We recently brought you news of a project called 3DNES, which had the ambitious goal of allowing you to convert your favourite NES games into 3D.
Since then the project has moved on a bit and our chums over at Eurogamer have spent a bit of time playing around with it to see how easy it is to use in practice. It turns out... not always very easy!
Still, the results on popular games such as Super Mario Bros. are undoubtedly impressive, so 3DNES might be worth a look for anyone who enjoys tinkering around and has lots of patience. There are ethical issues around ROMS, naturally, so you should (in principle) already own the games that you then download and experiment with.
Check out the video below to see how Eurogamer's Ian Higton got on with the tool and be sure to let us know what you think with a comment.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 26
Gear VR??)
WOW! this is AMAZING!
i might try it out, looks really COOL!
someone at nintendo should jsut buy this off them and make it the nx virtual console for 2d games.
Cool ideas but not something I'm going to play. In ok with playing my nes games just the way they are.
Picked up the first released a couple of days ago, but had not the proper time to mess around with it. But when I do, expect a plenthora of videos on my channel. Plus I hope to contribute with files for the 3D effect, namely some old favorite like "Ice Hokcey" and "Blades of Steel".
Saw a video of contra with this yesterday. Looks amazing!
When I get my gaming PC built in the next couple weeks I'm gonna try this.
Wow, this is great. It's almost as if Nintendo should have done this themselves years ago for 3DS VC releases, instead of just shoving them on a shelf like a can of beans. But what am I saying; that would require Nintendo actually giving a whit about their customers.
An awesome project, no doubt. However, be advised that even if you own the original games, you still aren't entitled to download them in ROM format, simply because they are ripped from someone else's copy. You'd have to rip the ROM image yourself. Even then, there are some laws that state you cannot do this for cartridge-based media, and that's something I found out about only recently.
i should try this out with SUPER MARIO 7: GRAND DAD
@Jamotello yes! But most likely Nintendo will kill it when it sold be funding it and make it exclusive.
A Linux version needs to be made, as the Pandora, Pyra, and PocketCHIP crowd would likely adore something like this.
Well...after Pyra and PocketCHIP gets their GPU drivers completed that is.
Eh... is that 3DNES an illegal software ? Because needs ROMS to execute the 3D ness effect. I don't want to use any illegal ROMS because i've promised to myself not to use or play any kind of illegal copies like that. I feel guilty.
Nintendo should buy this project altogether and make it a game. Get back on the 3D Classics bandwagon, Ninty!
The 3D Classics line on the 3DS had such potential, and this program IS that potential. I have no problem playing these titles as is, and if Nintendo wishes to buy their work and release it on the eshop, I'm all for it. I know not all games listed on their site are first-party Nintendo games, and some titles will probably be extremely hard to get the rights for, but I love this program, legit or not.
Just a gimmick. Not interested.
I can't get over how impressive this really is. Making games which originally never used 3D graphics, giving them the simply 2.5D style make over. Without getting too complicated, even, regarding each game. ^_^
@SpykeKat It's kind of like remakes of old video games; i.e. FF7, sure it's got a sexy new HD look, but how does it innovate or add to the industry, it's all for intertextuality.
That would be a cool tool for indies to use on there 8 bit projects.
@Ed_Fairway All I was saying was, in a technological perspective, this is an amazing feat. No, it doesn't add to the gameplay or anything, but damn is it impressive.
@SpykeKat Oh, sorry if I was sounding a bit...uppity. But yeah, I mean this shift from 2 to 2.5 is spectacular, who knows, they may work it into gameplay akin to Super Paper Mario
@Ed_Fairway Aw no worries, I just making myself a bit clearer that's all. I love Super Paper Mario, so many cool ideas in there, so many possibilities!
@SpykeKat Phew, thank goodness, I'm always worrying I might step on some e-toes accidentally.
@SpykeKat Good to know
The dream is to make this work with Duck Hunt... This would also be neat for first person viewing games, like Megami Tensei I & II, and Top Gun. Maybe it could also improve some games, like the Power Glove ones?
Looks great! I can imagine this eventually supporting graphic filters to smooth over some of the sprites and make them fit in a bit more.
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