We've been pointed to a debate around who said 'it's better than nothing' in this context, whether translator Ben Judd added it as an aside or whether it was part of his translation for Keiji Inafune. In the context of the stream both men were encountering a lot of negative feedback in live comments, with it being fair to say both are unhappy at the situation. In any case, there is a debate over whether that sentiment was Judd's or Inafune-san's.
Original Article:
Mighty No. 9's launch hasn't exactly gone according to plan. The much-delayed game has been hit with some very lukewarm reviews and we're even hearing reports that the Wii U version suffers from long load times and sketchy frame-rate performance.
Considering the lengthy development time and the incredible hype surrounding the game's crowdfunding campaign, you might assume that creator Keiji Inafune would be keeping a low profile, but speaking in a live stream event he maintained that the game was "better than nothing" and stated that it won't be getting a string of DLC to generate more cash:
So there's not any additional DLC beyond the Ray DLC. The reality is they put everything into making this game. They didn't try to microtransaction it out, they didn't try to DLC it out for extra money. They put it all in. So, for now, this is what you see and what you get, for the Mighty No. 9 world. But, again, we can hope that if things go well, there'll be sequels. Because I'll tell you what, I'm not getting my 2D side-scrolling fill. And at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing. At least, that's my opinion.
Have you had any issues with the Wii U version of the game? What do you make of Inafune's words? Let us know by posting a comment.
[source vice.com]
Comments 144
No! Absolutely not! I'm still getting the game no matter what!!!
I don't have the game yet so no opinion for now. But yes, I will buy it for Wii U.
Poor Keiji has annihilated his reputation over this game and made it look like he isn't the one who should get credit for the blue bomber. Time to retire to FTP mobile games.
How incredibly poor a statement is that?!?
My copy is arriving tomorrow (amazon prime fail), so I'll see about the loading times, etc. Having just played through Shantae and the Pirate Curse, I'm interested to see how Might no. 9 measures up...
Thanks for putting it into perspective, Keiji(!)
The game still looks terrible for what was supposed to have been spent on it though.
Sometimes, your best is not enough.
I'm not getting my 2D side-scrolling fill
You're not looking hard enough at all.
He's still hopeful for sequels!? HAHAHAHA!
While I'm inclined to agree, this is a kickstarted disappointment.
Glad I didn't back this game. Inafune obtained so much money for the purpose of making this game, but decided to make something cheap to save the majority of it, then fart in the backers' faces. He's essentially become Wario.
So he really is a hack.
I did try to defend this game as much as I could as I can understand the challenges, need for changes in development, etc, etc but I'm really kind of spent.
My code arrived today for my PSN copy and I will be buying a Wii U copy to keep a hard copy on hand. I'll play it; most probably will enjoy it but there's no doubt the handling has been some of the worst I've seen and there is no denying Inafune's reputation has been literally dragged through the mud and left to lie in the dirt.
This will almost certainly be his last Kickstarter.
Like the XBOX One reveal, this will be held as an example of what NOT to do in the game industry.
Let's be honest- he spread himself too thin. Looking at his recent projects on Wikipedia (Some underwhelming, some awful, some cancelled), it's easy to see that he couldn't have been managing that well with his attention divided. You could argue Platinum have recently been suffering from the same issues by taking on too much.
Kaio: King of Pirates — Project Lead
J.J. Rockets — Project Lead
Soul Sacrifice Delta — Game and Concept Designer
Azure Striker Gunvolt — Promotion Producer
Mighty No. 9 — Project Lead
ReCore — Project Lead[17]
Red Ash: The Indelible Legend - Concept and Executive Producer
Zombrex: Dead Rising Sun — Director
yo, I just think this man needs a PR man.. unless there is some "lost in translation" issues.. or Inafune is just full of flowers & ribbons.
@arrmixer - no profanity, please.
edit- understood, my apologies
I got my Wii U codes (and they actually were the right codes) so I guess I'll be finding out how the game is once it installs on my Wii U. Not feeling very hopeful after everything I've been hearing.
