Nintendo didn't show the Wii U version of Zelda at this year's E3. That caused quite a bit of concern, with some fans even going as far as to speculate that it's going to be an NX title, given that Nintendo is going to be talking about the new system a whole lot more next year - when Zelda is supposed to be launching.
Unsurprisingly, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has been pressed on the matter in an interview with IGN, and his response isn't exactly convincing.
Given that the conversation swings backwards and forwards between interviewer and interviewee, we've included the full thing here:
IGN: We spoke to Miyamoto and he told us, Nintendo has some really great Zelda footage and chose not to show it at E3. Can you talk about the thinking behind that decision?
Reggie Fils-Aime: It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don't believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year. And at this point, the new Zelda for Wii U is not a 2015 project.IGN: I understand that guideline and why you choose to observe that, but that must be taken on a case-by-case basis. When you guys showed Zelda last year, I would't have believed that game was supposed to come out in Q1 or Q2. I would have thought that was a Q3 game.
Fils-Aime: No, but when we showed it last year, we believed it was a 2015 game.IGN: Do you worry at all that not showing it this year sends the message to Wii U owner and the potential Wii U buyer that Zelda is not a 2016 game?
Fils-Aime: No. I don't believe that it sends that messages. In fact, in separate interviews [Shigeru] Miyamoto has reinforced that it's a 2016 game, and I also believe he's reinforced that it's a Wii U game because I know that there is that thinking floating around.IGN: Yes, that was the reason we asked about that.
Fils-Aime: Our mentality is more near-term when we think about E3. And, yes, we take it on a case-by-case basis. There's also a recognition that we didn't want to frustrate the consumer. We could have scored a lot of points and showed some little tidbit of Zelda Wii U, but in our collective opinion the belief was, in the end, that would cause more frustration than benefit.IGN: Is that based on knowledge gained from years of having to delay Zelda?
Fils-Aime: It's based on a collective belief -- and when I talk collective, I'm talking about [Satoru] Iwata, Mr. Miyamoto, myself, Tatsuya Eguchi, [Shinya] Takahashi. The collective braintrust within Nintendo. It was our collective belief that it would have a negative effect of showing a game that we knew wasn't going to be a next-six-to-eight-month-type of game.
That's not the most logical argument we've heard. Nintendo has, in the past, shown games at several different E3 events way before the final release - Super Smash Bros. being a recent example. Zelda Wii U may be some way off, but even a small look would have boosted Nintendo's showing at this year's E3.
Do you think Reggie's point is valid? Or perhaps by not showing the game at all, Nintendo has created confusion with fans? Let us know by posting a comment.
[source uk.ign.com]
Comments 189
At this stage, I'm thoroughly convinced it is time for Nintendo and Reggie to part ways.
Honestly, after this E3, I'm of the school of thought that wholesale sweeping change is needed over there. The process and everything they're about just seems so out of touch.
I'm completely fine with how they went about it personally. I mainly want to know about the games coming soon, I don't need to hear too much about something that I can't even get for over a year.
E3 is the one time of year where hype matters most, and games come later.
You want proof, Reggie?
Sony E3 2015.
i cant take anything of what they are saying right now serously
Wasn't this game penciled-in for this coming holiday season not too long ago? When does their fiscal year end? I guess this is heading for holiday 2016 now?
Get in touch with the gamers for crying out loud. Were not stupid! If you show us a game at E3 we aren't going to think it's coming out anytime soon. Get with the times and stop make "What's Retro doing" a term used as slang for many years to come along the line of All your base and Spoony Bard!!!
And stop giving us release dates so soon to release. I'm greatful for a few that have been given with time like Xenoblade but this holding of till a month or 2 before the game comes out is getting old fast.
@BenAV oh really? So, last year when you saw the Zelda trailer they teased, you didn't enjoy that?
Zelda NX confirmed
Oh shut up Reggie. JUST. SHUT. UP.
Uncharted 4 will probavly only get a date on e3 2016. Thus didnt mean sony fanboys are over excited.
The real problem with nintendo this year was the sub par zelda metroid and animal crossing.
We wanted better graphics for star fox and more info on loyalty club.
I didn't expect it, they said as much. I also like the focus on stuff that's actually coming out. Much of the other guys show stuff that make people go wow, but you can't buy it within 2 years.
But they did employ this tactic last year, showing us zelda. Anyway, the absence of wow moments in e3 made the zelda absence more apparent. Zelda is just an element in a bigger scheme of no great surprises at e3.
I don't think nintendo did the wrong thing focussing to near term available games, I just think that e3 for them sucked because there are so few but it was probably a calculated hit anyway.
He can't spin that... I actually liked the Nintendo E3 presentation, but they should have showed whatever they have on Zelda U. I wouldn't even care if there was no release date announced, just show us gameplay!
@gatorboi352 Never said I didn't enjoy it. The long wait between when we first see it and get to play it I don't enjoy so much though. End of the day I don't care either way, but I'm fine with how they went about it.
I think it's a logical way to go about it, but I guess unfortunately it's not what people expect from E3 so it didn't go down so well.
At least the interviewer called him on his BS. Reggie said they only show games coming out soon, so last year they showed Zelda b/c they thought it was coming out in 2015, so not showing it this year means it isn't coming out in 2016.
When asked point blank when Zelda U would be released I'm surprised Reggie didn't answer "Ed Norton".
Nintendo is good at making games. Manipulating crowds, not so much.
Reggie look we love ya but this explanation everybody knows is very half hearted. American audiences don't care about waiting over a year, we just want to see exciting games.
You made a spinoff Metroid game when there hasn't been a main series Metroid in so long
As much as I love that mentality, DON'T pretend like you guys have always thought this way. It all just sounds like his excuse for a poor E3. Super Mario Maker, Zelda Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles, Star Fox Zero, and Yoshi's Wooly World were all shown last year with the assumption that they were about a year and a half off.
Zelda on NX ala Twilight Princess style confirmed.
That viewpoint of upcoming games works for a normal Nintendo direct but not E3
@rjejr love that show!
@TheWPCTraveler Speaking of which, there's already articles saying that Sony can't promise a 2016 release for The Last Guardian (which is obviously the main game that's a source of hype from their conference).
Can't show footage from the game cus it doesn't come out the same year as E3? Splatton was shown last year and it wasn't a 2014 game for cring out load!
This is just total BS!
It's a croc to say it's their philosophy. If he said, "this year we felt it was better to focus on 2015", that would be one thing, but no, he made it sound like Nintendo always focuses on the near term when in reality this is Xenoblade's 3rd E3 and we've known about Yoshi for 2.5 years! This is E3, not some random Nintendo Direct. It's the perfect time for long term hype. I still love Nintendo and their games but this is the most frustrated I've been with them in a while.
