Nintendo’s ongoing support of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS continues with the latest patch for the game now live.
Version 1.1.1 further enhances the overall game experience and also introduces new paid DLC offerings including the anticipated Super Mario Maker stage as well as seven brand new Mii Fighter costumes.
In addition to this, the Duck Hunt stage for Wii U has now also been made available for free to 3DS owners of Smash, and lastly, the Wind Waker Pirate Ship stage previously featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl is now available to purchase in the Wii U iteration of Smash.
The full updates are listed below:
Wii U Ver. 1.1.1 [Released 09/29/15]
- Users will be able to purchase newly added downloadable content.
Click here for more information.- Updated features when posting to YouTube and Miiverse.
- Adjustments have also been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
3DS Ver. 1.1.1 details (Released on September 29, 2015)
- Users will be able to purchase newly added downloadable content.
Click here for more information.- Added the Duck Hunt Stage.
- Adjustments have also been made for a more pleasant gaming experience.
Mii Fighter costumes (Wii / 3DS):
- Business Suit
- Star Fox - Fox Hat + Outfit (Gunner)
- F-Zero - Captain Falcon Hat + Outfit (Brawler)
- Super Mario - Toad Hat + Outfit (Brawler)
- Kid Icarus: Uprising - Viridi Wig + Outfit (Swordfighter)
- Monster Hunter – Hunter Helm + Mail (Swordfighter)
- Monster Hunter – Rathalos Helm + Mail (Swordfighter)
- Super Mario Maker Stage (Wii U / 3DS)
- Duck Hunt Stage - Free (3DS)
- Pirate Ship Stage (Wii U)
Take a look at the new Mii Fighter outfits in action below:
Tell us in the comments what you think about the latest Smash update.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com, via en-americas-support.nintendo.com, smashbros.com]
Comments 82
Allright, Captain Falcon brawler!
Nice to see Pirate Ship return!
Looking forward to any potential data mining, as well as figuring out what balancing changes have been made.
Monster Hunter!
Awesome, my favorite Brawl stage.
Do you have to buy the Pirate Ship stage or is it free like Duck hunt stage for 3DS?
NA pricing
DLC Bundle 4 - $9.73 (Wii U or 3DS) or $13.53 (Wii U and 3DS)
Mii Fighter Costume Bundle - $5.25 (Single) or $8.05 (Both)
Mario Maker Stage - $2.49 (Single) $3.49 (Both)
Pirate Ship Stage - $1.99 (Wii U Only)
Duck Hunt Stage - Free (3DS)
Mii Fighter Costume - Business Suit (set) - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Toad Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Viridi Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Hunter Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Rathlos Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Fox Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
Mii Fighter Costume - Falcon Set - $0.75 (Single) or $1.15 (Both)
@KirbyKirbyKirby Buy, same price as the N64 stages.
This was always one of the best stages in Brawl so I am happy to hear that it is finally returning. To be honest I figured that this level would have been in the game at launch due to how unique it is but I suppose it is better late than never.
@Liam You're missing the Rathalos set.
That's good thanks
Toad suit?? YES! Don't underestimate this chap in brawling 😁
Free duck hunt? Good, I'll update.
It's great to see the pirate ship back. It was one of my favourites and I was sad to learn it had gone missing in action. Here's hoping toon links down aerial a will bounce back again - instead of suicide - one day.
Schwee-heet! Can't wait to download the new stages when I get home from school!
Welp, looks like Captain Falcon and Fox are cut. Thanks, Sakurai.
(...disclaimer: that was a joke.)
Monster Hunter!? sweet!
Please don't say the pirate ship stage "has been added to the Wiig U version of the game." when all that was added was the ability to buy DLC. This whole update should just be titled "SSB updated to allow you to spend more money." b/c that's really all that was added to the game, the ability to spend more money.
So I'm assuming at this point we can now spend more money on DLC for the 3DS version than the actual game price of $40, but have we passed the $60 for the Wii U version yet? But this site con tinues to complain about the price of toys for Lego Dimensions while thanking Nintendo for "updating" our game. Ugh.
