There has been much scepticism about Metroid Prime: Federation Force, which series producer Kensuke Tanabe addressed head on in today's Nintendo Direct broadcast. He also showed how Samus Aran will make a cameo appearance in the game, although she will not be a playable character, and we learned that this one is closer than we'd expected with a 'late Spring' release.
This next chapter in the Metroid Prime series is a first-person adventure, as shown at E3 last year. Players take on missions that tell the story of the battle between the Galactic Federation's elite Federation Force unit and the Space Pirates.
Each player must select and carry specific sub-weapons based on their preferred roles, which was described as a system almost class-like. Players can customize their "role" in the game, with some focusing on weapons and others on healing, for example. It was always intended to be an online multiplayer experience and part of the Metroid Prime series.
Tanabe-san revealed that development on the game went back as far as 2009 with Next Level Games. It was felt that the DSi didn't have enough grunt for a game of this scope, so when the New 3DS was revealed with its C-stick, it felt like the perfect time. That said, there's no suggestion that this is New 3DS-exclusive, so older 3DS models are set to join in the action.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force will be released late Spring. As always let us know your thoughts on these new revelations with a comment below.
Comments 152
My problem with Federation Force is that it looks nothing like a Metroid game. The art style sucks and I can not get past that. This would have been a cool idea if it were on Wii U and actually looked like the Prime series.
This looks amazing.😃
Go on youtube and watch those dislikes rise!
Still looks dull and boring to me
@MadAnimator Its a spinoff it doesnt necessarily have to adhere to the conventions of the main series
@Xaessya Who do you think will have the most though? Color Splash looks like it's got a kick!
Still have my hopes for dis.
Better off than Youtube pulling a disliking hunt to anything that mentions federation force. (Sounds like they haven't cooled off almost a year later.)
@Xaessya Rising...rising...rising....annnnnnnnnnnnndddd it's disabled.
I don't mind it not being a Samus game, but being first person view and always online doesn't work for me- especially on a tiny screen on a portable console. Is it just me or would this have worked better if it was just called 4 space marine gents for the Wii U?
@Wolfgabe I understand that, but I have no interest in this direction at all. Also I just don't enjoy this style of game on a handheld. Same goes for Monster Hunter, I just can't sit there huddled around a tiny screen sinking dozens of hours into a game when my TV is right there.
I just want a different art style. I do agree that this could do better on U as well. More solid online experience there.
Doesn't look like there's a solo mode... That's disappointing.
With that said, I actually enjoyed the MP: FF segment. Definitely infomative!
This is going to be good.
The same person that worked on the Prime series is working on this. Next Level is behind it. There is little reason to believe it will be bad.
So you aren't going to play as Samus? Big deal, and they'll have it as paid DLC down the road.
Online, co-op, RPG elements. That's win win, win for me.
Would be better on the WiiU I think since its an online game, so not very portable but I think I'm gonna give it a go on release!
I'll be getting this day one. I really want to support the Metroid series. However, I can see this totally ending up like Codename Steam sadly.
I thought it looked fairly good and that's today's presentation would lift people's opinions on it...clearly I was wrong, as it's being down-voted massively on YouTube and receiving its fair share of negative comments on other news sites. I really don't get the unconditional hate for this game...
I agree that the art style screams spin-off and not in a good way. I don't hate the game like some, but also can't see anything groundbreaking in the vein of online co-op coming from this project.
You know I often think of Oddworld Strangers Wrath for some reason with this game
Back at E3 it looked as far from Metroid as you can get, but the gameplay shown in this trailer seems to be a little closer to traditional Metroid gameplay. So I'm a little more optimistic for the game now. Still probably going to fall well short of everyone's expectations for Metroid, but I think it might actually be an okayish game.
Always thought there was more to this game than the E3 trailer and am happy with what I've seen. Yes, I'd have preferred it on Wii U and in a similar style to the main Prime games - imagine HD Prime environments - but I'm certainly not going to hate on it for not including Samus...
Im still conviced that this is an early DS game graphically speaking.
It looks terrible, no matter what.
And im still not entirely sold on it. Is it strictly multiplayer only ?
If so, count me out. Just not my cup of tea. Well, at least I'll have more money to buy good games by skipping this.
If it's always online, & can't be played offline, then I'm not too sure. Online multi would have been better for WU. Still, I'll be watching this, as I am Color whatever it is Paper Mario.
I do think it is funny that they tried to mimic Chozo tech and got mechs out of the deal. Perhaps Samus will build her own mech later?
Can't wait to play some Grifball on this. Looking forward to late spring, whewwwww!!
The biggest problem about Federation Force's lack of focus on Samus is that we've seen such "series minus series core" (to quote the trope with the same name on Tv Tropes) games in the Mario series: think about it, about Luigi's Mansion, about Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and the like. However, the Mario franchise is prolific, while the Metroid series is not. So given the long overdue new 3DS Metroid game is a gaiden Metroid game, this means Samus fans will either have to settle with this, thus proving Nintendo they can get away with messing with the Metroid fanbase, or boycott the game and give Nintendo the unintentional message of the Metroid series lacking a future. It's kind of a lose-lose scenario.
It's clear they want us to like this so bad, but really didn't offer anything to change our minds. I love Metroid, but can't get behind this game.
This looked better than I remembered at E3, but still doesn't appeal to me. Usually I only enjoy multiplayer co-op games if it's truly special, but this doesn't look that good.
Ech... I am guessing they "chibi'd" it for the 3DS. I really wish game companies would stop doing that on portables! It's like saying "only kids will play this" when there's a lot of adult gamers who have a 3DS.
I really do hate the gaming community nowadays. Slamming masterpiece games with 0's on MetaCritic just to lower the scores (and they go right back to binging on the game they just slammed), spamming dislikes because they can't handle not getting EXACTLY what they want every single time.
And then boasting about it as if they speak for all the millions of Nintendo fans...
I'll admit, this game doesn't look great. It looks ok, decent, not bad. But I'm not gonna throw a tissy fit over it not being exactly what I wanted.
The director of the Prime series has EARNED his right to make spinoffs, even if I'm not crazy for this game I will defend it from these irrational people in our fanbase. The same ones who cost us a Wii U Metroid entry by doing this exact same thing to Other M, which (while not superb) was a really really fun game.
And I'm going to set the example as a true Metroid fan. Regardless of how good this game ends up being, I'm going to spend my money and support it. Why? To do my part in sending Nintendo a signal that Metroid games CAN still succeed. And show them fans will indeed support a new Metroid. I will do my part to ensure the series doesn't die (and let's face it, if 2 releases in a row underperform with a fanbase uproar, it very well could mean the end of this franchise)
Fans of Mario Kart and Smash got outstanding games on Wii U. Heck, 3DS owners had great games in Smash and MK7.
It's unfortunate that Metroid fans get this nerf'd looking mess, lol.
This actually looks very interesting. Art style aside (the big heads and tiny bodies don't do it for me) the mechanics are there. I am not disappointed, it's a spin-off meant to cast a wider net, it may be canon, but it isn't meant to be a flagship Metroid. My guess is that, the game itself, is trying to expand the universe as well as a way of prepping for a NeXt Metroid.
this is an embarrassment to the Metroid series, bar none. And I hope it dies a sorry death. Spin off or not. They agonized their fans. Other M, now this. Pure, unbridled destruction. And I hope they burn for this.
@JaxonH Heh. Shows a misguided sign that Metroid may not be worth bringing back. It's a lose- lose situation for these haters. For me. I got better things to do than to over worry about stuff like this. Zelda has spinoffs. Mario had COUNTLESS spinoffs. Why can't metroid anymore after pinball and hunters even after Other M?
I'm a huge metroid fan and I must say I'm still interested in that game. It's not what we want for sure, but I'm not being desperate either. I just think this game could bring really interesting aspects to the metroidverse.
My main complaint is putting the name Metroid in the title.. Galactic Federation Force would have sparkled less flames I think. Less media attention though (Ahh..Money...).
Honestly, game looks like it could be great fun. I'd love to play with 4 people but I'm just not a fan of the tiny 3DS controls and screen. This game makes me want to like it though. So much potential and it looks great. Chibi prejudice aside I don't see why people would think the graphics are poor. Have you all played a 3DS game? Or are you comparing to consoles?
Thing is, this is a nicer presentation, but it looks as good as it did from day one. The Treehouse gameplay showed a fun, possibly addictive cooperative experience with real teamwork necessary and engaging, varied scenarios with Prime-like environments and series touchstones.
It's a victim of Metroid draught, backlash against Metroid Other M, and high hopes being dashed in general with Nintendo at E3 last year. Everything else I'm seeing against it is mostly irrational.
Oh this looks hello good. The graphics and art style is meh. It does look like a great action game once you get past that and there is a Metroid story waiting to unravel in it. I know we wanted a real Metroid game. It looks like we have a great little game here. I won't get this day one but I'm hopeful it will be great.
The worst thing about this game at E3 wasn't really the game itself. It was that it got everyone's hopes up for MP4, only to have them dashed. I mean, no one in Nintendo's situation, with the fiven state of Metroid, would tease everyone with a portable spinoff and NOT reveal MP4 at then end of the E3 Dirext, right?
But if you get past the disappointment, MP:FF looks like it could be good fun. Shame about that art style, though.
@Bliquid Yeah, that announcement is making me really jealous of new 3ds owners. You have a point though. Hopefully we'll get a demo of this game before launch.
Not really having anything to do with the gaming community, it has to do with the Metroid fanbase being deprived of a Metroid game. I made quite a number of points regarding this game so you had every chance to defend it during that time, yet neglected to do so. Defending this game justifies it's existence, and most Metroid fans decry the existence of it. The problem with all the games people have mentioned as examples is that these are major franchises with huge fanbases and get games fairly frequently. Metroid hasn't had any decent games in about a decade, then they fanbase gets assaulted with a game that looks overall pretty bad. Does it deserve all the dislikes it gets? I doubt it, but the fact remains not many people asked for, nor want this game. I don't recall ever hearing a Metroid fan say "I'd really like a Metroid game where Samus only makes a cameo, it's a sub-par clone of games like Lost Planet and Monster Hunter, and with chibi artstyle graphics." Blaming the fanbase doesn't help your case because this has NOTHING to do with the Metroid fanbase. There's only so much blame you can pin on a fanbase. The fanbase has nothing to do with the lack of a Wii U sequel, now you're the one being irrational. Nintendo has the final say in what games they produce and release, and they simply have chosen not to release Metroid games. Perhaps the well of creativity is dry or perhaps it just isn't worth the effort. Whatever the case, decrying the fanbase for it doesn't help, and it makes you look every bit as irrational as the people you're bashing.
More importantly, why defend it? Are you such a Nintendo fan that you HAVE to defend this game? You don't seem terribly impressed with it, so why bother? The game will most likely flop regardless of how much you defend it, and it's a waste of effort. You're better off defending Star Fox Zero, or any other game that actually has a chance of succeeding.
