Back in 2010, we reported on the news that Noitu Love 2 was headed to WiiWare, but issues relating to the publisher meant it never happened. Thankfully, the title is being resurrected for the 3DS and Wii U eShops, and will be available in Q1 2016.
Originally released on PC in 2008, the game uses a mouse-based control system which would have transferred to the Wii quite successfully, thanks to its Wiimote pointer. The 3DS version will get touch control, while the Wii U edition will have touch and pointer input.

MP2 Games - the studio behind the Nintendo ports of Knytt Underground and Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures - is handling the conversion. Original developer Joakim "Konjak" Sandberg has stated that the aim is to bring the game to as many regions as possible.
[source konjakonjak.tumblr.com]
Comments 29
Day 2
looking forward to this...
As a big fan of explosions I imagine that I'll be playing this.
Not bad at all!
Day Discount.
Looks like it took a bit of inspiration from Gunstar Heroes, which is only a good thing. Looking forward to playing it in three years when it's number gets called up from my backlog.
I will definitely be getting this. Konjak's pixel work is just gorgeous and I really enjoyed playing it on the PC, I wonder how the touch controls will feel.
I hope whenever The Iconoclasts comes out it's on the Wii U.
I waited ages for this. Definitely a pickup.
Color me intrigued. Really liking the art style and look of this.
I am SO excited! Been wishing this for a long time!
This is a very solid game on PC and should move over to pointer controls flawlessly.
Cool, colour me interested
Alright! Definitely getting this!
Looks promising!
Looks nice definitely will keep an eye on this game.
Looks good. Hope I enjoy it when I get it, because I get a lot of eshop games.
This is the kind of story I like. Game doesnt work out, then dev comes back at the perfect time during next gen and puts the game out anyway instead of just forgetting it for a new one.
Really interested. Glad to hear pointer controls are included because that's what I'll be using.
Oh! I love this game! I'd love to try it with some 3D!
If it's only playable with touch andpointer controls, I'll pass.
@Drac_Mazoku agreed, definitely day one for me too!
I remember buying this game on Steam and absolutely loving it. I guess it's time for me to rebuy it.
@garthvader What he said.
From this trailer, the gameplay looks extremely fun, but the graphics look a little dated. Not a problem at all for me, but I wonder if some others will find the look of Treasure's GBA output as appealing as something like Mighty Switch Force or Freedom Planet, especially considering the Wii U version.
Looks pretty cool! The art style intrigues me as well. I'll definitely be giving this a look once it is released.
yes finally! heres hoping to use the pro controller.
Hopefully its not overpriced!
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