Splatoon's content continues to evolve and expand, and Nintendo has now confirmed the next Splatfest events for both Europe and North America. If you missed the previous memos, these are limited-time events in which you pick a side and battle for your team, with handy in-game prizes up for grabs.
As you can see in the tweets below, Europe and North America once again have different themes and times.
This writer prefers the North American variation, which could be rather close - though rollercoasters are better, obviously. Eating vs Sleeping is slightly bizarre, as sleeping isn't really an activity, but more a thing we all do to maintain sanity and reasonable health. Eating, well, that can actually be pleasurable.
In any case, while we contemplate the great philosophical posers of these Splatfests, let us know which team you plan to represent down there in the comments section.
Comments 75
I'm joining Team Sleeping. Out of the American choices, I would have chosen Waterslides.
I hope Nintendo manages to improve on this Splatfest and fix some of the issues. I'm going for Team Rollercoaster though.
To me, sleeping is a pleasure. I enjoy my daily 9+ hours of sleep.
No waterslides are much better! But I'm forced to pick between eating or sleeping... I do enjoy a good nap but I think eating wins for me!
Hmm, tough choice no matter where you live. The first one was easy - I define my life by being a dog loving rocker! (Not really).
I'm surprised it's coming so soon after the first one. I thought these were gonna be like a once In a great while type events.
@crimsontadpoles I choose roller coasters. Eating and sleeping are essential in life, so Europe has it messed up. Most people will pick eating. Sorry, pal :/
@Aromaiden I've seen bizarre things like there only being 1,2 or 3 people per team and unable to splat ink
@Late i guess so, but you know tge most popular will be eating. I'm in America, so roller coaster
@BLPs they say dog is man's best friend, and dog was more popular than cat last splatfest. Sleeping may still win, but eating will be more popular for sure
@Late me too
All aboard the hype roller coaster!
@DiscoGentleman are you afraid of heights? (not teasing, just asking)
@Iggly all aboard
Hopefully we wont have any connectivity issues this time. I'm on team Roller Coaster
@Ninstarkof Eating will likely be most popular, but I don't mind being on the losing side this time. I only managed 4 games for Team Rock last time before my internet died, so I'll be happy with anything as long as I can join in.
Team Rollercoasters all the way! That white water looks pretty eery though. o.O
@Ninstarkof Haha, no need to leave so many comments. If you manually type @Blahblahblah, then you could merge all of your comments in one.
@Obito_Sigma tough nuts, I'm doing it this way. Because you lumped your response to me with someone else, I didn't get a notification. You're lucky I check the website again
@crimsontadpoles your internet crashes on splatfest? That sucks :/
@crimsontadpoles it's MORE popular. You are referring to TWO things. MOST is for THREE or more
Team roller-coaster for me! I doubt I will get much time in though as I have plans that weekend.
@Ninstarkof Those are issues with lag and people disconnecting. What I mostly mean is some of the issues with matchmaking, and the overall Splatfest rules.
Voted for eating, even if I have a bad feeling with all the lazy dreamers that are leaving comments around... But I'll get to play this splatfest with orange full-time, I don't care if I'll be again in the outnumbered team, it's gonna be awesome
@Gerbwmu what's your plan, to kidnap the princess? LOL
@Aromaiden whatever, hope those get fixed. And what's wrong with the rules?
I dont understand why we don't combine these Splatfests???
I for one would have loved the cats vs dogs splatfest, too bad we can't fight vs the USA here in the UK (or am i wrong?!)
Would be on team sleeping, but I am camping all weekend. I was still expecting it to be longer but oh well, I just hope I don't miss the next one.
Please don't spoil my day, I'm miles away, and after all I'm only... eating?
@Ninstarkof The basic ruling on the results makes it basically a popularity contest, and because of that makes it pretty much pointless of even participating further in Splatfest once you max out on your rank, when your on the popular side.
@Aromaiden true
I can't eat sushi while sleeping... so Food it is. Not really worried for backlash from the other side, they are probably taking a siesta right now.
Screw roller coasters! Team Water Slide all the way!
@Ninstarkof - I'm doing the same thing I do every weekend.......Trying to take over the WORLD! Muh ha ha Muh ha ha
I'm on team roller coaster because water slides with inklings/squids. Yeah water never is good for them.
Team Sleep i guess. What a bizarre contest...
On the American side I would pick Team Rollercoaster (we all know they pee in those water parks!)
Sleeping is an activity. Trust me.
I like the colour and look of waterslides better, so probably that, although I do rock the roller so maybe I should go roller(coasters). In Europe it would be a much easier decision for me to take sleeping over eating, but I fear that team might sleep in and miss Splatfest, lol.
Team Waterslides for me
I went with sleeping although I think eating will have far more votes.They should do Europe v USA ,like the Ryder Cup.Europe will obviously win but still,it'll be fun while it lasts
Team Eating - that is all.
I'm going for Water Slides, since I don't like coasters.
Eating 4 life
Water slides, forever. Can't stand coasters. Gimme an inner tube and I'm happy.
@whodatninja Well, billions of life forms excrete into the ocean which nobody complains about, and the ocean doesn't even have a water park's chlorine concentration to help counter it
Team Eating. Besides it's not like I'll face any backlash, the other team's too busy sleeping.
Not sure if i should eat or sleep. Hmmmmm
To sleep perchance to dream.
Why eating or sleeping in europe?
Sounds good, I missed the last Splatfest accidentally. I'll have to pick roller coasters, because Inklings cant swim in water slides!
I'll be picking Team Waterslide, I prefer Waterslides over rollercoasters.
