Ever since Keiji Inafune – the creator of Mega Man – left Capcom, the Mega Man series has more or less been put on ice. Though we technically got another entry in the classic series with the Capcom-approved fan game, Street Fighter X Mega Man, it still isn't much of a stretch to say that the series hasn't been at its best lately. Fans have been given a bit of hope in more recent times, however, with the release of the Mega Man Legacy Collection, and it raises questions as to what's coming next for the Blue Bomber.
While Capcom still hasn't announced anything further, a recent Japanese survey for the company potentially gave us a look at what might be in store. Two questions in particular stood out; one of them asked if "you would like to play a new entry in the classic series (like Mega Man 11)," and another asked about future collections, referring to Mega Man X, Zero, Legends, Battle Network, ZX, and Star Force. Only time will tell if any of this becomes real, but perhaps Mega Man isn't finished yet.
What do you think? What would you like to see next from Mega Man? Would you buy any of the thigns mentioned? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source rockman-corner.com]
Comments 46
I still have cautious hope that we'll see new Mega Man content. Out of all the things listed I would certainly buy an X and Battle Network collection.
The best ideas they come up with are a third Mega Man 2 rehash and MORE collections? Wow. Rest in peace, Rock.
I'm still salty about the cancellation of Legends 3. It was well on its way to become something great, and then they just pulled the plug on the whole thing.
Inti Creates is keeping the spirit of MMZ games alive with Gunvolt now, so I'm not expecting anything good MM-related from Capcom anymore unless they somehow can make Legends 3 happen the way it was supposed to, but that's not going to happen.
Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. Mega Man's "future." I'll believe it when I see it. Melancholic sigh
That Metroid Prime -style Mega Man game, Maverick Hunter, looked cool. Too bad that game never made it...
Yeah, Mega Man is long overdue for another remake/port, it's gonna happen soon.
I dunno, fans really like the 8 mega man 2 rehashes. Maybe fans just want more of the same! Maybe we want another mega man 2 with new weapons, new stages, and a few more mechanics along with more playable characters
I wouldn't mind WiiU poweredUp 2
Honestly, I'd just be happy if they added Mega Man 9 & 10 to the eshop. It would also be nice to have 8 as a VC release, if there's even a way to make that work somehow. After all this time, a new game seems like quite a hefty thing to hope for. I would love to see one, of course.
Itd be cool if they tried something completely new like when they made battle network and legends.
If it happens, there's a chance it'll be released before Mighty No. 9.
@crazyj2312 While I am open with experimtation the franchise is so frail at this point that it might be wise if they make a new game to make it more similar to the original or X series (at least in concept).
I actually couldn't get far into the Mega Man or Mega Man X Series. I enjoy the games until they just get too hard for me. Battle Network and Star Force are another story. I loved and beat all of them. If they got more games, I would certainly buy them all.
so new board game incoming?
Its odd. They can see the love but they just don't seem to know what to do with him
I would REALLY love to see another Battle Network entry. I know there's been 6 but that was a long while ago...
Please.. No more 8-Bit Classic Rockman.. Give us X or .EXE, anything but Classic Rockman..
I don't care. I've played trough the classic series, 2 X games and 1 Zero game. There are still so many Mega Man games I´ve yet to play so I don´t mind if there´s no new Mega Man games coming out in the next 10 years.
I'd love to see a Mega Man X9 made in the same style as Mega Man X, X2 & X3; just like they did in Mega Man 9 & 10.
The Zero series was my personal favourite but I believe they wrapped that one up nicely in the quadrilogy. A new Mega Man ZX would be nice but as long as they use ZX as the baseline rather than ZX Advent.
I'd love another Battle Network or Star Force game, tho I realize the chances are quite slim. Still, one can dream...
Collection or figures will probably be it.
If it's a new game t will launch with four boss characters and the rest of the gamevwill be added as completed.
Whatever Mega Man game Capcom make next, it's sure to come out before Mighty Number 9.
@MitchVogel Keiji Inafune is not Mega Man's creator. He helped design the character and many of the bosses throughout the series. The original Rockman was a collaborative effort, but Inafune himself credits Akira Kitamura as the creator: "I'm often called the father of Mega Man, but actually, his design was already created when I joined Capcom. My mentor [Kitamura] who was the designer of the original Mega Man, had a basic concept of what Mega Man was supposed to look like. So I only did half of the job in creating him."
I would like too see a full HD Remake of Mega Man using the Smash Mega Man model as the man character.
