UK charity NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) has issued a statement regarding Pokémon GO, claiming that the new smartphone app could place children in danger.
The warning follows reports that criminals have been using the game's "lure" feature to entice players and rob them at gunpoint.
The NSPCC has urged the makers of such apps to protect children by providing warnings about their privacy and giving away their location. While Pokémon GO does flash up a warning about "being alert" and generally not walking into things as it loads, it doesn't currently warn users about any other risks - which it probably should. To break briefly into first-person, I've seen some children playing the app at my son's school here in the UK.
Here's the statement:
Given its massive popularity with children it's worrying that this game appears susceptible to being hijacked by those who may wish to harm them.
When creating these games companies must consider the potential risks to young users and do everything they can to make sure their app doesn't put them in danger.
Manufacturers can help protect children by giving them safety reminders about privacy and location controls and make it easy for them to report things that worry them. It is also important for parents to stay aware of what their children are using online and talk to them about how to stay safe.
Elsewhere in the UK, much-maligned newspaper The Daily Mail has gone as far as to ask if Pokémon GO is "the world's most dangerous game", claiming that:
...there are now claims that the app could be used for something more sinister altogether - such as paedophiles using the 'lure' element of the game to trap distracted children.
Other UK papers have picked up on the negative angle to this story, leaving The Mirror as one of the sole positive voices:
Video games, rightly or wrongly, are often associated with laziness - someone tucked away in their room, curtains drawn and surrounded by empty pizza boxes, but Pokémon Go seems to be reinventing the way people view gaming.
The irony here is that Pokémon GO isn't even available officially in the UK as yet - that should be happening in the next few days - but if you've followed our guide, you can install in wherever you happen to be in the world. Just don't do anything we wouldn't do, like walk into oncoming traffic or venturing out in the dead of night to catch 'mon.
[source telegraph.co.uk, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 74
I thought the most dangerous game was man.
The Daily Mail. A rag of a paper that's not fit to wipe your @R$€ with. The same goes for The Mirror.
And it's not available in the UK yet. So it could be argued that this issue will be sorted by the time it releases. But that never let these rags get in the way of sensationalism and scaremongering.
Any communication tool can be used to hurt others. It's important for people to understand some basic safety principles with regard to operating in the world at all, but this alarmist rhetoric is entirely inappropriate.
well i'm sure that there is a way to use ANYTHING for nefarious means but come on this is the Daily Mail, they scaremonger on EVERYTHING they can just to sell a paper
they would say air could be used to do harm if they thought it would sell
Yes, like everything else I'm sure it can and will be used by the criminal element, and already has. Parents be mindful of what your children are doing and where they are. Sure they could put a message on it but most will ignore it. Use common sense like in any other situation and 99 times out of 100 you'll be just fine.
A public service announcement is fine and this can be used to teach kids about dangers and what to do. However to label the app dangerous is disingenuous at best.
Always go in groups. Without any fixes, that's the best solution.
I'm hopping back on for a moment. And excuse my language.
I F******* CALLED IT! Almost like damn clockwork! This crap pops up because Pokémon, because it's a game that goes outside and there are stupid wastes of skin that we call people who will abuse this and the media as usual because the sky is blue decides that there are no positives, no good side, no warnings in the app already, no common sense for people because the world is full of bloody idiots.
I knew, seeing those YouTube news folk call it dangerous, followed by the comments calling for a ban under the videos, that this was the next step. I absolutely HATE being right. @rjejr @DiscoGentlemen @BensonUii please for gods sake drag me away before I slap every single pathetic human being on this rock.
@FullbringIchigo be careful, the paper used in papers such as the Daily Mail can give paper cuts if not given warning labels because people cant think for themselves. These paper cuts can then lead to infection which because this is the Daily Mail will probably lead to Cancer because why not everything does. Then it leads to death. And if someone is really that stupid then hey it's not a tragedy it's natural selection.
Why do I live in the UK? I hate the place.
The story in the US making the news rounds is about the armed robbery attempt outside of St. Louis, MO, where a beacon was used to attract people. Fortunately, those individuals were arrested.
Any time there is something that bursts onto the scene, people use it to (1) get their important message out (i.e., be careful) or (2) inject themselves into the conversation as the one true bastion of proper thought. I wonder which one the Daily News sees itself as?
I knew it was The Daily Mail before I read the article. They are not content scare mongering us to leave Europe, now they are having a go at a Pokémon.
Ah, trust the Daily Mail to blow everything out of proportion!
Man, my local news outlet claimed that the app was being played by soldiers while fighting ISIS (No, I'm not kidding. They actually wrote that). People overreact to everything. Sure, the app has its dangers, but news outlets love to blow it up beyond any proportion. Remember the huge amount of hate the media gave Pokémon back in the 90s? It was satanic, racist, pro-nazies, you name it. If Peta has tought us anything it's that these sites'll attack anything to get attention, and Pokémon is no exception to that rule.