Playing the Wii U one, there's definitely issues with the load times (even the MAIN MENUS take a while to load!) and the framerate is pretty spotty. :/ And this is just personal preference, but using the B button as "accept" feels odd.
He's thinking about sequels? That's hilarious.
"It's better than nothing." You got that right! Look at that drawing! You couldn't have that without...wait...there's a game? Bless my cotton socks!
@Ultimategamer132 - no profanity, please.
Just because you are the mastermind of a game franchise doesn't mean you can manage development of a game today. This truly shows that Capcom hounded over the development of the mega man series. The "it's better than nothing" statement is such a cop out that he didn't have the resources to put together a great game. I truly think putting it out on nearly every platform available was a daunting task and ultimately cost them overall quality of the game to be subpar.
They should've concentrated on a great game for one platform at first then port it over. Yacht Club games did that with Shovel Knight, and that turned out real good.
@Sabrewing you can swap it in the options
@A01 many of these just aren't available in Japan
"at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing"
Sounds like a poor excuse to soften the blow for the crappy job that him and his team performed
And let's not forget guys, he only did concept art for megaman. The real megaman creator is Akira Kitamura.
And also lets not forget that he was the one who cried, kicked and scream and then left megaman legends 3 development into a halt. He then tries to use PR talk to say we would develop legends 3 if Capcom will let us even though he was the cause of the development stopped in the first place.
Now I wonder how well would Recore and Red Ashe perform?
At least he's honest and I agree with him. Getting 4 mln dallaz is better than nothing:-) no one would pass on deal like that.
What a greedy scum, just like I warned the people:-):-)
Like dumping a raw potato on the plate of a person expecting a gourmet dinner...
"Well, at least it's better than nothing"
No, Mr. Inafune, that's a statement only used by losers...
Better than nothing?
Yeah, great! It sounds like, you were dumb enough to sponsor us, now be content with what you get, potato-head.
Not going to waste any money on that!
Oh wow. That takes some gall.
I feel bad for the people who were scammed by this guy.
I don't understand how Inticreates, after working on mega man 9 and 10, and then azure striker gunvolt, could then make a game this critically panned.
If I'd been a backer of this game I'd probably think 'no - nothing is actually better than this monstrosity'. I'd sooner have nothing and I'd sooner they had nothing. For the millions they got all they could manage was a rough looking Flash game. People used to make those for free in the early days of the Internet.
What a terrible attitude to have towards the fans that put up their own cash so he had a job for a while and could bring his ideas to life. If it's not perfect, make it as close to perfection as you can - don't just throw it out and say "Here you go, it's the best you'll get so be grateful, yeah? Thanks for your money".
He's completely destroyed any positive reputation he had and I'm so glad I didn't give any money to this project!
Something is better than nothing.
Like, "Don't care if I let you all down and violated your trust in a business deal. Thanks for your money, losers".
Haven't you guys played Warioware on the DS? He dreamed of getting rich making crap games.
As someone who didn't back the game, I'm very happy with my nothing thanks.
Now let's hope they don't just throw their arms up and decide to not patch the games many technical issues (ala Warner Bros and Arkham Origins). As bad as things are now, imagine the $#!T show that would be. Credit where credit is due, some of the worst indie developers still have the spine to try and fix issues with their games post launch and I would be VERY saddened to see Comcept complete their path of becoming a "typical lazy 3rd party developer" by jumping ship on their product.
Half Genie Hero please forgive our kickstarter sins and save us
That's quite the endorsement.
I'm not digging the load times so far. They are everywhere!
Wow! I am SO glad I backed Shantae over this.
"Better than nothing" -Comcept 2016
That's back-of-the-box material right there.
Played through the intro stage with no problem. But then I tried to return to the main menu afterwards....and the game froze. Guess that's enough for today.
@ThanosReXXX if being a loser means getting 4 mln bucks, then most if not all people would love to be one.
The biggest losers are the ones who gave him money.
This kickstarter won't teach people anything
It seems like he is just referring to DLC and future updates, not the reception of the game.