@Grumblevolcano Nah, I'd wager that it was FF VII that delivered the hype. It was a shame to me, since Square Enix ended up showing practically nothing of note apart from Nier 2 at their own conference...
@6ch6ris6 I know, right? What a liar! He sounds like a politician. Dodge this question, dodge that one. They need to hire new blood and fast. Nintendo is in trouble if this NX isn't up to snuff with the PS4 and Xbox One. Say goodbye to 3rd part support for the 3rd system straight.
I'd buy this if we hadn't already been shown it last year. I understand games get delayed and schedules change, but if they had something to show last year, they should have more to show this year. The game is coming, people want to know about it, show it.
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem was shown years ago and it's still coming out only in 2016. That answer that Reggie gave makes no sense whatsoever.
Very disappointed in the way Nintendo is handling all of this...
Nah, they definitely should have shown it this year. As a game originally coming out this year, it kinda sounds like Zelda Wii U won't come out until around September - December 2016. What the heck is taking so long!?!
How can Zelda be coming out so late if you showed alil SMTxFE in the direct, and yet that looks like it was barely along in development when you where showing off Zelda! His/ there answer doesn't agree with me at all...
Nintendo needs to learn that E3 is a time to get ppl excited and pumped up with awesome games in order to SELL your products, and honestly, you didn't do that this year; which is bad considering the state your home console market is in.
I'm actually quite happy with the lineup for this year/first half of next year. The only problem was that, on the Wii U side at least, most of these games we already knew about. I like them focusing on upcoming games, but the problem is trying to do that for the first time, because it means a lot of the upcoming games have probably been shown previously. If they stick to this approach for the future, it could potentially work out... The games that could have been shown this year will instead be a surprise next year. If they can reduce the waiting period between reveal and launch then I'm down with that.
@rjejr HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! As a big fan of "The Honeymooners", this was the comment of the day to me!
lol reggie is trolling and has no idea what he's saying
Yes, Reggie, there is certainly something "floating around".
I can't wait to see him go back on these statements next year and confirm that Zelda is coming to the NX. They just want the fans calmed down. Basically like a parent letting a child know in the kindest way possible that their pet dog is dying.
To me, E3 is a "when in rome" scenario. Look at all the praise Sony, MS, and especially Square Enix get for showing games that are years out. Wasnt KH3 mentioned 2 years ago? Nintendo shows games that are coming in the next year, and they get lambasted because they set a prescendent last year. they have only themselves to blame.
The E3 direct could have done an ending montage of 10s a game for things nintendo is working on that we didnt see during the main presentation. Heck, the one thing we are sure about is Zelda coming in the future, what else is there, that we didnt know about?
I feel bad for Reggie, though. He knows he is going into "gotcha" land doing any interview so soon after that E3 presentation. He likely has his marching orders from Japan, and has to do his best to follow them. Call him a corporate stooge if you like, but he has a job and his bosses are paying his salary.
@Grumblevolcano - "The Last Guardian (which is obviously the main game that's a source of hype from their conference)"
Well if you don't count the FFVII remake. Or Shenmue 3. Or Uncharted 4. Or Horizon: Zero Dawn. Or Dreams.
Not sure the Nitneod Life website is the best place right now for putting down the Sony E3 presser.
Forget the petition for cancellation of Federation Force. Somebody make one to replace this moron...
It's all TOP SECRET info atm from nintendo. Every major studio is working on NX games obviously
"It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don't believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year. And at this point, the new Zelda for Wii U is not a 2015 project."
In other words, that's how you view E3 now and not how you viewed it last year.
I think they have been doing this for a while now with the directs, and decided e3 should be no different. The directs always focus on what is coming soon. We usually hear about a game from e3 and then get left in the dark until it is almost out our at the next e3. I can see them continuing this trend at only focusing on the near future from now on at e3s. It's just a direct to them now.
@Spoony_Tech @ericwithcheese2 - I know there are only a handful of people who will get that reference, but that's how I see Reggie so I figured it was worth posting. homina homina
@TheWPCTraveler - Square Enix
I've read the KH3 footage was good. I sitll haven't had a chance to watch anything from that conference.
What a boob. Reggie is worse at his job than he is at Smash.
NX for holiday 2016 confirmed ....
At least it has by Reggie's logic here.
Why isn't E3 over yet?
Fils-Aime: It's based on a collective belief — and when I talk collective, I'm talking about [Satoru] Iwata, Mr. Miyamoto, myself, Tatsuya Eguchi, [Shinya] Takahashi. The collective braintrust within Nintendo. It was our collective belief that it would have a negative effect of showing a game that we knew wasn't going to be a next-six-to-eight-month-type of game.
Ocarina of Time says 'Hi'!
I'm sad to say that Reggie was kind of squirming in his seat in that interview interview...... 😔
I just wanted some nice game footage. Like Zelda! We know it's not coming out 2015. So soften the blow with some footage of exploration and some battles!
Two things thaen I'm done.
1. Somebody needs to teach Nintedo the meaning of the phrase - "When in Rome". E3 is all about showing off future projects in a big way. Maybe they need to watch more professional wrestling and look up "spectacle' as well. Maybe visit Vegas. Bethesedsa had a great show and they don't even have 2 hardware platforms that they need to sell.
2a. Yes, Nintendo told US, the enlightened ones, that Zelda wouldn't be shown at E3. But did every major and minor news outlet covering E3 - I hear it's a big event - know this or were they still expecting it?
2b. Nintnedo told us they weren't showing Zelda U, and we knew it. But most of us probably reacted to this as a positive - Ninteod isn't showing Zelda U b/c they don't want to overwhelm coverage of ACU and Metroid Prime 4 or maybe Super Mario Sunshine HD or Super Mario Galaxy 4. Nobody believed that they weren't showing Zelda U b/c they wanted more time for free ACaF and 4 player Metroid sans Samus. If anything, by telling us we weren't seeing Zelda U they made us even more excited for what they would show instead. They chummed the waters, but they didn't bring any bait.
"Our mentality is more near-term when we think about E3"
Even though they already showed it last year.
"No, but when we showed it last year, we believed it was a 2015 game."
And now it's a 2016 game, so why did you not show it this E3? They need to show things that are further in the future than the next 6-8 months for the Wii U. Not doing so makes people doubt the future of the Wii U, especially with Nintendo mentioning the NX so often.
Can't take this amount of spin seriously. They showed Xenoblade off two and a half years ago and its still six months away now. They showed off Smash when it was 18 months from release, and showed Zelda last year, when even without the delay, was still 18 months from coming out.
Just say the developers are hard at work on the game and you didn't want them stepping aside from that to make a new trailer.
