Prepare to relive your mis-spent youth with The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition, which comes pre-loaded with 30 of the most popular NES classics. We've already told UK-based readers where to preorder their console, and now it's the turn of our lovely US community.
The NES Classic arrives on 11th November and will retail for $59.99 MSRP in the U.S. In addition extra controllers will be available for $9.99 (though it also supports the Wii Classic Controller / Pro), so this could be a perfect Holiday treat.
We've helpfully rounded up some links from major U.S. retailers to make the buying process a little easier. Please note that some of these retailers have yet to open preorder pages or any listings for the NES Classic Edition, but we'll be updating this guide as they go live.
It's also worth noting that while sites like Amazon don't currently have preorders open, they do offer the opportunity to submit your email address so you are notified the moment they go live. Given that this system is likely to sell out pretty fast, if you don't do this then you may well miss out until 2017.
Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition
Will you be preordering one of these nostalgic beauties for a Christmas stocking filler treat? If you spot any preorders from other retailers, be sure to let us know with a comment below and we'll update our article accordingly.
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
Comments 72
Absolutely a day one buy for me. Insane value, super portable... Looking forward to playing old school Mario with my wife; and with my mom like I did when I was a kid.
I don't think I will be getting this since I have virtually all of them on he virtual console. I might pick up one of the controllers though.
Annnnnd it's unavailable from Amazon. Looks like I'll be waiting until later down the line to get mine. Oh well.
My kid wants 1 for Christmas, but this thing is just screaming out "$45 Black Friday door buster" to me. I know it's Ntinedo, and they usually don't do sales, but Wii U had a few god deals last BF w/ that Splat-Smash bundle for $249. (They really should have made that bundle the norm.) This thing seems tailor made for BF advertising.
@Browny It's unavailable for pre-order everywhere in the US. I have been watching the Amazon and Best Buy sites since it was announced and the pre-orders never went live. I have submitted to both sites to be notified when pre-orders are available and even have change page detection monitors on both. So there really isn't any news here unless either site finally decides to start taking pre-orders.
It's super cute, but I still have no interest in this. Not enough sports titles for one thing, but the lack of a cartridge slot kills all interest.
@Nico07 yep same thing here. There is a landing page on Amazon but the pre orders have never gone live
@DragonbornRito you had a wife when you were a kid!!!!?
Target was up earlier today — I got a pre-order in.
Now I just need to get an extra controller ( but low priority since I have Wii Pro/Classic units).
Target was up this morning, now down. There is literally no point to this article at the present. You can preorder a controller here: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1272822-REG/nintendo_clvacnes_nes_controller.html. That's it for now.
I pre-ordered mine from Discshop. It still has a place-holder price which is pretty high but I really hope I actually get the thing. There are multiple ways to play most of these games but I really want this piece of gaming history
@DESS-M-8 I get around.
Best Buy sold out. Gosh darn it.
@DragonbornRito and you're a Beach Boy!!!?
Cool as.
I can't imagine this not being widely available this holiday season. It would be a huge misstep to not just have them in stores to catch that crowd of people that aren't hardcore gamers but remember the NES and grab for nostalgia or for a loved one.
I've got some or most of the games but I'll be picking this up as a collectors item.
Pretty sure I'll be able to walk in & get one no problem.
Thanks. But I have heard some people have trouble with B&H, so I think I will pass at this point. I figure the extra controller can be acquired later.
No interest in this at all. Only thirty games and no way to add more. Where's my Spy Hunter, Cobra Triangle, RC Pro AM, Pro Wrestling, Kung Fu, Life Force, or Arkanoid? No Restore Points, which I have gotten used to on the Virtual Console.
I think I'll save my $80 and put that towards an NX.
@mike_intv it's gone now. I've always had good experiences with them.
Get ready to add Ebay to that list
@Captain_Gonru Nah, I wouldn't leave my house for $15, I was thinking online. Maybe Cyber Monday, you know, the day before FFXV releases. (And I thought Nintendo was bad at dating games.)
Oh, while we were at Play Ntinedo my kid asked me how many I thought they would sell. I told him they could sell a million easily, but knowing Ntinedo they'll only make 50,000 as they like watching their stuff sell high on eBay.
I got one from Target just to be safe. Really would prefer to get mine from Amazon, but I can't complain.