Didn't buy it, going to play a Wii U version when a copy of it arrives in the library (yeah, borrowing Nintendo games from a library, modern era is interesting).
Well, so much for the small chance the Wii U version might of run better. I guess the 3DS port might suffer further...
"And let's not forget guys, he only did concept art for megaman. The real megaman creator is Akira Kitamura."
Makes sense. The concept art is just about the only thing that was good about this game at all...
But seriously, all I could think about while reading Inafune's comments was "shut up, shut up, you're making it worse...". I hope he invested that 4 mil wisely, 'cause he's gonna have a tough time getting anyone to fund him now...
Here's how I interpret this:
"Thanks for the money, I used it mostly for other things and did the bare minimal for this game."
"Not perfect" is one thing...terrible is another...
So he's not going to patch it?oh well......
I feel bad for him. He wanted to create something for Mega Man fans. Yet all they did was spit on him and his efforts and for what?
A few delays? Yeah because everyone knows videogames take about as much time to make as a hot pocket right? Even if online mode wasn't very important, people would have thrown Concept under the bus for the same lazy practices of making a glitchy game and patching it later. I think its nice to see that some companies still try and iron out all the kinks to the best of their ability. People are so impatient.
A controversy with a trouble making employee who got rightfully fired? Yeah it's sucky, she's sucky and I'm sure people aren't so willing to hire her now that she's known for harassing customers. That'll leave a nice mark on her resume, especially since it was public. But what happened was messed up and she doesn't represent the whole company.
The company met ALL the goals they were required to meet and it came out, even if it was a bit late.
What more do you want?
Making games cost money. Especially when you no longer have a Big company that's been around for three decades taking the load off some of the costs of marketing, materials, packaging etc. for a multi-platform game.
Is it any good? I'll find out and tell you once I get my copy at Gamestop. Hopefully it's fun and this will be a rough patch in the road. If it legitimately sucks then consider everything I just said taken back.
pass... there are (for some strange reason) plenty of Wii U games this month, so I can pass.
The question is: Why haven't YOU reviewed it yet?
@Tempestryke The problem is, it doesn't seem like Comcept did the best they could. Yeah, games are hard to make and take a lot of time, but to create something that's just better than nothing with all that money (and trust) from Inafune's fans. I find it disrespectful.
Well I'll find out when I get it. And like I said if it's a glitchy, crappy mediocre mess, I'll take it back.
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored of these Mighty No. 9 topic!
Can't wait for Shantae: 1/2 Genie!
I've been reading around, and it turns out Inafune never said the "better than nothing" part. That was all on the translator.
hmm i was under the impression he didn't use those words but that's what guy said at the side of him. also yeah this will likely be better than new game capcom will put out, the artstyle is waaaay better than the new megaman image capcom showed off alone.
Translation: "We know we made a crappy product, but we don't give a crap. At least you can play something like Megaman though right?"
Seeing this makes me glad Inafune doesn't have his hands on Megaman.
I had this game pre-ordered for over a year. However today I cancelled it. What I've seen so far is poor. The game does not seem fun in any way. Especially the combo-buttercups turned me off. Fast paced action is dull and boring. Mega Man was something special, something else.
@Aneira - no profanity, please.
I'm glad I didn't support this Mighty number 9 has been in development hell, with all kind of problems, since day one.
Let's just hope that Capcom seizes the opportunity and does something meaningful with the Megaman IP.
@Aneira i brought it today i'll give the game a fair shot, some reviewers like it other don't. sonic adventure 2 was hated on by critics yet many fans love the game, even cry out for a sonic adventure 3 game.
Not getting your sidescroller fill? Try Shovel Knight. Or Gunman Clive. Or Mutant Mudds, Shantae, Broforce AVGN Adventures, Broforce, Comcept's own Azure Striker Gunvolt, etc.
Will I have my golden hero but no game to play him on.
@Dave24 Irrelevant. I was only talking about the stupidity of his statement, not about how he wrestled away a lot of cash from people. I don't mind if you respond to my comments, but at the very least apply some comprehensive reading before you do...
I really don't like his tone, I'll keep my money thanks.