I can hear his frustration and anger between the lines.
@rjejr I'm not saying Last Guardian was the sole source of hype but it largely helped the hype due to being first. Even the digital event started off in a hype state with Star Fox but unlike Sony who went straight into another hype title (Horizon), Nintendo decided to go the garbage route with Skylanders and things just got worse. Imagine how worse the internet would've been if instead of Reggie, Miyamoto and Iwata transforming into Star Fox they transformed into federation troopers and started the event with Federation Force. I feel the reaction would've been significantly worse than it is now.
I hate how Reggie and the Nintendo PR people are trying to treat us like children and insinuate that our expectations were too high and that everything is ok.
I am a PAYING customer in a FREE MARKET SOCIETY and if Nintendo expects me to continue handing them my money, they better deliver the goods!
I hope we're getting a damage control Direct in the next month or two where they show off that Zelda footage and a couple of new games. Just like they had a damage control Direct when they announced Yarn Yoshi and that they're working on a Zelda game, but couldn't actually show anything.
I'm convinced it will be shown at the next E3 at the same event as the NX. The game will be released on the Wii U but I'm sure it will also be released on the NX as a release title (maybe 6 months after the Wii u version)
Reading Reggie's response to the first question where he says, "the way we view E3...." and talking about not showing games long before release, etc makes me angry. What they don't realise, is that the way the customer views it and perceives it, is what is important.
I will have no problem with the spin-off Metroid and Animal Crossing games if I knew that AAA versions of those games were on the way. And there is the problem, Nintendo keeping quiet. They should have at the very least announced a Metroid and Animal Crossing Game, regardless of when it's coming out.
As much as I like NIntendo, they seem to be very detached from what their customers want.
Their approach to E3 actually doesn't make sense to me. The entire gaming world is focussed on E3 and that's the time to win new customers for your brand. The Directs, though great, is mainly for current Nintendo gamers and unless you follow Nintendo, you will not be aware of the Direct shows. So, E3 is the place to wow the world with all your great games. This E3 was a marketing fail for Nintendo.
Thats all good Reggie, now lenme explain how E3 works in the real world. It is basically Christmas time for gamers, the one time we can have tonnes of amazong new stuff dangled before our eyes no matter how long we have to wait. It generates hype and chatter, which if done correctly can act as advertising, word spreading and an almost obsession to obtain such games upon release, which translates into higher net profits for the console manufacturers, publishers and retailers.
You had so many guns in your arsenal and yet you chose to leave them at home.
Yes, Nintendo marches to its own drumbeat; but when the beat is out of tune or your fans are not liking the music, you probably have to stop and march to a different tune.
Saving all the good stuff for the Nintendo Directs again. I understand, It's a secret to everybody.
At this point I don't even care about a new Zelda game. It's been long. It's been WAY too long.
Reggie got insulted at World Champ, Internet blew up at his E3 Direct, people are seeing some red flags go up about future Wii U releases... It's just not Reggie's year. I'm surprised no one's pressed him about amiibo stock yet
reggie forgets that the internets and the googles makes his BS spin so transparent.
nintendo just doesn't get it
I agree this event was lackluster. But I'm hoping that next year will be better when they release everything. This whole transition between the Wii U and NX I think is throwing things off for them. On one hand they want to still make grade A games for the Wii U but still make sure a large line up is there for the NX especially if 3rd parties aren't there.
But people have to remember they do multiple directs a year. They probably will have another in a few months down the road that tells more about this Zelda. To them E3 is just a little larger of a direct now. There's obviously something else going on with that Zelda game to not show it now. So everyone keep your pants on and be satisfied with at least knowing the game is in production unlike a new Metroid, FZero, or Animal Crossing which probably isn't going to be for a long time.
This week is not your week Nintendo.
E3 is all about hyping your wares. Even if they don't come out in 6 months time, its supposed to show what your company has in the future for its fans a year or two down the track so they can get behind your console, get excited, discuss/bicker about your amazing games.
Hell, they only needed show fades to black images of a Metroid silhouette with a WiiU logo at the end and the fans would have gone bonkers
The longer Zelda U is development the chances of it being better increase. If Aonuma doesnt feel like he wants to show the game this year then that is his teams decision. Waiting makes me feel more confident in the release of this game.
Not showing Zelda this year was extremely confusing for us consumers. Especially with the announcement that the NX is coming soon, all this does is create speculation and dissension. If Zelda really is a Wii U game only, then this is a sign that Nintendo marketing and PR staff need to be replaced. This was a terrible decision, period.
Full damage control and it is real bad. Essentially from everything that seems to have gone on during E3, Nintendo are heavily ramping up development for video games to launch the NX.
I would put money on the fact this E3 direct was supposed to contain a whole load of games that were cut in order to be moved over to the next console, be that a Wii U successor, 3DS successor or hybrid.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo decide to cut the Wii U life cycle short by a year and just release the NX in 2016 and hope that they have a whole load of games to throw at people including Zelda.
Also Nintendo has from what I understand, 6 teams of young designers who's jobs it is to produce new IPs. Splatoon was the first, meaning there are 5 more we don't know about.
Reggie pls. This entire interview is just bs.
I like Reggie and Nintendo, but they aren't very good at marketing
Personally, I don't believe Zelda will be an NX title. "The Last of Us" was showcased at E3 2013, same year they announced the PS4 coming out soon. I personally believe that Zelda was not on the floor because of this new gameplay mechanic is to be utterly different than before.
That said, I believe Reggie's comments are ludicrous. Zelda may have been announced for 2015, but everyone knew it was for Q3/Q4. In fact, many games, such as Star Fox, were announced for the following year. I think they should've at least shown a trailer and some information on the development to quench our thirsts.
Yeah this doesn't really make sense. I feel like showing Zelda for Wii U would have at least alleviated some of the fan rage that has been going on since their presentation.
Though if anyone is hurting for a new Zelda game I'd recommend going back and replaying Skyward Sword. I gave it a second chance last Summer and enjoyed it way more than my first playthrough. Now it's probably one of my favorite Zelda games.
Why do they have to explain again? They said months ago it wasn't going to E3. Did people think they were kidding?
I think they have decided after last E3 to not show stuff at E3 if its not due that year. remember, E3 is for Nintendo just one of many times they will have a digital event.
What utter balony. Last year Nintendo "won" e3 by showing a 45 second teaser for Zelda WiiU. A game we knew we weren't getting in 2014. This year was an atrocious e3 for nintendo. We dont want stupid half baked multiplayer zelda and Metroid games. We dont want an amiibo based animal crossing board game. Its like they had nothing new to show and knew fans want a new Zelda and metroid and animal crossing so they got a small team to rush out these peices of crap this year. Okay that may be a bit harsh because at the end of it all im sure The new zelda and metroid 3ds games will be fun. But its not what we want. We want big AAA core experiences that frankly, we haven't had much of on the WiiU. This may be the straw that broke the camels back for me with Nintendo. So disappointed.
