For as long as there are consoles there'll be hackers and programmers attempting to reverse engineer them for emulation. Due to all of the work platform holders put into closing off their systems it proves to be difficult, and it took quite some time for the infamous 'Dolphin' emulator to make Wii games playable on PC. It's a niche area, and in the current generation the sheer difficulty of running emulation means that it's unlikely to lead to widespread piracy.
Now, just three years into its life, definitive proof has been shared of a functioning Wii U emulator, which the creators are calling Cemu. These sorts of emulators often take years to come together and even more time to optimise, and the first version of this particular example seems to be legitimate; yet based on the comments of those trying it out is far from playable or functional on a meaningful level. Those deep enough into the scene to have dump files of Wii U games have been testing a host of retail titles, typically reporting load times of multiple minutes and crashes after initial screens.
In any case, it's demonstrated to be functioning below (we're not sure how long this video will be live).
Is this a threat to the Wii U's retail position? Not really, and we must consider how the Dolphin emulator was a niche concern that many Wii consumers never even heard of. In addition it'll likely be a couple of years or more (based on how other emulators have come together) before this is functional on a meaningful level, and by that point the Wii U may have been phased out at retail.
Beyond all of that it's proof - along with 3DS homebrew efforts - that hackers and programmers will always try to work around gaming systems. Cemu is the latest in a long line of attempts.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 84
I've been trying some PS2 emulation recently, and getting games to run nicely at anything other than native res is being a PITA, so I can't quite see a Wii U/PS3 level emulator being much cop for several years (unless the architecture has simplified over generations, but I don't think that was the case with PS3).
No GamePad? No thank you.
I wouldn't worry about emulation. If there was anything that significantly affected sales for the Wii and DS, it was not the emulators. For the Wii, softmodding was really easy to do. For the DS, flashcarts opened up the whole game library for a price lower than one single game.
The Wii U's doing okay in that regard. Last time I checked, only the Wii Mode is moddable.
@allav866 Where might I ask have they said it will never have gamepad support?
@gcunit Some systems are easier to emulate than others. Gamecube and N64 games tend to run a lot better than PS2 and PSX games on their respective emulators.
@Jazzer94 Where might I ask have they said it will?
@Fazermint Actually, emulation did hurt the sales of the DS and that's one of the reasons why 3DS is now region locked.
I'm fairly certain I've seen Dolphin running NSMBU
You're thinking of flashcarts
I presume you still have to use a GamePad to play it properly, right?
If so, this is kinda what I wish the Wii U was all along, in a sense—basically, an optional peripheral for a currently well established device, rather than a whole new console.
I basically wish the Wii U were just the GamePad as a peripheral for the original Wii BUT I also wish the Wii had been as powerful as the Wii U in the first place, which would mean it being about the same power as the Xbox 360 and PS3 were at the time, and then it really would have made sense to have the GamePad as a peripheral for the Wii, and the Wii could probably still have be going strong now. There was no need for a whole new console, imo, or at least there wouldn't have been if Nintendo had seen fit to make the Wii as powerful as the other consoles of that generations from the get go, and it would still be just about as powerful as the current Wii U is anyway.
Sadly, Nintendo wasn't quite that forward thinking with the original Wii, and so here we are.
Nah it's not a threat at all. I buy all my WiiU games new on release but when there is a proper hack for the wiiu (in a few years) I will be giving it a go, since, ya know, I own it and I can do what I want with it. And I will sell on my physical games for it. Did the same for my (doing the sea for vWii) Wii, ds, ps2, GameCube, original Xbox etc.
Don't see the problem since these company's all get my money first time round anyway. I do see a problem with people (i presume most people) who buy the system years later with no games and hack it with millions of free games, so not one cent goes to Sony/Nintendo/MS from their pockets.
But what can ya do, tis the internet, can't police it world over.
@Jazzer94 Besides, even if it can emulate the GamePad screen, I highly doubt it could emulate every aspect of the GamePad, like gyro sensors, camera, NFC, the works. And I doubt the emulator would be able to use the GamePad and run at a decent speed.
