Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham has confirmed that existing owners of the 3DS version of Xeodrifter will get the forthcoming Wii U eShop port for nothing. The game will be cross buy, which means that when you purchase one edition, you get the other entirely free of charge. Huzzah!
According to Watsham, the game has been submitted for Lotcheck and should launch very soon. It will cost $9.99, the same as the 3DS edition.
Sadly, not all of the news Watsham had to report on Xeodrifter was positive. According to the developer, the first week of sales for the European version of the 3DS version didn't even match the day one sales in North America:
Hopefully this doesn't mean that European players will miss out on future Renegade Kid releases.
Comments 62
Anyone else think it hasn't sold great because the price is too high? That why I haven't bought it anyway.
Seemed a little pricey to me, which is why I skipped...
AWESOME can't wait to play it in HD .., @Insect_Prince I don't think the price is to high it's a good game trust me I've paid more for games I've liked alot less , ten bucks for a solid fun title is a good deal to me - if you like Metroid I highly recommend it .
Oh noice! I may just play it on Wii U then!
Also, I was going to say that the poor EU sales may be why he doesn't try to get his games to EU as hard...but the longer wait Europeans have to go through probably drives sales down. Vicious cycle. Of course, a lot of people don't like the price either.
Also, I'm wondering what the heck happened to Treasurenauts...I mean Xeodrifter shot past it and Mutant Mudds Super Challenge recently got an eshop trailer. Could Treasurenauts have been canned?
I was interested, but for the price I'd expect a longer game, and to be honest, I told myself I wouldn't bother with their games until Moon Chronicles comes out. I was only half serious.
How can he expect the sales to be as good here when he doesn't advertise it properly for us? How are we meant to know it even exists without proper advertising? Some of us only found out about it through NintendoLife or by looking at the eShop regularly, the rest didn't know it existed, probably, so how could they buy it?
Then, as someone else mentioned, there's the ridiculously long wait we had to endure. The longer we, the consumers, have to wait, the more likely we are to give up entirely or just go online and watch it or hack and emulate/illegally play it therefore less sales as more people go the purchase-free routes. It's not that hard to figure out...
@Insect_Prince I waited for a sale not because I thought there wasn't quality there but I have more then enough to play as is. Now I'll get both games for whatever the sale price was!
...except for countries which doesn't have a Wii U e-Shop like Brazil.
@kamifox1 Then how come it did well in North America? It wasn't advertised here either.
The whole "too pricey" argument is one that has been bothering me for a long time. People are so used to games under $5 and all of the freemium games that as soon as one hits around $10, everyone turns away. Bargain bin gaming is killing the indie scene.
I bought this game. I beat it too.
I bought it because I wanted something cool and Metroid like.
This....did not deliver. The level layouts didn't really feel like anything. It was just kind of...corridors. The entire time, I felt like I was getting from A to B, and I never reached B.
I will promote the crap out of it on my YT channel when the Wii U version arrives in Europe.
@Jayvir actualy it was well spoken about for the inital US relece but after that Nothing for basicly a Year and sudnly out of nowhere with no real annoncement it is on the EU / UK EShops and no Price was not a problem but thats not what Kami sed it is that the game was out so long Ppl grew impationt and just watched it being played on YouTube or something resulting in the game then being somewhat reduntent as youv seen it all allredy (unless you want it to actualy play)
Also to add to it having it out in the US so mutch longer ment allot of Hype and Intrest diyed for the game as is the case for sevral games
(sorry for bad spelling iv got Dislexia also my Phone Keybord go's a bit mad at times tiping what it wants not what i tell it to)
@Jayvir Firstly, it was very hyped in America yet barely mentioned in the EU. Secondly, not once did I mention price so not sure where you got that from, someone else mentioned that.
@kamifox1 If it was hyped in American, then people in Europe should have easily seen it as well, even aside from different release dates. My second bit was not addressed towards you, or else it would have been blocked together with the rest of it. It's separate from the rest. I just see too many comments in general regarding overpriced $10 games and it's annoying.
European here. I had no idea it was already available. It must have been launched with something else that completely stole its show. I really like their games and would have invested in it sooner.
And a 10er is an absolutely ok price. Everything below that that is not on sale sounds my bargain bin alarm.
Im usually ok with:
5-10 for small digital games
20-30 for major digital releases
40-60 for major retail releases
Everything below that for a quality game is just theft in my book.