Worst of all, you're not sending a signal that the Metroid fanbase has a future, you're sending a signal that the fanbase is so starved, they'll lap up even the most garbage of scrap they throw out to the starving masses. It's almost impressive that you can think that you'd be supporting the franchise.
@AlexSora89 said it best. It's a lose-lose situation no matter how you look at it. Buy it and prove the fanbase will eat up anything. Don't buy it and NIntendo has an excuse to forever ignore Metroid because it doesn't sell.
Big difference between Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Metroid is a niche series in Japan and even in America (where the game is most popular supposedly), most people don't really play Metroid games. Putting a spinoff in a series that is already in a drought and has a small fanbase is inviting disaster, and that's exactly what happened here. Don't compare apples to oranges, Metroid is not Mario nor Zelda. It's Metroid. Doing a spin-off for Metroid right now would be the same as bringing back Streets of Rage but make it a puzzle game or an RPG. It just wouldn't work.
Still not convinced. Sorry.
Is it just me, or does the way that guy in trailer talks sound like this?:
That was literally all I could think of during this.
"made quite a number of points regarding this game so you had every chance to defend it during that time, yet neglected to do so."
Uh, was I supposed to be stalking your posts? I've never even seen you on this site before, much less have interest in arguing with you.
"Defending this game justifies it's existence, and most Metroid fans decry the existence of it"
That's exactly the problem with the Metroid fanbase. They think the only games allowed to exist are the exact, specific ones they demand.
"don't recall ever hearing a Metroid fan say I'd really like a Metroid game where Samus only makes a cameo"
And I don't recall developing video games being the same thing as a DJ taking requests either. This is not waiting tables- and fickle fans only want rehashes of the same old game they love. I DO recall most all Nintendo fans saying they wanted more online focused games though, and this is certainly that.
"The fanbase has nothing to do with the lack of a Wii U sequel... Nintendo has the final say in what games they produce and release, and they simply have chosen not to release Metroid games. Perhaps... it just isn't worth the effort."
I disagree. Had the fanbase not acted like the sky was falling over Other M, simply because their poor beloved silent protagonist showed personality, it would have sold a lot better. As Reggie said, "where did the Other M sales go?" And a franchise that doesn't sell is a franchise that doesn't get prioritized. You're exwctly right, perhaps it wasn't wirth the effort. Why bother investing in such a high budget, well-designed game when it's just going to get blasted and boycotted over personal insecurities from fans who imagined a character in their mind that didn't exist
"Worst of all, you're not sending a signal that the Metroid fanbase has a future, you're sending a signal that the fanbase is so starved, they'll lap up even the most garbage of scrap they throw out"
Ironically, you could be correct here (assuming the game turns out to ACTUALLY be a bad game, which you have no idea of at this point in time). But even so, that message is perhaps the last hope to keep the franchise alive.
I know you THINK spazzing and boycotting yet ANOTHER Metroid game will result in Nintendo just coming to their senses, saying "aha, we need to make a Metroid Prime 4, then they'll be happy" but that's not what's going to happen. What's going to happen is they're going to say, "aha, Metroid is more trouble than it's worth- the bad publicity alone isn't worth the investment, much less coupled with 2 consecutive losses on releases. Franchise is indefinitely cancelled".
Skilled devs good a bad premise does not make.
There are plenty of reasons for it to be bad, even with next level, it depends on how much freedom they're given and resources.
You know it's going to be good because Nintendo is insisting that it should be part of the metroid series. No reason to worry there, nope!
Well I've been here for years and we've even spoken a few times, so, maybe? My overall point was that there was plenty of chance for you to defend the game about a year back.
But besides that, you keep trying to speak for a fanbase you clearly don't understand nor have any respect for. You don't know what the Metroid fanbase thinks, neither do I. I can only report on what I see, and what I see is a game no one wants. I don't think it has anything to do with the fanbase being entitled, I think it has to do with the fanbase being more or less neglected. Even non-metroid fans think this game looks crap. Without the bells and whistles that make a Metroid game Metroid, what reason is there for the game to exist? It has very little in common with Metroid, and THAT seems to be the overall issue fans have with it. It's simply not Metroid.
"I disagree. Had the fanbase not acted like the sky was falling over Other M, simply because their poor beloved silent protagonist showed personality, it would have sold a lot better."
This is when you prove how little you respect or understand the fanbase you're hating so much. They didn't hate the game for the protagonist showing "personality", they hated it for generally dumping all over canon, completely crippling Samus to the point she was unrecognizable as a character, giving her an awful voice actress, and generally being very disrespectful to the character and putting more focus on the fact she had a uterus. Other M wasn't a very good game, and while I agree it got way more hate than it deserved, the fact remains it did not go over well with fans. That had nothing to do with the fanbase being the way you described, so much as it had to do with Metroid: Other M not being all that good. It was a drastic departure from Other M which in of itself is not a bad thing, but it just didn't go well with fans. Nintendo were the ones who chose to ignore the series from that point onwards, not the fans. Why blame the fanbase when you should be blaming Nintendo? If it were any other franchise, they would have tried again, but being that it's Metroid, naturally they didn't bother anymore.
As for Federation Force being bad, you are absolutely correct on that, I don't know that it'll be bad. But really, that isn't the point. Final Fantasy XIII wasn't a bad game either but that is still one of THE most hated FF games ever made. Why? Because it alienated the fanbase. There's only so far you can push a fanbase, and Federation Force pushes a fanbase that was already at a breaking point way too hard. All I can say is that looking at the treehouse videos a year back, nothing about the game looked good to me, and that's really all I can say.
As for boycotting, that isn't what I said at all, so don't try to tell me what I think! You have no idea what madness goes on in my mind! That said, I don't think boycotting it will help at all, but I don't think buying it will either. If successful Metroid games were all we needed, then I think the franchise wouldn't have ended up in the shape it is in now. As someone who has been a Metroid fan all her life, I can tell you right now that Metroid has never been Nintendo's favorite. At best, it's a middle child that Nintendo scarcely pays any attention to. This game could sell like hotcakes and there's no promise Nintendo would still care.
Honestly? @AlexSora89 really did say it best. This is a losing situation. You're right to say that if this game fails, Metroid is probably finished, of that I have no doubt of. Selling well however doesn't help either, it'll just prove that Nintendo really can get away with anything. In this sense, fanboys who blindly buy games do more harm than good, but on this point we'll have to agree to disagree cause neither of us really know for certain how Nintendo would react if the game actually sold a few copies. All we can offer is conjecture and I doubt we'd change either of our views.
At this point I'd sooner the Metroid series just die off anyway. If Nintendo isn't going to do any better than this, then I'd sooner the franchise just get put down. I don't want Federation Force, and it's not even about wanting a Prime 4, it's about wanting a GOOD Metroid game, and i just don't see Federation Force being good nor a Metroid game. It's certainly not my idea of Metroid, and apparently a lot of people feel the same way.
I'm actually warming up to this game, unlike how I felt before about it. Only problem I have is the way the character models look in the game, but otherwise it does sound like something I would play and very much enjoy.
And it sounded way less scary when I wrote that comment, too. Now I'm fearing this is the gaming equivalent of what Northern Americans call the Friday Night Death Slot: it's like Nintendo wanted to sink the Metroid franchise on purpose!
Although there's a third scenario, which seems to be flying pigs territory. If early copies are sent to Youtubers and said YTers find out there's an unlockable "Samus mode" in the postgame, now that would save the game - and the series - without Nintendo's marketing division even doing as much as lifting a finger.
Then again, I might be delusional.
I AM part of the fanbase. But you're right, I certainly don't respect the fanbase.
All that "crippled the character, yada yada" is just spin talk for exactly what I said. Samus had no personality before- she was never voiced and rarely spoke. So how can you say they crippled a personality that never existed? They crippled the IMAGINARY character players had envisioned.
And voice actress? Come on, I've seen FAR worse than that in games highly praised. Voice acting is irrelevant. And focus on her having a uterus? That's again the problem I keep referring to. People have this imaginary Samus in their mind, from all those years of ya know, not actually having any personality, and got upset when the creators HONORED CANON by writing Samus to the Manga, the only source material that actually establishes personality.
"Even non-metroid fans think this game looks crap."
And I say to you, that is beside the point. A lot of games look like crap. But they don't cause riots, spamming hateful comments and dislikes, and all the other nonsense you see when any Metroid game does not conform to the exact dictations of its vocal minority fanbase.
I'm honestly excited! Its been itching for a new Metroid game in general, and this looks like it'll scratch that itch nicely! I'm planning on buying a N3DSXL in time for it as well.
The dislikes were going to be mounting on this title no matter what. Unfortunately, we are in the age of Internet trolls. Outside of this game magically becoming Metroid Prime 4 with the visuals they wanted, this was going to happen.
It would be nice if people would save judgement until after they have a more in depth look at the game. They won't. It seems to be about the knee jerk reaction.
I don't see why the creator can't try to flesh out the universe more. Why people get up in arms because you can't play as Samus is beyond me. I mean one knock a lot of people give Nintendo is the lack of story surrounding games. A guy tries to give us one, and "fans" turn on him.
All of this said, this game is going to have a tough time because it looks to be a New 3DS exclusive. It is not a system seller. I think it has been proven no Metroid game is. Xenoblade, Binding of Issac, Federation Force , and the SNES alone are not going to move many systems.
I don't understand the hate. I would rather see talented developers experiment with different ideas and hopefully come up with something that's fun and worth building on in the future. Maybe a game like this will miss the mark, but I'm sure they weren't sitting around a table plotting on how they can crush our dreams. They wanted to create something good and I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt until we see the finished product.
I agree, for the most part. I said pretty much the same thing about a year ago. If they did a single player campaign in which you played as Samus, this would do a lot of good. I don't think it would change the fact the game looks a bit meh to most people but it would remove one of the main complaints. Now throw in some Metroids, a few bosses, maybe some weapons that resemble Metroid, and we'll be off to a very promising start! Oh look, a flying pig.
Samus didn't have a huge amount of personality, you are correct, but she had more than say Link or Mario. She was not a completely blank slate and she certainly wasn't the weak, sniveling mess you see in Other M. Even if you ignore the damage it did to Samus as a character (google THE BABY for more information), the story itself was bordering on Metal gear levels of absurdity and even the gameplay wasn't terribly impressive as the game designers seemed to struggle between deciding if they were making a side-scroler, first person shooter, or ninja gaiden-style game. There's just so much more wrong with Other M than just character assassination, it goes well beyond that.
Besides that, to go as far as to say "cripple a character that never existed" only shows how little you understand Metroid. Samus was not a completely blank slate and she was certainly a strong woman. I'd love for you to point out to me anywhere in any previous Metroid game where Samus was as much of a broken mess as she was in Other M. Fusion gave Samus more character and guess what? IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE PATRONIZING! Imagine that! They made Samus have more personality without putting emphasis on the fact she had a uterus. It's amazing, really.
