Nintendo has revealed the full title of the next Zelda adventure during its E3 broadcast.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the final name, and hints at the vast, untamed world you're expected to explore. The footage shown includes voice acting (gasp!), cooking, manipulation of the environment (setting fire to bushes and rolling boulders down a hill to kill enemies) and much more besides.
Breath of the Wild launches next year on the Wii U and NX.
Comments 197
Looks good!
Already off to a good start, love it.
RIP Wallet
Oops sorry guys.
Well, it's looking lovely so far—if maybe a little "SD" in the footage, even though it's obviously an HD game.
And we have to wait for freaking 2017! >_<
Getting it for the NX. Looks artistically gorgeous! The music is ALWAYS stellar. Can't wait to get that OST.
The mos epic game of this E3, by a mile.
Oh my God, this looks amazing! Too bad I have to wait 'till next year...
stunning <3
Looks absolutely amazing... Wow.... I had high expectations for the game but damn it looks even better than I thought it would.
"The Legend of Zelda: Full Metal Link"!
Wow, looks very impressive! I wonder if the characters will speak or if it is that lovely ladies voice narrating throughout? I'll pick up the WiiU and NX version of course, they'll probably both be the exact same, can't imagine anything extra in the WiiU version, but I could see them doing something extra for the NX version to boost sales for the launch of NX.
Bloody pokemon gettin the way now, lol
Really amazing. Too bad it has deer (hunting). Maybe my cousin could play it while I watch? Hm ... welp, I still got like nine months to find a solution for this issue.
Now I have to patiently wait for some sort of Zelda NX bundle so I can preorder
looks good. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the combat. the bits in the video looked a little clunky.
@BensonUii I''m trying. It's a 2 punch for me, I love Pokémon and Zelda! Hyped about Sun & Moon, but especially's been so long since Skyward Sword!
My girlfriend has "Breath of the Wild" in the mornings
This seems to be just the change in direction the series needed. I see all kinds of inspiration here from The Elder Scrolls to Xenoblade.
There's some rough textures here and there, but at least I know I'm looking at a Wii U build, and not a NX one.
I'm assuming the voice is Princess Zelda's.
Meh, guess I am one of the few not that impressed.
I just ate a lot of garlic.
Not impressed either
Shadow of Colossus and Skyrim had a new baby and named it Zelda.
Really like what I've seen so far, though the image quality worries me to an extent. Lighting and artstyle are phenomenal though, and the music sounds excellent. Seems to be more like Elder Scrolls than typical TLoZ which is a welcome change.
It looks amazing
Looks like onimusha from the PlayStation 2 days. Looks similar in gameplay in the video
The people who are not impressed must be really hard to please. It looks freaking amazing, and you're just in denial.
I hate to say it, but you people who aren't impressed, aren't impressed by anything. Last year's E3 was bad, but you gotta love that new Zelda. That's all people wanted last year, and now there disappointed!?
Absolutely amazing! I can't want for 2017
I see a big, open world... but beyond that, it looks like a Skyward Sword sequel in style and visuals, with little bits ripped from games like Xenoblade and Monster Hunter. I was hoping we were done with the cartoon enemies (Moblins, etc), but I guess not. It looks fine. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this stuff. After playing so many Zelda games, it all just looks the same now.
The Master Sword in a forest glade? Shades of ALttP. And the scene with Link burning the grass reminds me of Zelda 1. Only downside is that if there's voiced dialogue adressing the character as Link, then I can't continue my tradition of giving him a unique and ridiculous name for each entry.
I'm so glad it doesn't look disappointing. It looks amazing!
@abbyhitter absolutely agree
Noone is talking about that armor set though....
I don't dare get it for both Wii U and NX, depends if a divorces is cheaper
Of course it will be awesome, probably the best Wii U game (day one purchase for me), but I prefer the E3 demo's visuals anyway and I won't lie about it.
Who's that voice in the backriub
@PK_Boss11 Yea I gotta agree. I don't even like Zelda and I'm buying this Day 1
Typo backroubd
Typo backround, who's the voice in the backround
@GoldenGamer88 If I had to guess, I'd say the hunting is optional and probably relates to some kind of new crafting system. That said, if you have an issue with killing a deer in a video game, then how is that any different from killing anything else in a game? That's kind of the point in most games. I just hope you don't get too sad every time you crush a goomba in Mario.