If they decide to keep releasing entries in the classic series indefinitely, they can count on me buying every single one of them.
The thing I want to see in Megaman's future is "sold to Nintendo". Give the IP to someone who'll actually use it.
Title should actually read "megaman survey leaves fans hopeful for the future of megaman"
I'll believe it when I see it
I absolutely want a game in the vein of the originals, or the X series. Cause everything else is a clear notch below.
Mega Man 9 and 10 were fantastic. I'll take a MM11, although I wish they'd do it with modern graphics like Mighty No 9.
The poll should be asking 'Would you buy a fun video game?' Because that's the approach they need to take and not 'Would you buy this brand?'. Do they not have the game designers that can design a fun game that sells on those merits and which also accommodates the Mega Man IP?
It really makes me think that Mega Man to Capcom is little more than a recognizable brand and not first and foremost a fun concept for a video game that they are confident enough in communicating that value of fun to a consumer that typically wants to buy exactly that
Ehh, pipe dream.
I would want a new Mega Man X game in the vein of X4 or something like that.
Mega Man Star Force 4 would be amazing.
I want a Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X9. Doesn't have to be old school styled but please keep them 2D, not like X7 and X8.
I would LOVE a new Battle Network game.
A compilation of the first X on 3DS would be great. But I would rather see a new "period", where they keep the plateform and game original spirit while tweaking/adding some gameplay elements. Like when X was released, or Zero, or ZX...
On 3DS if possible (of course, I know this last part is impossible XD)
I always regretted that Rockman ended with the ZX series.
I still have about 2-3 decades worth of megaman to catch up to. But would be nice to see the little guy make a comeback.
ill totally buy it i mean Mighty No.9 is coming for wii u if they do it soon i mean another megaman same col style as Castlevania dracula x chronicles for psp thats Perfect style for new 2d games you should pay attention to that style capcom!!!!! and get mega man in more crossover fighting games you ruined it with no MM in UMVC 3 at least we got it in smash bros but still you have wasted so much time Capcom.
@JaxonH The problem with modern graphics is how well they make use of them. Besides SEGA, I can't find any other dev that makes them visually appealing just passable at best.
I'd only be interested if it comes from Inafune and/or Inticreates. Otherwise, my hopes for a "good" MM game are pretty low. Capcom needs to get off it's pride-horse and pay Inafune to do the game, but I'm not holding my breath. Guess I'll look forward to Gunvolt 2 and Mightly No. 9 (if it doesn't get delayed yet again) in the meantime.
People who know me expect me to say "I would love a new MMBN game", because that is my favorite Megaman series. But I don't, it was one of the few Megaman series to get a proper ending. And I'm happy it had that, I'd rather Capcom book end one of the other Megaman stories honestly.
Or make a new series.
X8 was 2D, unless you want the game to be both 2D with sprite graphics.
rather, the problem with modern graphics in terms of mega man is that it's in 3D. you have less precision than pixels, so it's harder to judge those pixel perfect jumps mega man is notorious for, also, you view from a fixed camera height, so things in the middle are being viewed straight on, but things viewed lower or higher than that are viewed at an angle, while classic 2D graphics had everything viewed straight on.
it's less about the look, more about how it effects the game... at least for ACTUAL mega man fans. half the people here prolly just quit as soon as it gets hard. Actual fans play because it gets hard.
@khaosklub That's really not the case. I've played a lot of 2.5D games and they all are pretty precise and control very well. Its when you cram an engine that isn't meant to be in these types of games that becomes the problem. Sonic Generations didn't have the same physics as the genesis ones....which explains why the physics are not as fluid.
Me personally, unless 3D Graphics are done perfectly, its pretty much bland and there aren't that many games that make the visuals vibrant for 2.5D games.
yeah! just like how they use their own gun arm toting beloved character! I'm sure we'll see a whole slew of mega man themed spinoffs, like mega man mega amiibo marathon, and mega man soccor strikers 2! Nintendo certainly knows how to give fans of non-Zelda and non-Mario franchises exactly what they want!
F-zero fans are just happy as clams!
I have 0 faith in Capcom because they have been leaving it to fans to make Megaman fans happy over these last years. Everytime they get up hype, we get crap mobile games, like Breath of Fire 5. Plus the Legends 3 fiasco was a nail in the coffin.
I have faith, since I hear that street fighter isn't doing well...
They might resort more to low budget sequels to old games. I think we might get more 8 bit mega man, psone style X games, and some other classic games at a lower budget
Nah, they most likely just make another cheap ios thingy!
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