Level 5's bid for global domination with the Yo-kai Watch brand is going to continue later this year, with Nintendo of America confirming that the second entry in the series is heading to North America on 30th September.
It is, as is all the rage at the moment, a dual release - Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits & Fleshy Souls - with each version having unique Yo-kai. The series' own spin on RPG gaming and battling will be present, of course, while the new titles will offer over 100 new Yo-kai whichever version you choose. The pitch for these entries is also promising more areas to explore, while a time travelling mechanic is key this time around.
Level 5 is also teaming up again with the likes of Hasbro and Disney XD to bring more TV shows (this Summer) and toys (this Fall) - details are below.
To expand the Yo-kai brand, Hasbro will add new items to its YO-KAI WATCH line this fall. New toys include the YO-KAI WATCH MODEL ZERO, designed to look like the watch worn by Nate in Season 2 of the animated series. The watch includes YO-MOTION TECHNOLOGY that brings Yo-kai characters to life in a new way. Fans can insert a YO-MOTION YO-KAI MEDAL into the watch and see a projected animation of that character. Hasbro will also release a new series of collectible YO-MOTION YO-KAI MEDALS, which are compatible with the new watch, as well as custom YO-KAI WATCH accessories, large plush toys and electronic figures. Additionally, fans will be able to collect and trade their favorite YO-KAI WATCH characters in a new way with the YO-KAI WATCH Trading Card Game.
Disney XD has acquired a second season of the YO-KAI WATCH animated TV show, which will premiere this summer. This season, join Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan as they get the new Yo-kai Watch Model Zero. But just because he has a new watch, that doesn't mean Nate's life will get any easier. Season 2 has more Yo-kai, more miniseries, more episodes and, most importantly, more laughs! Tune in to see how a new cast of Yo-kai interrupts Nate's normal life in unexpected and hilarious ways. Fans who missed the first season can catch up before the second season starts by picking up the DVD of YO-KAI WATCH – Season 1 in stores late 2016 or by streaming the show on Netflix now. Fans can also catch the YO-KAI WATCH manga series from VIZ Media (Volume 5 debuts this month).
No European release details have been given yet, though they'll likely come soon enough - the first game has only been available in the region for a few weeks at the time of writing.
Are you pleased to see that the series has more big plans for North America? Let us know, and below you can see a Japanese reveal trailer for this sequel from a couple of years ago (we'll replace with a Western equivalent when one is released).
Comments 67
Good news i loved the first one
The first demo put me off... I was really looking forward to it and then I tried the combat and I've been eternally put off.
Ah, so there's the hidden 3DS games Kimishima was talking about. A bunch of localizations of Japan exclusive 3DS games. The theory that the last 3DS game is Sun/Moon is seeming somewhat realistic.
I'm excited to hear that, the first one was really good. If this is the last big year for the 3DS then it is certainly going out with a bang.
I tried watching the Yo-Kai cartoon and thought it was awful though.
Cool. Now if they could release this one in Europe quicker this time, then that would be great.
This is so exciting! The sequels are so much better than the first game, adding online battling, improving the befriending system, bigger town and... I just can't contain my excitement.
YES! I've been looking forward to the sequel coming to the state, glad I'll get enough time to enjoy this before Pokemon Sun and Moon.
Yay! Actually great news, I really enjoyed the first one and with online battles, will keep the aftergame even more interesting.
@Grumblevolcano and then low quality shovelware
@toraplu yeah, I hope the friending system gets an overhaul. It seems totally random in that giving them food seemed to make no difference at all.
Wait, seriously!?!?!!???? We're actually getting the 2nd games??? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, my backlog is really going to take a beating in the fall, but this is awesome! Now to decide what version to get...
Could never get into pokemon - couldnt get into Yo Kai either (played the demo). One thing is certain however, I hate dual releases - if its just a couple of monsters that are different. Fire Emblem Fates made somehow sense with different campaigns - however, even that approach was questionable - not to mention the whole Special Edition disaster
Surprising. I was under the impression that the first one bombed in the US.