Even if we run with her being a blank slate with no personality, there's still the fact it completely clashed with any vision anyone had of Samus, and ignored series canon to boot. I don't recall seeing not one mention of the Chozo in Other M for example, it's as if the Chozo never existed. Instead we get "ADAM IS GREAT CAUSE LOL REASONS". It's insulting to the player.
As far as the manga goes, that was precisely part of the problem, they tried to follow a manga well after the events of the actual manga. The manga portrayed Samus as being a little less confident and weaker because it took place BEFORE! Other M took place AFTER Super Metroid, making all these attempts to tie it in to the manga look transparent at best. more importantly, Sakamoto is not a writer, and it shows. Other M was one of the most poorly written stories I have ever seen, with entire plots being dropped completely as if two different writers were writing the same story but forgot to collaborate with one another. But we're getting off track at this point.
As for the game looking like crap, well, yes you are semi-correct there. The difference is that Metroid as I said before, is a series that has been put on ice for about a decade. People seem to consistently miss this point and I'm trying my best to make it clear: Metroid cannot be compared to other franchises. They're just not the same. Metroid cannot be compared to Mario, Zelda, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Halo, or any other series. It's just not relevant or reasonable to compare them. Metroid as a franchise is an individual. if you look back at Super Metroid and then look at Prime, you see just how well change can be received if it's done well. Prime was a good series. While not perfect, it was good, and the fans welcomed it with open arms despite how different it was. The fanbase didn't do the same for Other M and Federation Force because, simply put, these games are not impressing them. That doesn't mean they're bad, but it certainly means the Metroid fanbase as a whole isn't that interested.
in the case of Other M, you cannot tack on a story to a franchise that has never really had one. It doesn't work. When the story is juvenile and poorly written, that REALLY doesn't help. Now completely alter the character to the point where she behaves nothing like her previous counterparts, slap on some gaudy high heels that don't belong on her feet, and have Team ninja make the game so that we have a lot of emphasis and focus on her chest rather than her intelligence or combat prowess, and this my friends is how you kill a game.
While the absence of Samus as a character is without a doubt one of the major complaints, I mentioned about a year ago that in terms of fitting in as a Metroid game goes, it has far bigger problems than that. The locations, enemies, and weaponry don't match at all. With locations like "Lost World" instead of Phendrana Drifts or... Y'know, anything that sounds remotely Metroid, enemies with generic names like "ice Beast" instead of the Shegoth from Prime, and even the the Space Pirates seemed generic. At the time, they were simply called "Troopers". I don't know if that has changed, but that was the case about a year ago. Even the weaponry looks out of place. There's no screwattacks that I know of, no grapple beam, just generic grunts with arm cannons. It goes beyond Samus being playable. Even the overall tone of the game is different, using the chibi graphics instead of the more realistic ones. Do you think Halo fans would react well to a Halo game with chibi graphics? Probably not. I don't have a problem with them myself but they certainly don't fit Metroid very well, no?
That said, I agree. It's not going to be a seller.
While I'm at it, the reason we don't have a Wii U Metroid may very well stem from the fact that most gamers don't own a Wii U, and Metroid is a niche series. Put those two together and that might be a better reason why we don't have a Wii U Metroid game, rather than, y'know. Blaming the fanbase cause, reasons.
EDIT: Another thing I wanted to mention is that as far as Metroid fans know, this is the ONLY Metroid game coming out. if there had been news of another Metroid game coming, I think this game would get far better reception. If this is the only game coming out in the series, then the hate is pretty justified and I myself am not really getting too excited about it.
<strong><strong>cringe intensifies</strong></strong>
It's all opinions but anyone saying other M saying it was a bad Metroid game must have not played the rest of the Metroid series besides prime or they have a terrible memory. The gameplay was fantastic and actually offered challenging combat, something that was missing from the prime games but very present in the old 2D games.
I loved the prime games but they were way too easy for Metroid, besides a few boss battles across three games. They were about adventure with some shooting thrown in.
Other M is my favorite Metroid game besides Super Metroid and I've been playing since the Nes. No one speaks for all of a fan base, no one can truly speak for anyone but themselves but the tools going on and on about Other M ruining Samus as a character was the most annoying thing that happened to Metroid not this game.
Game might be good or terrible. The graphics are terrible with far better 3D graphics on the system. But then again it might be fantastic fun.
Maybe the graphics are like that because there will actually be challenging room filled enemy encounters. If they are making a pure shooter based on the amount of enemies per screen from the prime series the game would suck even if it looked pretty.
Salty people everywhere. Being so judgemental to a game they've never played.
I think I can say for all fans of metroid is that the concept is cool, but why metroid? ya know.
@JaxonH ilIt could be a good game but, my problem is that it's only online and Nintendo refuses to see the problems people have with the title.I'm fine with the art style but, the edges on the models look a little rough to me and for some reason I feel like this game is just filler to keep us waiting patiently for the next main series Metroid game while also filling up their 2016 roster of games.
@JaxonH Absolutely everything you're saying is so bang on that it seems like you've been in my head and just written all my thoughts about Metroid and the fanbase.
Do we all want a brand new 'proper' Metroid or Metroid Prime? Of course we do, because those games were amazing. But this looks like a genuinely fun addition to the series.
The main argument seems to be people angry that it's not what they wanted but nobody wanted a fat plumber who jumped on mushrooms and turtles, nobody wanted a blue hedgehog who collects rings, nobody wanted said fat plumber to run round small spherical planetoids... nobody wants anything until they see it. People should just quit the petulant whining and wait to try the game. If it's not the sort of game you like then fine.
Bloc Party are one of my favourite bands but their new album is garbage. Not online ranting about how it's an insult to my life compared to what came before. Shame gamers are generally more immature than toddlers...
No matter what people say all I can see when I look at this game is a title with tons of potential for good times. There is one issue with me though and that is the topic of the single player content on offer seeing as my 3DS and Wii U have a lot of trouble connecting to the internet without dropping out of matches. Either way if it is completely focused on multiplayer I will have to pass unfortunately, even though I really like how it is shaping up.
The reason previous games didn't portray her as such, is because they barely portrayed her! Who are you to say it's BAD to be vulnerable? And she was ALSO strong in Other M. You ignore the fact she's killing aliens and taking names the entire game, and only focus on moments of humanity likes it's an affront to you and others. Nothing wrong with being weak at times- it makes us human. No you didn't see it in prior games- you didn't see ANYTHING in prior games hardly.
And it doesn't matter if manga took place before or after, it was only to serve as inspiration! She could have been like this the entire time! We just never knew it because the games were so dated they didn't give us thigs like an emotional story, voiced dialog or even more than a glimpse into her personality.
And had Other M released before the Prime series, people would have loved it. While it wasn't perfect and I don't deny many issues exist with it (nobody said you had to love her revealed personality, just not to spazz attack over it), the only reason the fans rejected so harshly (some fans, not all- many loved it) it is because it wasn't a carbon copy of Prime. I don't care what you say- any reasonable gamer knows Metroid Other M, in spite of its shortcomings, is a really fun game. It's easier for non-hardcore fans to admit that because they're not blinded by prejudice.
The problem is when people such as yourself make arguments against Other M, they over-exaggerate the negatives and make no mention of the 95% of the game that was fantastic. Gaudy high heels? Ok, but that seems trivial when you're solving puzzles, exploring, morph balling around crevices and finding energy tanks...
You don't have to be excited for Federation Force- you don't even have to try to like it. But misdirecting anger over a lack of a main series entry, and targeting that anger squarely at a spinoff the director has been planning since before Other M, is sorely misguided. This spinoff is not the culprit responsible for the lack of Metroid Prime 4.
So basically, Kensuke Tanabe said to give the game a chance and people will see that it is a game that truly belongs in the Metroid Universe, and everyone completely ignored that.
As for the art style, people need to remember that it will look a lot better on an actual 3DS.
I wish more people were like you. You have your doubts and don't like what you see. Not because of rabid fanaticism, but out of clear, rational judgement coming from personal taste and preference. And you voice your doubts calmly and move on. I like that. The rest of the fanbase could learn a thing or two from you.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way. I imagine a good many people disagree with the way the vocal minority has handled themselves.
"So basically, Kensuke Tanabe said to give the game a chance and people will see that it is a game that truly belongs in the Metroid Universe, and everyone completely ignored that"
Pretty much. You'd think the man has earned the right to at least be given a fair shake, and if he asks his fanbase to give the game a chance, you would think people- regardless of how they feel about the game- would honor that request.
So you would think, anyways...
I'm not saying it's bad to be vulnerable, but it's a little hard to believe that someone who can conjure up a suit of power armor would behave the way Samus did in Other M, especially when by this point she has killed her space dragon nemesis 3 times. More if you count her Prime encounters. Samus can be vulnerable, but it'd be great if she didn't constantly have an emotional breakdown and disable her power armor due to her emotional fits so the male audience can oogle her backside. I'm certainly not ignoring that for the majority of Other M, she's the Samus we all know and love, but I also cannot ignore the fact that there's quite a few scenes where she has on her Dunce Hat and decides that her loyalty to a man we know nothing about is more important than say, burning to a crisp because you won't enable your Varia Suit without Daddy's approval. A good example would be Zero Mission, in which Samus is shown to be both vulnerable (losing control of the suit after her ship crashed) and afraid (her expression when Ridley attacks). A bad example would be having an emotional breakdown when a dragon that you've killed 2 or 3 times by this point appears, and you need to be rescued. If Samus was like this the entire time as you suggest, why didn't we see it until now? It's just too hard to believe. Again, I look at Fusion as a good example of how to add more character without also insulting her at the same time. Other M had a tendency to insult Samus more often than it should have. Look no further than the out-of-place high heels. That alone should rest my case. And no I'm not exaggerating the flaws, If I wanted to I could go on all night about the downright bad design decisions found throughout the game. Other M wasn't very well designed, but to be fair, Metroid Prime had some extremely dumb moments too. Such as having to shortcut through Magmoor 3 or 4 times, and having to deal with the entire Phazon Mines segment.
I actually agree that Other M, flaws aside, IS a fun game. I never said otherwise. I had fun with it, but it doesn't change the fact it wasn't very well received by fans because it just pushed things too far. However, this is where things called "opinions" come in, and this is where you seem to take issue. Not everyone found Other M fun, of that I can assure you. To suggest that anyone who doesn't find it fun is wrong is... A bit hard for me to understand. You are aware that not everyone likes the same things, yes? Other M had some very odd gameplay elements that definitely turned a lot of people off, but I agree that the bad story tends to take precedence over.. Y'know, the gameplay. Even if I did dislike the gameplay, I wouldn't be wrong for that. The game had some issues with trying to figure out what it wanted to be, and I'd have preferred if the whole first person view parts had just been omitted from the game entirely. It slowed the game down and I really didn't care for it.