There is nothing dangerous about Pokemon GO. There are a few dangerous things about being close to the road, not paying attention to what's around you, and being alone in a remote area.
These are not new problems, it's just that Pokemon GO is bringing those problems back to a head because the game is played outside rather than inside.
Sensationalist journalism exists everywhere. Also, living is in itself a danger. If you want to go out and have fun anything could happen, but it's much worse not doing a thing and stay in your room forever.
Oh, and some newspapers would do anything for getting attention...
It has been interesting watching the change in tone from the news. On the first night they covered it here they treated it as if it was almost a gaming convention or something. With the added benefit of getting people walking. So very positive.
But they've got to the point now where they're trying to find some kind of hidden danger. Last night it was the risk of billshock if your kid buys all the coins and plays for hours on end chewing up your data. Before that it was trespassing and not looking where you're going
These privacy and location "concerns" strike me as utterly illogical.
People. Are. Everywhere.
Just get out and look around. You'll see hundreds of people carrying smartphones, and hundreds of people distracted. Be it alone, in groups, adult or children.
The app tells you someone is walking around in the premisses with a smartphone. SO WHAT?
The Daily Mail app is the most dangerous app in the world.
I wouldn’t deny that there are children playing, but I’m pretty sure most of them are young adults. Also I’ll question the parent on why their child is wondering around with no supervision playing on a smart phone. Also why they have a smart phone but I’m old school in that part
If “parents” are worried about the dangers of the real world, buy the kid(s) some video games. That way they’ll be so busy playing inside, they don’t want to go/stay outside, just like before
Media "Daily Mail" use scare tactic
I read a story earlier that it led some kids on the hunt into a sex shop.
@BLPs i think we live here because we have no other choice at the moment
As a journalist myself, the story could easily be the opposite: Pokemon Go encourages children to go out and have fun with other children in a world of sedentary lifestyle and isolation.
@BLPs It's Amazon Prime Day BLPs, go shopping, I've spent over $200 so far, shopping is fun.
And if you buy an Amazon Fire tablet then you CAN'T play Go (Well maybe it can be sideloaded, but then you get malware) so your friends and family will be safe. We should buy 1 for sliegach.
As far as this article goes - if you look on the other side - if kids are AWAKE playing Pokemon Go then they won't get their iPhones stolen while they are sleeping, so actually playing the game is better than NOT playing the game.
@FullbringIchigo @rjejr Got no money to spend. Saving up for something. We should get one though for him. It's nice.
@FullbringIchigo I think we live here because well I can't swim and lack a passport..
@Yorumi on one hand it's love humanity for the generally nice people. In the other hand what a bunch of idiots
@BLPs that too, plus it's a LONG swim across the pond
My gosh....
Everything when used by nefarious people, the result always nightmare. Even common things that we think will have no harm (like handphone, book, soap, battery, dolls, etc) can be a lethal weapon if used by wrong purpose. It depends WHO used that and WHAT purpose. I think we have realized there are some people who really can't control themself not to do commit a crime. Their brain has been rotten, fulfilled with notorious ideas and sins. When they get an opportunity from something, they used it for evil purpose. Pokemon GO is not the only one thing that can be misused for nefarious purpose, but also the other things. Even handphone can be a remote control to detonate a BOMB. I think the media mass just make the fire even furious, spread out about Pokemon GO scandal, accusing that apps are DANGEROUS things in the world. I believe Nintendo just want to create something fun that can be enjoyed by everyone, but nefarious people around us take an opportunity from the apps to strip out the fun, changed into nightmare to satisfied their desire to torture people, enjoy every second watching people suffering in pains and wanna take over the world by annihilate anything that they hate most.
So, everybody here must fight against that nefarious people. Don't let them take away our happiness to enjoy Nintendo games on mobile. They are just simple Demon's descendants who have no mercy, no kindness and no brain. Say goodbye to nefarious people like that. We just want technology used in right purpose. Save our kids from that nefarious people.
Surely it all comes down to parenting skills? Don't let your kid wander about on their own. That applies to whether they are playing Pokemon GO, walking to school or the corner shop.
LOL >O< these pokemon articles/stories are so great. Pointless, but great. What's next, "Pokémon GO users dig 1000 yard hole in the ground to catch Diggersby"?
@Stu13 this is the world's most underrated comment
Sigh. This game is safe as long as the user has a basic degree of common sense.
This game is only as dangerous as people are stupid so ....
.... OK. wait. We are all doomed!!
"Other UK papers have picked up on the negative angle to this story, leaving The Mirror as one of the sole positive voices".