Granted that they're really cool titles, where did they get Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls from 元祖 and 本家?
Awesome, a few tweaks to the formula and YK1 would have been perfect.
@CrazedCavalier I'm pretty sure it did bomb, as no numbers were released, and no one spoke about it since its came out in NA. I'm happy they are continuing, but I am pretty surprised, maybe the show is doing better than expected.
@Grumblevolcano Appreciate the sentiment, but given the quick turn around time on 3DS games I feel certain there are at least 1 or 2 more unannounced games for 3DS. Another AC game like HHD 2 could be announced around E3 and be ready for the holidays. And as crazy as it sounds, I think 3DS is due another Mario game. I know Paper Jam just released, but a NSMB or SM3DL sequel could be possible for the holidays alongside Pokemon. Seems like every year there's a big holiday game like Zelda or SSB, so 1 more big title as 3DS send off. Not certain, but not ruling it out yet, not in May. Crazy Nitneod could announce it in September for December.
Same day as FFXV. (Well they are both JRPGs)
Not my thing, and while I can't blame the company for playing them and I'm happy for everyone enjoying them it does make me sad that 1 of my favorite developers - Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy - is so focused on handhelds. Though Ni No Kuni 2 is coming to PS4, so I guess they have room for both. And who knows, maybe NX gets it as well, they do have a good working relationship w/ Ntinedo. For all the talk of Ntinedo lacking 3rd party support 3DS seems to have a constant stream of games from 3rd parties. Monster Hunter being the big one, but Squenix helps too. And Level 5.
@rjejr They can still announce 3DS games and Sun/Moon still be the last one. Sun/Moon does come out in late November (18th in NA and JP, 25th in EU) so lets look at the situation in general for EU and NA:
May - Disney Art Academy, FE Fates (EU)
June - Kirby Planet Robobot
July - Monster Hunter Generations
August - Federation Force (NA), Style Savvy 3 (NA)
September - Federation Force (EU), Yokai Watch 2 (NA)
October - Disney Magical World 2 (NA)
November - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Unknown release dates: Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Dragon Quest VII, Dragon Quest VIII, Disney Magical World 2 (EU), Yokai Watch 2 (EU), Devilish Brain Training (EU)
For god's sake, release it in europe around the same time, please! Also, thank you for answering my prayers.
@Grumblevolcano I thought there were more 3DS games coming out than that. Not that I care, my backlog will last long into 2017 if I add the Wii U probably until 2018.
I'm ready for this
@hepgius Head and Founder were the JP title translations, right? Head -> skull -> bone. Founder -> human -> flesh.
@Grumblevolcano Are the DQ VII and VIII 3DS remakes handled by Nintendo or Square Enix? DQ VII is coming around summer, I believe, so we can expect an August date on that one.
Assuming no new 3DS reveals for E3 and no new localizations (Culdcept Revolt is ripe for this, however), Pokemon Sum and Moom will be the last 3DS games to be released by Nintendo.
I want to take note of Atlus being the one publisher to hang on to the 3DS past Nintendo, though. Etrian Odyssey V probably won't make it to the holiday season.
Will this come out in Europe?
@Grumblevolcano So are you saying there are too many 3DS games already scheduled to allow for any more? That's a good argument, and I agree it looks pretty crowded, but I don't see Disney 2 as a big enough game to carry October. I think it's too kid friendly. And Yokai Watch is Level 5, not Nintendo. And Pokemon, while it is Ninteod, is made by Gamefreak, so that still opens up other Ntinedo employees to be working on a 3DS game for October.
Maybe it won't be a Mario game, thats probably well underway for the NX handheld, but I still think Nintnod will have something for October. If not another Animal Crossing spin-off then yet another 2D platformer like Kirby, Yoshi or Chibi.
Oops, just remembered the AC spin-off is going mobile, so thats out.