As I said I didn't hate Other M, but if a sequel to it were coming out, I'd certainly not buy it. At this point though perhaps we should agree to disagree, as we're getting way off track and I don't think anyone's point of view is going to be changed by this meaningless exchange of opinions.
I'm not even going to touch the "vocal minority" comment, as that goes beyond being delusional...
"Buy our stuff, it's good, we promise!", right? No thanks. I think I'll wait to see what actual gamers who bought the game have to say about it, rather than blindly trust in the salesmen trying to sale their product. People ignore it because not everyone just blindly believes what they're told, especially when they're being sold something.
I feel as if my brain needs to be turned into a pretzel in order to comprehend this game.
While I'm not sure if I'd want to get this game, I'm not that angry but I kinda expected rage happening quickly when you look at the soldiers.
I'm happy either way though. Nintendo has once again done it for me!
I have no issue with people legitimately having a negative opinion about Other M (or Federation Force).
My issue is when people act like it's the worst game ever made, stalk videos to downvote and rant on every blasted article concerning a game they have no interest in buying or playing.
This may turn out to be a decent game. It may turn out to totally suck. But it deserves a fair shake, based on one thing and one thing only- how fun is it to play? All these rants about "it shouldn't have the Prime name" are such worthless arguments. Who gives a flip what the name is. If a person isn't interested, move along and find something that is interesting.
Same thing happened with Fire Emblem Fates. Vocal minority stalking every article raging about not being able to rub a screen with a stylus, or complaining that feature was even included in the JP version to begin with, or against all reason and logic raging that the game was split in 3 (despite the undisputed fact that each game is as big as the previous entry). But then the game comes out, and it's terrific, and everyone who plays it loves it, yet that hardcore vocal minority who holds prejudice because of a few changes made to save the series, they flock MetaCritic to bring the user scores down.
Firsthand evidence of the detriment radicalized fans can have on a franchise.
@Onion Except I've thought this game looked good from the beginning. In fact, when Blast Ball was first shown people were saying "I hope this ends up as part of a Metroid game" but when some people reacted negatively, they all followed suit. The fact is, people aren't even giving this game a chance. You'd think people would have a little faith in a guy that's been a producer on all three of the Metroid Prime games.
When Naughty Dog showed off the Last of Us, people gave it a chance even though it was a little different than what they were used to, and a lot of them ended up loving it.
@Onion @JaxonH
the way I see it, for any game, there are two major aspects for people to be fans of: the story, and the gameplay.
people might not like the gameplay, but like the story enough to dredge through the game in order to get more of the story, like many JRPGs. For these fans, the story is held hostage by the game and they would much prefer the story to continue as a 'better' game.
Some may not care much for the story, but are there for the gameplay. They love the mechanics so much, they want more games to follow those mechanics. The story could be different, he characters could be different, but if the game plays the same, they are happy. Like metroidvanias being very much like metroid.
Then there are those who love the story and the gameplay, and want the story to continue with the same gameplay, like the mega man fanbase, they love games that are the same with new levels!
The problem is that the metroid fanbase is split up into these three groups. There are people who didn't like prime, because they don't like FPS. They want metroid for the gameplay, and while many of us love prime, it was not the gameplay that the second and third group had come to expect.
story fans were happy because the prime series expanded much more on the metroid universe and provided an amazing experience.
Then there's other M. For story fans, this game was terrible, because the quality of the story was inferior to those of the previous games. Even Metroid's little story was a better experience, the first NES game. just because there was less of it, doesn't mean it wasn't fantastic.
And for gameplay fans, well, for anyone who was big on classic metroid or prime's gameplay, this game was just something else altogether.
so, other M may be a good game, but it is a bad metroid game. it's to metroid as mega man X7 is to the X series. bad voice acting, a weird plot with too much crying, awkward gameplay and annoying gimmicks. it's on the same level as X7. X7 was an okay game. compared to other mega man games, it doesn't measure up, but compared to other similar games, it does alright.
people act like other M is the worst game ever made because it's the worst metroid game ever made (though I personally place metroid 2 at the bottom). it's being held up to a higher standard, so naturally it will seem flawed beyond redemption.
furthermore, federation force won't likely save the franchise, not for the fans who love the gameplay. story fans will be happy, but they'd be happy with a manga. If it does well, it could mean that metroid may never return to and further refine the gameplay that many fans had fallen in love with.
Looks horrible! , it would have been way better a clasic METROID GAME-2.5D
Where is Metroid V?
the game looks good to you, okay. would the game look good to you if it were set in the splatoon universe? what if it was the zelda universe with bows and hyrule castle guards instead?
it's a spin-off for a series that hasn't gotten a new game in a while, the metroid prime series. fans of the prime series KNOW what they want. they have been asking for a prime game, they want to continue the prime experience, and they can see that this, simply by premise, is not that.
you can have faith that this guy will deliver a likely good game, sure, but it's not what metroid prime fans want, and putting the name metroid prime on it implies that this is for those fans, which it obviously isn't.
I wouldnt say Other M was the worst Metroid game though. That gameplay was sublime, with expertly designed environments and puzzles. I hated not having the Nunchuk in use, because not only would analog be better but the Wiimote would always be pointed at TV for slight wrist-adjusted missile aiming.
Games aren't always just for that narrow fanbase. Games, especially Nintendo games on a handheld, are meant to appeal to their broader fanbase, and specific fanbase together.
We know what Metroid fans want, but this game has nothing to do with that. This is a small little spinoff title for a handheld. Has nothing to do with a main series entry. It's not like this game REPLACED a would-be Metroid Prime 4, this game is just one of many small spinoff handheld titles released every year to give gamers something different to play and keep the revenue flowing.
And for Metroid fans that can actually understand that, this could prove to be a nifty little time-waster on their 3DS that also allows them to explore a bit of the expanded universe with a control scheme they're already familiar with.
Well, yes, I agree that Other M received more hate than it deserved, but I also felt like a good deal of it was rightfully so, for reasons i already stated. Federation Force is an entirely different beast altogether though and I don't really think it's quite the same thing. People hated Other M for ruining their vision of the character, while people hate Federation Force for not having the character at all and not being very Metroid. I also don't think people are "stalking" the videos purely for the purpose to downvote them, that seems a bit irrational. Is it really so hard to accept that these games are just that hated? That would be the conclusion I'd draw upon seeing a video downvoted into oblivion. It's a hated game, the sooner you accept that the better off you'll be!
That said I agree it deserves a fair shake, but why does it feel the need to piggyback onto the Prime series? It seems that a fair amount of the criticism may fade if they stop pretending this is a Prime game and just call it something else. It barely qualifies as Metroid, let alone Prime! Besides, a name can be pretty important. A name can be enough to sell copies with ease. To ignore that goes against all logic. How many people would have bought Final Fantasy Legend if they had called it what it was meant to be called in the first place? Instead it piggybacked on the Final Fantasy series title, had NOTHING to do with FF, and got a fair share of hatred for doing so. Same with Street Fighter 2010 and any other game that had no purpose being named what it was named. To argue that the name is meaningless is baffling to say the least. If it has nothing to do with Prime, why call it Prime? The average person may see this as trying to secure a few extra sales by relying on the Prime name, which is EXACTLY what they're doing! How is it worthless, pray tell? The name of a game can be extremely important. If that wasn't the case, then why not call Far Cry: Primal, Turok 4 or something? Sure it has nothing to do with Turok but hey why not!
As far as Fates goes, that game has been a disaster and this not a very good subject for us to go down, as I could end up ranting all night about what a disaster that game turned out to be in terms of localization. Best we not even go there to save us both some time. I'm sure Fates is very good, but the localization it got was nothing short of a catastrophe. Typos, entire scenes being removed and replaced with "...", entire scenes being completely altered, juvenile humor being haphazardly inserted into the game, etc.. I'm aware of that the changes it made but for me, a shoddy translation takes precedence over a few changes.
Whoa, whoa! Other M may not be a very well liked game but comparing it to X7 is a bit harsh, don't you think? Do you even know the madness of which you speak?! I personally adored Metroid 2, but I see where you're coming from. Metroid 2 is also a bit disliked because it's a different experience.
That may be true but there are also a lot of people who didn't think the game looked good from the beginning. I won't comment on people saying they hoped Blast Ball was a Metroid game as this is the first I've heard of that and I don't have much to say, other than lol. I agree that people aren't giving the game a chance but it's also important to remember that they are selling a product. You are not obligated to buy it. You think it looks good? great! You buy it. People who think it looks crap are not going to change their opinion just because one guy says it's good, especially when he's trying to sell them something.
As I've stressed before, this was not a good time to try a stunt like this. It's like kicking a wounded dog. The Metroid fanbase is starved, neglected, and tired. Releasing this alongside a 2.5D Metroid or a Prime 4 would have been fine, but after 10+ years of largely nothing? No. This was a bad time, and it shows a real lack of communication between Nintendo and the fanbase because they don't understand their own target audience. Anyone with any common sense would have known this was a TERRIBLE idea, but yet Nintendo didn't see the obvious warning signs. This doesn't mean the next game needs to be a Prime game but perhaps not the best time to realize a side game that can be best described as Baby's First Metroid, yes? Take the FF games for example. Imagine there hadn't been a Final Fantasy game since 9. Now imagine the release Final Fantasy Fables, with its kiddy graphics and drastically different gameplay. Naturally, that wouldn't have went well with FF fans, even though Fables is a pretty good game. The same could be said here, the game MAY BE GOOD! But it won't matter when you insult your fanbase with a game that at best is going to be niche.
The same reason all spinoffs "piggyback". The game has to be called something, and Nintendo, as they have for 30 years, experiments with new gameplay designs meshed with existing beloved franchises. Rainbow Curse wasn't a "Kirby game", Mario Tennis wasnt a "Mario game", Hyrule Warriors wasnt a "Zelda game", Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE isn't a "Fire Emblem game", Pokemon Rumble isn't a "Pokemon game"... You get what I'm saying?
It's not a crime to be a spinoff. All franchises have them. Yet with Metroid, the spinoff gets crucified for being part of the Prime franchise? Nobody is pretending its a Prime game. It's a Prime SPINOFF, and spinoffs carry the title of their master franchise. The environment and universe is the same. Controls and perspective is the same. Design and technology of suits is based of Chozo tech. That's MORE than enough for it to qualify.
And as for Fates, all I'll say is a few missing scenes (out of how many tens of thousands?) is so negligible I wouldn't even deem it worth uttering. All games must get localized and changes are made. The honest truth is, the localization is better than pretty much every other game I've played on 3DS. It's spectacular actually.
Something to remember...
If you're looking for reasons to hate a game, you'll always find some.