Both the Independent and Guardian seem to be quite positive about it, The Guardian's review especially so (interestingly the only actual review of this game I've seen and it's from a non-gaming publication XD). Summary was it's not a great game by a long shot but is fantastic for what it's achieved.
"Games are unhealthy! Kids never go out anymore!"
releases Pokemon go
"The outside world is dangerous! Every other person will try to murder you!"
Gotta love junk mainstream media...
Man I hate, I mean HATE rags and tabloids. They're all the same to me
Remember when little morons choking themselves as a game was a thing?
No, it's not the most dangerous game by a longshot.
The Daily Mail, probably one of the lowest of the low. Makes even Nintendolife's comment sections seem positively upbeat!
I remember the good ol' days when The Daily Mail had a hate-on for anime, or 'sick Japanese kids cartoons' as they used to refer to the likes of Legend of the Overfiend, Violence Jack, and Devilman.
...People believe what they read in The Daily Mail? This just looks like scaremongering propaganda to me.
@Stu13: You beat me to the punch, lol. Good one!
Ladies, gentlemen, and people who don't hold to the traditional gender binary, I give you... The Daily Mail. -
First time I laughed all day!
Truly to true. I can't stand it when everyone looks at the negative. And what company gets the worst of it? Nintendo. No matter what they do people complain. They do something amazing people complain. Then they do the exact opposite and get more crap from the haters. It truly makes me sick to the stomach. People will always find a way to complain. >_<
@SetupDisk OH MY GOD YAAAS I REMEMBER THAT! It actually came to my mind when hearing all this "going into the world is DANGEROUS!" crap. Really it's all the parents fault. It's not a huge company's responsibility to keep children safe.
And really, the media contradicts themselves all the time. "Video games make people stay inside to much! Video games make people go OUTSIDE to much!" WTH!?
So far has been safe for me. bank robbers here in America robbed the bank using Pokemon go as a ruse.. As the perpetrators were walking around the bank acting like they were playing Pokemon go
Nobody was hurt in the robbery but the robbers got 116,000 dollars. I don't know if they found any Pokemon. So don't be surprised if your bank doesn't allow Pokemon go past its doors
@Yorumi Yeah the media will target anyone as long as they can make some $$$. Except for Muslims, who kill thousands of people. >_<
There's haters in every category. I don't like microsoft, but I don't rant on their websites. Really complaining is one thing, but hating everything a company does? It's ridiculous.
Are there any Pokemon actually out in the wild (countryside) or is walking around town when they pop up or is it just completely random
@sandman89 I've never seen anything more than 100 feet from a mapped road or trail. Walking in a new park netted me absolutely nothing.
I think it is probably a good idea to add some warnings in the game, just to cover the Pokemon company's butt if nothing else. People, use common sense. Go Pokemon hunting in groups, in the daytime, or while riding in a car (not while driving!). Simple.
Yeah! There are definitely Pokemon out in the country. I'm in GA, and we find em out by the horse farms were we live all the time.
@Anti-Matter I found this article online that illustrates your point about anything being nefarious in the wrong hands. It's a tongue-in-cheek piece about UK accident data. Who knew the tea cosy was such a danger to life and limb?
In terms of combatting nefarious people, I think all any of us can do is try to do our little bit in our little corner of the world to do what is right and fair. Not all people will agree with that viewpoint, but at least some will. Be careful out there, but enjoy it too.
ow...the daily mail.the number one source for information.somebody make a uk tabloid bullpoop top 10 please.
Daily Mail in superlative meltdown again.
The paedophiles are coming over here from Paedophiland to steal your jobs and ride two abreast on their bicycles in search of children displayed their new app Paedophile GO, and in doing so hold you up on your way to work and somehow give you cancer.
That's why we need to Vote Leave this Thursday and Take Back Control.
Also, is Cheryl cheating on Dave with Krystal or Stephen and check out Agatha's bootyliscious new beach body wow!
Oh NOES! The most dangerous game ever made! Just like Mortal Kombat! And those satanic poke-ee-mans! Or Grand Theft Auto! And pretty much every other game that make parents take notice of their children and take responsability for them, let's blame THOSE games again; you know, instead of TALKING all the issues like civil, adult, responsible persons that can take care of our own and our cohorts, that sounds silly
I believe this, although not for the nitwit reasons a tabloid would describe:
Just read the privacy policy and terms of use for Pokemon Go.
“We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate," the agreement states."
One's collected data is considered a business asset in the terms. And criminals can gain access to that information, and track you down- track your habits and movements and potentially your Google Account, if they have the right tools and permissions acquired. You better believe that kids can be targets.
Not only that, but if Niantic is ever merged, sold, or acquired by any other company or entity, all user information is accessible to that company or entity. Every last bit of user data can be used in any way desired by the new owner.
Pokemon Go represents an unprecedented level of loss of privacy in using a game app on this scale. This is going to change some laws, sooner or later. It gives TOO much information over to Niantic, for what the app is offering in return.