@Artwark Technically, sure. Emulation would maybe count for 10% at best, whereas flashcarts count for the remaining 90%.
And region blocking wouldn't actually do anything to stop emulation, now you're just speaking out of your behind.
@allav866 and if it does, that's even more work. Sounds like a waste of time.
@allav866 They could emulate or just you know natively support the thing and the guy who is behind it mentioned adding just that in future on a certain site where all this was first posted i.e. not gaf.
@GLA Thank you!
@Kirk The Wii was out for 6 years before the Wii U, that's how long Nintendo consoles are out. 5-6 years, I think youre one of the only ones who wished Nintendo stuck with the wii
How can you threat Wii U's non existent retail postion? lol
Awesome news, though it will be tough with no gamepad. I love emulators, it keeps retro games alive, gives modders something to play with and even allows you to try some old beta versions. When the Wii U is old news, you might be glad it's there too!
This is BS. If we can't discuss stuff like this on the forums, why post articles about emulation on the front page?
this is amazing! i guess, if my Wii U ever stop working. i could use this (although, this is just a beginning. )
...What the heck kind of name is Cemu!?
Interesting, but it's pretty pointless until they can perfect the emulation of the Gamepad's screen.
"...since, ya know, I own it and I can do what I want with it."
That's not how it wor—nevermind...
Nintendo should be honoured that someone is actually trying to emulate on the Wii U considering it's sales, I mean why bother?
@TheAceofMystery Well, I am of course thinking of the "Wii" as it might have been, if Nintendo had had the foresight to make it more powerful in the first place, such that it really would just basically be what the Wii U is right now. So, rather than having two kinda similar and both underpowered consoles in these last two generations, you would have had a single console that was initially just as powerful as the competition for a whole generation but that actually lasted for two generations, where it would obviously be less powerful in the second generation but still no less powerful than the Wii U is now anyway. It basically would have been a Wii/Wii U hybrid, or a more powerful Wii with the GamePad as a peripheral, that had a well over 150 million install base at this point, and likely a crap load of ongoing support as a result. If that makes sense to you?
So, imagine that: A Wii that was actually actually as powerful as the Wii U from day one (which is basically just what the Xbox 360 and PS3 were anyway), was still the "current-gen" Nintendo console after basically two generations, had an install base of well over 150 million at this point in time, and the GamePad was an additional peripheral that came out about 6 years into the lifespan of the console...
Personally, I think that would have been a much better direction for the Wii/Wii U to go in than what we actually ended up with, and most certainly for all the Nintendo gamers out there, who would have saved quite a bit of money not having to buy two entirely separate consoles—just the optional GamePad peripheral—and would almost certainly be seeing a lot more third party support at this point in time too.
It could still be years before the emulator is fully optimised and is good enough for playing Wii U games, so this will likely not have too much of an effect on sales.
Even in a few years, the emulator would be at its early days - I mean, as far as I know, fully functional emulators for the very first PlayStation have started to become common just recently.
My point exactly.
@Mus1cLov3r lol yeah don't even bother dude.
@wazlon Creating emulators has less to do with sales and more to do with being able to replay (theoretically anyway) the exclusive library if and when the systems and games become unavailable reasonably legally.
Half the reason the (original) Xbox emulator was never finished was because the library was deemed not worth the trouble asmuch of it were mulitplats or also on PC.
@Artwark nintendo is the king, if not the inventor of region lock. they been doing that since the snes days
dolphin, infamous, huh. well try playing a wii game on a hd television thats a real crime right there.
Well it was bound to happen eventually. I'm kinda surprised that its taken this long to come out with an emulator for the Wii U.
Well look at the bright side: Now people who are "On the Fence" about buying a Wii U, they can play this instead. And contemplate if it's worth the ridiculous $300 dollar price tag.
To threaten Wii U's retail position it would actually need to have one... m'irite guys? Huh? ; — D
Did Dolphin actually get to a stage where it worked well? I always liked the idea of playing wii games at a higher resolution
Nintendo is not gonna be happy about this
@Morph Dolphin work extremely well, and plays most games flawlessly. I won't link stuff just in case of site rules, but you can search most notable Wii games in Youtube with "HD" on the end in to see how well they runs. Just make sure your computer can handle it
Just out of interest, how do they rip the discs? They're some sort of proprietary format, so how do they force a disc drive of the type in a laptop to read them? Most drives just fail to read GameCube and Wii discs at all in my experience.