Nice to see Pirate Ship return. And Duck Hunt being available for free on the 3DS version is also pretty nice (now give me Magicant and Mute City for free in the Wii U version.).
@rjejr Don't worry. There are still people upset with how dlc is handled in Smash.
Man, I wasn't going to be interested in those Mii fighter costumes, but then I saw Monster Hunter. I've been wishing lately for a way to bring Monster Hunter to Smash, but I couldn't think how you would do it. Now I must have that content!
What fu##ing gets my goat about these Mii costumes is why the f#ck am i buying amiibo at £10.99 a pop and it's not unlocking these costumes when I place it on the gamepad. Complete a##holes
All I want is the Rathalos Set!
Not interested in anything.
Lego Dimensions IS expensive. Most of the playsets only include one minifigure and the starter pack goes for the same as DI 3.0 starter pack AND one playset.
I personally couldn't understand the appeal of Pirate Ship. That stage was just boring, if not bad, in my opinion. But whatever, I'll just buy it for the sake of having more stages.
While it is nice to see Business Suits, I was hoping to see School Uniform costumes for Mii Fighters
Surprised to see Monster Hunter costumes in there, though.
They should release a patch to remove the Mii fighters from the game & if possible existence all together. Freaking hideous things!
I'll pass on the DLC, I've spent way too much more on this game as it is with the other stages and characters (no outfits)
@sinalefa I know Lego D is expensive, not saying it isn't, but if you total up the cost of SSB it comes out to the same as the starter pack - $100 - but this mornings NL articles read like Nintneod is giving us stuff for free in the update, when they clearly aren't, but Lego D gets thrown under the bus for having to pay for Lego toys, which if you check anywhere ALL Lego toys are VERY expensive for what you get, even tiny blind packs. Even if there was no such thing as the Lego D game, those Scooby Doo and Dr. Who and Back to the Future Lego toys would cost almost as much as w/ the game b/c you are purchasing Lego toys. W/ SSB all you are getting is DLC, after paying $60 or $40 for the game. And you know what, SSB will still be $60 and $40, even though it's a year old now, long after Lego D starter pack is $50 and all the toys are half priced as well. When will the SSB DLC be half price? I'm still waiting for Lego City Undercover to drop from $50 on the eShop and it's 2 1/2 years old.
Anyway, sorry, my Nitneod rant went off topic, this is about this NL website and this sentence in an article this morning -
"The previously exclusive Wii U Duck Hunt stage has also been added to the 3DS version, and lastly the Wind Waker Pirate Ship stage previously featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been added to the Wii U version of the game."
Does "has been added to the Wii U version of the game." sound like it costs $1.99 to you, or is NL giving Nitnod a free pass (pun intended) on it's DLC practices compared to other companies?
I wondered if they would add the 3DS stages to Wii U and visversa. Maybe they'll slowly start to do that?
@NintendoFan64 I'm less upset w/ how Nitneod handles DLC in Smash than how it was represented in the article. In fact the entire article from the title down seems a bit fanboi to me.
"Version 1.1.1 further enhances the overall game experience and also adds in more DLC "
The update didn't "adds in" anything to the Wii U version except for the ability to PURCHASE more stuff. That's not adding anything in to the $60 game.
Everything looks good and I'll be downloading for both systems but.. Where's Pirate Ship for 3DS??? Shouldn't we be getting both versions of this stage for a total of $2.99?
Guess I don't have an issue with that since I know Smash has paid DLC and the core game (s) have a ton of content for the base price. I have skipped most of this DLC because I find it unappealing and expensive, but I am not deluded enough to expect it for free.
As usual, if they don't say "free" I won't believe it is. The 3DS Duck Hunt stage is free, but judging from the article I would have assumed it had a price too. I do agree it should be more clear about it.
@sinalefa I think Spalton spoiled me. If it doesn't list a price, and I paid $60 for the game, then I expect it for free. If the DLC costs more than the game than the game should be free-to-start, not full priced $60.
