While the 3DS may be getting on a bit these days, it's set to enjoy a bumper 2016 in terms of RPG titles. So much so that Nintendo UK is running a campaign which aims to promote the handheld as the RPG fan's system of choice.
Dubbed #3DSAdventures, the campaign is intended to spread the word about the following games, some of which are already available while others are hitting Europe later this year:
- Final Fantasy Explorers
- Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Farnir Knight
- Bravely Second: End Layer
- Hyrule Warriors Legends
- Yo-Kai Watch
- Fire Emblem Fates
- Monster Hunter Generations
- Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Are you excited about the RPG delights that wait in store this year on 3DS? Let us know by posting a comment below, and feel free to join in the campaign by using the #3DSAdventures hashtag on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Comments 40
I would gladly see more these kinds of promotional campaigns from Nintendo. But in the US the amount of JRPGs is even greater, and arguably, the lack of EU announcement for 7th Dragon III Code VDF is a serious problem. That game needs to come over here and also be paired with this particular campaign.
Where is pokemon?
Dragon Quest and Etrian Odyssey. <3
No DQ8? Worrying.
If you're not a fan of RPGs then there's not really much for you I'm afraid...
Sadly very true.
They are all on my buy list, not sure about Yo-kai yet, played the demo abit, not sure its my type of game. Combat seems so "random" spin the wheel and just hit the red button and spin or tap circles, i dont even.
Got some of them, and I'll be getting all the rest ^.^ looking great for RPG lovers, will also get 7th dragon & DQ8
Dragon Quest... The reason to own a 3DS.👍
No Dragon Code III though 😢
Isn't this what traditionally happens in the last year of a console's life...?
I'm only joshing, but it does remind me of how people refer to the last year of the Wii (i.e. a boon of rpgs), t'is all.
Is Hyrule Warriors REALLY an RPG?
In all truth though I love that all these RPGs are coming to the 3DS, but the truth is I've really only time for one... or three depending how you perceive Fire Emblem Fates.
A video has just been posted so you can be happy again.🤗
Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 is good, but just like Untold 1, the post-game ruins it for me. If you just want a nice and easy way to see the story, the Untold games are good, but for me the originals are better. Even though they are still rock hard, they have "overpowered" skills that let you get by, and it's exactly these that have been taken out of the remakes (plus bosses made more unfair, higher HP etc).
I'm also looking forward to Dragon Quest VII, and am currently playing Stella Glow, which seems like a nice Strategy-RPG.
Not bothered I've just started dkc returns 3d!!!!! Loving it 😁
@OneArmedGiant But that only covers a US release.
Also like Lord of Magna and Rune Factory IV I bet we end up with digital only.
Sad face remains 😢
@MetalKingShield I actually like the postgame for Etrian Untold 2 even if it has some really tough bosses. The postgame is really the area of an Etrian game where you master the battle style and rework it to fit a given situation. On the other hand, Untold 1 postgame is brutal and Depth Dancer is my least favorite enemy in the series.
@JaxonH - Does Po-kai Watch look out of place on there to you?
Maybe it's just the 7 when everything else is 12.
Well at least they had enough sense to leave it out of the vid. Which was really good, except for that techno midi-music giving me a headache. JRPGs have some of the best music around, why go w/ that awful generic noise? Surely one of those games have a great orchestral score they cold have used? Something sweeping and adventurous maybe.
This one is James Bond theme song worthy.
It's a good list. Since I love RPGs, I'm hyped for most of these except for the SRPGs (sorry Fire Emblem fans)
I hear there's a little known series getting a new instalment. Sun and Moon? Something like that.
Some nice games up there, really looking forward to Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem Fates. Will pick up Yo-kai Watch too because I like the look of it.
@Fandabidozi I'm guessing Sun and Moon might not be mentioned because they'll probably end up delaying and it won't be released until next year.
FFE is okay, but some of the tasks are too easy and very repetitive, whilst others are very difficult and frustrating.
I'll probably get the other games eventually, but I like variety so might be a while. I have Legend of Legacy to play through too and that's not in the campaign.
Just a couple of games from the list.
Nooooooo 😱
This is a who's who of games I want.
DQ7 and DQ8 entirely justify my 3DS's existence.
I wish an rpg like skyrim would come to a Nintendo console. I would love if either Skyrim or the next Elder Scrolls comes to NX
Very nice list there, plenty of life left in the 3ds still.
Already got an imported NA copy of Yo-kai Watch but I'll pick up an UK copy once it releases next month & for the rest of my rpg fix, the
Legend of Legacy, Bravely Second & Stella Glow have me covered.
Just waiting on 'mon Moon/Sun & hopefully MH Stories then.
(Also, where's the love for Return to PopoloCrois:SoS Fairytale? Such a gem.)
Why is Stella Glow not on the list? Also HWL is not a Rpg
Etrian Odyssey, then Fire Emblem <3
The others are all great too - have them all.
They should include SMT DS 2 and Stella Glow!
No Stella Glow? :/
Hah, FFE doesn't belong on this list. It's mediocre at best.
That list represents approximately eleventy bazillion hours of gameplay.
I have to agree, 2016 is an incredible year for the 3DS in terms of RPG's. I'm planning on picking up Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam, Fire Emblem Fates, Bravely Second: End Layer, Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII and VIII, Zero Time Dilemma, and of course, Pokemon Moon (or Sun, depending on what version my peers get).
Final Fantasy Explorers is good but a bit repetitive seems to be getting hard to find here in the U.K though.
Dammit! So many RPGs! I've still got to finish, BRAVELY DEFAULT, WHERE THE Fairy Flies.
The 3ds is an RPG fans best friend. 2016 is shaping up to be another good year.
I have been waiting for Dragon quest 7 for a long time i hope it will be worth the wait.
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