@ZenTurtle They don't, they're ripping them from a hacked Wii U.
Which is why I don't use an emulator to play GC/Wii games, you need to hack your Wii to make your own ISO's, because you can't run the discs on your computer.
Dolphin works "decently". Not bad, not good - just decent. There are some games that run faulty on the dolphin emulator.
I like to emulate a game now and then because it's impressive how the game looks visually. The graphics are so refined in games like No More Heroes 2 or Mario Sunshine, that you wouldn't believe it originated from a nintendo console.
Anyway, it's a pain in the ass imho setting up or playing with emulators. Also it's just not the same as playing with an original controller and on the original system (and even with an old 4:3 TV, good times). Setting your PC up to get the most "original feeling" out of the emulator is really time consuming.
The only thing I really dislike on emulators, are the free roms that wander around the internet. Especially since the CDs/DVDs "age", people interested in emulation should consider to buy a compatible Disc Drive to rip the iso by them selves. Only then i'd consider it as 100% "legal".
@OddworldCrash You can't just buy some disc drive, you need to hack your console to rip your own bios, because those are illegal to share too.
@Kirk The problem is that you are describing a system that would have been extremely expensive at the launch of the Wii. Putting Blu-Ray into the PS3 is part of what put the price so high.
@Kirk Jesus kids TO ALL WII U it is not the same power as a X360 or a ps3 GPUs. The Wii u GPU is more powerful that the old assed RSX invidia 7000 and XENOS or ati x1800. In New GEN CPU clock don't make a system like the OLD ps3 and 360 gen clock speeds is not needed as much this gen . Now General processing gpus run the show are now used in the new gen systems like ps4 ,xb1, WiiU all have GPGPUs. Wii u has more shader cores like 320 that's more than a Ps3 old rsx 24 shader and xenos in 360 has 48 shader cores. Wii u in-terms of power is a based on a ATI 4850 or low end 5000 gpu sits above ps3 and x360 but below Xbox 1 and ps4 in terms of graphics effects and raw power. I am telling you from a pc Gamer tech standpoint
General Purpose Gpu are the new Gen standard Started with Wii u first of consoles out the door to have it .Programmers had a hard time porting to Wii u because of 7 years old last gen programming styles. Or porting last gen CPU dependent GPU setups from old xb360 to a newer alien GPGPU lower clock CPU setup like Wii U. Little did they know that what was off loaded from higher clocked CPUs from last gen consoles.The GPU in Wii u and newer consoles are now able to rely less on high clocks from the CPU off loads and do more of its own work letting the CPU free its time tasking to other things is A GPGPU. I see where most get confused Wii u like 360 has a 3 core POWER PC CPU but a newer custom setup lower clock than 360. Wii u has some parts of its CPU from Watson but not fully that's what i heard take it with a grain of salt. And Both have a ATi Or Now AMD brand GPU but x360 GPU is not on par power to Wii u Gpu. Wii you looks to be more looks like a direct x10 looking PC games.
It doesnt really matter. You will need a decent PC to run an emulator.
@marcw680 Give or take, the Wii U is roughly equivalent to the last-gen Xbox 360 and PS3 in terms of power. It's certainly closer to those systems than it is to the likes of Xbox One and PS4 in terms of the kinds of graphics it's capable of. That was what I was getting at in saying it could have been like those other systems in terms of power, but just lasting for two generations and with the GamePad as a peripheral.
@Darknyht It wouldn't have been any higher than either the PS3 or Xbox 360, and in fact, seeing as it didn't have even any basic CD/DVD/Blu-Ray capability, it would still have been cheaper.
With power that was roughly the same as the Xbox 360 and PS3, a slightly cheaper price, and the Wiimote and Wii Sports, it would likely still have won the generation easily.