@abbyhitter I'm just not impressed by the stupid title. Lol The trailer did confuse me on timeline placement too. I'm hyped though.
This looks better than I ever imagined.
Impressed by what? Yes the initial impressions are awesome but the world seemed rather empty, they didn't show us anything about the game plot-wise, character-wise, etc and honestly it looks like every other open world game out there atm. They seem to be focus on the open world rather than show us what actually makes a Zelda game a Zelda game.
It's a bad first impression overall as it really doesn't tell us anything. Yes, they're showing us gameplay later but note they are choosing yet another open location to demonstrate. Wonder why they aren't trying to highlight the series's strength rather than try to follow the example other games gave set
The built of HYRULE!!!
I was happy to see multiple melee weapons. I'd love to be able to carry around that spear / ax and use them whenever (instead of just when an enemy drops it)
@abbyhitter "Hard to please" may as well be the official slogan for gamers everywhere.
@abbyhitter Or they just watched this last night.
Does it look good for a Zelda game, or a Wii U game? Yes on both counts, but it 2017 it's hardly "impressive". It's like comparing a classic still life to a modern HD movie.
This is one of the most famous paintings of all time, but probably few people today are "impressed" by it.
Glad this is a launch title for NX as well as being the last hurrah for Wii U. On Wii U alone it would have reached only a small audience and it looks like a game that deserves to do very well.
@-DEMISE- The appearance of deer is what is making me shiver in fear. Potentially having to interact with them is making it worse, though.
throws wallet at Nintendo JUST GIVE ME THE GAME NOW!!!
Yea, this is definitely a Day One purchase on NX, I'm just absolutely stunned at this trailer alone!
This looks amazing. Link looks like he does in the original Zelda I and II. I can see a hyrule castle in the background and what looks like a phantom ganon floating above it. If this game takes place after Zelda II then I'm going to lose it. 100% hype.
It looks beautiful!
As always, they've got all the potential in the world to create the greatest Zelda game of all time not named Majora's Mask. I wish them luck.
Does anyone else notice how rusty and damaged the Master Sword looks?
I thought the Master Sword generally doesn't corrode in that fashion.
@JpGamerGuy90 I think the innovative part of this game is that you can take a "dungeon" approach to the overworld and problem solve your way through Hyrule. I think we can all assume the dungeons will be good, but I'd rather not see them much now, because that will give too much away. So it make sense to focus on Hyrule IMO
Im getting to try this in NY today..waiting in line now Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's called Breath of the Wold because of like that Rock Monster that came to life, that might explain it
@rjejr Good thing video games aren't static objects and aren't judged on how they seem in a three-minute trailer.
@GoldenGamer88 Are you afraid of deer? .... Maybe someone understands my terror at all the spiders in Twilight Princess...
Gah, move aside Pokemon, I wanna see Zelda!!
Nothing against Pokemon but 40 minutes of Pokemon footage this far plus 20 more minutes = 60 minutes of Pokemon footage at Nintendo's E3. Such a waste of time.
Wow!!! This trailer says so much! First of all the game is absolutely gorgeous. Does the "wake up Link" mean voice acting? The Ice Rod looks like the return of magic? Link is a great climber and chef? The book definitely has importance. You can tame horses in the wild?!
@PK_Boss11 I think they're calling it that because it's supposed to feel like a more natural world where you're given freedom to do whatever you want, in comparison to most Zelda games which are more restrictive and the way you interact with the world can feel manufactured.
@WiiUPS4Gamer Nice! I'm jealous.
Why is no one discussing the U-Shaped controller in the trailer?
This looks amazing. Between this and Horizon it looks like my gaming year next year is going to kick a lot of ass.
Also, no green tunic but many different outfits including a hot bathing suit!
@JumpnShootMan Maybe they would feel bad killing a deer?
@KJW90 Probably because that's the shape of your typical U-shaped magnet, and that device he's using seems kind of like a magnet for water. I mean it would be hilarious if that's somehow hinting at that one weird controller patent we saw a while back, but I doubt it.
I like the walking skeleton thing on the cliff at the 18 second mark. And the ducks right after that remind me I'm still waiting for a game that looks like the koi pond japanese garden bird demo they showed before Wii U launched.