Again, I would ask Pokemon Go users to read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Then ask yourself if you truly would agree with what you have to give away for free. Then think about the possible risks versus the enjoyment one would get out of the app. This is why we still need dedicated portable consoles.
@PieNinja Fundamentalist extremists, not Muslims. There are over 1 billion people who identify as Muslim in the world. Only around 10-15 thousand of those who identify as Muslim are considered truly dangerous, and most of the rest of the Muslim population considers them to be false, barbaric opportunists.
Honestly, the only thing keeping fundamentalist extremist groups like the KKK in the USA and ultra nationalist (terrorist) groups like the skinheads in the USA and UK from doing the same thing is secular rule of law and the National Guard.
Maybe that's why it's best to use your Nintendo account... Either way there is no privacy anymore
@Stu13 Well, Zaroff would certainly agree.
@arrmixer It is possible to reduce the amount of information one puts out, though. There is a line to be drawn there. It's just an excuse to feel better by throwing one's hands up in the air and saying, "Nothing I do matters, so I won't bother reading anything and will give myself over without hesitation."
NSPCC has some reasonable logic, The Mirror sounds sensible and the Daily Mail is just awful.
I've been playing video games 14 out of 18 years in my life. Not dead yet, no satanist, no terrorist. Sorry to disappoint.
For any horror-comedy fans out there, the Daily Mail is a great collection of short stories to sink your teeth in to. I can't believe they come up with all those great tales in one day! Their writers must have the best imaginations.
Governments don't even need a budget for scare tactics when a media outlet manages to make money on the process.
@PieNinja Do you even know junk media? They fearmonger against Muslims all the time for the actions of the extremists, often citing attacks where innocent Muslims are the victims. Then they turn the other cheek when their own people do it, and publish some clickbait instead. I'm an atheist gamer, and the Muslims and us are in it together. The sane ones anyways.
@PiplupJ Did you hear about the one where the satanic Muslim liberals killed 15 white people with a semi-automatic Wii controller? Horrifying.
Good to see nothing has changed with regard to the mainstream press's perspective on gaming in the past 25 years.
Wanna know what else could be hijacked and used to harm children? Motor vehicles and that been proven.
Seriously, nothing new here, pretty much anything could be used to harm children.
@Vincent294 Heh yeah the sane ones. That's the thing though, the sane Muslims aren't following their religion. In their holy book it says to do terror. So @PlywoodStick by Muslims I only mean the terrorists, who are the ones following their holy book. And lots of media don't target Muslims very often. But when they do I want them to be specific, because not all Muslims are bad, just the true ones following their book. One media actually went so far as to blaming Christians for the Florida shooting, for creating an atmosphere of hate. I'm not a christian, and yeah most Christians do persecute gays, but the Muslims were the ones who did it. I wish we would stop calling peaceful Muslims Muslims, because there's a huge difference, and they aren't actually Muslims.
@PieNinja By that logic, I guess anyone who follows the Old Testament too closely is in the same boat, considering all the psychopathy going on in it. And any peaceful Abrahamic religious person who doesn't follows their texts too closely aren't real Christians or Jews, either.
@PlywoodStick I actually do agree with that. Partly. Some Christians aren't actually Christians. Of course it's completely different though because some try to be better Christians all the time, whereas the peaceful Muslims are different on purpose. The more Muslims trying to be peaceful, the better. And the more Christians not persecuting gays the better. But those people are in the wrong religion. I'm for religious freedom, and people bending the rules in old ones is fine, but that makes them not truly in that religion.
@PieNinja I see what you're saying, though. They might disagree, but I think you have a point. If I had to pick one, I'd probably go with Buddhism, Hinduism, or some Native American form of mysticism. The Nataraja (Lord of Dance) depiction of Shiva in particular is a pretty amazing symbol I only just recently found out about.
@PlywoodStick Thanks, I wish more people would do more research and realize the "radical Muslim terrorists" are actually following their religion, and the ones who are peaceful are the radicals. Of course I'm on the peaceful's side, but I feel calling those wonderful people Muslims is horrible because true Muslims are terrorists.
I respect their religion even if its rooted from the hateful true Muslims, but since the original religion is so perverse I feel it's horrible to call peaceful "Muslims" Muslims. That's just how I see it, since they're so different.
I'd pick Confucianism.
@PieNinja Oh yeah, forgot Confucianism and Taoism.
well honestly I'm not but this is a free to play game with app purchases of course... but investors need to make a return... Nintendo/Nicalis/Google is going make a killing in data mining!!
Also, I believe the word privacy is a fine line PlywoodStick...it's unfortunate but i'm happy that not having as much privacy in this day and age has allowed certain problems in our society come to light... and I'll leave it there because this is a gaming website...
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