aside from that it's the same thing as the original free version. They could charge half of the price, and because it's outdated now, they may as well do a permanent discount if they don't want to update this thing.
I don't think it's entirely Nintendo's fault on the steep price tag. The pokedex was developed by Creatures (the models you see there are used everyelse nowadays), which owns part of the pokemon shares. I guess it's Pokemon Company who is making the prices here, not Nintendo. Similar thing is available on iOS: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/12/10/official-pokedex-app-coming-to-ios which I don't have so I can't really tell you much about it :/
5 USD per year isn't that a big deal tbh, but I understand your and your kid's unwill towards the idea, after experiencing Pro.
So what does GF/Nintendo make on PB every year? Seems like most people would buy it considering you still can't have two saves.🙄 I guess I won't be completing my living dex quick as I thought.
It's absolutely ridiculous we can't transfer Pokemon back to Gen VI. I'll probably will transfer to Sun and Moon sometime (when I complete my LivingDex), but there is no reason you can't transfer back if they did it on the GAME BOY. This is a huge annoyance for me.
....Seriously? So now my Pokemon are going to be stuck in a bank for a few months now? :/
I was planning on using some of them for Moon's story.
@rjejr @KTT @SillyGostly
I think we can all agree that Pokedex 3D Pro was just a bad, bad idea. Nintendo/GameFreak/TPC probably just wants to forget it now.
There would probably be some plot device or whatnot that would keep you from getting them until you finished the main game anyhow. Just like it's always been.
...I was able to do that in X/Y, though...o.o
My stance is opposide that of @Piersen this time around: it's Pokémon X and Y all over again. I wouldn't mind starting the game with a Squirtle and a Dratini in my team, Nintendo, thank you very much.
Let's just say Sun and Moon's day-one status has gotten a slight decrease. Sorry guys, but as anyone who knows me on this site should remember, backwards compatibility in Pokémon games is still a very touchy subject to me. I know it's a relatively minor aspect of the game, but honestly... why should wait three months to access a Mewtwo that already exists in the game's code anyway?
Also, @sillygostly summed up my thoughts exactly - a VC rerelease of the Johto games would be a good justification for this. But given the first generation games took that long before coming out, well...
Thats a bit to late (since the new game are coming out soon)
@AlexSora89 Yeah well, I was mostly talking about online, so it isn't immediately full of Scizor and Talonflame. It does kinda suck for taking away that option in single-player playthrough, for those who would want it that way right away. I don't mind it that much, since I want my first playthrough of Moon to be with the Pokemon available in the game as Gamefreak designed it (exploring the world as when I first played Red). Maybe sometime later I'll try it again with a pre-designed team (I did that in X with Delphox, Skarmory, Flygon, Togekiss, Galvantula and Mienshao)
So does this mean I can't transfer my shiny baby nidoran into Sun from X until these updates are released? Dang, I wanted to pretend my blue nidoking was an alolan form and play through the game with it.
Where is the Mew thats suppose to be with the virtual console games?
At least it would have been worse if it was ORAS to see its Bank compatibility delayed, but thankfully I could play the game "right" this time around, and let me tell you, starting a game with a Dratini in your team is simply undescribable. I wish I could have done the same in Alola, maybe with a Generation I or a Generation II Pokémon in my team to shake things up.
Even more sadly, there are a few Pokémon sent to me by a friend of mine as well as from my current girlfriend that are currently collecting dust in my boxes; given their low level, I thought it'd be nice to start my adventure in Alola with them, but that won't be the case. Moral of the story - their Box confinement is destined to go on for quite a while.
I was starting to think I'd dreamed this too. Mew seems to have flown completely under the radar.
@apowes I have multiple 3DS's, not like it's going to stop people from doing it. If anything it's helping a few and hurting most.
@Pink_Floyd Multiple 3DSs aren't going to help. You would need multiple copies of the game, or as the other guys said, one copy that you are willing to delete the save file of over and over again. Pokemon cart games are still saved to the cartridge. Digital versions save to the 3DS, but that game is locked to one 3DS, so no matter how you dice it, multiple 3DSs aren't going to help getting multiple starters.
@jbopatrick For people like myself that buy both versions and use one as a main game and the other to get multiple items it is. I have been doing it for years and I know a few others that do the same thing. It's the reason why in a few hrs time I can get most if not all of the new Pokemon and trade for items that I need.
Kind of sad how everyone just wants to have every Pokémon in the newest game instantly. Is it really that difficult to just enjoy the new games as they are with what they offer you? I understand that a lot of people finished the main game already and caught most if not all of them already, but still, it's more for me at least to enjoy the game as a new game without throwing every Pokémon I have caught already into it. Black and White was like Gen 1 with only having new Pokémon until the post game, which I found to be more fun.
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