Still, while it looks nice enough, haven't seen anything that says "2 year delay". Remember, they told us in 2014 it would be out in 2015, but now it won't be out until 2017. So what were they planning on releasing in 2015, a hidden object game?
Looking forward to seeing more, they have to run out of Pokemon things to talk about eventually.
This and Resident Evil 7 have become my most wanted games now.
I'm sorry but, it seems like they are trying to hard seem cool. Wilderness, spears, no humans. It's like they're copying Sony's conference.
From what I can see, there's a tropical area, snow area, desert area, woodland/grassy area, mountain area, and lake area. The terrain and varied landscapes will make for a really diverse world and awesome dungeon themes. We've barely scratched the surface with not even seeing any dungeons or boss battles.
Again, Nintendo is the Studio Ghibli of video games. Masters of understated beauty.
This doesn't feel like Zelda so far.
@JumpnShootMan I think the thing is, all of us are afraid of something (unless you're Will Smith in that Shymalan movie). And sometimes it's just miniscule things like spiders or deer and we don't know why nor can help it. I personally am not afraid of spiders but I can understand how limiting it can be (in a videogame).
@GoldenGamer88 How is that an issue lmao
@Zombo Because everytime I see a deer in a videogame, I throw the controller away from me, run out of the room and cannot dare go back in and switch off the console.
Looks phenomenal and I'm glad to see that the extra dev time doesn't seem to have gone to waste. I absolutely love the idea of Link being able to climb terrain and buildings. Looks very Assassin's Creed-ish. Hopefully you can climb in lots of locations and not just the odd vine here or there!
I think it will be amazing as long as the combat is good. I just hope the next few days don't reveal everything good about this game
Looks okay. Didn't take my breath away though.
Seriously, looks great. I'm about as hyped as i usually am for Zelda. Never been disappointed by a franchise purchase before.
Breathe... Breathe in the air...
Don't be afraid to care...
Leave... But don't leave me...
Look around... Choose your own ground...
A bit tepid, isn't it? That mixture of placid music and ambient sounds with no BGM... I'd have preferred the trailer to pack more punch. The game world feels somewhat empty, and the graphics lack a bit of flourish - some visual effects...
Some fantastic shots on that video, though. And gameplay looks solid. I know development isn't over yet, so I hope they put some extra kick in the FX department.
But I definitely want the game. Can't wait to see more footage.
Noooooooooo.... Too much meaningless collecting with annoying ding ding ding DINGS. A survival game!? What?!!!!
@GoldenGamer88 I know what you mean. I squirmed my way through every spider encounter and almost shut the game off instead of finishing it. If someone ever posts spiders on my facebook, I also freak and throw my phone up in the air (by accident obviously, it's just a reaction I can't help, lol)
Where is the music?
@GoldenGamer88 Ah. I see. Well, maybe they won't appear very often.
It looks gorgeous and I love the environment. Seem like it is in the Wind Waker universe too, which is awesome. My only gripe is the stamina meter is back, I hated that in Skyward Sword.
@GoldenGamer88 Oh really? Wow, sorry for making it seem like a non-issue. Why is that, is it some past deer related truama?
This game looks like hot garbage. This on TriForce Heroes level of bad.
I don't even know if I will get this game as a long time fan.
It looks beautiful. Love all the animals around. But I'd rather be friends with them than hunt them. ^^;
And I don't quite like the English voice of that girl (Zelda?). T_T
This is not Zelda!!!!!!!!
How can you people praise this???!!!!! This is more like far cry than Zelda!!!!!!
@NIN10DOXD You don't get to decide what is and what isn't Zelda. Nintendo does. Just shut the heck up already. I swear everything that comes out of your mouth is an annoyance to the whole world.
This brings in the formula, while bringing in a whole bunch of new and better elements that really breathe fresh air into a stale series. Don't like it? Don't play it. This is already set to be the most diverse and fun to play Zelda game yet.
@NIN10DOXD #101
Yeah. It's not Zelda.
Um, except for the title, the company developing it, the appearance of the player character and enemies, gameplay staples, etc, etc...
@BlatantlyHeroic It plays nothing like a Zelda game. You don't have to insult someone with a differing opinion.
@NIN10DOXD You're literally insulting the opinion of everyone else who likes this change. It is Zelda. Zelda is about puzzles and adventure. This takes that, and adds a whole bunch of new interesting elements to that.
@Stubborn_Monkey A lot of the staples are missing.