What a jerk. I hope he never scam more people with kickstarter. 4 million. He had 4 million dollars. Vanillaware makes near perfrct games with half less budget.
@ThanosReXXX glugluglug glugluglug. We have a Nintendoom forum now. Really. It won't work but whatever
@BLPs Really? Where? And why was I not invited? Cheers...
@ThanosReXXX I mean...it helps...maybe...iunno.
Trash is better than no trash too
I feel bad for anyone who backed this project. They are the people who gave money to help make this game. They had to suffer all of the delays, and in return, they get a poor product which doesn't demonstrate any signs of the team giving it their all. Keji Inafune was being extremely greedy with all of the other Kickstarter projects, and only used the fans as a way of money because he knew how badly they wanted a new Megaman.
@BLPs I'd say just keep tabs on how far gone you are. As soon as you start saying things like "I'm not as think as you drunk that I am" then it's probably a good moment to stop. Well, at least with commenting on a gaming website, lest we start being incomprehensible to others...
But seriously: where's the forum topic? Or did you just mean to say in every other article on NLife?
@ThanosReXXX It's a forum topic. General discussion I think.
And barkeep, while you are a fat slob and I stand by my earlier comments, you are very attractive and I would very much appreciate another drink
Wow, sure can't say the wrong things or you get burned lol!
For the most part his comment was on the level if you get where he's coming from. I did sense some chest-beating pride on his final words. Sounds like a guy who was itching so bad to get back at Capcom only to realize that things aren't quite working out as planned. This is why you can't overhype your product, cause you only have yourself to blame if it doesn't come out right. He should've just did the kickstarter, worked on it "quietly", giving only concrete, genuinely "good" tidbits until it was truly ready. While I appreciate and support his love for wanting to continue Mega Man in any shape possible and flip one to Capcom, he's got a ways to go at this point. Better luck next time, Inafune. Rental time
@BLPs I'd ask "what's your poison" but I already know the answer to that. So ad fundum, I suppose?
@ThanosReXXX ad fundum indeed. Or untilum deathunum. The later will happen before good news shows up
@BLPs Well, I would certainly hope not, my friend. Good people are hard to come by. Especially on game forums...
Y'know, this somehow reminds me of the development of the original Mega Man. It was rushed, buggy, and the artist only had SIX HOURS to draw a cover art for a game he's NEVER SEEN in action!
sigh, this hurts...
NOPE! You have screwed up big time, Mr. Inafune. You're going to have to just accept that. Saying "it's better than nothing" is not a good enough excuse. Throughout this entire ordeal, you have pretty much completely annihilated your reputation. I don't think anyone will ever trust you with their money again.
I'll play it for myself and judge.
I never expected anything of it, so "better than nothing" is literally true for me, as ultimately I backed with only $15 and it's okay if the game isn't all that. I just wanted to support a newly established company who promised to have something out for Wii U.
I have never in my life actually played a Megaman game, so I cannot share in the outrage concerning Inafune's association with the brand, or this game's similarities to it, and supposed lack of matching quality.
If you have to do all that, it's probably not a good game. Even people claiming to be backers are unhappy with how it turned out. Actually, they are possibly the most unhappy, given how much money they out in the project.
I absolutely agree with him. I think the criticism has been a very unfair. Many of the issues I've read in reviews can be personal opinions. Like a lot of people complain about the graphics like they're Atari 2600, but to me they're perfectly fine for the type of game it is; my only concern about them is if there are too many framerate issues, but it's hard to tell just from videos. Gameplay wise, I can't see how the game play can be that bad from the footage we've seen, it's as close to a megaman X game as one can get these days.
At the end of the day, there hasn't been a proper new Megaman game in way too long, and he's at least trying and delivered one such game, from a Kickstarter, not a big publisher. It may not be what everyone expected in all regards, but it gets the ball rolling and I for one can't wait to play it, and really hope he gets to make at least one sequel.
I'm still interested in the game despite all the backlash it recieved (well deserved I might add). I'll get it on a sale.