@DiscoGentleman I'm afraid I won't be able to get as much sleep once I graduate and find a job. I'm learning to become a game engine programmer (although in the end I'm more interested in making actual games) and I've heard there are times when programmers have no time to sleep. I have to enjoy my nine hours while I still have that luxury.
Team Sleep all the way
@Lastar Maybe do both? Because otherwise, uh, maybe you would sort of die. Which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact it might hamper your Splatoon playing.
@ThomasBW84 Huzzah! Why sleep when you can eat? Anyone, you can't play Splatoon while asleep, though you can eat.
So glad we are having another Splatfest so soon. I used up my last 8 Snails and 60,000 for dumb re-rolls instead of increasing slots for my other gears. Moral of that story, be happy with the 2 useful matching sub-skills you have and don't be greedy for 3, because you can end up with worse.
Anyways go team Roller Coaster. Have to love the sky and speed (and dryness) of them.
I'm suffering from sleep disorder (well, I say "suffer", but I'm actually using it to my advantage), so for me, it's all about food - not gluttony, though.
I love cooking, trying new recipies, new ingredients, and everything that is part of cooking, it's just wonderful! Already joined Team Food!
Hint: try a Neo Kobe Pizza! It's ridiculous that it's so friggin' good!
Yeah, 'water' slide, sure. White water...
I'm joining team eating! Of course roller coaters are better than water slides! However, water slides is so much fun. I've been on really good ones such as a slide where you start of slow but go REALLY fast, You will thunder down 75 meters of an almost vertical drop! It's in waterworld in Cyprus
water since im us maybe.... haven't picked yet
if I was uk I'd insta go eat.
Team Roller Coasters!
And.. sleep...zzzzz........
The first day since the game's launch that I go on vacation and can't play the game, they announce a new splatfest (which I also won't be able to compete in).
Oh well, at least I got to try out Moray Towers . . . and go team Waterslides!
Team Sleeping!
It was rather change, last round it didn't seem to find team pop members at all, most of the time it was rock vs rock-in-pop-team, still it went 52-48.
B-B-B-But... I know I wanted another one soon, but I work this weekend too!
Anyway, roller coasters (more maneuvers, less wet), and sleeping for EUing (food has more variety, but it's harder to go wrong with a good sleep).
I voted for Team Waterslides because of Marie and the Purple Tee. I would have voted for Team Sleeping too.
I wonder if we'll have another one-sided popularity contest or if after 6 Splatfest they finally choose themes that come close popularity-wise.
While it would be good to get more snails by winning Splatfest, I feel a greater sense of pride being on the less popular team yet still getting more Wins.
Not even sure yet, I guess Roller coasters. And sleeping all the way.
Happy Birthday #12!
Yay! After missing the first Splatfest, I was hoping for the next one to come around soon. But I didn't think it would be already a week from now! Will be get a monthly Splatfest now?
I have to say, the sides are really weird this time. Of course I'll pick sleeping, because there's nothing more important (aside from oxygen and water) to life than sleep. But at least this time it's actually a close call (opposed to Rock vs. Pop or cats vs. dogs).
@Miss_Dark Yup, a week without sleep is definitely worse!
@Kaze_Memaryu I'm actually suffering from that and now I'm curious: How do you use your sleep disorder to your advantage?
@Calllack Wait, you mean one can eat while asleep? That makes sense. But eating while playing Splatoon is impossible (unless you have someone mouthfeeding you or you use the short breaks between battles and when you got splatted).
@Aromaiden "once you max out on your rank" So you're saying you have A+ 99?! I know there are some crazies out there who play it 24/7, just like in every game. But I thought maxing out the rank was a real rarity in the "normal" world. So I guess if you're A+ 99, not only is the Splatfest pointless, but the whole game. I don't know how many of hundreds of hours you put in it, but in my book maxing out on everything (and playing the storymode through) means having completed the game.
On a sidenote, did any of you download (via Bandcamp) the Splattunes album from Gamechops? I did just recently and now I got an earworm. ^^
@shani Since I have trouble falling asleep, I can use the wake during the night to work on some projects of mine, and get some stuff done that I didn't have time for in the day. And once I'm exhausted, I can take the meds.
@Kaze_Memaryu Ah okay, I couldn't to that when I'm in that situation. I mean being productive while being tired and frustrated about not falling asleep, that's really hard. ^^ I mostly keep myself busy with reading, watching or gaming and go to sleep once I'm exhausted. Maybe I should get some meds, too. ^^
Team water slide for me. I hope they fix some of the server problems from last Splatfest. Hopefully no 1 vs. 4 or 4 vs. 1 matches either. I ended up on one of each last time. Apparently there is as an 'I' in 'team', and it's a very lonely place (and a total waste of time). I also ended up on a couple of 4 vs. 3 games, but being down a player didn't always mean that a team lost.
@AlexanderPatrick I felt the same way about being on team cat. We fought hard! Of course, being so few of us we had to.
@shani It's definitely nothing I could ever recommend anyone to attempt. I'm used to it by now, but it's not really pleasant, anyway. On the other hand, I'd be even more frustrated lying in bed while waiting for my medication to work, so this is my lesser evil to choose.
And don't be too quick to go for pills, it can take a turn for the worse easily.
I'm not at all enthusiastic for another splatfest. I have no interest in fighting for 'eating' or 'sleeping'. The result will be random. The ranking is based on 5 points for a win and 2 points for loss, so ranking up is purely through grinding. And I can't play anything except turf war for 24 hours.
I have already picked "water slides" but this one was a tough choice. I love roller coasters too. I couldn't choose so I ultimately went with what I thought was the better logo.
Wow, the eating or sleeping one is tough too.....but thankfully I don't need to make that decision!
Sleeping can be pleasurable!
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