The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is out on 3DS this week, so it's clearly a vital release for Nintendo at the present time. The minds of franchise fans are always looking forward, however, with the delay of The Legend of Zelda for Wii U into 2016 at the top of many priority lists.
It's with that in mind that an upcoming Famitsu feature could be particularly interesting. Though focused on Tri Force Heroes, an interview with Eiji Aonuma, Shiro Mouri and Hiromasa Shikata will have a small segment that'll discuss the Wii U title and the fact that 2016 will be the 30th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda on NES.
Nintendo tied various events, promotions and even The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword into 25th Anniversary celebrations for the series in the past, so naturally there's hope that the big N has special plans for next year. Any news on the Wii U title is welcome, meanwhile, though we perhaps shouldn't expect too much from this Famitsu article on that score - the preview images show the focus is very much on Tri Force Heroes.
We'll be watching closely, in any case; the issue is due to drop in early November.
[source famitsu.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 44
@NintyMan This. At this point I'm practically starving for information about the game, though, so anything would make the wait for an actual feature dedicated to the game a little less agonizing.
=_= why is the focus on a game that is all ready out? And that doesn't need anymore info, seriously what more can they say about this game?
It's been so quiet, I forgot that LOZ WiiU existed
@Lady_rosalina Plenty. Look at the Iwata Asks sections on Nintendo's website, they're similar in nature. Interviews like this often talk about development, possible content that was left out, design choices and more. Of course, since its a new game, more advertisement is never a bad thing.
I expect the entire Zelda U coverage to look like this:
Question: Will Zelda U on Wii U release in 2016?
Answer: Yes, no worries, it will be out on Wii U in 2016, after Star Fox Zero.
Funny I can hear that exactly in the English translator voice.
@Lady_rosalina Yeah it's getting ridiculous how shafted Zelda U is.
I'm hoping for at least a tidbit of new info on Zelda U, or at least an update of sorts on its progress.
There will allegedly be news about the franchise's 30th anniversary, which is where I'm expecting Twilight Princess HD to be announced, or at least teased.
@Lady_rosalina Thanks for picking up on that, I tried. It's basically just the dialogue from the Dec 5 Video Game Awards when they were showing off Zelda U. Last we've seen of it 10 months ago. Maybe the infected from The Last of US ate the code?
@Captain_Gonru Yeah, I don't understand the 2 player omission, we live in a 2 player world. Though my kids, after 1 gaming session, decided they can't play Yoshi 2 player b/c they keep messing w/ each other too much. Good thing we got that Yoshi amiibo. I do like the DL play in TFH, b/c spending $120 for 3 copies of the game is a bit much, it isn't that good. My kids want ALBW for Christmas anyway, we're always a year behind.
@rjejr LOL! i was thinking the same thing!
@Captain_Gonru im in the same boat...i wanted to buy Triforce Heros day 1 to play with my son until i found out its single or three...my son and I still play Four Swords on the 3DS and have a great time and Four Swords on the gamecube though my GBSSP has met a terrible fate of cookie crumbs (...long story) but its the experience of always at least being able to play 2 player that made this one of my favorite in the series. Local multi-player is slowly becoming extinct in favor of on-line multiplayer...dissappointing to be honest
@rjejr being a year behind isnt such a bad thing besides you get to save money didnt ALBW get a permanent price drop recently?
I'm guessing they will confirm Zelda for Wii U is still slated for a 2016 release and say something about how it's been 30 years since the original and it is fitting that the biggest zelda yet will release in its anniversary year.
Beyond the magazine, I'm betting TP HD will be later confirmed as a release for Wii U on the 30 Anniversary week so probably February 19th?
They are not showing Zelda U because they cannot reveal anything of the next console.
@WanderingPB - "didnt ALBW get a permanent price drop recently?"
It's a $20 Nintendo Select in the EU but NA doesn't have a Nintendo Selects line so it's still $40 here. As my kids always say "Because...Reggie."
@rjejr your kids are right.
What is ALTB?
@holygeez03 Good question. Maybe I should fix that. This is why I don't buy handheld Zelda games, they always have too many letters.
Y'all realise Famitsu is a Japanese video game magazine that covers all brands and systems. Stop asking so much of it. It isn't run by Nintendo. They have the same access to Zelda as anybody else. You will likely get coverage on what is already out there, and possibly some leaked info or rumors.
"They are not showing Zelda U because they cannot reveal anything of the next console."
Haha, yup, pretty much.
@Gerbwmu It doesn't even officially have a 2016 release date right now, in my opinion. The only thing that says that is some post-E3 infographic, and how trustworthy can that be? In my opinion, a 2016 release will be "officially announced" in the interview.
@NintyMan, And I wouldn't underestimate the power of "just a few comments and teases." We haven't heard any news in a year! Any sliver of information is going to be heralded in these dark times, the infamous Hype Famine of '15.
Last console game game came out on the 25th anniversary. This one is looking to come out on the 30th. I hope this doesn't become a recurring trend. 5 years for a console Zelda game is a long time.
no Zelda Wii U infos:
i guess this article won't be updated like always.
Zelda Wii U is now zelda NX. At the very best it will see the wii u as a dual release like twilight princess.
This is a stone cold fact.
If you had a 30th anniversary of one of you biggest and most anticipated IPs, coinciding with the launch of your new hardware, you have a huge game for that IP 5 years in the making. Do you:
A: launch launch launch on that platform.