However, "better than nothing" is not something you tell the people you took 4 million dollars from. That is flat out insulting. I hardly doubt people were looking for "better than nothing" when they backuped the promised "long awaited Mega Man game"
"And at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing."
Wow, what a horrible statement.
I'm a Cleveland sports fan. Yes, we are finally celebrating a championship thanks to the Cavaliers.
HOWEVER, we have the Browns. You could claim its better than nothing, but all they bring about is misery, so I'm really starting to think no team would be less painful than the current semi-pro one.
@Tempestryke I wish I could heart your comment more than once. Kudos for keeping an objective and positive attitude along all the mindless ranting here.
@Darkthany It's not IntiCreates, it's Comcept. Look at Comcept's track record, nothing but crappy or mediocre games. Not a single one I didn't regret buying. If it HAD been IntiCreates, I'm sure the game would be a dozen times better.
Man, I was so excited for this too... It's sad that even with someone with a pedigree like Inafune, he's full of poo. Indie Developers can make better games than this, and you're an industry veteran! Maybe it's time to retire.
@nab1 You might be able to tolerate the crappy visuals, but not everyone is going to accept them. The game looks like a rejected PS2 game honestly.
As for the gameplay, it lacks the sense of adventure, charm, and tight gameplay Megaman X has. Mighty No.9 focuses on spectacle to make the level design seem awesome, when in reality its very simplistic and boring.
@mariovslink62 Seriously, PS2? Resolution and everything? Also, have you played it to know what the gameplay lacks? I'm not trying to bash you or disrespect you, I just think you are being too harsh based on (from what I can assume) has only been online videos and articles.
@nab1 I actually did manage to play the game. It wasn't good at all. The textures look ugly and the models look very off.
Given the monumental expectations for and tepid reality of the game (what one can legitimately deem a failure), I feel sympathy for Inafune. Granted, he could have continued to delay its release, but he probably realized that only by starting from scratch could it have lived up to his, and our, expectations - additional delays which the market had no patience for, and the company's coffers couldn't justify (remember, they don't have Nintendo's deep pockets). So we get a mediocre game; oh well. Let's see what he comes up with in the future.
Wow. Sad and pathetic. I really hope he doesn't do anything in the industry again... unless he has some sort of epiphany wherein he realizes that this game was at best a huge disappointment and painfully mediocre and that his attitude is lazy and piss poor. That moment of enlightenment had also better inform him that he can no longer rest on his laurels as he has pissed on his own rep. Find some passion dude.
From now on going number 2 is referred to as "taking a Keiji" and after your finished "wiping your Inafune" ...
@Royalblues ReCore is going to be awesome. At least it doesn't have thousands of delays for a mediocre product. (Hopefully not)
"Even If It’s Not Perfect, It’s Better Than Nothing"
First of all, it doesn't need to be perfect, "good" would have been a start...
Second: "It's better than nothing" has to be the saddest comment any 30+ years industry veteran has ever given about their own game...
And to those who say this criticism is "unfair":
This game required 2 Kickstarter campaigns, swallowed up 4 million dollar and was delayed more often than i could keep track of. Its developer is, as mentioned above, an industry veteran being involved in this games inspiration for over 30 years.
Put into perspective: We have several 1-person games with a fraction of this budget putting out higher quality products than this, which is made by a professional with a ridiculous amount of money. "For your 4 million dollars....its better than nothing, right ?"
In this case, criticism cant't be harsh enough, as it clearly shows off the issues with Kickstarter campaigns made by prominent people in general.
I remember once I told you that this crowfunding activity was very risky, and then here a great example of why; sorry, I told you...
Yes, there are other examples where all was succeful (or so it seems); but, well, next time, first check before of give a chance to some high risk.
@Einherjar Your comparison to 1-person games can be misleading, because those are usually smaller indie projects, typically (but not always) on mobile platforms where it's easy(er) to code and get involved. This is a multi-platform console game, and I'm not sure if I recall correctly, but part of the Kickstarter stretch goals for the additional money was precisely to be able to support multiple consoles and platforms, including Mac, Linux and all current consoles
I got the same feeling after the director of fantastic four tweeted something similar
@Einherjar Thank you for pointing that out. Cave Story has deeper gameplay, a better soundtrack, and more replay value then Mighty No. 9.