@marcw680 All that combined with the fact that the Wii U had a meagre tri core. I love my Wii U but I can't deny the disappointment I had when I heard it only had a 1.2ghz tri core. I was hoping Nintendo would've made the sensible option of a quad core.
This could've given developers a little bit more headroom for ports. Also the 1GB reserve on its poorly designed bloatware OS is a disgrace
@marcw680 Well if a Wii U was based on a 4850 that would be pretty sick. A low end 5000 series would be a disgrace however!
I believe the Wii U is a mid tier 5000 series. However the pathetic CPU and low bandwidth of the main RAM gave devs a massive headache.
As for the PS3 it has a 7800GTX and the 360 a HD2650. The PS3 has never been utilised by 3rd parties to this day.
@liveswired Wii u has Aux processor for the os made by arm
@wazlon What does that have to do with anything. It's sales are not reflective of it's game quality.
In the GC/Wii era, the Dolphin emulator actually made some sense because of the HD graphics (although I still prefered to play games on my Gamecube and Wii because the controls worked far better).
I don't see the point in a Wii U emulator though, it adds nothing that the Wii U doesn't have (HD, disc-free games) already. Besides, what about the second (touch-)screen? Without that, it even makes less sense.
@liveswired Wii U was based on a 4850 in the dev kits Band width was 562 gigabytes per second From the newer gen EDRAM via research and Mark Cerny. Withe out using Wii u ed-ram than by it self low bandwidth
Wow, 1.06 FPS. This might actually be something in about 12 years.
So many people who say wii u has low bandwidth For Get that EDRAM is in the system newer than the Xbox 360s older EDRAM 16 megs of it ed-ram is expensive to make
@liveswired 7800GTX in the ps4 has been used fully well along side the cells Spe programmable clusters are able to do graphics tasks if your code tells them to. look a God OF WAR Or Drakes Fortune ect its aged well. A 7800GTX is a dx9 card LOVED IT i had 1 in my old AMD 64 1 core PC than sold it.
@Yorumi You need a very specific disc drive to read GC/Wii discs, 99.9% of the disc drives won't work.
Cool, it's progress. Looking forward to more developments, I kept my Wii U at low version with no updates for this purpose. Thanks for keeping us posted about the world of mods, hacks, emulation and homebrew, Nintendo Life!
@DarkmarkUnited just because they report on the stuff it doesn't mean it's any more accepted by the rules.
@DarkmarkUnited All you need to do is master of art of being "lolvague" and it'll probably pass here.
You can quote as many shader cores as you want, evidence shows nothing on Wii U greatly surpassing the best of PS3/360.
@Kirk The 360 and the PS3(especially so) were being sold at a massive loss(over $200 lost per system for the PS3's initial $599 price tag) because Sony and MS the companies were giant corporations that could offset their consoles losing each company quite literally billions of dollars for years upon years in exchange for market share(with the PS3's first three years infamously wiping out the entire profit earned from 12 years the Playstation and Playstation 2 and the Xbox division infamously making Microsoft less money than they've put into it).
For Nintendo to be selling an equivalent console for even less would mean that Nintendo would be taking every greater losses per system sold on a gamble that Wii Sports would sell the system. The business model Sony and Microsoft use for their consoles aren't sustainable at all(notice how the PS4 doesn't make that much considering how much it sells) let alone for a company that main source of income is videogames like Nintendo.
To copy MS and Sony would be ludicrous for Nintendo because Nintendo has to make enough to justify their videogame business. MS and Sony are aimed at controlling the living room at any cost, even heavy financial losses to try and maximize marketshare.
@ColdingLight Oh boy, I'm sure people will switch from buying a Wii U to using a 1 fps a second, no sounds, poorly optimize, and crashed filled emulator that not even good enough to be considered to be in its alpha stage! Esspecially when this guy is unknown outside of making a few Wii Homebrew! [sarcasm] You're really are ignorant when it comes to emulation, aren't you? People like you give emulator developers and hackers a bad name, but what else can I expect from a community of neckbeards that will go out of a way to prove which one of their toys are better.
I thought that the XBOX Durango would be emulated first.