Last year they featured a bunch of games that still haven't released... Yoshi. Devil's Third. Zelda. Star Fox. Xenoblade X. Mario Maker. Etc. This year they decided to feature the same games minus Zelda and Splatoon.
Reggie Fils-Aime... It's time your body is ready to step down from NoA with your Lying ass.. Nintendo World championships 15 Reggie I spend 16 hours a day running a company you spend 16 hours a day playing smash to hungry box... So where are the games?
@MadAdam81 Then just say that. Say that we want to focus more short-term. Don't come out and claim that they "fundamentally" don't believe in it. Pick your words, Reggie.
At least Other M 2 wasn't announced....
Zelda wii u will not be at E3 this year, nor will it have a 2015 release. Thank you! -Iwata
That's practically what nintendo said a few months back Ryu_Niiyama, That's not a good explanation of why it's not being shown.
I think His answer is pretty lame. You should show Zelda because that is what the fans want to see. It also allows us to see how far it has come along since the last showing.
They should have shown an update on the game at the end of the presentation. It would have made a disappointing presentation a bit more enjoyable. Their reasoning behind not showing it is hypocritical. When the entire video game community is watching & listening to every word these companies say during their E3 presentations, you have to go all in!
I'm not one of these people spouting off that this is the end of Nintendo. They're doing fine as a company. They just made a large deal with Universal Studios to bring their games to life. Honestly, that would have been cool to see some of that stuff in the presentation too. Why did their video need to be under an hour. They could have stretched their presentation another half hour and included more....because that's what we wanted.
Reggie fills a-me with doubt.
@FragRed At this point I have your exact opinion. But if they really want to release NX next year, it has to get introduced before E3.
Reggie: blablablabla Miyamoto: blablablabla
"It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don't believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year. And at this point, the new Zelda for Wii U is not a 2015 project."
So, what about Xenoblade? Yoshi's Wooley World? We saw those for three E3s in a row!
"In fact, in separate interviews [Shigeru] Miyamoto has reinforced that it's a 2016 game, and I also believe he's reinforced that it's a Wii U game because I know that there is that thinking floating around."
Well sure it's a 2016 game, and sure it's coming on the Wii U. What he didn't say was that it's also being ported to the NX.
"Our mentality is more near-term when we think about E3. And, yes, we take it on a case-by-case basis. There's also a recognition that we didn't want to frustrate the consumer. We could have scored a lot of points and showed some little tidbit of Zelda Wii U, but in our collective opinion the belief was, in the end, that would cause more frustration than benefit."
Right, cause it's coming to the NX, just like every other franchise.
It has become painfully obvious that Reggie is a man about business. While he may be good in conferences and investor meetings, he does not share a close connection to the product the company he works for produces. He sucked at Smash and all of his speeches are scripted, we need a President / COO who truly loves Nintendo, not just the corporate side. Also, get Iwata out as CEO of Nintendo of America... he has done his fair share of damage while serving as President as well.
So let me understand.... You wanna focus on short term games right? but at e3 2014 you showed ZeldaU being a 2015 game... now, it was e3 2015, and you do not show Zelda because it is for 2016? are you mocking us?
And also.... You got two "hopefully good" mature games for 2015: Devil's 3rd and Fatal Frame, why do not show them? are you so sure they will be blockbusters since you do not push them at all? TW101 did not teach you anything?.... obviously not..... (facepalming)
@manu0 I've said many times before that I always saw NX as a pre E3 announcement. Then E3 will be about the games.
@FragRed I don't know what you said before...
...and sorry Reggie.... I could maybe understand this change of "e3 policy" if your close line-up is full of bombs and AAAA titles.... but jees, you came with partygame/moneygrabbing spinoff and a mario tennis!!!!! Do you have any, I say any little knowledge of the term "hype" "marketing" "advertising" in your heads? Do you really think that putting a Prime in front of a minigame make us open our wallet????
This company is becoming day after day a joke of itself....
@manu0 Sorry I worded that wrong. I realise you haven't seen what I previously said.
Zelda Wii U was my most anticipated game from Nintendo at this E3. A pity nothing was shown. I wonder why? Lack of meaningful development from what was seen last year?
Its about creating hype Reggie! We dont care if it says 2015 or 2016 for its release, but you must create a buzz for people to talk about. Nothing is better marketing than word of mouth by people
we gamers might not "understand" but neither do investors, since nintendo's stock has been on the slide since the digital disaster.
They are going to make zelda U a 30th anniversary thing. It is so obvious. Nintendolife, you should post a story of that. 25th anniversary was 2011 skyward sword. Zelda U 2016 is a 30th anniversary thing just like mario this year. Confirmed
@Grumblevolcano - So your'e saying the bright side is that things could have always been worse for the ND?
I guess I feel like Sony could have chosen to open w/ TLG, FFVII or Shenmue 3 or 2 or 3 other announcements and still had a good show, you made it sound like TLG carried the hype. Personally I had forgotten all about TLG once they showed the FFVII remake, and I'm sure other people felt that way after Shenmue 3. And some people only care about COD, but I don't care about them. And I think Batman and AC5 were in there as well. And MGSV. You can't honestly say it was TLG all night long, though it was a great start.
OK, I guess my real point is, why would you even bring up the Sony Presser in here, it isn't helping any.
There's a few games that im looking forward to especially the zelda ones. But this is just complete and utter BS. Xenoblade was shown of 2 years before being released so why can't we see Zelda wii u!? Reggie ani Iwata we're tire of u constantly dodging questions and thinking that nintendo will always be ok every time u screw up. Please understand isn't gonna work every single time. I know nintendo has lots of money, but just like sony, if nintendo doesn't stop with the BS now, you're really gonna dig yourselves into a deep hole and may or may not be able to get out of it. Reggie and Iwata, really like u guys both, but in all seriousness you've got some real problems and if u really love nintendo, you would give up ur jobs to someone that nows what the heck they're doing.
@brucelebnd True, Nintendo's stocks dropped a significant -2.86% (and still declining!!!) since their E3 !!!
Should've shown it, simple as that. A whole 5-7 mins of epic Epona-riding, Scenery-indulging and Monster-slaughtering epicness. In any order. Hype doesn't feed itself.
So they show next years game at E3 2014 yet they won't show a next year game at E3 2015? By that logic Zelda U will be a 2017 game?
I'm just glad they're having to play damage control. Maybe they won't make this same mistake twice but it does feel like they do this every other year or so.
