On a regular basis Nintendo of America hosts events where members of the public engage in some gimmickry to promote a game. Sometimes they're fun, like the weird Splatoon assault course thing of 2015, or they're rubbish like a Disney teen star playing Disney Art Academy on stage at the Nintendo NY Store. Press releases, normally with four crisp images, are sent out, and we decide just how slow a news day it is in terms of whether to cover them.
Today's example caught our eye, not because it was a 30th August event promoting Style Savvy: Fashion Forward, but because it used one picture to plug the snappily title 'New Galaxy Style New Nintendo 3DS XL'. Aside from the sin of using the same adjective twice in a product name (what's next, the New Red New Nintendo 3DS: New Edition?), it's a device that's puzzled this writer. Why that design? It feels random, though in our dreams it's a precursor to a Nintendo Direct reveal of Super Mario Galaxy Collection on New 3DS. We said 'in our dreams', so don't shout at us for teasing in the comments.
The new unit seems to pop up twice, once for sure. The first example is a maybe, as we think Nintendo Minute's Krysta is holding one of them in the first picture. The second is more obvious, with a young girl looking distinctly unimpressed (at least to us) while playing the game; we've included the press release blurb for each image.

That got us thinking (slow news day, remember?), and we looked at the box art for this game - though lacking the purple nebula splodge or the New 3DS design, it's nevertheless a starry night-time sky. And the new system has 'Style' in its name. Yeah, we know, it's a stretch.

Other theories are that it could be related to Pokémon Moon, or it's just a random bit of hardware weirdness that Nintendo's released because it felt like it.
Hey, we're just trying to make sense of this most unexpected of New 3DS designs. Hopefully Nintendo will be a little less confounding in the 3DS Nintendo Direct on 1st September.
Comments 21
I have owned the game.
Well... so far my impression just Fairly okay.
Not bad, but still not as strong as my AC New Leaf hype.
BTW, I thought it has any relation with Sailor Moon Senshi. XD
Considering Sailor Moon Crystal season 3 has been finished.
Oh... maybe Witches 5 costumes design can be another DLC.
Just kidding.
BTW, Maybe i'm the only MAN that play this game so far... XD
lol is it just me... I think this design looks really nice! Better than my metallic blue New 3ds XL
I would like to have any New! 3DS, but I really can't afford one. That said, I think the system is rather well priced.
@Anti-Matter Not at all, I played the first one on 3DS a bit, quite fun. Plus Morgan reviewed it for us and praised it, quite rightly
What do you think about Style Savvy Trendsetter ?
Because that version have some Male Fashions.
Wonder if i can really having fun by using male model, from attires until their face looking.
@ThomasBW84 - the slow news day bit just made my day! Glad NLife keeps its sense of humor!
@Gerbwmu Humour is the only way at times!
@Anti-Matter It's been ages since I played it, I quite liked it. To be honest the female options always far outweigh the male fashion, but that's the way of the real world as well.
I still think it'll just be part of a marketing theme they'll be using, similar to the year of Luigi, but with space as the theme.
If I had to guess, I'd say that they're actually running late with their announcement of it, which I'm guessing should have been before Federation Force was released, and would explain why they'd have the special 3DS design in use at events already.
They're just going along with all the galaxy things on Pintrest.
I actually really like this design! granted not everyone will have the same opinion as me but i think it fills a hole in the market for someone who doesn't want a blue or red 3DS
@Anti-Matter i'm playing style savvy fashion forward/new style boutique 2; apparently you can unlock male fashions after completing the main story. unfortunately, you access them from the main menu rather than within the game for some strange reason.
side note - i wish the n3ds bundled with the game in europe was available in the us. in my dreams, there would be a dark xl version. *sigh
as for this device, i initially really liked it, the purple nebula is nice, but i can't unsee the awkward mismatch with the blue hinge.
I wish there was a Style Savvy wrestling game!
I think it looks really cool, regardless of whether it's for that game or not. Gimme some SPACE! And I may just get one.
if there IS a mario galaxy 3ds i hope it wont be only for new 3ds cuz i only have the original 3ds xl
"though lacking the purple nebula splodge or the New 3DS design, it's nevertheless a starry night-time sky. And the new system has 'Style' in its name."
It's seems like a stretch at first, but sort of "Aha!" after lookig at it.
Guess we'll know more tomorrow. Well, "know" is always a strong word around Nintnedo, "surmise" may be better, we'll just have to see how they focus the ND - kids, females, gamers?
Kerbal Space Program on the Wii U? I know that doesn't make much sense but neither does any of the other reasons.
Lol, why do I get the feeling that the interwebs will be up in arms tomorrow, not just at the lack of NX info (face it, you secretly feel there will/want there to be), but for the lack of Mario Galaxy 3DS collection. Because obviously everything that Nintendo does means something else entirely, like some kinda crazy code.
That thing is ugly as sin. NoA display there inaptness yet again.
Out of all the cool color that Japan get, NoA release this pile of $#!& 3DS XL model....
They should've done a retro NES one, like the Japanese Famicom version.
I'm playing No Man's Sky right now (I dig it) and it reminds me of that.
It looks cool, but somehow it also manages to look extremely cheap. At least that's what I get from the pictures, I haven't seen it live.
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