@PokeMario I do think that since it's the same guy who made the 3 original Prime titles that it has great potential, particularly in gameplay. I just wish they had put more Single Player content in seeing as how it might be hard to find people to play with if this game flops.(Its still not Looking good in terms of fan reactions)
Again, you're using extremely popular games as examples, you can't apply that logic to Metroid because it's not as popular as the games you just mentioned. Those games were clearly spinoffs and it was reflected in their titles and NONE of those examples had a whole decade without any new games. Let Mario go 10 years without a proper sequel and you can bet that people are going to be unhappy when the first game they get is a Tennis game. I really don't know why this is so hard for some of you to understand. How many times must I repeat this?! Go 10 years without a new Pokemon game and then release a crappy Rumble game, and watch the world burn. Could be a fun experiment!
To call the localization of Fates "spectacular" is... Concerning to say the least. You're clearly living under a rock and honestly, I'm not going to ruin it for you. Blissful ignorance is a wonderful thing, you can keep thinking that. If you only knew the sheer scope of what they did to Fates, I doubt you'd be saying that. I'll put it this way, it was bad enough that Gamefreak is doing the localization for the new Pokemon games and isn't letting the Treehouse touch it with a 10 foot pole.
@Onion If people said "I don't like the look of it so I probably won't buy it" that would be one thing. However, that's not the case. Instead, people are making petitions to cancel the game and are calling it "disgusting" and "embarrassing". And I have reason to trust the guy who worked on the original Metroid Prime games that we all thought were fantastic. (And unless I'm mistaken, he did not work on Other M). Everyone is making bold claims about this game when they haven't even played it. At least wait for review before jumping to conclusions. If it ends up being bad, then there's reason to complain. But if it ends up a good game, it won't get the appreciation it deserves thanks to all of the negativity surrounding it. I'm curious as to how the game will expand the Metroid universe and I'm willing to give it a shot. And here's a thought: perhaps a big Metroid game is being saved for the NX. Why make a Metroid game for Wii U, a system on its last legs, when instead Nintendo could generate hype for the NX. Yes, this is just speculation, but it certainly isn't impossible.
My final point is: we don't know everything that this game has to offer so it's not fair to just shrug it off. It could very well benefit the Metroid universe.
It's only been 6 years, not 10. Half Nintendo's B-list franchises go that long (if not longer) between releases. And Fire Emblem sells no more than Metroid.
And the bottom line of a localization is how good the results are. I don't care what was in JP version, or if this line and that line don't translate perfectly. Its not ignorance, it's fair assessment. I judge based on what it IS, rather than what it ISN'T. And what it IS, is spectacular.
*** Listen to @PokeMario. It's one thing to say, "Eh, wish this was a full release- I'm not into spinoffs really" but it's a whole other thing to go on crusades to cancel the game- so because they're spiteful they want to take away enjoyment from everyone else. An "I didn't get what I want, so nobody gets ANYTHING" attitude.
having played through X7 at least 7 times, it's not so bad. Compared to all the other X games, it's garbage, but compared to 3D action games in general, it's an okay game. not good, just okay. a solid 5/10.
see, you like other M's gameplay. so the story being bad isn't a big deal to you, and you'd probably like an other M 2 with a more refined version of that gameplay. If they released other M 2 but had it play like a classic 2D metroid, you probably wouldn't be all too thrilled about that. If you like classic metroid gameplay, you'd be fine with it, but you'd have to wonder why they put the other M title there and didn't just call it metroid 5.
And you're claiming that a series isn't meant for the core fanbase, but for the broader casual fanbase? Wii would like to play? make games for casual fans all over again and start losing the core audience?
You'll sell more units appealing to a larger crowd, but if you appeal to everyone, you tend not to appeal to anyone a lot, and thus lose your core audience. And the casuals aren't too reliable a consumer as we've seen with the wii.
If they want to make a game to appeal to the masses, make a new franchise or new series. if you want to make another entry to a series, appeal to the core audience and budget accordingly.
There's a certain expectation with a franchise name. You slap the name metroid on a game, and there are certain expectations. You don't want to live up to those expectation, then slap another name on there. it's like making a game called baseball about tennis. while both are about hitting balls with long instruments, they are fundamentally different games, and you're just misleading people looking for a baseball game!
Yes, if you count Other M, it has only been 6, but Other M was not what I would a Metroid game. Even you would have to acknowledge that it wasn't exactly the most Metroid-y game. It was more like an action game parading as Metroid, or perhaps a sequel to Fusion (which it was!). If you count how long it's been since Prime 3, it's been longer than 6, and if you count how long it's been since we've had a 2D Metroid, it gets pretty crazy. As for Fire Emblem... I... Am not even sure how to respond to that. You are aware that the latest two FE games sold more than any other FE game and that FE is extremely popular in Japan, right? There's no comparison here. At all. FE didn't have that much time between releases either, that was only in America/EU because we didn't get half the games. There wasn't that much time between releases because we missed out on a FE game on DS. Besides, what's your point? Awakening is extremely faithful to FE aside from a few changes, so how is that the same thing as a Metroid game getting a spin off?
So let me get this straight... Fates had actors that didn't even know what GAME they were acting for and thus don't sound appropriate for the setting, entire lines are completely removed even though they flesh out characters, juvenile jokes replace lines that were intended to be serious, horrible pickle fetish jokes, TYPOS, and a ton of other things, are all fine with you? Wow. That is next level fanboyism (No offense intended) and that is where I'm going to end things. I don't normally bail out on an argument, but sometimes you just have to recognize when you're dealing with someone who is beyond all reasoning. I appreciate your positive attitude, but at this point you're just being blind, and rather than stop to look at what is a pretty big problem (it's causing quite a stir within certain divisions of Nintendo because unlike you, Nintendo themselves were not happy with the localization Fates got), you instead choose to be stubborn and put your hands over your eyes. I could sit here all night and go into detail on just how many things are wrong with Federation Force, Other M, and the localization of Fates, and I have a feeling it wouldn't do a bit of good, because you seem to live in a fantasy world where everything Nintendo does is great and they do no wrong. In a way I envy that, but at the same time I can't continue to argue with someone like that because neither of us will get anywhere and it's a complete waste of both our time.
No kidding, the petitions were a bit much, I agree. I think it's unfair to assume ALL haters fit that vein though and it's quite a generalization to make (hopefully you aren't making that assumption). But hey, if you want to blindly trust someone, more power to you. I on the other hand will wait and see how the game actually turns out, maybe a watch a few videos, and generally make an educated decision rather than blindly buying something just because one person said so.
It may be good, but I've watched as many videos for it as I could find, and for me, it doesn't look good at all. So, there isn't much more to discuss on this point. Maybe it will shape up, I don't know, but unless some serious changes are made, I've no interest in it and it's not Metroid to me.
I honestly couldn't care less about names. Such a stupid and trivial thing to get hung up on. Call it whatever the heck the wanna call it.
Did not say casuals. Said broader fanbase. Ya know, the tens of millions of actual gamers that buy, play and enjoy Nintendo games on 3DS.
And yes, there are expectations. That at least SOMETHING will relate. For most games it's either same characters, same universe, or some gameplay. This one squarely checks box number 2 and even most of box number 1, seeing as the perspective and controls and movement/mechanics are indeed all the same.
You're prejudice is so extreme it blinds you.
The dialogue sounds fine. Idk what kind of RPG's you play on 3DS, but most of them are amateur hour compared to Fates. Entire lines removed, out of 100,000 lines, the horror! Game is automatically trash! Horrible jokes? 99% are excellent. No game hits every joke every time. Typos? Oh my gosh, a letter A should have been E, game ruined!
Seriously, i'm 50 hours into the game and have not ran into one single typo. You make it sound like is this jumbled mess of a game but it's really not! I've actually played it and I can tell you from first-hand experience it's absolutely fantastic.
I am not the fanatic here. I am not the one that would dismiss the greatest game on this entire platform because of two typos and a bad joke.
I won't buy Metroid Other M because I don't like Samus being portrayed with weakness.
I won't buy Kirby Rainbow Curse because I have to look at the gamepad.
I won't buy Xenoblade X because they censored content.
I won't buy Fire Emblem Fates because minor changes were made during localization. Or because of an alleged typo in the 100,000 word text, or because a bad joke was made in a 100 hour game.
I won't buy Bravely Default because they're censoring content.
I won't buy Tomodachi Life because no same sex marriage.
I won't buy Paper Mario Color Splash because this one time at band camp I played a bad Paper Mario game.
I won't buy Splatoon because it doesnt give enough amiibo content.
I won't buy Twilight a Princess because it gives TOO MUCH amiibo content.
I won't buy.....
I won't buy.....
I won't buy.....
Like I said, you look for a reason to hate a game, you're gonna find one. Every time.
But not once in my entire life have I skipped a fun game over trivial issues such as these. Gamers are too begrudging and spiteful. The sooner people let go of all of this hatred and anger and learn to accept games as they are- imperfect forms of entertainment, the better we'll be as a community.
Unlike most people crying on the internet, I am actually going to play this game and see if I enjoy it, instead of judging it at face value (gee like a similar situation with Metroid :/ ).
You>> Calls anyone who enjoyed a game you didn't a fanboy, labels them the problem.
-Accuses anyone who doesn't share their opinion of being beyond reason (ironically only people beyond reason would say such a thing)
-Skips amazing games, critically praised and even justified by gamers who were it's biggest critics, over a few skipped lines and joke you personally feel was in poor taste.
-Tells guy who just likes playing games he's unreasonable for actually enjoying said games.
Typical tactics. Irrationally complain, slander and attack, then label any opposition or differing opinions as beyond reason and hope, clearly the problem. Either you agree with my self-righteous pov, or you're an irrational fanboy.
You said it all when you said "why aren't you getting this, how many times do I have to say it!". Maybe if you just scream a little louder and motion with your hands Ill get it through my illogical, irrational fanboy skull.
Yes. Good night indeed.
Did nobody here play MPHunters? lol nothing about this should feel strange and that game's online was so goddammmmn awesome I can't wait to dive into a co-op variant.
@MadAnimator Maybe take a chance and try it. I saw the Pikmin franchise and could not see why people liked it. I tried the Pikmin 3 demo and I love Pikmin. Sometimes ya just gotta try a game.
@aaronsullivan Just saying, Persona Q had a way better take on the Chibi art style than this, not to mention the franchise being a thousand times better suited. That said, now that we've seen the gameplay Next Level Games did not disappoint. Still think I'm gonna skip this one, guess I'll have to go with Halo for my sci-fi fix. As far as art's concerned, it's the closest thing.
@Onion Wow, you just won't accept it when a series makes minor genre adjustments, will you? I bet you also hated "Star Fox Adventures" even though it's still a very good game on its own merits. Also, I suppose Mario should've never branched out into RPGs?
"Other M" was a great game that was only let down by lousy dialogue (and some overreacting feminists). They absolutely nailed the gameplay in that one. The only things that aren't "Metroid-y" about it are the unique 2.5D/3D movement system and the fact that it's somewhat more linear that the other Metroid games. "Metroid Prime" was a bigger genre departure than "Other M" was.