And just think, most of the world got Splatoon for the equivalent of $40, and still got all the DLC for free. So yes, it is possible for people to make DLC available for free. Themes too.
@rjejr You seem to be on the war path for nothing.
This update added downloadable content. Content that you can download. Just because you have to pay for it doesn't mean it's not downloadable content. Also the game updates before you buy any of this stuff. Even if you spend nothing the content is still in the game it's just behind a paywall, like many DLC is. You can also play these stages online with people who have them. Nothing the article said was misleading.
Hah! Nice!
You kind of just repeated what he sad, just with a different name and expanded when he talked about what was added.
@rjejr Nope. Nintendo doesn't pay their workers with magical lima beans and puppy kisses. You want everything to be free forever? Go play Flappy Birds knock offs. I paid $25 for Smash Bros and play it everyday. The DLC has cost me $9. Somehow, I'll survive
DLC hasn't been too bad, but I just get the characters and stages so it hasn't been too over priced! Still I guess if I look back I have spent quite a bit of money but I'd say it's been worth it!
Awesome, I loved the Ship in Brawl!
Edit: Man, I actually thought the stage was gonna be free! Oh well.
It's not just an update, with a payed wall that you have to unlock. It ENHANCES THE EXPERIENCE BECAUSE OF BALANCE PATCHES. You have to update, because characters get changed, even if only slightly. That said, yeah, it'd be nice to get the Splatoon treatment, when it comes to DLC.
A fox costume? I guess this deconfirms fox for smash 4.
@SlicyDrink "This update added downloadable content. Content that you can download."
Do you realize that those two sentences - copied in their entirety, not edited by me - contradict one another? The first sentence says "added", as in the past tense, the content has already been "added"; but then the 2nd sentence says "you can download", as in it hasn't been downloaded yet but this update will let you download the content in the future.
Not your fault, the data probably has been downloaded already as you said in the update, but we have to pay to "unlock' it to play it. Basically this article should be about either 1 of 2 things, the update, which is free, but doesn't let you do anything except buy more stuff, and then another article abut the DLC we can pay to play with. By combining the the 2 into 1 article I think it is misleading, hence my warpath post earlier. The update is free, the DLC is not.
It's ok when an article about a Spaltoon updates w/ DLC b/c in Spaltoon's case the updated data, weapons and level are free and playable in the update, they are not 2 separate things. Perhaps if the Spaltoon model didn't exist I wouldn't be so upset about misleading articles, but the Spaltoon model does exist and is proof that an update can be both free and contain new free playable DLC w/o having to pay additional money to unlock it.
I think part of it is how expensive the DLC is though. You are spending well over $100 (Canadians is getting close to $150, actually, after taxes, it is over $150 for everything) now just for the game and DLC content, in fact, the DLC content if you go by only bundles, is almost the cost of the game it self and all this is if a few fighters, stages and a bunch of worthless skins that are used locally only on a game that promotes high use of online. What makes it worse is if you own any of the DLC in any of those collects, you cannot buy the collection bundle, even if it is cheaper than having to buy everything separately and something overlaps and you end up paying even more. If you buy everything separately, then the DLC is more than the cost of the game itself and the comparison for content from the DLC to what was released would be like the size of the moon (DLC) to the earth (game).
@russellohh "Nintendo doesn't pay their workers with magical lima beans and puppy kisses. "
Well only their workers that work on Spaltoon, b/c all of that added content since release has bene FREE. Mor elevels, more weapons. All FREE. How did they manage that? Oh yeah, b/c we alread ypaid $60 for the game and it isn't free. SMM was $60, not free, therefore the employess aren't being paid w/ anything but money made from the over 1 million copies sold.
Oh wait, maybe you're right and the 1 million people who bought the game paid for it w/ lima beans and puppy kisses, yeah thats how I paid for mine, I forgot, thanks for reminding me that the game was free.
@ikki5 Meh. I'm a raging smash bros fanboy, and i have no need for some of these stages, nor most of the costumes. They can certainly list a silly costume for $10, or $20, or $200. I have no interest in buying it. Like you said, a bunch of worthless costumes- buy one map for $2, buy Lucas, and you're good.
