No More Heroes

Were you a fan of Travis Touchdown's beam katana slashing action in No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on the Wii? Both titles were interesting arrives on the system, with their adult humour and different censorship per region - the blood was edited out of the first game in Europe, for example.

Series creator Sudo51 still has a soft spot in his heart for Travis, of course, and speaking to the Anime News Network at San Diego Comic-Con recently he said the following:

Well, I definitely want to see Travis again. Not just in the sequel, either. His life is really interesting, so I want to talk about his story again. I want him to grow up as I grow older. I'm not sure when it will be, but I want to talk about his life. So Travis is very important to me. I think he's the most loved of my characters.

We'd love to see another No More Heroes game here at Nintendo Life, if it's not to be a sequel then perhaps a full-on series reboot might be in order. As always let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
