As eager watchers of the November Nintendo Direct last year will recall, Nintendo confirmed that both Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King are coming to the West in 2016. At that time it was confirmed that VII would come first with VIII to follow later in the year, and now we have a window for the first of the two arrivals.
Fragments of the Forgotten Past has been given a Summer release window by Nintendo of America at a press event in San Francisco. There'll also be StreetPass functionality with hits converting into items used for special battles; we'll be learning more about that soon. As previously confirmed the remake no longer has random encounters, either, taking away one aspect of old-school design that perhaps hasn't aged so well.
Are you pleased with the Summer window for Dragon Quest VII?
Comments 50
Doubt it could be any later with the NX expected end of 2016.
Bring it on!
Awesome, can't wait to play this again!.... Don't know what the NX has to do with this.... ^
Summer hardly narrows it down.
Could be June, could be July, could be August. A firm release date, please!!
I'll have to get this day one as I'm not sure if it will be there when I have time for it. As it is it will go right to my backlog which is slowly shrinking.
NES, SNES, GB, GBA, DS, and Wii all had games release on them after their successor came out.
Same goes for PS1, PS2 and PS3
I'm pretty sure they said Early Summer in the Direct, so I don't think this is news. Did they only say "2016" in the EU Direct?
Oh good that will give me time to finish fantasy life, and then start DQ5.
Honestly, I'm kind of tired of all the good turn-based rpg's being released for damn handhelds. Hence why I pray that the NX is a hybrid console/handheld that will let me play these great RPG's on a screen bigger than 4 inches...So actually I'd guess you could say this does not make me happy...
Never played a DQ game, though I did watch my brother play DQ8 on PS2 for a bit... some great music. I'll be hopefully getting that one.
I'm still shocked that we're actually getting this, it was released in Japan almost 3 years ago with nary a word about localization until just recently.
I am curious: if this only digital or both?
@Minotaurgamer Don't see why it wouldn't be both, have you read otherwise? Does the 3DS even have that many digital only titles, other than indies?
Awesome, can't wait for this, but I especially cannot wait for DQ 8. Wish it was coming sooner, but late is better than never.
Europe release in may please 😀(^_-)
So glad I have my preorder in on this game. I can't wait to play this game over the summer
@Minotaurgamer @blackice85 the 3ds Phoenix Wright games are eshop only outside Japan, as are a few Atlus games in Europe (can't remember which ones since I'm in the US). So it's entirely possible for 1 regions retail games to be eshop only in others, though both of these DQ remakes have been confirmed to get retail releases, at least in the US since I didn't see Europe's direct.
@ASonic3582 Yeah more niche ones like Phoenix Wright I can see. The Atlus thing is just Europe getting dicked over as usual, I wasn't thinking of that though since I live in the US. In any case I'd consider DQ a higher profile release from a major developer and publisher.

The following is taken from the direct:
Yeah. Yippy. Hurray. Hallelujah. These are the games i have been drooling over for years. I don't expect Dragon quest 10 to come out or those MonsterQuest games, but at least I am going to get these two Gems. I am salivating at the prospects. I know I'm set for the year. I don't even care if NX comes out this year. I have my 2 Dragon Quests, Bravery Second, Twilight Princess, Star Fox, ZeldaU, Final Fantasy Explorers, Fire Emblem Fates, and two other Atlus games.That's 10 definite buys for me. I still have like five more Games that I might pick up depending on how I feel about them. I am also still hopeful for more WiiU releases as well.
I've always wanted to try out this series and I'm thrilled to here that it will be releasing this summer.
It's about time My God how long we have waited...tis truly a glorious day indeed...Now considering Nintendo is reaffirming this game is coming summer (and I believe DQ VIII is holding at 'Late' 2016) I hope that means we are getting this one in say, late May or June (instead of late August early September)
YES ! Can't wait !!
Amazing. I'm at least picking up a copy of DQVII. Unsure about VIII.