@rjejr All of those games are made by the same office in the same building, so paying $10 for Smash DLC allows them to release free content for Splatoon and Maker. I know you desperately want all content and updates to be free forever, but...no. The maps are $2. The skins are unneeded fluff. If you don't have $2-3 to spend on a new map, then....work harder? Play something else?
@ikki5 Oh thanks ikik, wish I had read your comment first, woudln't have bothered replying myself.
@rjejr One thing I was thinking about with this game vs splatoon, they are/may be trying to make a new ip a super smash hit with lots of people buying it. if they release the updates free, it will mean that more people will probably buy it, even if it already is selling like hotcakes, I have kind of pondered if they are doing this to create a dedicated fanbase like they have with Mario Kart and Smash and then future installments (or even updates) will end up having DLC in them.
@russellohh Yeah, i bought the retro stages from the N64 and the new characters but, after that, I'm done with paying more for DLC. I already regret spending as much as I did, even more so when I've used those DLC characters maybe once or twice.
@russellohh "paying $10 for Smash DLC allows them to release free content for Splatoon and Maker."
Or paying $60 for Spaltoon lets them release additional content for Spaltoon. Or paying $60 for Super Mario Maker lets them release additional content for Super Mario Maker. What does it matter if the money from SSB DLC is used to pay the Spaltoon workers or the money from the game is used to pay the Spaltoon workers? Or money from the $35 amiibo 3 pack for Spaltoon is used to pay the SMM makers?
Your original point was DLC could not be free b/c Nintneod has to pay the workers, Your 2nd point, which you thought was supporting your original point about no free DLC, was actually just the opposite, DLC can be free b/c they get the money from somewhere else. But nobody needs to be paid w/ lima beans or puppy kisses, money can come from somewhere.
As to my original point, I never said Nintnedo coudln't or shouldn't charge for DLC, just that the article shouldn't make it sound like the DLC is free - "has been added to the Wii U version of the game." - when it isn't. And I stick to that. The ability to pay to unlock the level has been added, not the level itself. Even if the level data has been added, no reasonable person thinks something has been added to the game if it's locked behind a paywall. That's not how "added" is typically used.
@ikki5 Probaly. But the point remains, DLC CAN be free, and the employees making Splatoon will be paid, maybe out of the marketing budget, but free DLC isn't about fairy dust, it's manageable and a proven course of action.
I've been wary of the DLC for this game ever since it was announced. Why would I care about the skins for Mii Fighters when I don't use the character? I would much rather they released things like more pallet swaps or even alternate models for the characters (like Alph and the Koopalings). Similarly, the stages seem really lazy to me; these are just the stages from prior games with no visual upgrades whatsoever. Just look at what the developers of Project M did to some of the N64 stages! I think most of these stages should be free, because $2 a pop is a rip-off. The characters are good though, but I don't have any of them besides Mewtwo because I haven't been playing the game enough to justify the cost. I personally like the Splatoon method of DLC much better (even though the game really needed the extra content to justify the $60 price tag).
@rjejr Errr......did you really just say "it can be free, someone just has to pay for it" and "money can come from somewhere" - well, yes, it can.
It comes from this DLC that you're screaming in rage about paying for.
Dude...you've been posting for ten hours now about how you can't possible afford a $2-3 map, and its literally the worst thing of all time, nothing has been added, besides all the content that has been added, some of which you have to pay several pennies for. Do you want me to set up a fund for you or something?
So now what's the total cost of all the dlc? Same price as the game, but at a fraction of the content? I wish they'd work on new modes and give them out for free. Smash 4 felt lacking in terms of mode, especially since it lacks a main mode like Melee and Brawl. Why can't they go the Splatoon route?
Massive amount of Custom Special "balances" after EVO 2015 is already over and Custom Move usage has dropped dramatically, and there still isn't a convenient way to unlock Customs or use them online.
@PinkSpider Got to say iv thaght the same thing. It culd have been along the lines of MarioKart8's Amiibo Mii Costumes considering there is no stat or abiltys added with the costumes.