If youre counting on Amazon US to have it, be wary. Due to the 3DS early price drop Amazon US usually only sells Nintendo consoles via third party. Meaning you might have to get it elseware or pay a scalper.
Got it on the christmas list
Dang, I just realized that Pokemon Sun and Moon come out the week after that. My money is only going towards one product, and it's not going to be this one... But I probably will get it in the future.
I have a really hard time understanding why this is not already available for preorder here in the U.S. when it's already available in so many other countries. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason for it.
@Nico07 That would be Target.
@james_squared There are restore points, though.
Maybe next black friday. I think you'll be lucky to find any this black friday. This thing seems to have alot of demand and based on Nintendo's recent history, will have limited supply.
@james_squared it can't have a lot of those due to licensing. I'm pretty sure you can do restore points btw.
I simply hope it doesn't go out of stock for Christmas... I was planning on travelling to the US in January, so I hope there will be some left to grab then.
@Diortem They never posted any in the first place. It's a placeholder page for when they do offer them. I have been waiting since they were announced and even with page change detectors Best Buy and Amazon have not sold pre-orders yet.
Nintendo needs a personalized premium version where you pick the 30 games you want....maybe from a list of 60 games?
There are a few games on here that make me want to buy it, but the truth is I have most of these already in some form so I'll pass
This is going to be just like every other Nintendo product that is released around the holidays.....near impossible to find, and dirty scalpers will hike the price up.
Same old, ridiculous, limited US supply nonsense from Nintendo, calculated to throw everyone into panic mode.
I'll get one once I need one. I got 3 friends working retailers and they had no problem scooping me one. It's the same reason I was able to get a Wii, PS4, and Xenoblade Chronicles without pre-order and waiting in them lines.
So.... nowhere could I pre-order from these links.
Good try, maybe next time NL...
So it's safe to assume the Super NES Mini and N64 Mini will be equally difficult to preorder?
@Nico07 Ahh, thanks for clearing that up. Makes me feel better
Nowhere in Canada so far, eh?
@Don Oh, the SNES Mini will be at least five times as difficult.
...with regard to the N64 Mini, I think you're good though.
I will be so bummed if they sell out and I can't get my hands on one!
It's just so darn cool, I don't think I have a choice but to get this thing.
Guys, ever try to order from play-asia.com ?
I'm sure they can deliver to USA with reasonable price.
It was pretty nuts here in Australia when it was first announced. All the stores had it up for preorder and a couple of days later it was sold out nation wide
Nothing showing up for me.
I went to Best Buy and EB Games to see if it was available for preorder and both were saying there had been no development in that regard. EB games is apparently in negotiation with Nintendo to have preorder available. (from Canada). Truly, sucks goes it gonna go off shelf pretty quick !!
I ordered one from Target today, but extra controller not available yet.
@Anti-Matter Don't deal with Play Asia, they are a bunch of Chinese scam artists.
@DragonbornRito you married your mom? Didn't think that was legal in the US
@Nico07 this is not true. A friend notified me yesterday morning that Target.com had preorders up. I purchased mine and the preorders sold out hours later. Target was the only retailer to release their preorders this early.
all links say that's it not available. (and only Target's available, until i click now, as the page is gone)
Mis-spent youth? What are they taking about?! All I did was play games all day!
Well, i ever ordered games or something from Play-asia and NEVER experienced being Tricked. So far still 100% safe. I got my things several days ago (3DS XL cover case Irodori Blue Ocean) in Brand New condition, reasonable price and quite fast delivering. Play-asia is from Hong Kong, but contrary with Hong Kong users on Ebay that sometimes a liar. Play-asia still trustable.
im selling these as well actually. i may keep one for myself too even though i already have all the games i want on cart, wii, and wii u
@Decapre I wouldn't take my chances. My local he shop tried to order these to sell at his shop, and they were told there were limited quantities, and they didn't have enough to supply everyone, so only the big chains would be getting them.
@bigmac9211 I hadn't said anything about Target. I had mentioned that I have only been watching Best Buy and Amazon.
@Nico07 Sorry to hear that. Well, you'll get your chance in the future.
@Captain_Gonru Wanna play guess the eBay price?