For me, i just had no idea the game was already out. With Renegade Kid in general, i dont really expect any EU releases anymore, thats why Xenodrifter wasnt even on my radar.
@Jayvir I agree with you on race to the bottom pricing. If you wait till it's a part of a deep discount sale, then you voted with your wallet that the market won't support games that require a certain level of development. Pretty soon all we'll have is Freemium garbage and only ourselves to blame. If it's an indie, and you're interested in it, as well as gainfully employed, PAY FULL PRICE.
@Einherjar Nop it was just porly mentiond.. I only know thanks to N Lifes listing... there was abslutly no mention Of its relece I alredy made this point and been completly blanked - The US got a far better Hype for this game but come about a Year later the hype is dead most ppl have forgotn the game exsists or have seen it all played on YouTube = In them not needing/wanting the game letalone as iv sed and you have there was no mention of the games EU/UK Lornch... so ofc thegame will sell bad.. thats what happens when the gap betwen EU/UK and US lorches are so huge.. unles its a Big 1st party game (that often stay in the spotlight) even then thay often work to have the gap only be a handfull of months.
Happily paid $10 to keep Jools & Co making platformers. Looking forward to the free Wii U download!
I wasn't a huge fan of the 3ds version, but I guess I'll take advantage of this offer because why not.
I bought it when it was available and it was totally worth it.
Buy it!!
As Jayvir said, it really wasn't advertised that well here in the U.S. either. I mean, there is/was a banner for it in the eShop and when RK had it on sale it was showcased under the discounts tab...
It just seems to me that Europeans to like indies as much as we do.
The price was a little high considering the overall length of the game, the recycling of boss graphics, and the lack of visual variety in the weapons. However, the game was a good one, with impressive retro-styled graphics, catchy and atmospheric music, and excellent controls.
This free Wii U version really makes me feel better about the original purchase. It's a great treat for the fans! Thanks Renegade Kid!
@KryptoKrunch But what im saying is the Hype was allot more fresh? (as it was close to its inital revial) lack of a better word but by the time of the EU/UK it had unfortuntly diyed out mostly then got a somewhat Mute relece.
@Volmun Thats actually pretty true. There are a lot of games that arrived late in the EU that completely lost their drive.
Codename S.T.E.A.M. for instance. Really good hype for a new IP, arrived late in the EU and, well, the hype was already gone.
And of course, its the mentality of "Oh, they already got it and we dont ? Well, i guess we wont get it then" and people just forget about it like myself.
So, either get a new hype going, like Yacht Club did with SHovelknight and their surprise Direct appearance or release games as close to each other as possible.
Super cannot wait!
Will it be cross-buy in NA or just EU?
Very fun game, just way too short!
I'll get it when it's on sale!
I agree with Spoony_Tech completely. I bought the game on sale, but it's not because I didn't think it was worth the full price. It's a great indie game. I like Renegade Kid's games. I just have so many games I don't need to be going around paying full price for everything. But if something good goes on sale I snatch it up for later tricking myself into thinking that I'm being thrifty.
Awesome, got the game on sale and it was great. Not worth the full price but now two copies for that price could be worth it.
10 bucks is still a bit much for what your getting. Appreciate the b1g1 deal but still would like it to drop a couple bucks. No rush though.
That's pretty cool. I wouldn't want to play the game without 3D, though.
It wasn't worth $10. Certainly not when the vastly superior Mutant Mudds debuted at a similar price point.
What is it with EU 3DS gamers. Gunman Clive sales were pretty poor in EU also.
Don't moan when publishers decide to not bother releasing games here. If you not gonna buy games then we have ourselves to blame.
@Insect_Prince It was to high I bought when it came out and I was disappointed. I am happy I will get it for free on the wiiu that was very nice of them.
It was a solid title. Probably as close to Metroid 3D as we'll ever see. Nintendo opted to enhance Urban Champion instead for their 3D Classics line... ugh.
I bought it for the 3ds on day one here in the UK, great game, will be nice to have on Wii u.
I think the problem with European sales is that it took far to long to come out over here and the hype died down.
What a dumb statement. Of course a game is going to sell more in the US than Europe, and of course day 1 is the big one. I bet 90% of 'week 1' sales were on day 1 in both regions.
Didn't even know this was already out yet.. However, between Yoshi's Woolly World (hopefully I can start playing that game today), and the upcoming Splat Fest in Splatoon, this has to wait until next week at least.
I think I'll stick with 3D over HD. Nice that the option is there though.