Great to see Pirate Ship back. I'm not interested in the Mii costumes, though. I'm most excited for the Mario Maker stage; it looks really fun!
Viridi looks legit. It'll probably be the first mii costume I actually buy. And lol at the monster hunters vs giga bowser
Haha and I've got 10 bucks sitting unused on my wiiu. Time for new stages!
Woah! Monster Hunter Mii outfits?!!
@sinalefa I ended up getting the DI3.0 Saga Starter Pack with the Toybox Takeover (for PS4 sadly) for around $60. Includes the basic starter pack, Rise of the Empire playset, Boba Fett figure, and free Toybox Takeover for pre-ordering. The pre-order from Best Buy includes a $10 gift card, as well as 20% off with Gamer's Club unlocked. I then just this week price matched the current ad for $71.99 with GCU. I could have also pushed for the free figure offer last week with the game's purchase but decided against it. So as is the game is pretty pricey but discounts can be had.
Pretty cool - although the Toad one is rather lame. XD
For the price of all the Smash DLC I haven't bought yet, I could probably try the new Yoshi's Wooly World or finally get that Claymation Kirby. Why did I even buy Smash? Whenever I play I get beat up by try hards. No friends locally has given me a reason to have an 8 player Smash party. My GCN adapter has been in the game's box for a year. I really need to buckle down and power through Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3. They've both been on my hard drive FOREVER. I KNOW THEY'RE GOOD. BUT INSTEAD I PLAY MH4U, MARIO MAKER, and MGSV (YES I'M CHEATING ON NINTENDO!). ALL MONTH. TOO MANY GAMES. AND NOW DLC. MORE DLC. EXPENSIVE DLC. I CAN'T EVEN TRIPLE STAR ALL THE 200CC MK8 STUFF! LEGEND OF KAY WAS ON SALE! WHEN AM I GONNA BEAT IT? PROBABLY NEVER! I WANT CLONES! MORE PAIN MEDICINE FOR MY WRISTS! I MUST QUIT BOTH OF MY JOBS AND CONVINCE THE VA TO GIVE ME MORE DISABILITY! ITS THE ONLY WAY!
There I'm done venting. LOL. Please catch the humor in some of that truth. I'm gonna laugh in a that way a person laughs at their child doing something stupid on camera if we get Prime Hunters before Zero Mission on Wii U. I just... you know. Its a Wednesday at work and my boss isn't here. So I'm here with my fellow true Nintendo Neckbeards, hating the system.
Hate the DLC. But. If they release more Monster Hunter Mii costumes. I suppose I'll throw more money into the Smash void that never gets played.
@VR32F1END I have yet to play the MH3U I bought over a year ago. I did play through DKC:TF and it is a great game from start to finish though I still have to go back and unlock some hidden levels. Pikmin 3 is fun but I have to push myself to play it more as wasting time trying to figure the game out again wastes needed resources which is discouraging. As for MK8 I had a three star ranking until 200cc came out. I have completed three star on two of it's cups but have had to train myself to do courses differently in playing it. Shortcuts typically aren't shortcuts anymore, and driving over the grass in sections is the best practice in some locations because the slight loss of speed is negligible in the end.
For Smash the game and the amiibo it has spawned has grown into a huge DLC cash cow for Nintendo. I can't complain too much because I have already bought most of the amiibo myself. But the premium game pack at $99 + $715 (55) Smash amiibo (@ $12.99 each) + $65 DLC (Bundles 1-4) can add up to a $879 game if you want to unlock and have everything available to you.
Cool, I'll be sure to download the new stages tonight. The mii costumes seem too expensive for me so I won't buy them, but the Viridi one is my favourite costume so far.
why no Pirate Ship stage for the 3DS?
@Soren For Wii U and 3DS, all the DLC adds up to £66.60 assuming Mewtwo wasn't obtained via Club Nintendo.
There is actually a big difference between how smash dlc and splatoon was nadled. They did handle smash poorly, i am not denying that.