This is a weird holiday, you have X1S in 3 different models, $399, $349 and $299 in release order, PS4 and probably Neo side by side, a dead Wii U which may be cheaper than $299 finally but who knows, Ninteod said 800,000 April-March, which they are probably already close to, so a price drop might make them sell more than they have, and the New 3DS which is itself getting old. And no new Disney Infinity game. I think that NES Mini could become 1 of the "hot items" all those news and social media outlets cover, making it sell like Tickle Me Elmo or Cabbage Patch just b/c people go cuckoo at the holidays. And Ntineod won't make enough to meet demand.
Guess we'll see, those BF ads should be leaking ahead of launch.
@Captain_Gonru "eBay bids will top out at $80-$90,"
That's funny, I typed $80 but then deleted it to make a game out of it. I like your thinking, 1st wave sells out, 2nd wave puts enough on shelves. I can live w/ that. Then again, here in NY, Wii was not readily avaible on shelves for 2 full eyars, I know, Ilooked. Mre waiting and seeing from Nintnedo.
Oh, and I do worry about #'s for a reason, Nintnedo never mentioned it in their finacial report. Remember when they came out and said "No Pokemon Go money for us, please understand." Well they talked about forward guidance, but NES Mini dind' tget mentioned. If they planned on 1 million at $60 each that's still $60 mil for the holiday quarter, that would have been worth mentioning. But they didn't. So I worry they aren't planning on producing that many. It's not just my paranoia, it's what they didn't say to investors.
@Anti-Matter Play Asia cannot be trusted. I order a controller from them six months ago and never received it. When I called them they say they shipped it out and gave me a tracking number which only showed the package leaving Hong Kong and never arriving in the US. When I told them that they told me I had to check with my postal service which I did. Long story short my package dissappeared, when I asked for them to send out another one they refused and kept telling me to go to my postal service. Finally I asked for a refund they refused so I had to file a frud report through my bank (since I used my CC) and after a big hassle got my money back.
I have bought a lot of stuff from various companies and people online and have had some packages disappear but the other companies either sent out a replacement or offered a refund Play Asia did not. Instead they acted like it was my fault for not checking with my postal service which I did.
A bunch of two time Chinese crooks they are.
Never ever do business with them again and will tell people the truth about them and their shady business.
@Captain_Gonru NES is mentioned a 1 place I found.
It isn't on the last page here talking about hardware sales Apr 16 - Mar 17. Though it has a footnote for NX.
It was listed here for the US and Europe - not Japan - on page 5, 2nd from the end, but no numbers.
So they acknowledge it, but I don't think they have high hopes for it making them any money.
@Captain_Gonru Not according to those pdfs. Unless they are getting it after March 2017? Who knows, maybe Japan will get a portable handheld version, they could make it look like a Gameboy Advance or SP. I'm partial to the Advance myself, it's basically the original modern day handheld form. I think those controls would work ok for NES games.
Okay, maybe for you have different case. One thing about me. I live in Indonesia. Indonesia still part of Asia. So, basically shipping from Hong Kong to Indonesia is quite faster than shipping to USA. And if you got bad experience after dealing with Play-asia, i feel sorry to you. But, for me, i have NEVER got being tricked so far. I got my order around 6 - 8 weeks. I got my things BRAND NEW, no more, no less, no fake promise. And of course, i use my friend's help to order my things.
@Captain_Gonru Even more off topic. Was in 2 Targets today and noticed several Wii U games w/ clearance stickers on them - Bayonetta, Just Dance and 1 other. Made me think theyre consolidating more for either NX or NES Mini. Or just kicking Wii U to the curb w/ the Playmation stuff. Plot thickens.
@Captain_Gonru I think that should be more of a
Seriously, they know they have nothing for the holidays - well on Wii U, 3DS has Pokemon, and I think Sonic Boom Fire and Ice - that should give them even more reason to give us NX news so we can focus on that rather than Wii U getting 1 game - PMCS - in literlaly 9 months - between TMS#FE in June and Zelda in March, maybe. Little NX games list would be a nice distraction. Heck just give us the "launch window" list, dont even show them to us, just give us something. Cloud and Bayonetta amiibo even. Something.
I signed up ages ago for the Amazon (US) alert email regarding the pre-order for NES mini, but never received an email. Anyone else have this problem?
@Nico07 Same problem for me. Frustrating.
same problem
October and haven't received an alert form Amazon US yet. Placed a preorder with Amazon UK around the announcement date. Hopefully it'll be in my filthy hands before christmas.
It's been months since the announcement and it's roughly 1 month to launch. Not one single pre-order option in North America. What the hell?
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