There should be no excuse for this bulls***.
The Playtonic guys must be loving this.
How is Shanta and the Pirates Curse outta curiosity? I've been meaning to try it.
@ThanosReXXX " I was only talking about the stupidity of his statement,"
"that's a statement only used by losers"
where is the stupidity again? He's not soar or butthurt, he didn't lose anything, what he does is poor damage control with being on high horse like you.
I guess you should take your own advice to the heart with the reading... or learn to write.
@nab1 Not quite.
Look up the following:
Dust - An Elysian Tail
Meridian: New World
Retro City Rampage
Cave Story
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Axiom Verge
Universum: War Front
And several others. All made by non-veterans of the industry.
As for it being a multi platform title: That really cant be considered to be a hindrance, as the game was made with the Unity engine, a multi platform game engine in the first place.
Also, we are still talking about 4 million dollars for a simple platformer by a man who was involved in the making process of these games for 30 years.
We are not talking about Jeff from next door, who learned to code just yesterday and had to put together his game for 20 bucks til next Thursday.
And we are also not just talking about unappealing graphics: We are already talking about console bricks (several reported cases of WiiUs breaking down), DLC breaking the game on PlayStation consoles to backer codes being invalid.
So yeah, its not only ugly, its also broken even though the game was delayed more times than we can count.
@Tempestryke : Fantastic. Great platformer, tight controls and grammy-worthy soundtrack. Highly recommend!
Certainly: https://www.twitch.tv/comceptusa/v/73636349
(at around 01:08:40)
@GeminiSaint people are claiming that was the guy's words, not Inafune's.
Thank you. I'm going to have to get it then.
Why were people expecting a great game out of the art designer for Mega Man? People act like he made the entire game.
so yeah now lets compare this to the new bloodstained e3 demo:
That's like eating a burger with rat parts in it, puking it out, but justifying by saying "Well I have not eaten a burger in a while.
@kenrulei - Yes, I know that.
@DiscoGentleman - Sure. Regardless of the quality of the game, if Inafune didn't say that, it'd be unfair to attribute it to him just because his translator was being somewhat unprofessional.
I'll wait to see more reviews, but I'll probably end up picking this up on sale at some point, like I did with Azure Striker: Gunvolt.
I feel like the complaints I've seen in reviews are largely the same complaints I have about AS:G, uninspired stages and enemies, and not enough variety to make the whole experience pop.
FWIW, I liked Azure Striker a little bit, but I found the boss fights too clunky and random, and the various weapons and systems a little too deep for that style of game.
It's funny that Inafune seems to struggle so much with developing inspired stages and a strong art direction, since my understanding is that those were his part of the Mega Man series, and the stages were so good in those games.
I can't help to think Miyamoto would never say something like this xD
I recently play the game and had to say it's mediocre at best. Framerates were poor compare to other 2D games like Rayman Legends, Shantae, and Axiom Verge. The control works okay but the graphics are bland, bosses are annoying and it only took around 2 hours to beat. I say if you want to get it, wait until there's a price drop or a digital sale otherwise hope you had no problem getting of rid of that $30.
Warning: Apparently the Wii U version of Mighty No 9 is bricking consoles.
As the saying goes, "damned by faint praise".
"I'm not getting my 2D side-scrolling fill"
Really? Really?
Imagine if the greatest game developers of the entire industry like Eiji Aonuma, Shigeru Miyamoto, or Hideo Kojima just decided to go for bare minimum with ALL their games from now on and become too lazy to patch them, just saying "It's better than nothing!"
@Dave24 Look, I know it's not your native language, so I will forego counting the number of grammatical errors you made in your comment, but you going one step further and telling a native speaker how to write his own language is a bit too much, my friend.
Comprehensive reading means understanding what is written, which you clearly did not.
"where is the stupidity again?"