As for this game, it deserves a chance. At least now we know why it was branded with the "Prime" moniker, since the story takes place in the background around the same time as the Prime Trilogy. I also like that they're fleshing out the Galactic Federation military, as opposed to serving as background characters in the Prime Trilogy or as plot-enabling red shirts in Other M. I am concerned about whether there will be any single player content, but I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
it's set in the Metroid universe, which is the same between Prime and classic metroid. sure, it's got that, why metroid prime though?
gameplay... that's a bit trickier. the multiplayer nature of the game makes it completely different gameplay wise. while it may have the same mechanics for most part, it is a completely different game, like tennis is to baseball. both involve hitting a ball and trying to control where it lands and a couple other similarities, running around after hitting the ball, missing the ball is bad, scoring points when the ball goes out of bounds when originally in, etc. game play is fundamentally different, which is where a lot of fans are upset. Kinda like taking fire emblem, not giving the classic mode option and make battles play out like project X zone. it's mostly the same game... but different.
and then there's atmosphere. Metroid has a certain atmosphere to it. being alone and exploring a planet, uncovering mysteries and having loyalty to no one really, the feeling of being utterly alone. That's a staple of the Metroid series. Federation force and other M both did not have this. Fusion started out as though it didn't have this, but as you progressed, you began to realize how alone you really were.
I'm not a fan of other M, but they did change up the title to signify that the game was different from the other two series's
And while you didn't say casuals, you said broader audience.
I described three types of the core audience, those who like metroid for:
-the story (universe, atmosphere, characters etc)
-the gameplay (specific rules of the game, style of control and challenge, and type of skills needed to overcome)
-both story and gameplay.
if one isn't too big on either gameplay or story, then why are they playing? because they're nintendo fans? they like nintendo and want to play things nintendo makes? those are hardcore nintendo fans, but casual metroid fans. you appeal to the casual crowd, and you give the core audience no reason to like the series anymore.
If you don't care about the name, then you're not a fan of the series, because if you were, the name would imply you're getting more of what you liked. If you don't care about getting either more story of gameplay of the same nature, then you're not a fan of the series and just like fun games in general. this makes you a casual fan, pretty much by definition. you can be a hardcore gamer, but a casual fan.
@Zetro I believe my first experience with Metroid was a Prime Hunters demo, yeah it was Metroid on the DS that wasn't Pinball. I did not like it. Turns out later that Kid Icarus Uprisng is my favorite video game (both stylus camera control). And I hear the multiplayer in that game (Hunters) was quite fun. Hey maybe we could play Fed Force together. XD
Wow really interesting discussions going on here. Ah that is why I love comment sections
My 2 cents:
> Game doesn't look that bad, worth a shot --
> Fans while going overboard with the hate, do have some justification with being mad at this game.
Extra point: I haven't played Other M but from what I have read about Samus's characterization, it is pretty bad and very very different from the glimpses of her personality seen from the other games. Plus it makes Adam from Fusion downright unlikeable -_-
I can't judge the gameplay, but I have atleast heard that it is good.
P.S. I want a sequel to Fusion!!! Metroid 5 where art thou?
The name does not imply you're getting more of what you like.
The name implies you're getting something you will be familiar with, which you may, or may not, end up liking. Mario Tennis implies I'll be familiar with Mario & Co. I may enjoy platformers but hate the spinoffs, or, I may enjoy the spinoff because it's just flat out a fun game and with characters from a franchise I'm familiar to.
"appeal to the casual crowd, and you give the core audience no reason to like the series anymore."
Not true. Perhaps if you ONLY appeal to the casual crowd, but thankfully franchises are franchises because they get multiple games. And future mainline games will appeal to the one fanbase, while spinoffs will appeal to everyone, including that very fanbase.
really, what it boils down to is that there are essentially 2 different metroid series, with it's own fanbases with overlap.
There are those who want more of the experience the metroid prime series delivered, and have been waiting for 8 years.
There are those who want more of the experience the classic 2D metroids delivered, and they have been waiting for even longer.
Other M did not deliver what those two groups wanted, though there were those outside of those two groups and within that did enjoy it, and thus it has it's own fanbase. since it seems the games will not continue, it is simply a spin-off, rather than it's own series. but because it didn't deliver what the fanbase was actually looking for, it did poorly, nor was it obvious that it was a spin-off. Metroid prime hunters faced similar criticism, though the prime games were still being made, so people had what they wanted to keep them happy, at least prime fans anyway.
Now, we are presented with federation force, which is a spin-off, of a series dormant for 8 years, with no sign of what the fans actually want. While it may appeal to others, we've already seen the prime series essentially kill off the classic 2D series. If they at least suggested that more traditional Prime games were planned, it might satiate the fans, but being show this as THE metroid game of the generation. it's a spin-off to a series with no main series games! what is it spinning off?
I understand people want a main series entry. But my guess is it was either this or nothing. And if this is a game the director has wanted to make for 7 years, why shouldn't he?
I agree, if they revealed a Prime game this wouldn't be a big deal. But that's the issue. This has nothing to do with it. Whether or not a Prime game comes has nothing to do with his tiny little handheld spinoff. Like Star Fox Command on DS. No main game on Wii, but they dropped a little multiplayer focused Star Fox anyways.
This may be THE Metroid game of the generation, but how is that worse than NO Metroid game of the generation?
Perspective. That's all people need here... a little perspective.
Mario tennis implies tennis. Mario tennis 2 implies more tennis featuring Mario characters. If they made Mario Tennis: Running the Diamond, and it was a baseball game, that would make no sense.
If they made Super Mario bros 4 about Tennis, that would make no sense. If they released Super Mario World 3, I'm pretty sure you'd expect to play as either yoshi, mario, or some combination of the two, depending if yoshi's island is in the title somewhere, and that you'll have some sort of platforming adventure, either defending baby mario, or riding yoshi around to save peach from bowser. All the super mario bros games delivered the same thing, but refined the game each time.
The whole point of a name is to promise more of something. Take Kirby's epic Yarn. that's not a kirby game! we have expectations, which aren't there. Kirby eats enemies and gets various powers from them. He didn't in this game. why? because it wasn't a kirby game! he was tacked on as a sales gimmick, not so different from putting fire emblem characters into codename steam.
@MadAnimator hmm....who knows, maybe they could actually create a release for the Wii U as well at some point...I DO agree with you though...the game looks too cute to be a Metroid Prime game...which those games have a dark tone to them
while it is true that you can appeal to the casual crowd and hardcore, it is rarely the case. They did it well in fire emblem by having both classic AND casual modes. But what if they didn't include classic mode? FE fans would be pissed, and eventually, they might just lose interest in the series that doesn't care about why they liked it in the first place, at least the ones that liked that aspect of the game.
And in federation force, it doesn't give the core audience the option to have what they want while leaving the options open to the casual audience, at least not that we know of.
@JaxonH 1: Metroid Prime: Federation Force
2: See my comment above on the art style of this game
3: Before you get overly defensive again, remember that I'm not dissing the gameplay or asking for the game to be cancelled. I only expected it to be delayed to reevaluate it like Miyamoto and the great team at Platinum did Star Fox Zero. At least the story won't be bad like Other M, which also had good gameplay.
director wants to make this game for 7+ years
metroid prime fans want a prime game for 7+ years.
If the director was denies this game and forced to make another prime game, he'd likely be peeved and the game may suffer for it. both have a right to be upset. fans want to protest the lack of core games, they can. whether it's a fun game or not, they're sending a message that they want core games. "If you want us to care about what you want, then show us that you care about what we want"
I mean, why call it Metroid Prime? it makes a promise that isn't being delivered and that's why a lot of people are mad. why not just call it in small text "Metroid's" and in normal big text "Federation Force". Make a series essentially called Federation Force and I guarantee there will be significantly less backlash.
But nintendo decides to spit in people's faces and say "Look, this game belongs in the Metroid Prime series, shut up and accept it!" They basically outright say this in the direct. Of course people will react overly aggressively in response.
Still looks bad.
I´m still puzzled why this game is called Metroid Prime.
"You>> Calls anyone who enjoyed a game you didn't a fanboy, labels them the problem.
-Accuses anyone who doesn't share their opinion of being beyond reason (ironically only people beyond reason would say such a thing)
-Skips amazing games, critically praised and even justified by gamers who were it's biggest critics, over a few skipped lines and joke you personally feel was in poor taste.
-Tells guy who just likes playing games he's unreasonable for actually enjoying said games.
Typical tactics. Irrationally complain, slander and attack, then label any opposition or differing opinions as beyond reason and hope, clearly the problem. Either you agree with my self-righteous pov, or you're an irrational fanboy.
You said it all when you said "why aren't you getting this, how many times do I have to say it!". Maybe if you just scream a little louder and motion with your hands Ill get it through my illogical, irrational fanboy skull."
....Wow. I have no idea where any of that came from because all I said was...
A: Arguing with you further is fruitless because your point of view won't change and mine isn't likely to either.
B: You're largely ignorant towards the things you're defending because your comment on Fates made it utterly obvious you had no clue the sheer scope of the translation snafu, and also made it clear that you weren't interested in hearing that the game had a botched localization because you like it too much. (Where i'm from this is called being a fanboy, so I'm sorry if that offended you but that is exactly what the definition refers to.)
and C: You clearly have absolutely no clue WHY the Metroid fanbase is upset, as you pretty much made it clear in your post that you don't know the reason, despite myself and Khaos trying to explain to you why. You call anyone who DARES to dislike the video "trolls" and you're generally very defensive, as if you made the game personally and are deeply offended that people are hating it. Basically, you come off as someone who won't listen to any opinion that doesn't match his own perfectly, and that's more or less the reason I'm hitting the reset button on this argument. It all boils down to everyone who hates this game is wrong, trolls, not real metroid fans, etc etc, whatever other nonsense justification you come up with, etc etc. You go well out of your way to defend a game that people hate while at the same time going out fo your way to blame the fanbase for things clearly out of their control (like not getting a Wii U game), and overall, you worry me a little with the way you view things. You do everything you can to avoid seeing the big picture, which is that PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THE WAY FEDERATION FORCE LOOKS! The simple idea that people don't like the game seems too much for you to grasp, and so you resort to playing the blame game and avoiding the real problem: Federation Force bums off the Prime/Metroid name for no reason other than lolprofit. I don't know what more to say to get through to you.
I've no interest in arguing with someone who is delusional and unable to comprehend even the most basic of points, such as the ones Khas has been raising. You're a lost cause and it's not worth the time or effort.
I actually liked Star Fox Adventures, but this comparison actually strengthens my argument because Adventures was never intended to be a Starfox game, it was Dinosaur Planet, but altered because Starfox is an IP people would buy from. In other words, they changed it around for more sales! Wow I can't imagine what other game we're discussing right now that fits that very description!
Good try though. I applaud your effort.
You're over analyzing this. It no different than Splatoon. Multiplayer shooter everyone likes. Many of whom are Metroid fans. Many of whom, likewise, will probably enjoy this if its a good game.