@Zombo Not really. My grandma had a pair of antlers (with two wooden deer heads) over her couch when I was little and I imagined the two deer coming out of the wall and attacking me for their murder (I've always had a vivid imagination) and I just broke down crying and begging for somebody to "safe me". I went to a psychiatrist once and told him this story. He suspected it might be that I was a hunter in one of my previous lifes and got killed by a deer. I don't know, I don't believe in things like past lives nor did I ever have it treated. It's not hard to live with but just these few occassions.
I don't see adventure or puzzles, I see survival. That's it.
@JpGamerGuy90 They said the title is based on the world being a character in itself. That this world is nothing but empty. It's a world that reacts to anything you do
@BlatantlyHeroic He's right though. It doesn't feel like Zelda yet. To be honest, I'd prefer another OoT clone to a resource collecting "survival" game.
Woooooo hoooooo! can't wait, I just wanna tame a horse, and explore everything, maybe even go for swim, and last but not least save the princess once again, going to be a great Fall.
@NIN10DOXD If you are watching, they said puzzle solving is on the way
Any chance of a E shop demo?
@-DEMISE- Well, that may not be static, but they will be judged on a 3 minute trailer, I can guarantee you that.
This looks absolutely stunning.
Look I like the environment but I'm worried.
@NIN10DOXD @ProfessorToad You know what? Survival sounds nice. The puzzles are still there, the adventuring is still there. If you were watching the Treehouse steam you'd know that. Survival added onto that? Sign me up. Game of the year.
@NIN10DOXD What the heck is wrong with MS and Sony? Nothing. They're both great game companies with great games, like NIntendo.
@BlatantlyHeroic It's just that survival already done so much lately.
I thought the game was just going to just be open world Zelda but all the interactions and little touches, weapon variety and effects are cool.
Like chopping down trees with axes, climbing ledges,etc. It's looking like the kind of game that Peter Molyneux promised the original Fable to be like...except the game is actually meeting the promises(ones that Nintendo didn't even promise).
@NIN10DOXD The puzzles will probably be in the temples(they said they were going to show it). A puzzle in an open world would be silly because you could just walk around it or climb past it.
I'll still buy this and NX day one but, I just hope I get more Zelda soon in this presentation.
Looks great! I really like how they're focusing on the environment in this one.
@Dr_Lugae You're right but, I just can't trust Nintendo lately.
@NIN10DOXD Because it's immersive. There's no reason that Zelda shouldn't have this feature just because it's been done, in fact, that pretty much means that Zelda should have it, because it would be archaic not to. Especially for a game series that relies so much on immersion and adventure.
I keep some mint strips with me, just in case.
Anyways, I'm sold!
I'd be more excited were this a Wii U exclusive.
the NX release makes me split and I feel like, with the gorgeous graphics, WiiU users will get the lesser of the two.
I have no real attachment to 3D Zelda games so I wish I was as excited as many of you are.
@BlatantlyHeroic It still feels like a Bethesda game. And Bethesda practically retools the same game as multiple series with different settings.
@NIN10DOXD OoT, WW, TP, and SS were pretty much all the same game retooled. Zelda is exactly the same way. Until now. Now they're branching out and actually adding variety to the gameplay and everything else.
This looks great!! I cannot wait! Lol Nintendo didn't even have an official press conference and in my eyes they just destroyed at E3. Sony had a great show, but this trailer alone just beat most of their show. Well done Nintendo. I would kind of like to hear more about the NX though. What is the latest rumor on when it is supposed to get released.
Well done Nintendo. They're finally making a Zelda game which feels truly modern. I'm not talking down on the series, hell, most of the 3D Zelda titles are some of my favorite games of all-time. It's just nice to see a true evolution for the franchise.
It's a shame this is pretty much all Nintendo has to show.
@BlatantlyHeroic I'm saying Bethesda makes multiple series nearly identical. Ik Zelda relies on conventions. I'm all for new things but, it needs to feel like Zelda. This game feels like another empty open world.
I'm really interested to see how the temperature affects game play.
There are no NPCs hardly. I hope that there are some locations. They mention the Kingdom is in ruins but, I don't see much of it left.
@NintyFan The voice acting sounds generic though. If Zelda has a British accent then that is unoriginal and annoyingly stupid.