Well I'll still be surprised if Ntineod doens't have their own a 3DS game for October. Pokemon has had a game every fall for years - B/W2, AS/OR/ X/Y - but Nintendo still launches Zelda alongside it.
October is too big of a holiday sales month to belong only to Disney 2. Yokai in Sept is big enough, Pokemon in Nov is obviously big enough, MHG in July is fine, MP:FF may not sell well but it is the June game. Something else big in mid/late October seems likely, announced before, during or after E3.
I just remembered shakedown hawaii is coming early next year also. So we will have some games that are coming out next year that will be worthwhile. Nintendo has also kept things pretty tight lipped so no doubt they have still have some projects in the works, whether it be new titles, or just games to that still need to be localized for us westerners.
@rjejr No, what I'm saying is if there's anymore releases then they will be released before Sun/Moon. As for the rest of your comments, the calendar I created was for games with confirmed release dates. Federation Force was confirmed delayed from last spring/early summer to August/September, Kirby Planet Robobot was confirmed for June 10th, etc.
@Nin10doh I'm not counting indies as they support consoles years after the console's "death". Nowadays even new DSi games exist.
@Grumblevolcano i figured that, but my point was there are still a lot of major games out in Japan that have yet to make it here. So there is still hope. Hell there is even Yo-Kai Watch 3 which will happen as this article is a big indication of that series getting a big push towards the west.
@RoomB31 I stated in a previous article related to Yokai Watch 3 that here in the US, a lot of times when I go places with the kids to buy the medal blind packs, they are either low on stock or sold out in some places. And Hasbro released a video from the toy fair showing new medals, trading cards, a new watch and plushies that are being released later this year. Also, a lot of second game/season yokai already have their localized names in the anime and the mobile game
@Grumblevolcano I can guarantee you that Sun/Moon are NOT the last 3DS games. There's at the very least a second set of Gen 7 Pokemon games for next year.
Even then, Dragon Quest VIII is looking more and more likely to be pushed back to early 2017.
At this point, I do believe the 3DS will be stretched to Holiday 2017.
@IceClimbers Game Freak has been breaking a lot of trends recently like having a year break (2015) and no gen 6 sequel(s) (Sun/Moon instead of Z or XY2) so I wouldn't be so certain there's a second set of Gen 7 Pokemon games.
@Grumblevolcano As @Serebii can attest to, there's always been a year break. That's not breaking a trend.
There will definitely be a second set of Gen 7 games. They have to line it up with the anime and whatnot.
I'm excited! The 2nd game has a lot of improvements plus more online gameplay so I can't wait to play it myself.
I'm interested to see if more people will start checking out YW once the 2nd game is out and the Pokemon 20th hype calms down.
Nice to see the second game making its way west - love the anime with its humour & rather enjoying the first game too.
Fingers crossed the EU release isn't too far behind though (& not a four month wait like with the first)
@RoomB31 I don't remember streetpassing with anyone who played it.
I will be getting this. I plan on getting the first one this Friday and along with the new Art Academy game. I wouldn't be counting the 3DS out just yet. I remember them saying that they weren't getting rid of the 3DS anytime soon.
@IceClimbers In Japan, sure. In Europe and NA though, the situation's different. Before 2015, the last year break was 2008 (DP was in 2007 meanwhile Platinum was in 2009).
@ShikabaneHime13 Sure stock can be low, but is there any indication on the numbers sold? maybe they didn't produce infinite, also the medals don't have infinite correlation with game sales, and until we see numbers, silence says a lot more.
@SteamedOddish Is there a way to transfer Yo-Kai between games like Pokemon has?
As far as I know, the Yo-Kai Watch TV series only just started on Cartoon Network on weekends at 7:30, also the characters look more like Inazuma Eleven characters now.
So I'm guessing Europe will get this next year, so the games aren't ahead of the TV series here.
@NinjaAceTrainer well, inazuma eleven and yokai watch are both Level-5 franchises, so the similar appearance is to almost be expected
I do have the Japanese "third version" of YW2. But I wonder if that content will be included (though I have yet to play so I don't know what that is).