Really would love to have another Direct or something that confirms the European release window for this game. Got to be there Day One.
Awesome, this and DQVIII will complete my portable DQ collection. Got Dragon Warrior I-III for the Game Boy Color system, DQIV-VI & DQIX for DS and now just need these two.
Already pre-ordered it at GameStop a few weeks ago. Thought both 7 and 8 would come as one package so I was a bit confused I had to pay 5€ extra. Mostly waiting for 8, though. Watched my father play it for like 100 hours - yeah, grinding was boring for me at the time.
I've only played DQ IX, but I loved it and have been meaning to get the others.
No random battle? How do you train then? ("grind" if you prefer)
What about the dungeons difficulty? Worth it with avoidable ennemies?
Awesome going to preorder this game sometime this weekend!
I don't care how long it takes, just glad it's coming. We're so lucky they're even bringing these over considering how poorly the DS games sold.
but but...i want random encounters...im old skool(primitive and conservative)like that.
This is going to be the best RPG year ever for 3DS!
@Spoony_Tech it's going to be a banner year for RPG's. I think that backlog is going to grow again.
It would be nice if random battles were at least optional as opposed to completely removed :-/
Currently working my way through DQ3. Then I'll have done 1-6, 9 and the two joker games. Really hoping they localise some of the other monsters remakes after this, Rocket Slime would be too much to ask - that game was amazing though
Only wish it was earlier so I could play it now
Nice to have confirmation. Eagerly awaiting a hard date.
@OutCold if they announce the NX - nobody is buying any of the games they come out with between the announcement and the release of the NX. They need to control the dialogue on these sorts of things. Unless the NX plays 3DS games. Then IDK.
Square Enix finally decided that they want my money. I'm buying this, the other one, and I will buy Joker 3 if they localize it.
@Windy Rpgs are a backlogs worst enemy lol. I love the fact that there are so many but they are so time consuming. Btw, I've decided to play a ds rpg in Radiant Historia. It's just another of my backlog I want to get through. I am however starting to clear away a nice percentage of them even if it's only 15 percent or so.
I've never played a Dragon Quest game and I live in Europe and have been growing up with NES, SNES and N64. Here in Europe you never got to experience anything what Dragon Quest is about, I think? And if it's not the kind of game friends were talking about. If it got talked about RPG's Final Fantasy would be the talking-theme. I assume Dragon Quest games started to appear in Europe first with the DS-Era.
So now to my question, since there are so many RPG's out there for 3DS and the DS, what makes Dragon Quest good in comparion to other RPG franchises? If I get convinced and decides to pick up an entry to check out what the fuss is about, can I pick up any entry or would I have to start in a specific order to understand the storylines between sequels/prequels?
Are the Dragon Quest games that good, which ones are the best and which one should I start to pick up? Maybe the upcoming ones as firsts?
@Minotaurgamer i preordered my cartirdge copy on Amazon a week ago.
@Konda Dragon Quest is the series that every other JRPG aspires to be. What makes it so good? Play one and see.
1-3 have continuity in their storyline, but I'm not sure if any of the other games are related to each other.
@Konda - Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2 was the first released in Europe.
I-III is a trilogy
IV-VI is a trilogy
VII, VIII and IX are all standalone (and presumably X)
They are all very easy to understand without playing any of the others though. I recommend playing any that become available.
Have never played one of these, but hearing it lacks random battles make it more enticing.
And no Atlus tax is another incentive!
I like the summer window but hope they eventually choose a specific date. The game release schedule for 2016 is a mess, we need to plan accordingly....unless you enjoy the sad empty wail of your wallets
Just the game I'm waiting for!
Will be my first Dragon Quest game!
Hope we get a physical release of Dragon Quest VII in Europe. Not bothered about VIII because I've got the PS2 version and it's a great game that I'd rather play on the big screen with proper speakers.
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