Basically they only keep a very small team working on smash stuff. Thats it. They work along time to get alittle accomplished and thats why. They stretch out the working process. Thats why all the smash dlc has to cost more. Not sure how they handle the few free stages and costumes though. Also, porting a stage from an old game isnt that simple. They have to remake it on the wii u. We may get virtually the same stage but they had to use new technology to make it again so its not like they are copy pasting things and putting a price tag on it.
Some of those things in smash should definitely be acquired from amiibo but not everything.
@Grumblevolcano I think it's safe to say they're going overboard with the DLC, since all of it costs more then one version of the game.
@Newb - "They did handle smash poorly, i am not denying that."
Really, what makes you say that?
VideoGamer.com: Do you have plans for any additional characters or stages as DLC?
Masahiro Sakurai, Game Designer, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS: I understand that DLC could add a lot to the appeal of Smash Bros., and I appreciate that a major part of the excitement for these games come from which characters will appear in the roster, so I think fans could really enjoy DLC that could keep this excitement going. However, I think there might be criticism that we are cutting up content to sell characters one by one, or that we are adding things later that should have been there from the start.
Creating a single fighter involves a huge investment, and we've already been giving it our all and investing a lot of work in the characters currently available in the game and, I think it's an incredible package in terms of the sheer amount of content in the game. But it might be that people may not understand and may think that I am not offering enough by just looking at DLC itself.
In light of this, we always need to weigh up both sides of this topic and carefully consider whether it really is best to have DLC or not.
However, what I can say now about paid DLC is that we aren't working on anything at the moment. We've put all our efforts into making the actual game. Creating DLC would involve large additional costs and require the involvement of a lot of people. I can’t yet give you an answer about whether the price would justify the costs and criticisms mentioned above.
Still waiting for FOD/Saffron City/Fourside/Pokemon Stadium 1.
@erv I suppose there was already a number of Zelda stages. The base game included Skyloft, and Temple and the Bridge are conveniently ideal for 8 player Smash. Not to mention how many people love Temple.
@rjejr Ha ha, I remember him saying that, he said that while they were working on the Mewtwo DLC which always baffled me because they said they were not working on paid DLC.
Only complaint I have with this update is the lack of a portable Pirate Ship; other than that, this went beyond my hopes. Did not see the portable Duck Hunt stage coming.
I mean if they concentrated more on smash dlc and making it quicker instead or prolonging production by leaving them with a small team then tbey wouldnt be tempted to put money on the dlc. If dlc was made on a more timely fashion they wouldnt need to charge as much.
Neat. I'll get the whole pack tomorrow!
Man, I'm not buying these. The stages seem cool, but I'm not even playing Smash, right now.
@ikki5 I like Sakurai - he gave us Kid Icarus Uprising - so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that Ntinedo told him Mewtwo was a free gift for Club Ntinedo members and they never told him they would be selling it, so as far as he was concerned it wasn't really DLC or paid, it was a simple Club Nintendo gift as a way of thanking people who bought and registered both games. A thank you, not a way to make more money.
No Tetra's ship on 3DS? Weak AF.
@russellohh - "screaming in rage"
Don't recall doing that. Can't even recall using ALL CAPS or bold face to express my outrage. You do realize it's possible for people to disagree w/ something and not scream in rage about it, we can all agree to disagree. Well maybe you can' t.
"you can't possible afford a $2-3 map"
And I never said I couldn't afford it. I' dtell you to go look for it an dpoint it out to me bu tI won' twaste you rtime b/c I kow i tisn' tthere. There are a lot of things in th world I don' tliek paying for, bu tit isn't b/c I can' tafford it, it' sb/ cI don' twant to, big difference.
Why do you even bother replying to me? If you are just going to make stuff up, just reply to yourself as you are the one who is saying all of these things.
sb/ cI dontw indeed! And no, you don't use all caps, but you do write many, many posts (12 in a row on here alone!) about the horrors of the $2 map.
Its $2 bucks. The costumes are useless, so no one buys them. If you don't want it, don't get it, don't waste $100 worth of company time or home time rambling about it.
I do not understand how updating can anyone help ?
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