After hearing there is going to be a Wii U version I was going to wait. However if EU is going to get the cross buy too i will buy it for my 3DS. £7.99 i thought was a little bit high but if cross buy is included that is worth the asking price.
Reviews are not all that good, plus released way too long after US. So i did not buy it.
I am sorry, but i read the reviews before buying, so they could make it a better game before hoping to sell it like bread.
Indies need to find a way to promote their games in non-English-speaking countries too if they want to sell well in Europe. And they should remind everyone that it exists if it's taken too long to come out in one region, hype them up again.
To be honest; I didn't think it would do particularly well—even though it looks cool enough for what it is. It's just in amongst a bunch of other games that I think people would go for first.
It's very cool to hear that if you own the 3DS version then you can get the Wii U version for free though.
I know it seems expensive to some people, especially relative to all the free and $1 mobile games we get these days (usually laden with ads and micro-transactions), but it is in fact a full new game in the vain of Metroid, and asking for less than a tenner isn't exactly overpriced for what you are getting. I mean the developer does actually have to make money.
This isn't some 20 year old Virtual Console game, where the developers have already made all their money on the title and so can afford to now just sell however many more digital copies for a few bucks, and even then your still paying pretty much the same amount for all those ancient VC titles.
Do we get Cross-Buy in the EU too, or is this just a NA promotion?
The european market is definitely less active than the US one. Miiverse is a good indicator of that.
There's also the harsh competition. Battle Miner is now the best selling game on 3DS in France. It's getting an excellent word of mouth marketing despite the bad reviews. It's also an online FPS. Considering the popularity of the genre and the fact there isn't any game like that on 3DS, the guy who made it is probably printing money right now.
It's weird because Xeodrifter is a good game but people focus too much on the flaws. While Battle Miner is a mediocre game but it is selling well for the little qualities it offers. Indie devs should try reverse psychology if they want to sell their games.
Well, other than gaming websites, the occasional indie trailer, and the eShop itself, where exactly do exclusive eShop games get advertised? Shouldn't you guys just be checking the eShop (or the Nintendo Download article on here) every week to find out what's new?
While I like the game and the crossbuy offer is much appreciated, unless I can transfer my save file I won't be downloading the Wii U version, as this isn't something I want to bother restarting from scratch with just the minor benefit of large HD graphics (which doesn't do much for the retro-styled graphics in this game, anyway).
Now I totally regret not spending $4.99 on this game when I had the chance.
I think the main reason behind poor European sales is if a game is released months ago in America and gets multiple sales before coming here people are gonna think "Im not gonna pay full price its gonna be on sale soon",Plus Renegade kids attitude towards Europe puts a sour taste in my mouth,You cant pick and choose which game to release and expect good sales,It also seems the only time Jools tweets about Europe is to complain,I buy all of Renegade kids games day 1 if they just made day 1 sooner maybe more would too.
That's awesome since I have the 3ds version! It is a good game but I agree it should be cheaper; 7.99?
I admit that peviously when it was 3DS only that $10 was asking a tad too much for it (I picked it up for 50% off as soon as I saw it have a sale). With cross buy, though, I think that's a really nice value. Had I seen the future, I would have been less concerned about the $10 price knowing that cross buy would come - maybe even some extra content added at some point?
I would've bought it day one it it was 6.99. I'm still going to buy it but its not like I need it right now, I still have Axiom Verge and many other games to play.
@The__Goomba To be fair, its much easier and quicker to release a game in the US than it is in Europe. Sometimes the delay can take months.
Excellent, I bought it with discount.
TBH, I kinda lose hype for Jools's games whenever they take so long to arrive in Europe - still waiting on Moon...hopefully this new rating board that is to be will help keep the hype fresh.
Woooo, I'm so glad developers are supporting cross-buy, now if only I didn't suck so much at this game...
They make great games, I just wish they would allow for custom button settings for those of us who prefer the NES style settings.
Saw this article, then checked for it on the eShop, saw it listed as a new release, bought it and now I spent my train trip frustrated at the game as I get used to this sort of gameplay again!
@Shiryu and I will watch the crap out of it... I love your work.
@Uberchu Thanks, I do it for the kids who were born with a PS1 (or even a PS2) in their lap and have no clue there were video games before 32 bits.
I imagine that EU folks having about 6 months to find out that the game was about 2-3 hours long and full of repetition probably didn't help sales.
I ended up grabbing for £3ish on Steam, I'd say it was worth it. I kinda liked the game but if I'd paid more I would have felt ripped off.
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