The stupidity was in him saying that it's better than nothing to people that had faith in him and supported his kickstarter campaign. If that's not an utterly stupid (and completely antisocial) statement to make to the very people that helped you realize your goals, then I don't know what is.
But apparently he has been mistranslated, so this is all useless banter anyways.
Sad thing is that it doesn't matter who's fault it was, the translator's or the person placing the tweet, because now it is on there and it is going to take on a life of its own regardless and will now forever haunt him, even if he takes down his account.
It will already be saved for future reference on thousands of web pages, so there will always be a discussion about if he actually said that or not, and there will always be people that will believe that he did, and that will forever damage his reputation.
Wouldn't want to be in his shoes...
That's probably the only true statement he made, if looking trough the lens of proper budgeted platformers that are really good (most are indies)
This game just adds to the landfill of 2D platforming garbage. Thanks for doing your part to ensure we're getting a proper fill Inafune /s
People and Nintendo Life Staff, Ben Judd said that... I repeat "Ben Judd" said it AFTER HE ALREADY Translated "No, nothing outside of the Rey dlc." in the full interview. Then Judd added "It's better then nothing..." Those are Judd's own words. No, I am not mistaken that fact. Also not doing damage control.
Shame on Nintendo Life for not looking into this further besides having a regurgitation what other media sources said as a stated fact. Judd said that last bit. This misinformation is just horrid.
@DiscoGentleman logged in to second your assessment. As soon as I read the quote my first thought was "english spoken or english translated?". As that doesn't sound like the way a native Japanese person would word that. Even those that would be considered blunt wouldn't usually phrase it like that.
So glad I didn't back this. This is a horrible argument as towards why the game turned out so bad.
If I were extremely rich, I would give a lot of money to all the backers, because they didn't deserve this.
Sheesh. This debacle is going to darn near ruin Inafune's reputation!
oh well guys, it's better than nothing! right?...on second thought, i'm content with letting my wallet collect dust in the corner rather than spend it on this game.
"This debacle is going to darn near ruin Inafune's reputation"
I say good. It's long overdue if you ask me.
Wow that really isn't something you should be saying about your game that you spent over three years creating! Kind of put his foot in his mouth right there!
You know what? I've heard WiiU owners are having problems with it screwing up their console. I'm actually afraid to go pick this up tomorrow and put it in my WiiU.
I take back everything I said.
Hello! There should be no debate about whether he said it or if it's his translator.
I translated the stream and I can confirm that Inafune did not say anything close to the damaging comment in japanese.
Here is my translation of https://www.twitch.tv/comceptusa/v/73636349 (from 01:08:37 to 01:09:35)
Off-camera Guy (en) : expansions?
Red guy (jp) : do you plan on expansion content?
Inafune (jp) : There is Ray DLC, except that?
Red guy (jp) : Except Ray.
Inafune (jp) : Except Ray, we have no current project on making DLC.
Inafune (jp) : If there is an occasion for us to make DLC, we would like to!
Red Guy (en) : There is no any additional DLC beyond the Ray DLC.
Red Guy adds (en) : The reality is they put everything into making this game. They didn't try to microtransations it out, they didn't try to DLC it out for extra money, they put it all in.
So for now, this is what you see and what you get for the mighty number 9 world but again, we can hope that if things go well, there will be sequels.
Because I'll tell you what, I'm not getting my 2D sidescrolling fill.
And, at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing. At least it's my opinion.
end of transcription
So it was him stating his opinion.
Reading all the comments after knowing it was mistranslated was a lot of fun. I first read the "better than nothing" phrase in another website and I myself started to tell my brother how ridiculous Inafune was. Also, one of the post reminded me that Inafune was not the one how created the gameplay of megaman. Mn9 has had such a hype and it has suffered so many delays that I had totally forgotten that Inafune was just the art director of the old megaman games. However, I must agree (although I have not tried the game) that producing a mediocre game with 4 mil that come from backers is reason enogh to destroy his reputation.
However, the only true thing that bothers me is that the game has caused bricks on wii u. Wtf?? That literally means 0 betatesting on wii u, and worse, it also means that Nintendo does not check if new eshop games brick the console until its to late.