XCX shaped my expectations for the world size and scope in this game, and it does not appear that this game will disappoint. I love the massive evolution of the loot system as well from Skyward Sword. Huge, wide open world that looks gorgeous.... I'm wait!!!
@NIN10DOXD I'm not all that hyped about it (said it before, I'm a 2D Zelda guy if a Zelda guy at all and I've been soured based on how nintendo's handled and delayed this), but the NPC thing may be because they said they're trying to avoid spoiling the story.
I can respect that.
Actually, you know, it looks cool and all, but after games like The Witcher III and even the recent footage of Horizon: Zero Dawn (where she's riding about on animals and using bows and arrows and stuff), this Zelda really doesn't stand out as anything special next to those other games. I mean, Christ, I even think a [possibly cancelled] game like Rime has better art too in many ways*, and something like Ni No Kuno II is certainly pulling of better toon-shading from what I can see. In fact, this new Zelda looks a bit dated and slightly underwhelming by comparison, and in some ways even rather low-res. I actually think even Skyward Sword looks prettier in many ways.
I hope there's a lot more to it than this because I don't think a lot of people outside of core Nintendo fans are going to walk away blown away by what they're seeing here.
Note: This is my opinion on the game after watching more of the actual gameplay demo footage.
Anyone else getting massive Miyazaki film vibes from this trailer? Specifically with the scenery and art style?
@rjejr I mean in the grand scheme of things, people will have more than this one trailer to inform their opinions by. They'll have the entire E3's worth of live streams, more trailers in the future, countless game reviews, and ultimately, hopefully some actual experience PLAYING the game, since that's the whole point. If you form the entirety of your opinion around one small trailer, then you should feel shame. Tense, neverending, burning shame.
Yeah this is really generic.
I'm growing impatient with Nintendo honestly.
@Bassman_Q Not to mention the piano at the beginning. Sounds straight outta Spirited Away!
Oh, and it's a slight tangent but this game impresses me greatly with its toon visuals—I mean really impresses me:
It's just the overall level of polish, presentation, and attention to detail.
I'm sure some of you can grasp why I want and expect more from Nintendo; it's falling short of even indie devs in many areas of presentation and graphics imo. And even some of its gameplay mechanic stuff is looking/feeling very dated.
I don't know if I want Aonuma touching another Zelda. He is trying to hard to make a Skyrim rip off.
@Kirk I would have preferred a Zelda with E3 demo's visuals but I guess Wii U can't handle that after all the promises they made that year about the console's capabilities.
@Kirk This is just like Rime. Lol
@VanillaLake The first trailer when it was called Zelda Wii U looked better than this.
So at this point I'm only bitter about the March release date. Huge world that despite the minimal story shown has me wondering what happened to the kingdom, cool survival mechanics, gorgeous art style, nice gamepad integration and a clean UI. I am on pins and needles for this game.
@NIN10DOXD Yeah the game looks a lot like Skyward Sword's visuals, which I did not like much. I think even Twilight Princess HD looks better than Breath of Wild.
@-DEMISE- I don't have shame, I'm just shallow.
This might be the next twilight princess where everyone loved it initially but hated it later.
@NIN10DOXD Not me, Twilight Princess is my favourite Zelda game.
@VanillaLake Yeah but I'm talking about the public. I love Twilight Princess and hate this demo.
Worst Zelda game is probably Skyward Sword (not counting spin-offs).
@VanillaLake This might beat it though.
Well Ganon is in this game. That's something good I guess.
@NIN10DOXD Honestly, I hope it's better than Skyward Sword.
@NIN10DOXD But you're just saying that because you hate the direction regardless. If people like this game, chances are they're always going to like it.
Not to mention, this'll really appeal to the masses, which means more sales than traditional Zelda titles, which means you'll become the minority and you'll either have to drop the franchise, or get used to a more complex kind of Zelda game.
@BlatantlyHeroic Well Twilight Princess used to be praised as the new Ocarina but not now.
I only popped in to see the crying in the comments. So far so good...
@NIN10DOXD OoT is overrated, and Twilight Princess is still, and will always be, better than OoT.
@BlatantlyHeroic Ocarina of Time is not overrated but it was very innovative at the time (and thus got great reviews). I think Twilight Princess is Nintendo's best game this far.
@VanillaLake #166
You mean the best game in Nintendo's entire history?
@Stubborn_Monkey For me it is! What's yours?