All things considered, at least we didn't get Wii Music U with the Gamepad as a xylophone.
Reggie, you don't need to explain it, we know, you want to delay it so that you can have it do what Twilight princess did.
I understand Reggie. I don't want my hype for Zelda U to burn out. Just look at Xenoblade X, SMTxFE, and Yoshi's Woolly World: those games are coming out almost 3 years after their first announcements!
"nintendo's been playing damage control for the last 20 years"
If that means we get games like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask or Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2, they can play damage control as much as they want.
I feel he has a valid point. With the 30th anniversary of Zelda being next year (I also turn 30 heheh), this year being the 30th anniversary of Mario, and a StarFox reveal already in the cards it would've been too pre-mature. This way they can hype it up in early 2016 through an NDirect then really roll out the red carpet for ZeldaU.
The real question is will the NX console announcement lessen their release line-up overall. I have a feeling it'll be both a handheld and home console with backwards compatibility for DS/3DS/Wii/WiiU.
Honest to God question here.
Do they care? I mean, how aware are they of the fan backlash? I'm guessing they must do but it beggars belief that they wouldn't have expected this.
We've seen this before. E3s where Nintendo turns up with empty hands and shrugs. I'm not saying its the 'end' of the company - but it seems like such a total embarrassment that could easily be avoided with a couple of extra trailers (Zelda U as a must) - some news about virtual console / eshop titles / Club Nintendo loyalty programmes coming - and a few surprise announcements for whatever is in development at the moment.
Even a logo and just the announcement that Retro is working on a new IP - or that they have begun production on a new 3D home console Mario / Metroid etc.
Like I said, I'm not that angry because I think if they had added all of that lot - we wouldn't be complaining half as much - we would have just kept the excitement for future releases at a nice height.
It seems like they could have done any of those things - and did nothing. It's happened before - why did they allow it to happen again.
Well this is a bunch of BS. I personally have never liked Reggie. This guy needs to go. He's full of crap. Hell even at the NWC him talking all this crap about beating Hungrybox then shows he can't even play Smash and afterwards has excuses.
They have been showing Xenoblade X for 3 years now, at each e3 and in directs.
I call lies!
They should definitely show Zelda, it's to convice fans that they'll come, otherwise, how could you please fans? As has been reiterated many times, this policy didn't stop them from showing future games before, why should now? I guess I started to agree with those said that they hold off because they want to put it on NX. After all, with NX stealing the show next year, this will be Wii U final year to getting spotlight at E3.
Y'know, there's kind of an attitude lately, perhaps there's always been, where the middle ground is non-existent. Everything is perfect one day and the next one everything is garbage. "Ocarina of Time is THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE, but Nintendo has INSULTED its fanbase and all they produce is TERRIBLE nowadays. The people in charge DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. They must be STOPPED.".
That kind of black-or-white, manichaean view is ridiculously naive.
And, regarding Star Fox, why don't you give it a try before deciding if it's good or bad? Open a bit. Let them entertain you.
I hate corporate speak, and Reggie is really bad at it. He knows questions are going to be asked, but has to completely stick to the script, so it makes him sound robotic and fake. It's not his fault, but he's not good at this type of interviewing.
The reasoning is asinine and there are holes all over that ideology. if this is what they want to do going forward then thats what they should say, not make it sound like this is the way its always been, because thats BS.
They should have shown something, regardless, since we already knew it was delayed it couldn't disappoint us any further, but if we saw progress then that would keep us talking about it and build on the momentum.
I get what they decided to do this E3, but E3 has always been about the SHOW, the announcements, the surprises, not minor updates and details about games we've known about forever. This just felt like another Direct, which is fine, it was a good competent direct, but it wasn't E3, and they cannot hide behind that veil.
Honestly all the details about the games that have been flowing through the treehouse have me much more excited than the digital even could ever have done, and that's good, the problem is that most people won't watch treehouse, so therefore will only be left with that single impression.
I'm much more excited about Super Mario Maker, Yoshi, the FireXJPOPcrazness RPG, Star Fox, and now that I know the Animal crossing Wii U game is much more than just a board game, my interest has piqued quite a bit.
Ridiculous. Do an Xbox One u-turn, it's not too late!!!
@rjejr I like that example 'when in Rome' because that was exactly what I was thinking as I read the interview. Sure it is fine for Nintendo to have the opinion and strategy to only show current content, but when everyone else is showing stuff soon to come and as well as far off content, it causes Nintendo to stick out like a sore thumb and it raises so many questions.
By showing even the smallest amount of footage from future projects would have alieviated so many concerns that are running rampart with fans across the internet. They could have easily avoided it and saying 'this is strategy' does not bring comfort
@TheWPCTraveler So the recent Smash Direct as well as the first Earthbound game for the NES and not to mention the daily Directs aren't all hype?
For the first time I don't think I'll be getting an NX at launch, unless there are guaranteed goodies at launch making it worth buying. The Wii U has been such a let down, while yes there are a handful of good titles, it's been super subpar, and you can tell they are giving up on it already at this point.
Why take it so personally? Why have such a belligerent attitude? Yeah, I didn't like this E3 either, but it's not like Nintendo firebombed my house. What about Yoshi's Wooly World? Super Mario Maker? Zelda itself?
And is online play really such a central part of your Star Fox experience? What if the game has some spectacular level design? Not even then would you play it?
@HawkeyeWii I think Nintendo's in a pretty tough spot with the NX. It can't be on par with the current gen since it will be underpowered compared to generation after this one.
The NX needs to be more powerful than the current gen so it can maintain any potential 3rd party support after Sony and Microsoft release their consoles.
That, of course, leads to a problem that runs counter to Nintendo's philosophy on consoles, and that it to keep the prices low. That way more people can buy and enjoy them, but in order to stay competitive in the current video game market they may need to have a higher price point on the NX.
I won't mind saving up my money for it, and I hope the NX will bring back third party support. I'll remain cautiously optimistic, but I can still take comfort in the fact that, when they get it right, Nintendo will give me great games.
They've already shown Zelda U twice before. Once in its initial trailer unveiling, and once with some gameplay by Aonuma himself. This is just a very poorly disguised attempt at warding off inquisitive media and fans by coming up with some obviously nonsense excuse.
There's no shred of doubt in my mind this will in fact be an NX title. Probably a launch title, too. It will most likely see a Wii U release as well, but the NX version will be the definitive one, exactly like what happened with Twilight Princess on Wii and GameCube.
I mentioned this at length in another post but I don't think the zelda were getting is going to be what we think it is.either aonuma doesn't know what to do with the series and is struggling with the open world,or miyamoto flipped the table over and it's changed drastically.