"Metroid Prime fans want Prime game for 7 years".
We got 3 of them! In a 5 year span! And yet "want Prime game". Did they want it before Prime released? No. They discovered something new. There's not enough studios to keep every single Nintendo franchise pumping out games, and regurgitating the sme old thig is the number one complaint from Nintendo fans.
This isn't Mario Tennis 2 implying more Tennis. This is Mario Tennis implying MARIO. This is not Metroid Prime 4, this is Metroid Prime FEDERATION FORCE. Key there. Not a 4.
Seriously you and anyone else hung up on a name really oughtta move past it. Changing the name changes nothing. It's like complaining a cherry tree is growing in Africa. It is irrelevant. They make no secret of what the game is- they're showing gameplay!!! This is not some bait and switch "dangle dangle here's a Metroid game haha... SNATCH!!! Spinoff bit**es!!" They're SHOWING you what the game is. The hell with the name lol... It may make you scratch your head, ok, so scratch it, but good grief, who the hell cares!
Spit in faces? Are you serious? Spit in faces would be announcing Metroid a Prime 4 then canceling the franchise forever 3 weeks before release. Making games is not "spitting in people's faces". It's their JOB. Calling it FEDERATION FORCE with the prefix Metroid Prime- JUST LIKE PRIME SPINBALL (where was your outrage then? A freaking pinball game? Nobody cared because it's NOT a big deal- people just want to MAKE it a big deal now) is because it's A) set in Metroid Prime Universe B) same perspective, movement and controls as Metroid Prime C) designed based off same tech as Metroid Prime
Oh I know WHY. It's not WHY they're upset I take issue with. It's the misdirected anger at this game for a completely separate issue that's causing the anger (lack of new main entry). I UNDERSTAND, but I see it as blatant horse s*** and I'm calling ppl on it.
As to your "Point B" it is you who is ignorant to the amazing entertainment value of the game because you base judgement not on what it is, but on what it isn't. THAT is true ignorance.
@JaxonH Then wage the battle on that petition and stop arguing against us over them. Of course, I understand that wouldn't garner a response from anyone at this point. Unless people actually are still on there. If so that's scary.
And please stop telling me I dont understand why. You've repeated your reasons why several times now. I heard you the first time why. What YOU don't seem to understand is, the reason why is balogna. It's hogwash. People can dislike this game, hate it for all I care, downvote to their heart's content! AS LONG AS JUDGEMENT IS BASED ON THIS GAME'S MERITS, NOT "I HATE IT BECAUSE ITS NOT METROID PRIME 4"
You say "PEOPLE DONT LIKE THE WAY IT LOOKS why can't I understand that".
Because I'm not addressing those people! Never was! From the very start I have been addressing ONLY those who hate this game for what it's not, rather than what it is (sound familiar?)
I have no battle to wage.
This game still need a lot to prove before I could take it seriously. If anything I rather Nintendo just return the series back to its 2D roots with Metroid 5.
I'm looking forward to this game. While it's not the Metroid we expected, it's still a Metroid I want to play. And why whine about it? I'm sure they're working on a big Metroid game as we speak. If you stop being entitled crybabies and just wait a little longer I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Nice, after watching that I'm behind it, anxious to know more about it. Sure, I would have preferred a top-down strategy/rpg for a spinoff, but really hyped for this one too.
And honestly, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some of the hate comments, wow, waaay overboard. Also, most of these complaints don't make any sense, particularly after watching the videos, so it looks like most people just like to flame for the sake of it. Well done.
@Armand7 Exactly! A 2.5D classic side scrolling adventure starring Samus would have been a perfect fit for 3DS.
Looks like Metroid for beginners!
As far as spin-off games go, I think this is looking pretty good. I bet it looks great with the 3D on.
This game looks to be fun!
Not sure why the masses are hating on this game so much.. it's pathetic, cringeworthy and embarrassing.. and I'm talking about "those" people, not the game (nice try). Who cares if Samus isn't the main character, the most you see of her in Metroid games is a right-arm and a morph ball. This game is giving off pleasant vibes, that go back to the Metroid Prime Hunters days on DS. Why can't some just accept it, rather than throwing immature tantrums towards a game that hasn't even been released yet.
You must understand that this is a spin-off game, which means it isn't related to the main story. The important thing you need to know is that the concept of the game, like most other games, is fun. And Nintendo is trying to deliver this concept to the fans, but unfortunately people seems to have a hard time to accept it, and that's where the problem is. Like Nintendo said, they currently don't have any idea for the sequel to the main Metroid game. If you really want another main Metroid game, you have to ask Nintendo "NICELY", since whining isn't going to help solving your problem.
This looks terrible to me and I can't see myself picking it up. Fortunately there was plenty of other stuff in the direct that interested me so its not all doom and gloom.
I don't see anything wrong in highlighting something that seems very poor like federation force. Nintendo are not immune to making a bad game once in a while. In fact the last 12 months for nintendo seems to have been one of the worst years for quality control in quite some time, looking at mario tennis and amiibo festival in particular. But I just avoided those and picked up some of the better quality titles last year. Yoshi, xenoblade and mario maker.
Who knows maybe the game could be fantastic but from whats been shown so far I doubt it. Anyway I'll wait and see but not really expecting much from it.
@JaxonH What you and a majority of people don't seem to get is that, while no one can speak for the whole Metroid fanbase, there is still a majority of people that dislike the decisions made in this game's development.
Sure, the whole review bombing things on Metacritic is really immature, and anyone that participates in review bombing is too passionate about a game, if you ask me, but people like you, who defend Ninty for every muck up aren't much better. You show a blatant disregard for the FACTS that make most of the Metroid fanbase dislike this game.
When a game series first starts off, you set up a certain standard that the fanbase expects you to adhere to in each and every installment in said series, whether you want it or not. Now, I'm not saying that a developer SHOULD adhere to those standards, but don't be surprised when more than half of the fanbase starts giving you flak when you drastically deviate from those same core gameplay mechanics, art style and narrative that made your game series what it was in the first place.
Boycotting this game is also a big no, no, but the least that you and the other white knights could do is show at least a little respect for the people that are going to vote with their wallets by choosing not to buy this game. Not everyone HAS to like what you like. It's called having an opinion.
Besides, most of you contradict yourselves when you tell other people that they shouldn't be talking on behalf of the whole Metroid fanbase, while you're essentially doing the same thing. Hypocrisy doesn't look good on anyone, just saying =/
It just so sad to see how the producer need to try and convince us that the game is his vision, he wanted to work on it and assure us of the quality, with awesome partner like Next Level Games even. Yet, the game seems to be doomed on arrival.
Honestly, I think rather than addressing the concern, Nintendo should just polish the game, to the point that it's too good to pass. While it looks fun, the recent trailer didn't convince me much yet.
I completely understand and agree with both sides of the argument. I think people are generally disappointed by this after naturally expecting a followup to the excellent DS game Metroid Prime Hunters (which Federation Force clearly is NOT). I also understand that while this is a Metroid Prime game, it isn't meant to be a direct nor spiritual sequel to Hunters: it's a completely different spin-off. (It can't be even remotely related to a Hunters game because Samus isn't even starring as the main character, which she was in Hunters.) This is just going to be one of those alienating games akin to how Wind Waker was. (I don't really know as I was too young; that's just what I read time 'n time again regarding the game.) You're either going to like and appreciate this game for what it is (I don't think many will 'love' it) or you'll hate it: probably won't be any in-betweens.
@Onion You keep saying the word "blindly". I have watched the gameplay videos that we've gotten so far and from those I've made the decision that the game looks interesting to me and I am looking forward to it. But I'm not "blindly" trusting someone. The guy producing it is the same one that produced the original Metroid Prime games, so there's reason to believe that he knows what he's doing with this game.
This game could be very beneficial to the Metroid universe and actually help move the series forward, but right now, we don't know that, so it's too early to just write it off entirely. It's not fair to call it "disrespectful" when for all we know it could end up paying a lot of respect to the Metroid franchise.
I'm this will be pretty good to play but I have no enthusiasm for it. Graphically looks worse than Metroid Prime Hunters from 10 years ago.
It's not Prime. Despite what Nintendo tries to tell us. Can we get past this and move on? I actually think it looks more promising after watching the Direct. I doubt I'll buy it at launch but at least I'm tempted now. I was surprised by how close to launch this game is though.
Oh please. One of the biggest Sony defenders of PushSquare comes to label me a troll and fanboy? Go back to defending Street Fighter V and telling single player gamers how dumb they are for expecting a story mode.
You have absolutely NO room to talk.
And I've made my personal feelings on the matter quite clear. You don't have to agree with how I see things, but that doesn't mean I'm a fanboy or troll: it means we see things differently. Man I'd love to see the day people can argue opposing views without resorting to just slinging fanboy and troll insults.
Point taken. What others need to understand though, is I'm not slamming people who don't like the game. Even I'm cautious at this point. And I can certainly appreciate wanting a new main series entry. So do I. My issue is not with dissatisfied gamers, but rather those who blatantly overreact, and prematurely and wrongly judge this game because of what it's not.
They did the same thing with DKC Tropical Freeze, simply because it wasn't Metroid. Hating the game on its merits is fine- hating it for not being another game is irrational.
I'll buy a copy when it arrives because I think the game looks fun, but a part of me kinda hopes it does flop on arrival.
Because then, all the spoiled fanboys who are crying over this game can watch as Nintendo finally puts dirt on Metroid's grave and walks away.
They still had enough faith in the franchise to make this game. And so what if it's not Samus in a starring role running around a planet collecting power-ups and upgrades? If you want to play a Metroid Game like that, there are countless games starring Samus on both eshops.
I think this is an interesting take on the Metroid Mythos and something different.
I'm very unhappy with how people are just slamming this game before it even comes out. Especially when you have a developer like Next Level Games at the helm.
So let me see if I understand this, they guys who managed to revive Punch-out!! on the Wii suddenly can't make a good game?
I get it, everyone wanted Metroid Prime 4. Hell, I wanted that game as well.
But I'm intrigued by the idea of exploring Metroid's vast universe playing as someone else besides Samus.
If we can have Halo games that don't star Master Chief, then I think Metroid can survive one game without Samus having the starring role.
Want to prove to Nintendo that Metroid is worth keeping around? Then support this game when it comes out and enjoy it for what it is. Provided, I understand if people will skip this due to bad review scores, but if reviews are good and the game plays well, then there is no excuse for ignoring this game, especially if you're a fan of Metroid and its universe.
People complain that Nintendo never does anything besides Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. People(myself included) know that Nintendo rarely gives second chances to IPs that crash and burn.
So, take it for what it is. Nintendo giving Metroid one more chance.
But if the spoiled and entitled fanboys want to cry over Samus not being the main character while standing on their soapbox about the game being bad before it even launches, then please don't whine when Nintendo finally tosses the Metroid series out the door.
