We're still awaiting a release date for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, the crowdfunded HD entry in the series that'll arrive either late this year or early in 2016, though WayForward is still ticking along and maintaining interest in the release. While doing so it's also fulfilling its duties to Kickstarter backers, of course, who put their money down long ago.
In a rather neat update to backers - thanks, Tiny Cartridge - the developer has shown off a new enemy design created by a backer: Ikki.

Yep, that sure looks like Nikki from Swapnote, the 3DS message service that had its online messaging shut down in November 2013. Abuse of the system was blamed at the time, though Nikki has lived on in some official artwork and is still used in some areas of Nintendo's websites.
It's a nice homage, and we certainly hope Nikki will have a role in Miitomo; that would certainly be a nice return for the character.
[source tinycartridge.com]
Comments 31
Nikki lives! Except she doesn't! Because she's a ghost!
Wow! Wayforward needs to keep an eye out for Nintendo's Ninjas!
Nikki is pretty alive in Japan.
I saw the update a few days ago but didn't even notice the likeness. Weird.
@Stuffgamer1 to be fair someone could easily say that Ikki was a tribute to Velma from Scooby doo and most would nod along.
for clarity sake, I am not saying Ikki isn't based on Nikki
That's p cute. :3
She should come out of envelopes.
Now that is really clever! Great job, fan!
Is this confirmed? It's a pretty big chance it's true. But I'm not sure we should assume something like that without confirmation Neato if it is though, Nikki always seemed like a fun person. (and is pretty much the only person I got mail from)
Could just be his girlfriend or something?
@Spin it's true, I got a kickstarter email yesterday about it. I'm very unobservant and didn't notice it was meant to be nikki until now though.
Nikki for Smash!
but awesome otherwise
Oh, this is an American website.
Man, I miss Swapnote. It's such a shame an extremely useful app had to get shut down.
@Aozz one thing I don't understand about nikki being in Smash is that she's already in the game, she's a mii character. You can just make a mii of her.
I miss swapnote. I used it to keep in touch with some of my friends who live on the other side of the country. It was a nice way to send letters without having to use the mail ,or do a plain on email.
cough cough SHANTAE CONFIRMED FOR SMASH COUGH nah JK but no really #shantaeforsmash
@Aozz http://www.smashbros.us/us/characters/nikki.html We got her (kind of)!
Woo, it's my favourite tutorial character! This just makes me want a Nikki-centered Streetpass game more than ever! But hey, if Nintendo doesn't do anything with her, fans will keep her active!
Ahh I loved getting mail from her! The messaging itself of swapnote was no where near as good as pictochat! Nintendo please bring back pictochat and perhaps even be daring and have online with friends and if you're really feeling brave VOICE CHAT still it's nice to see people still remember her and she has a costume in Mario Maker too
Cool. Now we just need Shantae to get confirmed for smash.
@DoctorOverbuild Yeah... no. seeing as they shut down swapnote for having minimal features, I don't see that being a thing. Honestly I'm still pissed about swapnote. They could have just taken away the ability to send snapshots, or restricted it to gameplay screenshots and the problem would have been solved.
"Nikki has lived on in some official artwork and is still used in some areas of Nintendo's websites"
As well as appearing in Mario Maker. Pretty big cameo to completely overlook, Nintendo Life...
@C-Olimar Um where does she appear in Mario Maker?
@TeeJay What @Just_Ethan said
I for one was delighted to see her in it. So random!
Nikki is also in a 3ds wallpaper to buy.
INB4 people complain about this as much as So Sorry.
@RainbowGazelle I thought it was a UK site
Nikki is also the host of a Japan-only Nintendo 3DS app, which used to be exclusively available to Club Nintendo members, called ニッキーの旅するクイズ (Nikki's Travel Quiz). Of course, since Club Nintendo is no longer available, consequently the app is no longer being distributed.
@Dankykong Why'd they call it 'Swapnote' then?
@Kirby_Fan_DL3 it was a joke
Can we please get Shantae in Smash?
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