I know next to nothing about NX, but supposing it's a home console/handheld hybrid, I'd say that the issue of price can be quite problematic. Handhelds are usually targeted towards children (most of Nintendo's catalogue, actually, is targeted towards all audiences), and their wallets, I mean, their PARENTS, will spend only so much on their offspring's hobby, no matter how many good grades she/he gets.
@BenAV One thing is that, gamer has short term memory. And you gotta save your ammo. If Nintendo shoot all they have, it will be promptly forgotten, and then what. I say good move for nintendo. This is a game of up and down, that's how you gotta treat this gamers.
@gatorboi352 @BenAVOne thing is that, gamer has short term memory. And you gotta save your ammo. If Nintendo shoot all they have, it will be promptly forgotten, and then what. I say good move for nintendo. This is a game of up and down, that's how you gotta treat this gamers.
@gatorboi352One thing is that, gamer has short term memory. And you gotta save your ammo. If Nintendo shoot all they have, it will be promptly forgotten, and then what. I say good move for nintendo. This is a game of up and down, that's how you gotta treat this gamers.
"No because it's a matter of principle now."
"It should be obvious though people would be fairly upset when they watch a company that used to be kind, that used to make amazing mind blowing games, show up at the biggest gaming convention and say **** you to their fans."
I really don't want to repeat what I wrote above regarding black-or-white view.
But of course you're free to think what you want. Play the games you like. It's your hobby, after all.
What a bold faced lie. More near-term my... You showed it LAST YEAR. You showed Xenoblade for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW.
Does anyone still want to fight me over this? NX is coming next year and Zelda is going to be a cross-generational release. Why would Miyamoto even reassure that Zelda is still coming to Wii U (why would they cancel a project this big?) unless it were also coming to NX. It is h a p p e n i n g.
What if NX is released in December 2016 and they're only showing 2 Nintendo games for it in E3 2016 because there won't be too many Nintendo titles near it's launch? I can wait, just show more to create hype for having many amazing titles.
Wow. The community is damaged. The discussions here have gone so wildly emotional and somewhat silly.
As usual, though, Nintendo is not managing the reaction very well. Still think they should trot out some Zelda footage or at least some concept art teases.
This is Nintendo struggling with a failed console. It is tricky business and most companies either rely on other resources and stick through it going further and further into debt in it's department or just fold. Remarkably, the games on this console have been my favorite year after year and more objectively they have been very, very solid.
Back over to Treehouse where Star Fox is looking quite nice.
I understand what he is saying, but it's misguided at E3. When people worry about the Wii U's lifespan, covering things in the short term can put people off buying in, in case support is phased out for the system. See what happened with SEGA in the 90s.
Cover the games coming out short term and then turn around and say "There's other titles coming for the systems that you can catch more of, and more in-depth, in our treehouse streams. But here's a little taste of what's to come in the future."
I'm also surprised we didn't see a Nindie showreel during the event. You've got them, so use them. It benefits them and you.
All those people need to resign so someone new can take the helm.
Same here. It's sad to see Wii U failing but it's pretty easy to see why it's happened. Other consoles are much more powerful and have actually 3rd party support. Wii U's library is relatively small but contains many fun titles. And lots of of support for different controlles, oh boy: gamepad, pro controller, wii mote (+ nunchuk + classic controller), Wii balance board, Gamecube controller... I appreciate the variety but let's have one controller for the next console be it NX or whatever. My biggest complain (apart from gamepads weak battery) is that gamepad has been used to it's full potential in relatively few titles. I mean, that's the consoles selling point, a huge controller with a screen.
As much as I love Wii U, I'm pretty sure that Zelda is coming to both Wii U and NX. I also hope that their next console innovates trough software, not hardware, unless it's used more.
Reggie always talks a good game - but then like dealing with any good salesmen, it's wise to take a moment to sift through the BS.
Reggie sounds like a politician, and not a good one at that. How does his point about only showcasing near-term games make sense when they showed Zelda LAST year, but not THIS year? And last year they expected it to be over a year away, that didn't matter, they showed us anyway. And we were happy regardless of the wait. The notion that they thought zelda fans would have been disappointed if they showed something rather than nothing... I just really cant understand this stupidity at all.
E3 isn't about practical awareness of near-term releases, it's about hype, about getting people to talk to each other excitedly about your system and its games. This excitement drives hardware sales, people wait till E3 to choose which console to buy. How can they not understand this?? And now nobody is talking excitedly about getting a WiiU. Are they just idiots?
Bought Witcher3 for my PS4 to bridge the time and I really love the game. After the direct I will spent more time and money on my PS4. Could be possible that I will lost my whole interest on Zelda and intendo as a whole. Nintendo games were my favorite games but time is changing. If there are no 3rd party games nintendo has to deliver!
The game is being delayed so it can be launched on Wii U and NX simultaneously. The NX version will be enhanced to take advantage of the new hardware capabilities - whatever they turn out to be. It will give the new platform a system-selling game at launch. With the additional development time Nintendo will ensure it's the best Zelda ever.
To all the people upset about the game not showing at E3 - chill. It's the right decision for Nintendo's future.
His body isn't ready anymore
I enjoyed the presentation, but that still is a bold faced lie Reggie.
Reggie's responses infuriate me even more... His best answer to all questions would have been; "no comments".
This guys title should be changed to Public Relations for the America's. What a joke of a company Nintendo has become, especially NoA.
My frustration grows further with every stupid word coming out of their mouths... Damage control this is not!
I don't really care about this game or that not being shown, what makes me angry is the lack of anything I'm remotely interested in after SMMaker...
...... Aaand
The lack of anything I'm interested in before it!!
Ughhh.... They are shooting themselves in the foot as well as cannibalizing themselves! You pushed back Zelda(ugh, again) and then you talk about it still being on the Wii U in 2016. Yet, you mention a next-gen console which will be shown(not sold) in the same year?? It's suicide! That's why you're Wii U numbers are plateauing! You're making people who were still on the fence for buying the system(as well as major devs for developing on the system) to hold off until the next gen!!! Stoopid!!!
This is not true though since many games shown (including the much maligned "Metroid" game) are not coming till 2016.
I'd have loved some Zelda U footage
NX will launch towards the end of 2016. The Wii U has failed, launching Zelda in 2015 won't change that. It's similar to the situation with the Gamecube.
Hopefully NX will achieve Wii levels of popularity.
@gatorboi352 Not sure that it was Reggie's decision not to show the new Zelda game.
So Reggie was ok with Zelda being shown in 2014, but 2015 is far too soon for it? I'm fine with them focussing on games coming out in the short term, but I think Zelda footage would have made the direct seem a bit less lacking.
I still don't believe Nintendo will last an other 2 years. Maybe just like legend of zelda twilight princess they might have 2 releases. WII U and the new one. 2017 should be the year for the next system....