Nintendo- consoles are always the easiest ones to open this way. Then again, Sony and Microsoft are technological giants, hence they have way more experience and effort in blocking piracy.
Where did they get the drivers from? Perhaps they developed them themselves. Or maybe they got them from some dubious source. More likely I'm thinking is that they modified a console to create a disc image
@electrolite77 Yes there is proof the wii u has a better Gpu than the RSX 7800 nvidia in the ps3 and the Xbox is a ati radeon HD2800 based GPU Both are Direct x9 only based on PC Cards. The wii u is a ati radeon based on the 4850 gpu a direct x10 spec max level GPU from a PC card view also on the dev kit specs.. Wii u also has a Higher Bandwidth than OLD Ps3 and Xbox 360 Through its EDRAM 32 megs of it Vs the Xbox 360 16 megs of older slower EDRAM. Most devs just quick ported from x360 any way
@Artwark Yeah dude, you clearly don't know what you're talking about at all.
People who don't know on how Memory band width helps Wii u you hit 1080p in more games read the page full and yes i have a ps3 xbox 360 ps4 wii u game PC retro consoles and soon Xbox one. So Why Devs Ran Away from Wii u. Ps4 and xbox 1 are easy like a x86 64 bit AMD PC easy to get power and not work for it on the wii u EDRAM like Shen-en. Also A Nintendo toon graphics looking game don't mean Low texture Resolutions. God people enjoy Games stop being 1 Brand Fan boys. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Wii-U-Memory-Bandwidth-GPU-More-Powerful-Than-We-Thought-62437.html
@MrRight "Gamecube and N64 games tend to run a lot better than PS2 and PSX games on their respective emulators."
From my experience, PSX actually emulates incredibly well, sometimes better than their N64 counterpart games, and often with 'HD' OpenGL support while some games in N64 benefit from similar plugins like Rice. Gamecube and PS2 are about even in terms of emulation depending on system specs and emulator settings, but personal experience favors GameCube over PS2. I have yet to find playable Xbox emulation, but I have stumbled across one or two Dreamcast emulators that do a fair job.
@AshFoxX playable Xbox emulation should have been here by now in full XBOX ORIGINAL xeon emulator is sitting it gets no love for code updates like dolphin and pcxe emus still today. What a shame xbox is like a Pentium 3 PC of the shelf
Numbers numbers numbers. There's nothing out there that shows Wii U being ahead of 360 and PS3 as anyone who games across all formats can see.
I suspect the level of PC needed to get a Wii U emulator running well doesn't exist yet. Not for consumers to buy anyway
@Dr_Lugae Well, you see, this is where long terms business strategy trumps short terms ones, imo, because it was Nintendo who lost money for the first time in its history off the back of the Wii, and it's Nintendo who now lies in last place in the console war, with its least successful home console of all time, and who dropped off that listed companies thing recently for the first time too.
So, sure, those companies took a loss when they launched those machines, but does it really look quite so stupid a long term strategy now?
Also, just because those companies took a loss, that doesn't mean the only way to have launched a Wii of similar power would be to have taken a similar loss. There's isn't just one strategy in business. Those two companies just happened to have picked roughly the same one in terms of initially selling at a loss. I believe there's a few ways those systems could have been sold in such a way that ultimately they wouldn't be selling at a loss.
To be very clear: I never once said Nintendo should have copied the sales strategy of those companies. Just that is could have made the Wii more powerful from the get-go and sold the GamePad as an attachment later down the line. Also, if you think about where the Xbox 360 and PS3 are at now, in terms of profit made on each machine sold, then with a console cycle that was actually planned to last for two generations in the first place, just imagine how things might have went for Nintendo in the long run if it had planned for this all along, EVEN IF it did sell this theoretically more powerful Wii at a loss initially yet was still selling it as its only home console as I type (however many years down the line) with an install base of well over 50 million and all those great Wii U titles coming out on a platform with that kind of install base (so maybe something like 40 million copies of Super Mario Maker would have sold instead of 1 million by now, as just one example)...
It's all about thinking about the bigger, longer term picture, imo.