Because of this mediocre game, now I am afraid of buying multiplatform games at launch because they might brick my wii u.
Yikes, this mistranslation thing seems to sum up today's media pretty well. Someone gets a juicy tidbit and runs it as a true news story without even knowing all the facts, and then everyone runs with it until the whole internet is screaming about something that didn't even happen!
This is why I try to take every single article and report with a grain of salt. You never know if all the facts are there or if something was interpreted wrong or simply made up.
Speaking of runaway rumors, I've read elsewhere that the game causes the Wii U to freeze, requiring the Wii U to be unplugged. There does not appear to be a credible report of the game actually bricking the console.
While I am a fan of some Megaman series, I personally never cared about this game, however...
The thing about Inafune saying this is it sounds like Inafune really just doesn't care that Mighty No. 9 is bad. It sounds like he's just happy he got the 4 million, and whether the product is good or bad isn't his concern, and now he's rubbing his success in people's faces.
From the very beginning, based on early shown footage of the game, I never expected much more than, by Mega Man standards, a mediocre, MM9/10-like type of game. By that, this game still looks rather good, the horrible product marketing and managment behind it notwithstanding. Not $4 million and 3 years in development good, but just about as expected for a Mega Man-like game from the past decade. I look forward to buying this game eventually, but I really think they should just add in all planned DLC for free (as Yacht Club has done with Shovel Knight) as a measure of courtesy and goodwill towards the fanbase. If they decide to greedily scorn fans/backers and their pocketbooks (even more) instead, Comcept will surely be finished for good, very soon.
Somewhat of a letdown, this game. Well, for my Mega Man fix, I will play this one, which would be AWESOME for the Wii U with it's Co-op support!
I only JUST NOW heard about the game bricking Wii U consoles. Crud.
"And at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing"
Ouch, not a wise statement! The end of his career, I think?
@RedError @DiscoGentleman
Thanks you two. I also listened to that part and can confirm that he only answered the question about DLC, everything after was the translator himself saying his opinion. I guess he saw all the salty comments and wanted to ease the situation a little, but actually did more harm than good.
But the damage has been done. The way people in general behave, even if you debunk it a hundred times, some will want to go with that he said it.
Something like this shouldn't have happened. You can't just take something and run with it. Does no one on the NL team know Japanese?
@DiscoGentleman As you can see we've added an update to the post. If the translator did indeed put those comments into Inafune's mouth - which seems to be the case, as you and several others have pointed out - then he really shouldn't be in the job today. When you're supposed to be translating someone's words you don't add in your own opinion - that's surely pretty easy to understand. We certainly wouldn't have had the confusion which has occurred here.
I read this piece yesterday and didn't think much of the comment in question because Inafune doesn't speak English, relies on translation, and "it's better than nothing" simply doesn't sound like something that would come out of his mouth. At all. As such, I didn't post a comment then. But since @Damo and staff have posted the updated material atop the article's original text, the situation makes more sense. I can definitely see the translator trying to make Inafune out to be a grinch (for whatever ulterior reasons) or perhaps Inafune was responding to something else entirely. I'm not fanboying for Inafune. That just doesn't sound like him.
Capcom: "You were warned!!"
Yeah, it may be a translation-error. Wich happens a lot when Japanese people get translated. If mister Inafune really said this, then that's extremely strange (and unwise)!
At least he didn't say: "You are all playing it wrong!".
I figured as much. Although, wasn't there a girl on here writing articles about imports and stuff? I guess she knows at least some Japanese. But that was some time ago. She might not even write for this site anymore.
Seeing that this is a site about Nintendo it's actually quite sad to not have someone who knows Japanese readily available. They should really have people whom they could ask in such situations.
$4,000,000... "better than nothing."
"In any case, there is a debate over whether that sentiment was Judd's or Inafune-san's." Like everyone has said before, it's not even a debate. You guys are spinning it that way so you won't look like freaking idiots for jumping on the bandwagon and blowing up Judd's opinion by posting such article.
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