Um . . . that makes no sense. The only reason why you wouldn't show it is to upstage something big, and there was NOTHING big to upstage at this E3. In fact, it might have saved them from the utter failure that was E3.
Reggie and Nintendo need to learn from this E3.
This was it. This was the E3 that made me realize Nintendo needs to change. They need modern men. They need to abandon (some) of their old mentalities and modernize.
Maybe if these guys haven't been following the news and don't realize how much of a failure Reggie is, they might take him back.
E3 is for games this year and early next year? Yeah right.
At E3 you're supposed to announce games that will be out next year or the year following and then possibly have playable games or more information on games that you announced in previous years.
E3 is all about the more distant future and teasing, not about the immediate future and present.
Reggie doesn't believe in movie trailers either.
He feels that you shouldn't know a movie exists or is coming out until a week before it hits theaters.
"Reggie Fils-Aime: It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3."
Forgot to capitalize the I.
Again the silly excuse: "We'll focus on games in the near future all the time" ?! Its pure nonsense! How many times has Nintendo shown games at 2 following E3's BEFORE it gets released?!
Their "brains-trust" needs a lobotomy!
I think Nintendo's been hanging around and playing with Sega too much😛.
I'm really hoping I'm wrong when I say the end is nigh for Nintendo. I'm really hoping this isn't so but its just bizarre... This whole thing. What the hell is happening? I'm blaming this on all the other good games coming out for the other systems. I don't know how I feel or what to think anymore. It's a feeling of dread. I imagine the feeling I have right now after this E3 is how someone would feel if they woke up covered in blood and found out they killed someone in their sleep overnight. That sinking feeling knowing that you could've been peacefully asleep and awoken like normal. Applied to this, we know the potential that this E3 had.. And we woke up covered in blood.
Now the puppets, that was so cool. The games they talked about? Well... Hehe... Ya.... well... Can't win 'em all, champ.
Did you guys not get the memo early this year? Zelda wasn't going to be in E3, do you people honestly believe he was joking? Because then it would only be your fault for making up false hype. I can't believe I'm 1 out of the 2 people to even mention this.
I thought it was hilarious that everybody was mad at them for not showing Zelda. What did you people expect? They literally said they would not be showing it at E3 months ago.
But yeah, Reggie is full of poopsicles for saying they will only show off stuff coming out soon. At last year's, almost all of the titles were announced for "Q1 2015", and they were all delayed. Mario Maker, Wooly World, Xenoblade, and Zelda, were all delayed (can't remember if Splatoon was or not). So really, Star Fox is like the only one that wasn't delayed, and that's coming out a full year and a half after it was announced at last E3
In fairness, they said weeks before E3 that Zelda would not be shown. Perhaps some thought they meant gameplay but it's clear they meant the game in general. I think Nintendo is getting beat up because of the poor digital event and this is a case of fans, media and others piling on. Nintendo showed some great looking games this year but I think the main problem is there were not many surprises or new IP's like last year. Most people, myself included, were hoping for a similar approach to 2014 but I think Nintendo has moved on from the Wii U and they could only show games that are finishing up. I don't reckon there is a lot left in the pipeline for the Wii U like there was this time last year. I mean, come on Reggie, Splatoon was a year away from release near the end of Q2 2015 but it was shown last year. Nintendo in general, is stalling until the NX and is mainly focused on the 3DS which is a 10 year old engine. Their outlook is not strong right now and the gaming industry as a whole, knows this. I highly doubt they will be profitable again next year with this lineup of games.
@Chaoz If I make a tweet saying I'm going to shoot my wife before I shoot her, am I exempt from shooting my wife?
I think Reggie and Nintendo made the right decision not to show Zelda at this e3. Sometimes I wonder why game developers conditionally and continually lie about their products at e3, then one read the comments and comes to understand that the "fans" are speak negatively of the brand if lies are not told.
There were questionable parts of this years Nintendo e3 presentation, but those bits are no where near as bad as the obvious lies Sony and Microsoft got praised for saying.
This is exactly right. Yet Nintendo in their arrogance thought they knew better and could do it differently. Well that will backfire
Reggie should have simply claimed that Nintendo didn't want LoZ or "Retro's project" to take away the thunder from Star Fox, or YoKai-Watch (a game that confuses, to this day, a lot of people; they aren't sure if it's pokemon, ghostbusters, or something else). There are a lot of better choices of phrasing that Reggie could have. Now he's going to wind up stepping on his tail — or someone else's.
@GraveLordXD A lot of people were expecting a lot of secrets, surprises, and LoZ U. I wanted Advance Wars U, but I'll Probably have to wait until the NX successor, before THAT comes out for Wii U. I'd rather see a Wario and Waluigi platformer, than Mario Tennis. It would have been neat to see a new 3D Mario game, but I've wanted to create levels in Mario since I could hold a controller. Super Mario Maker is going to be a more fun PARTY game than animal crossing festival.
What ticked me off about the treehouse is their constant referral to Star Fox 64 as the original game. SF64 was close to being the 3rd game.
Star Fox: Zero should have got a better response. People got the cheesy voice acting that they wanted, they got a new Star Fox game, new Modes of transportation... and because they visit Corneria, again it's labeled remake, with new features...
Would you Crowd-Fund a New Super Mario 3D Platformer, if that's all it took?
What if that BIG SECRET RETRO GAME was "Funky Kong's Pilotwings At Mii Island"?
I think E3 has become WAY to competitive. It's become less about games, more about show.
@Vineleaf "Reggie Fils-Aime: It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don't believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year. And at this point, the new Zelda for Wii U is not a 2015 project."
Surely that was clear enough?
@electrolite77 If Nintendo istend to what the fans thought they wanted, we'd get every Nintendo franchises churning out yearly terrible CoD like stuff.
I understand his reasons...but this years Digital Event needed all the help it could get. Especially after the Star Fox fail.
That is of course, absolute nonsense.
Also it has nothing to do with them arrogantly assuming they knew how to do E3 better than everyone else. Not showing Zelda because its not for 2015 , ignoring Devils Third and Fatal Frame which are 2015, but then showing other games that aren't due in 2015? Stupid. E3 is a big chance to speak to fans but they made a mess of it.
If N listened to the fans:
"So you want a realistic down-to-earth game that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?"
"If Nintendo istend to what the fans thought they wanted, we'd get every Nintendo franchises churning out yearly terrible CoD like stuff."
You've been on this site for two years, unless you've never read a single comment section before now, there is no way you actually believe that utter nonsense you just spewed out. The straws you're reaching for aren't even in the same restaurant at this point.