Looks good. My only fear is that they will keep exclusive features for the NX version or will incorporate visual effects/loading area sizes that make the Wii U version not run well. I definitely got some serious frame drops in Twilight Princess HD and this looks to be a fair bit more graphically demanding. This is the Wii U's Zelda, so I hope that they respect the users that have patiently waited for it.
@BensonUii When they went in the shrines it started to feel more Zelda.
Nothing wrong about it - I just wanted a little clarification.
As for me, hmmm... It's difficult to pick just one... Perhaps Super Mario Galaxy 1. Donkey Kong for Game Boy (AKA Donkey Kong 94) is also very close to my heart. Link's Awakening too. And Metroid Prime 1 is excellent too (though it was developed by Retro Studios and not Nintendo themselves, it was based on a IP created by Nintendo and its making supervised by the company.)
I'm really not sure how to feel. In many ways, most of my fears came through about Nintendo being so far behind the times in terms of open world. They have those treehouse guys gushing over features that have been in other games for over a decade, and acting as if we should all be super impressed with that. I think I'm less positive about the game now than I was with that trailer two years ago!
Nothing I saw was bad, but it was just like... these small things that have been done so much. If they'd just brush them off as small things that have been done before, but it how how much they were trying to hype it up with their scripted smalltalk. And yeah, of course it was scripted. They're not curious about things in a world when they've played through this slice hundreds of times already.
I'd just like to see something to get me excited.
I understand not spoiling the story but, I hope Castle Town and Kakariko make an appearance. I am curious to where this fits in the timeline.
@Peach64 That's exactly how I feel.
@Yorumi I think it's okay to give us at least a sample of story considering we have waited this long and thus game is barren so far.
@Stubborn_Monkey Cool.
@MrHero Agreed. I hope it runs decently on Wii U, otherwise I'm going to complain to Nintendo.
Hopefully this game is an experiment and future Zelda games in this style feature more in the overworked. I think story has a lot to do with it though.
The tree house demo didn't show anything exciting. I expected more from this hyped game.
@VanillaLake Im not sure if Nintendo cares about the Wii U version.
@NIN10DOXD Honestly, if they don't care about the Wii U version they don't deserve any success with the game.
I love the art style but for a hugely anticipated trailer it seemed dull. Hopefully combat will be engaging and the dungeons will impress.
@VanillaLake I don't think they care. This game clearly shows that they already are following trends even if they are 5 years behind.
I'm a comment.
In a big comments section.
I saw the initial reveal trailer live. Wow does this game look gorgeous. Unfortunately I've missed a lot of the Treehouse stream due to work.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets I'm hoping but rumors are saying just 4 massive dungeons so I have no clue.
@Trinexx All you missed was Nintendo talking about how great they are and showing off Shrines which are minor dungeons. It is your standard open world affair with not too much explanation for why Hyruoe is barren yet.
Honestly, "Breath of the Wild" just sounds like an MTG card name.
@Captain_Gonru I thought they would be using the extra time to make Hyrule look like this. Well not exactly, but at least add some sunflowers to all that open empty fields.
This does have that medieval Hyrule feel though.
@NIN10DOXD I feel like you are 90% of the comments on here and most of them are just general whining. It's one thing to dislike something but it's really obnoxious that you keep spamming your opinion endleasly. You have seen 15 MINUTES of them showing off the things they added. The brand new never before seen in Zelda stuff. No one has said that the classic Zelda staples are gone. Dungeons and puzzles are still there, they are just being kept under wraps to avoid spoilers. Other humans are being avoided for the same reason. We also don't actually know how any of these new survival elements are going to affect the game. We don't know if you HAVE to eat once a day to live, we don't know what weather does, we still hardly know ANYTHING! So just give it a rest until we do know.
@Indielink I wish I could like your last comment twice.
I can't wait for this to release. This'll be an amazing experience.
Not too bad
Looks brilliant, from what I noticed on the treehouse they mentioned that everything's in ruins and he has to figure out why. He also seems to have been awakened from suspended animation. I think there's definitely some element of time travel involved.
Oh my god this looks so good!!!! Why must I wait so long 😥😩
@Captain_Gonru "Also, there is the chance that the extra horsepower is being channeled into AI. Those people they won't show us, perhaps?"
Yeah, that's it.