B: launch on your older failed platform that you yourself have openly stated you are scaling back support for?
If you are in camp B you are a fool, not a fan of nintendo and have no interest in seeing nintendo succeed and return toward their former glory rather than skating a close line to segas hardware legacy.
To be honest I didn't expect WII U version after NX. If they can make a better version with better visuals or whatever I would say bring it on NX
Holy crap!!!! It felt like only a year ago was the 25th. I can't believe next year is the 30th anniversary!
Yeah, we only have one 3DS, so it's just a no go. This is what consoles with extra screens are for. Another game that makes more sense on Wii U than 3DS to me. And this is why a (almost?) joined at the hip console and handheld plan for NX isn't just likely but also a good idea.
I'm very happy that the convergence of the hardware teams for the purposes of unifying the future development of games is a confirmed fact from Nintendo. No matter how NX plays out we are going to have games that cross the console and handheld barrier much easier from Nintendo. It makes me happy as long as there is a dedicated and performant console involved.
A 30th anniversary would be a great time to announce Twilight Princess HD, would it not?
Probably wont have much info but really anything talking about Nintendo in 2016 would be great news right now. They've really been tight lipped about that since E3.
At least there are still a steady stream of good games releasing
@rjejr I think Starfox Zero is coming in March and Zelda Wii U is coming in May.
@DESS-M-8 Oh, it's a fact now. The only thing thats a fact is that its going to the Wii U. Theres a chance its going to the Nx but its not fact.
And we'll all ignore the fact about F-Zero's 25th anniversary next month....
@amiiboacid I'm really curious about the Zelda U release date as I think it affects not only the NX launch date but any upcoming Wii U price cut(s). Starfox in the winter or very early spring seems almost certain since it had an actual Nov 20 date just a month ago.
I think NX has to be next year, and it seems more like a real thing now that Dev units have gone out according to the WSJ. And Reggie did say NX at E3, so it's not like they can deny it. And I don't think it would be getting this much coverage not to come out until 2017. But will Zelda change consoles, or will NX be backwards compatible? Lots of questions for 2016.
@rjejr Reggie mentioned the Nx because it's getting revealed next E3. It doesn't mean anything. Reggie doesn't control the release dates of the consoles. Also Zelda is not changing consoles. It's staying on the Wii U with a chance of going on the Nx.
Please, even ONE screenshot would be nice. PLEASE NINTENDO.
@SanderEvers - "We HAVE SEEN NOTHING of the NX"
Funny, that's how much we've seen of Zelda U over the past 10 months. Coincidence?
And Nintendo needed time w/ Wii U to get the Gamepad up to speed. Which they did a horrible failing job at, b/c the first year of it's release people at Ntinedo kept talking about dual Gamepad support which we never got.
So Nintneod hsa bene known to lie a time or too. OR lmaost always.
Also, and more importantly than Nitnod's own confusion about anything they do, when Wii U released there were 100 million Wii sold in the world.They won last gen w/ sales, they were in no rush to get the Wii U out. Now that Wii U has only sold 10 million in 3 years, there is a sense of urgency to get the next console out there before everybody buys a PS4 or Xbox One instead.
Also, if Nintendo builds the Wii U based on architecture similar to PS4 and Xbox One - as has been rumoured - then it won't take 3rd party game developers long to port over their games. Wii U is it's own thing, so it takes longer to make games for.
You can't simply look at how Nintendo handled the Wii U release schedule and apply it to the NX, things are so very different now.
@amiiboacid of course it's a fact. Nintendo would have to be utter idiots to not release it on NX, it is also the only reason why a gane that was all but finished in April 2015 is not now releasing until 2016.
It is exactly what happened with twilight princess. Why would you be angry about an amazing gane being a launch title on a new platform that you want to succeed???
Unless you think sticking with Wii U for the next 3 years is a much more viable business strategy?
If the Nx is rumored to release next year, will this game be ported to the new console?
@DESS-M-8 Did your uncle from Nintendo tell you it's a fact. If it's not confirmed by Nintendo, it's not a fact. What I think will happen is that Zelda will release in May of next year, then a GOTY edition in November, 2017.
@amiiboacid Uncle schmunkle, you'd have to be deaf and blind to think anything else. Zelda will be an NX launch title
@DESS-M-8 As of now, there is absolutely zero evidence for the next Zelda to be a launch title. Also you, as well as a lot of other fools, believe this situation is simular to Twilight Princess, but it has no similarities at all.
@amiiboacid ooooooooooo name calling on an Internet forum!!!??? You are such a strong and intimidating creature, I will really think about what I say before i say it from now on.
You are utterly wrong. How does it bare NO similarities!!!??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
A long time in development zelda title, scheduled for release on a dwindling platform toward the end of its lifespan, near completion is mysteriously delayed for over a year!!!??? New hardware. is launching within that time frame.
Can you guess which zelda game I'm talking about?
@DESS-M-8 Miyamoto in 2005: Oh boy, this Zelda title for the DS sure is innovative.
Miyamoto in 2005: I just wish Twilight Princess was this innovative.
Miyamoto in 2005: Looks at Wii
Miyamoto in 2005: Wait a second.
Miyamoto in 2005: I should port Twilight Princess onto the Wii to give it motion controlls.
Miyamoto in 2005: Good thing the GameCube got Wind Waker as an exclusive Zelda game so porting this will be fine.
That's not even an argument, that just a load of drivel.
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