I like how Nintendo only showed what will be out within the next 6-8 months rather than 1-2 years away.
At this point, I think I would have preferred if Nintendo decided not to show up at E3 at all. Might have been actually cool to do, blow off the biggest gaming day in the world and continue to market with Directs whenever they choose. I see E3 becoming less and less relevant in the near future anyways. Many of the releases were leaked, and so many people are constantly connected nowadays that it doesn't seem necessary to choose a day to release info or promote games. Nintendo seriously dropped the ball in every way. Why is there not a remaster team going on at Nintendo right now? They could easily have a couple teams working on games, that would create alot of padding for scheduling releases, and could potentially bring in new buyers. Skyward Sword HD, Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door HD, Super Mario Sunshine and Galaxy HD, LAST STORY HD, etc. People would have went nuts. As a proud Nintendo fan, to the point of fanboyism, I am truly concerned for their future right now. The damage might already be done.
Reggie worked for Pizza Hut, not Dominos.
I really hope Zelda will not be like Twilight Princess.
If Nintendo are making us wait that long, they can just delay it to the NX so it will have next gen graphics and be an awesome launch title.
Not a last gen title on a next gen console.
@LoveSugoi If Nintendo bring out a new proper Metroid, a new proper Mario Galaxy, a new proper F-Zero, a new proper DK, MK, Smash, Star Fox Splatoon, new different Mario platformer and a bunch of new IP's every 3 years (on top of everything else), then you have each of Nintendo's teams making a game every 6 months, meaning there is no time for innovation or ideas, and just regurgitating what has been done before with prettier and slightly different graphics.
It's not that people want terribe CoD stuff, but rather that's what we'd get if Nintendo was to churn out all the IP's that people want and done in the way they want.
idk i find it a stupid excuse i mean e en showing something or a potential new boss would of been great even to get fan feedback or let them know "hey wii u isnt doomed yet remember this game?" but sadly no they dont care
@aaronsullivan Agreed. And furthermore, regarding Zelda, the NX is just discussed in the community (understandably) as an ambiguous course-correction somewhere down the line. It's resented because it marks failure for a still-promising system with fantastic games. In fact I expect many fans and industry pundits tacitly expect it to be a return-to-form. I might go so far as to say that people expect success from Nintendo's next attempt and look forward to the collective sigh of relief across the industry when everyone can stop "worrying" about Nintendo.
That being said...after this generation the sales for the NX - even taking into account the question of possible innovation that will make people stand up and take notice - are far from guaranteed. It's a huge let-down for Wii U owners and a huge failure for Nintendo, but the NX is going to need a KILLER app or 10 to get it going like a freight train at launch or Nintendo is in trouble. I don't like it, but I want Nintendo to succeed, and what pushes machines more than Zelda?
I don't really mind Reggie's comments. I am pretty certain the next Zelda game will still come to Wii U. It will probably also be coming to Nintendo's next console too. No biggie. I don't mind. I just want them to take their time with making the next Zelda game. Each game in the series I have played has proven to be a classic for years to come, and I want this to be the exact same way. And keep in mind, this is their most ambitious Zelda game ever. A giant open world with plenty to do and puzzles these games are known for? Of course it is going to take longer to develop. While I patiently wait for this game, I'll have plenty of fun games to play in the meantime. One of the things I have learned over the years as a gamer is that you can't rush Nintendo. They have proven time and time again that they can deliver. That being said, I probably will be waiting to buy their next console until a couple years after its release. I don't want another Wii U fiasco.
total rubbish from Reggie..massive error
@MadAdam81 They didn't "fundamentally believe" that philosophy last year.
@Vineleaf And the way that backfired with the release of Zelda being pushed way back is why they aren't going to do that anymore.
Translation: it's never going to be released before E3 2016 and you can tell looking at it, we didn't want to embarrass ourselves.
Who cares when Zelda is out, we know it's coming and we're Nintendo fans and want to see more of it!
How on earth do they work out we'd be frustrated if they showed it? Don't they think we find it more frustrating that they didn't?
Zelda NX has online,
Zelda Wii U has Miiverse functionality only.
Yeah It's coming to NX just like Skyward Sword was on Wii U, such a silly assumption.
Can anyone just tell me... has Fils-Aime actually ever done anything to positively benefit Nintendo aside from being a middlingly gregarious spokesperson and unwitting instigator of the very dankest of memes? Oh, and explaining things away with generic corporation rhetoric, I guess.
Okay, so you meant "COD-esque" as in churning out yearly franchises and rarely innovating. Sorry for misunderstanding. However, I still have to disagree. Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda would already fall into this category you described. It's rarely one year (or in Mario's case barely a few months) where we don't see some type of game from them and not every game is a new or fresh iteration. Zelda has had three remakes in the past three years and the most recent traditional Pokemon game was also a remake. For every Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda released, that's resources Nintendo could have used to come up with a new IP or revive an older one with fresher ideas and new inspiration. Even Splatoon was originally going to be a Mario game. Nintendo makes new IP's all the time, many of them are just smaller games that don't get the push or spotlight that Splatoon does.
Your concerns about Metriod, F-zero, Animal Crossing, etc. would be understandable if these franchises were used more frequently to begin with. Fans shouldn't have to wait two generations to see Starfox when they barely have to wait two months to see Mario.
Yeah, that's why they show some games 3 years before they are released.
@Grumblevolcano I own a PS3 and I bought a Wii U instead of a Playstation 4 exactly because of that reason. Sony had 7 years to follow-up Shadow of Colossus, an important 1st party title, and they failed. They also failed to deliver The Agency which was another first party, exclusive title. Nintendo always delivers exclusive 1st party titles on hardware that rarely has issues. My brother and I have each bought 2 PS3's each because of the YLOD and Blu-Ray drive issues. Nintendo owners always have strong exclusives, the BEST community, and a company that cares about consumers more than developers. That is probably the biggest issue that Nintendo has is that it doesn't make development for their consoles as easy as Sony and Microsoft has, but in the end Sony and Microsoft aren't getting anything I can't get for a PC and are missing games from the PC market. As a Wii U owner with gems like Splatoon, 3rd party exclusive titles like Monster Hunter, and games that just don't work on any other console like they do on the Wii U I will take a weak hype engine any day. I don't buy consoles to get excited about vaporware. If I wanted vaporware I would start backing every Kickstarter that said that they plan on porting the game for my Ouya. You don't know the pains of missed potential until you own an Ouya, experience the quality of it firsthand and watch the development community slowly kill the best thing they have because of "low install base".
I sold my Wii u as soon as Nintendo announced that Zelda wouldn't been shown this E3. I don't believe I'll have to buy another Wii u to play the game.
NX probably won't come out til fall 2017. I imagine this will be a Wii U release.
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