@electrolite77 Dud you are still comparing Old 2005 tech Gpu to a newer spec 5000 series GPU. The ps3 and Xbox are still direct x9 based no matter what you say . Need for Speed most wanted on wii u looks like the pc version textures effects i seen it with my eyes. ps3 xbox 360 are dated and 2005 old gpus. Cpu speed don't always mean more powerful bro.that even counts on pc computers as well Mega Hertz don't mean faster. Try a old core 2 quad vs a core i7 same speed. Are you tech savy person
A lot of what you're saying is unrelated to anything that I've posted. I'm interested in tech but far more interested in how it shows in real world comparison. NFS:MW is one of the best ports to Wii U but it still only has slightly improved textures to show over the PS3 version (I have both) which is far from the best looking game on that machine. Nothing to show a significant leap.
@Kirk but does it really look quite so stupid a long term strategy now?
Yeah its quite stupid Sony and Microsoft actually still haven't made back how much they lost on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Nintendo have had losses but I feel you're not aware of the difference in magnitude between the losses Nintendo had due to the 3DS price cut, WiiU launch, building a new headquarters and purchasing Intelligent Systems their own building, buying back Yamauchi's Shares from his family after his death compared to Sony's game division with the PS3:
Sony probably makes a profit on each PS3 sold but the profit was much smaller than their losses(obviously since they're sure as hell not making $200 on each PS3 sold now). They lost 500 billion yen($4.2 billion) from 2006-2010, then made about 90 billion yen ($0.756 billion) from 2011-2013 before going back to losses with the PS4's launch. In other words they ended the 7th gen $3.4 billion worse off than the start thanks to the PS3 and its already stopped making them money.
For a company like Nintendo that probably would be suicide...except you're suggesting that they should have sold the system for even cheaper than Sony and Microsoft did. The "long game" in your "ideal" scenario would be that Nintendo would still be failing to make back the initial losses of a console as powerful as the WiiU being released in 2006 being sold for less than the price of the 360 and the initial 3DS losses, Yamauchi dying and Iwata dying without the company having that massive surge of revenue the Wii gave them for being sold above cost.
@Dr_Lugae Well that's why I wouldn't advocate Nintendo selling its system at a massive loss like those guys did in the first place. I would have come up with an alternative strategy personally, but I would have made it of roughly similar power to the other systems at the time for sure.
But, in the longer term and when looking at the bigger picture, then yes, I absolutely think both Sony and Microsoft have the better idea. The better and more complete/formed vision going forward, which I think both of those companies have basically been planning since they first entered the whole console arena actually—this whole unified, all-in-one, entertainment box under your TV type thing. I think in the long run, unless Nintendo pulls out something really special with the NX, then you'll see both Sony and Microsoft continue to dominate this sector going forward and Nintendo will become more and more niche and sidelined, and less and less relevant. Maybe one day is might even just end up being another "Sega", kinda irrelevant at this point in time for anyone other than old fanboys, and that would just be very sad indeed.
I'm not sure that was quite how Hiroshi Yamauchi envisioned Nintendo in the future when he set it's corporate mission of becoming a world leader in entertainment back in the earliest days of it even making any kind of entertainment related products.
Also, there's one very important thing to consider here: Both Sony's and Microsoft's loses on the console part of the business where actually intentional and part of the business plan from the get-go—they always had bigger, longer term goals and ambitions in mind here—whereas Nintendo's weren't. That also goes for things like the number of hardware units sold in the current generation and general level of third party support too, as well as a bunch of other things (Take Nintendo being dropped of the list of Top 100 Brands for the first time example). I think that's shows a very important difference here; because technically speaking, with both Sony and Microsoft things are basically going exactly according to plan, give or take, but with Nintendo they absolutely are not.
@Chaoz I know I'm a couple of days late in responding, I literally just read this comment on my G-mail and I still want to replay to it. With that said, lets continue.