At least Metroid is getting another chance. I'm still waiting for F-Zero to get another chance.
Gosh dang... you nailed it. That's basically what I've been trying to say, just not as eloquently.
If Nintendo wants to sell its users a game they need to make the game appeal to its fan base. This game fails on so many levels. First it throws salt in the wound of the fans who have been waiting so long for a main series follow up. On top of that we know they had no current plans for a follow up to the main series. Second it is a multi-player shooter on a handheld that seems to have had the title "Metroid Prime" slapped on and apparently a story that is supposed to bring this into the Prime canon. (although I don't know how much story there will be in an online multi-player game) And finally if that was not enough to sour the fans taste for this game, it not only looks nothing like a Prime game (outside of having first person elements) but they decided to take one of the only dark and more mature franchises they own and kiddify it with a horrible chibi art style. It's like we have been asking for this awesome action figure and when they finally deliver we get something from the Superhero Squad. Don't tell me they couldn't make this look like Prime on the 3ds. Hunters did a pretty good job and that was on the original DS. Imagine Prime asthetics with the graphical detail of say, Monster Hunter 4. It would have been so much easier to swallow that pill.
Oh so because it's played in esports by a minority, that negates the majority who play it casually? SF has ALWAYS catered to the majority with robust single-player modes. Defending the 65% complete game they sold, dismissing the silent majority as if it "wasn't for them" is how I define delusional. Take a look at Capcom's 180 and how they're apologizing. If it wasn't for casuals why are they puckering lips for them? And talking about arcade modes now.
And allow me to once again clarify, since you seem to misunderstand.
I do not defend Federation Force from those who judge it based on its merits. If you don't like it because you think the graphics suck, or has clumsy controls, etc, that's fine- I'm with you! I'm concerned myself (though I would wait for reviews or hands-on rather than judge a game I've never played)
My only beef has been with those whose judge it not based on its merits, but automatically slam it for not being a main-series entry. Which for the record, I am also disappointed about. But I don't confuse my anger concerning a lack of one game and misdirect it at another.
Will the game feature fun?
Wow you hit the nail right on the head as i for one am excited and will hopefully be able to buy the game when it comes out.
@khaosklub They know what they are doing. Other M showed people don't want Samus. So that's what we are getting, an almost Samus-less game. It's the right path the Metroid series needs to go, because the path they were on was only leading to fewer sales and a shrinking audience.
Flying pigs you say?
@NintendoFan64 I've never seen that link before but you are soooo right! I've been chuckling all afternoon.
This looks terrible.
You know how some families keep an old family dog alive, even though the dog is clearly lacking and unable to stand on its own? This is a perfect metaphor for MP:FF.
I heard about the Tropical Freeze hating and THAT I agree was BS. I don't think Federarion Force and Tropical Freeze are the same thing though.
Thank you. This is what I have been saying.
I wasn't saying "blindly" in reference to you personally so I apologize for not making that more clear, I'm just saying that the word of one person is not enough to convince me to buy a game that already looks pretty terrible to me. That's all I'm saying. If you think it looks good, then get it. I think it looks terrible and I'm not. There isn't much more to be said here, and Nintendo can say what they wish and it's not going to convince me because they're trying to sell a product.
Thank you, this too has been what I've been trying to say (Although I think you said it better). People who excuse everything Nintendo does are detrimental to Nintendo.
Federation Force goes against everything that makes Metroid what it is. I think it's perfectly reasonable for a fanbase to react negatively to that. Meanwhile the fanboys who defend it instead insist on insulting the fanbase for doing what a fanbase does naturally.
(I'm not commenting on the review bombing thing as I've honestly never heard of this practice until last night.)
For the record, I agree that the game should be judged on its own merits but we can't do that when the game insists on trying to be something that it's not. Nintendo starved the fanbase and then throws them this crap and says "Here's your Metroid game, now shut up.". As I said, it's the kind of game you release while biding time for the next big release but as far as anyone knows, there is no metroid game besides this one coming out in 2016 or the near future.
As for people saying if this game fails it will be the end of Metroid, that's probably true, no one can say for certain. If it is, then so be it. This game could have been interesting if they had stuck to the traditional metroid style instead of going with this out-of-place chibi style and pretending it's Metroid. I know the Federation are clowns, but had they at least tried to make this a METROID game, maybe we wouldn't have such a divisive fanbase right now. (Although I say divisive figuratively as there aren't that many people who support the game as of right now.)
Time and time again, the fanboys for this game completely miss the mark and I'm convinced they don't know why people hate it. They keep rehashing the same argument that the game doesn't have Samus and thus THAT is why people hate it. No, no no no. It's much more than that, it's an overall tone and atmosphere. (And this is of course ignoring people who can't make any real argument other than calling the fanbase "crybabies"). Yes, we know this is not a main-series entry but that does not justify it. That's precisely WHY people are irritated! Is it really so hard to understand? As I said before, imagine no new Pokemon game for 8 years, then along comes a crappy Rumble game, of course people would lash out. Calling it a side game and then shrugging your shoulders and pretending that's fine isn't fair because a side game is something you release ON THE SIDE! To tide people over until the main game comes out. Well, there is no main game coming out, Nintendo pretty much said so already. So what is it a side game to? Who knows.
At this point though I'm just talking to brick walls.
I agree with the fanboy part but I think troll is pushing it a bit. I appreciate that we're on the same "side" in this debate but I'm not keen on calling people trolls. Just saying "fanboy" goes against my style because I don't like slinging words that are inflammatory. "White Knight" as GM said may be a better way of putting it.
Let's leave it at that. I don't like animosity among my fellow members here.
For the record though, I assure you I am no fanboy and just because I defend a point I feel strongly about does not make me a white knight. I am a well balanced gamer who enjoys games equally across all platforms. But I am also not one to get bent out of shape over trivial issues.
The only times I've ever actually gotten really upset about something, that I can recall, is when I bought Street Fighter V to discover there was virtually no single player content, when Nintendo censored Fatal Frame and Xenoblade and Fire Emblem Fates (I HATE when they put their mitts on my favorite franchises), when Nintendo's E3 highlight was Amiibo Festival, and when Sony pulled support for Vita after just 2 years. Other than that, I'm a happy gamer who just rolls with it.
I do think you should use a little more discretion before labeling someone a fanboy or white knight. Defending something, sometimes, happens because the person just legitimately feels it doesnt warrant such outrage. As was the case here, with me. Appreciate you not playing into the insults with others though. I respect that.
@Onion Well, that I can't argue about. Metroid just doesn't sell well enough on platforms with twice the install base as the Wii U. Most of that falls on Nintendo's marketing team. If they could just get that part of this thing right, there is no telling what the company could become.
I know that is a bit negative, and I try not to be. However, it kills me to see great games getting ignored in this generation. I truly hope there is some sort of backwards compatibility to the NX so many of the Wii U games won't be forgotten.
@Onion I haven't probably read every last one of your responses to the end of the section - I am certainly going to scroll further through.
But I have to thank you for how sincerely and carefully you put in your analysis and your concerns. On an unofficial Nintendo hub, where most people probably wouldn't even necessarily comprehend the stupidity involved with Samus' character design in Other M. It's those descriptions of her character that make me cringe and remind me how glad I am that I did not put myself to play the game.
It is completely, effectively and factually ridiculous that they even dared to make her character seem anywhere at par with whoever that lieutenant figure Adam was. And it was most definitely, in fact, a direct reflection of some Japanese director's inept ability to build story around this character without levelling or detailing her out if not relative to Adam - whoever that was - and whereby that director was male.
This is totally unsurprising. And if millions out there could only explain their dissatisfaction vaguely with Other M, there are people on here who would attempt to make the premise of Samus being rather bland prior to Other M like a reasonable thing to think. And whereby those people would, in turn, claim the rest of us to be vocal minorities, trolls, or what have you.
Either way, this is just a sad revelation of the incompetencies at Nintendo in an era of evolving technology, art style (etc) where everything becomes more vivid and lifelike. Less pixelated and more lucid. Where, as such, over the process of bringing infinitely good characters like Samus to life, the designers end up generating some of their own major myopia and lack of emotional intelligence into the characters themselves.
@AlexSora89 Catch me if you can!
Did I just see that or did my brain have a stroke
@AlexSora89 yeah sorry about that, it was getting late xD
The weird big heads are, uh, weird, but I'm more than willing to give this a try. Looks fun, so y'know. #anythingbutOtherM
I thought it was so quite because they where reworking it in some way. But nope, still the same game. I'll wait for the reviews. It could be fun maybe, but of course its no real Metroid!
I agree on pretty much all accounts, I was ready to put it aside a while ago. Federation Force is such a divisive game, these kinds of debates are bound to crop up. I'd rather it not be that way at all, but unless a Metroid game comes out on the NX, these sort of debates are probably going to continue.
Besides, I'm not too interested in personal attacks and from what I saw, that's where this was going.
Yeah, it's a sad fact but the Wii U just doesn't have the audience, I suspect that is the primary reason we haven't seen a Metroid game for this generation. It's already a niche series, you add that on top of a console not many people own, and it'd be a bad business decision for Nintendo.
...Other M and the reception it got probably didn't help.
I doubt you've read everything since I've been harping about this for a good year or so now. I'm probably the loudest of the Federation Force haters. Although that's... probably not a good thing. As for Other M, it really isn't THAT bad of a game but I definitely feel like it did very little for the series. From a story stand-point it did absolutely nothing, that much is certain.
That aside I definitely appreciate your side of things. Japanese media is very different from American media, so Samus' relationship with Adam may have made sense in Japan (even if they didn't bother to explain WHY), but in the US and EU it came off as plain awkward and a bit strange, as if the writers were pushing some sort of weird male power fantasy that was prevalent throughout the game.
I also agree that Samus definitely had a personality prior to Other M, it was subtle but definitely there, while also still being very flexible and up to player interpretation. For example I've always viewed Samus as being a sad sort of individual who probably feels regret at some of her actions (such as SR388), while others may view her as a hot-headed sort who only wants revenge. It was an interesting approach to characterization.
Unfortunately whenever you attempt to give such a character an entirely new (but more fleshed out) character, it's not going to end well no matter what. You WILL clash with preconceived notions the player already has. Give Link a real personality and I promise you, this will happen to him too. Some characters are best left alone and I felt like Samus was perfect as she was.
That's not to say her Other M characterization couldn't have worked. Perhaps if they set the game prior to Zero Mission and during her Federation days, then maybe it'd have made more sense; as it stands it makes no sense the way she behaves and is portrayed in Other M. Following a manga that far after the fact is a bad idea. Now a Metroid game based on the actual manga is a different story... I personally like to pretend that Other M was a Federation propaganda video after the events of Fusion as a way to slander Samus, but that's just me being random and looking way too deep into things.
I see Other M as a step forward though. I think Nintendo learned from their mistake and if the Metroid series survives this crisis, perhaps it will return better than ever.
...Or die off completely.
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