Still I think YW3 is supposed to be released soon in Japan, which has kept me interested since it's supposed to be set in the US.
@Grumblevolcano Yes but in the time then, there was a 6 month delay. We should always go based on initial launch when determining these things due to how it's worldwide now. It's illogical to base statements/determinations based on western launches.
You said Game Freak broke tradition by having a year break. They did not. They often have it, it's just not seen in the west in past times due to localisation times. Simple as.
But again, Hasbro released footage at the Toy Fair showing new medals, a new watch and more. I fail to believe they would bother if game and toy sales weren't up to snuff. Numbers may not have been released but obviously the first game, anime and toys did well enough to warrant the second game and new toys and medals based on the second game
@ShikabaneHime13 Yeah, I know but Yo-Kai Watch is very popular whereas Inazuma Eleven is underrated and overlooked. I'm still wishing for Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru to be playable in Smash 5, but I know that it will never happen, unfortunately...
Well, they're wasting no time to catch up. Perhaps we'll see the Wii U spin off arrive soon to fill a gap?
@ShikabaneHime13 I guess, but it's made its money in japan, it's much less a gamble when the products already exist and just need translation..etc.. there is no doubt in my mind that the bar is much lower for needed sales.
...That was fast. lol
That's good news! My daughter loved the first Yokai Watch.
We'll hopefully get Yokai Watch 3 next year then. Even though I'm not a fan, this is great that the next game is coming out so soon for those who are.
While I wasn't a big fan of the combat (way too easy) and didn't like that befriending Yokai is never a for sure thing which can lead to a lot of grinding, I did love the story and setting and the anime is great. I'll definitely be picking up this one.
Disregarding the quality of the game for a moment, will parents (especially American parents) really be interested in buying their children something titled "Fleshy Souls?"
Hopefully we get Puzzles and dragons X as well...
@Gauchorino Fleshy Souls, the sequel to Bloodborne!
Great news! I've read that the befriending system in these games is vastly improved over the first game (where it was finicky and depended on luck overall). For those that are basing their impressions of the game solely off of the demo, I advise you to at least look up some gameplay videos on YouTube (MunchingOrange, AbdallahSmash, JohneAwesome) before completely writing these games off.
I'm also glad that there's a new season of the anime. It's clearly geared toward kids, but there are occasionally some references for an older audience.
Based on Neogaf leaks, YW sold about 70,000 units in November 2015 and an additional 120,000 in December, for a grand total of 190,000 copies sold in its first 2 months in North America. Not a "bomb", but not a groundbreaking success either. YW launch sales in NA were similar to YW launch sales in Japan, prior to the introduction of the anime that pushed the YW brand to the stratosphere in Japan.
They buy them GTA so why not?
Sweet just got the first one. Can't wait!
Not so much a transfer but save data from the previous game does give special yo-kai. Same as with the upcoming YW3 in Japan. Save data from the original, the three versions of the sequel and the spin-off games will give special bonuses
Great news. I enjoyed Yo-Kai Watch better then the last Pokémon X/Y and OR/AS games.
I still have to pick up the first game but I'm really glad that these are being localized. Bring on a European release The 3DS has an amazing library - but what has happened to Dragon Quest VIII?
I haven't got the chance to play the first game due to backlogs, so I'm neutral on the second one (only played the mobile puzzle game one), but I am excited that the television series is continuing for the second season. I been wondering when NA were getting new episodes.
Is it me, or did they name them after Undertale... "Fleshy Souls" Frisk or Chara. "Bony spirits" Sans. Someone please tell me if I'm right or not.
@Jolt I'm with you on that, but I've heard that the 2nd and 3rd games are much better. Plus I think they retcon the first game in Yo-Kai Watch 2 anyway, so if you ever decided to give it another chance, know that you aren't missing anything.
Woah this is an old post aha
I still don't think I'd try it unless it got another demo that was very good... the titles for the second games are terrible @Nin10doh
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