WOAH! Someone's butthurt! LOL! WOOT!!! Look, just because you're precious Pii U is a barren wasteland of software doesn't mean you have to get upset over a SUGGESTION. Now, obviously the emulator isn't ready, I was of course talking about when it's ready. I thought that was fairly obvious but I guess I have to spell it out for you. (Plus the article even says it isn't finished. Lol?)
Now by your logic, a suggestion makes me ignorant to emulation? Hahahaha! XD! Like, repeat that in your head, and tell me does that make sense? All I did was suggest people to use this emulator (Once it's finished of course.) if they're on the fence about buying a Wii U. And that makes me ignorant to emulation? If I'm ignorant, then you're a white knight fanboy who probably can't take any sort of criticism to your favorite X/Y product and MOST CERTAINLY can't take a SUGGESTION! And lastly, I'm giving emulation a bad name? So first off, that tells me you're ok with emulation and secondly, I'm LITERALLY PROMOTING there emulator. And that makes me give them a bad name? Wha...?
Dude, get exposed.
I've gotta be honest, that was without a doubt, the funnest comment I've received all year! XD Thanks!
@Chaoz Now, I bet you won't respond to my last comment. I honestly don't know how anyone could respond to this. But I do want you to respond! XD I need to know what grand wisdom will you bestow upon me and this comment section! Please, you have the floor! XD! WOOT!
@amiiboacid Sorry, wasn't dissing the Wii U in terms of quality, I love it - the quality of Nintendo's games are exceptional. It's just i don't understand why anyone would want to emulate on it when NX is around the corner and Wii U hasn't sold too well - I mean by the time they actually release the emulator won't it be too late?
@Artwark https://u.teknik.io/RUcXkb.png Piracy hurt the DS sales SOOOO much.
@Kirk As PC technology becomes cheaper, more powerful, and accessible, the Xbox and Playstation will become irrelevant, as the best system to play third-party games on is PC for most games. Nintendo has always relied on it's exclusives rather then third-party games, meaning it could survive in the long-term.
@wazlon First, the Nx isn't really around the corner. Once it gets revealed then it would be considered around the corner. Second, people usually never use emulators to play games that were recently released, as it would take too long for it to be emulated on a PC. Lastly, Nintendo games are the most commen to be emulated. It would take a large amount of money to by an old Nintendo game, while you could buy any Madden game for $5 at a thrift store.
@amiiboacid Possibly, but I think what will more likely happen is that over time these consoles will basically just morph closer and closer to what modern PCs are but just with a user interface that's a lot more intuitive and user friendly than most PCs, and I mean beyond just the literal input device and operating system. So, basically, I don't think consoles will really become irrelevant. I just think all these entertainment systems are basically converging on what amounts to variation of pretty much the same thing: An all-in-one console-PC hybrid type thing.
@ColdingLight You really digging yourself an even deeper hole, aren't you? Well for starters, you're already making yourself out as a ignorant child since you started off projecting crap at me. Not only do I actually give a crap about my Wii U and ultimately regret even buying the dust collecter, but basically lost some fate in it and Nintendo in general. This isn't even about my hard feelings about my Wii U, so you can stop moving the goalpost now.
Not only that, but the thing that completely and utterly ignorant was the fact that you even suggested that at it current state. Do you have any idea how long it could take for this emulator to be accurate? Dolphin may have been a emulator that was developed quite quickly but that still took a few good years to work. That also only because the Wii's documents was leaked and allowed for programer to make a emulator, something that hasn't been leaked for the Wii U. Let's not forget that the developers is literally unknown outside of a few Wii Homebrew and doesn't have a team from the last time I checked. If the emulator even was to ever come out, it'll probably be a long time from now; maybe after the NX is in the middle of it life span. Also, one last thing, not even owns a powerful PC build. That's why your "suggest" was so ignorant it hurts, it because of how little thought you put into that statement.
And since I have time to waste I might as well explain why you give emulation a bad name. You're giving it a bad name by showing your complete and utter inconfidence when trying to make a point to someone by throwing petty insults at me and showing your ignorance when it comes to emulation. Now are we done here because I prefer no talking to fanboys that can't let the fact that some people are thinking about buying Wii U, PS4, Xbone, PC, or whatever just because of some blind hatred.
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