Graphics and empty world aside, I do wish they'd at least show us the hook, gimmick, whatever you want to call it. Zelda has to have a "thing" right? Dark realm, windwaker, ocarina, flying, walking in walls. We've been waiting for 2 years, I'd like to see more than what the opening hour of Tomb Raider offered.
I feel like we actually saw more Christmas 2014 when they showed Link shooting arrows on horseback. They ar eactin glike today is the unviel but they unveiled the game 2 years ago, and we've seen the world, and robot battles, and horseback riding. All day long and they've actually shown LESS than what we've already seen.
Keep on fighting the good fight @Yorumi
This looks like free roaming in the world... not so much of a bad guy who tries to rule the world...not sure if i'm going to like it... hope there is more story in it
Looks great, but that name is awful.
@Yorumi I'm not sure of you're watching the stream, but in case you're not, they just confirmed that all NPCs and towns are excluded from the E3 version in order to avoid spoilers of any kind. Minor or major. Sounds like we'll have a lot of smaller camps and villages, not just By rule Castle. That's very welcomed indeed.
@BensonUii I think that what @Yorumi is trying to convey is that in an industry where developers have recently started to bluff and blatantly lie frequently, without having any negative repercussions, it just isn't safe to trust what anyone says yet, and that observation is everything. I personally think we should wait a bit longer before getting cynical, but there is a huge justification for those who are being skeptical.
Then again, demo builds have often been like this, so I think there are two sides to this, both completely legitimate in their fears and reassuring.
@Yorumi I kind of like them showing off the beauty of Hyrule and the new gameplay elements, but they really should have made the trailer show off a few story elements and interaction with NPCs while still keeping the game at large a mystery in order to make up for all of that not being in the demo. Oh well. I guess all there is to do right now is wait for an actual story trailer.
The story better be amazing if they're keeping even little fragments of it a secret.
@Captain_Gonru I liked the magnet. Somehow I'd survive w/o shirtless Link, I mostly stuck around trying to decide between Audrey and Kendra. But we both know there has to be a big overarching hook. (Thanks for hook BTW). BotW sounds like a simple Skyrim adaptation to me, but I find it hard to believe there won't be something more. I mean we haven't seen a single town yet. Whats' the story going to be? Can't have a Zelda game w/o impending disaster.
A hot air ballon for fast travel would be cool, that's kind of like "Breath" and "Wild". Has Link ever ridden in a hot air balloon before? The very first Spyro game had hot air balloon travel but that was only between worlds. (Unless it was the 2nd game.)
Did you see my flying Nimbus joke about the cloud on Link's amiibo? Nintendo is trolling me w/ the cloud amiibo. But a flying nimbus would be cool. That could be a wild breath as well.
So yes, cold red nippleless Link was something to show, but it can't be THE thing. Can't sell a game on that. 2 years of waiting, 9 months too release, I think it's high time to show us something.
I think this game is very interesting and a breath of fresh air for the Zelda series!
On another note, I think I discovered the first potential difference between the Wii U and NX versions. Notice how the highest resolution of the official game trailer on YouTube for Breath of the Wild is 720p. Most other games for the Wii U that ended up as 1080p in their final releases, like Super Smash Bros and Twilight Princess HD, had YouTube trailers that had 1080p as the highest resolution.
It's likely that a main difference between the Wii U and NX versions is that the Wii U version will be in 720p, while the NX will be in 1080p.
Is the footage from the NX or Wii U?
I like how they went for a more subtle and serene presentation, rather than a loud, macho, "HEY AREN'T I SO COOL DUDEBRO?" type of presentation. Very classy. The age of the graphical fidelity (and the overly long development cycle) is REALLY showing, though. I can't wait for the 4K mod of Breath of the Wild, now! Seriously, even the HD mods of Twilight Princess look as good as this, fidelity wise. I love retro, but this just looks dated for a new AAA title in 2017, beautiful art style aside. (And I'm glad art style is the focus, it has to be!)
That said, the gameplay is what matters most, so that will be what I'm waiting to hear of the most.
@Project_Dolphin Same here, I'm playing through SNES games right now and it's not bothering me at all. Playing N64, PS1, GCN and PS2 games doesn't bother me either. Nevertheless, BotW will be judged against other AAA titles releasing in 2017, and it will be judged harshly by many in that regard as looking "beautiful, but dated".
@-DEMISE- its a awesome game
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