Being the veritable saints that we are at Nintendo Life we've once again thrown together a way for you to take in all the biggest Nintendo news of the week, as well as all the reviews and releases you'd expect.
In the video this week we talk about playable Octolings in Splatoon, a cancelled F-Zero title for Wii U, same-sex marriage in Fire Emblem Fates.
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Comments 132
So can we discuss same-sex marriage on Nintendo Life now?
Thanks Alex! For a busy chap like me, weekly digest videos are perfect. Great job, keep it up.
Can you really refer to it as 'a cancelled F-Zero title for Wii U' if it never got past the proposal stage?
Yay for SSM on FE
They really timed their same-sex marriage announcement quite well!
I don't care about FE's marriages EXCEPT if it takes away from my Bros' BFF conversations! I really don't want all my intended friendships turning into gay romance!
Looking at the games list made me realise that Red is the signature color for the 3DS and Blue is the Wii U color.
@EverythingAmiibo Ikr
I'm quite surprised the comment section has not yet converged into something silly and ridiculous.
Does this mean Fates will have the breeding mechanic again? I mean I liked the children characters but it relied on the time travel...
It nice to see that this comment section hasn't turned into a big argument yet. I think it's a bit odd that only a male character can have a same-sex marriage in Conquest, and it's only a female character in Birthright.
Was wondering why you guys were covering the US Supreme Court, you didn't even cover the Royal family's $200mil home remodel, that's the stuff Americans really care about. Forgot about Fates.
Congrats for allowing comments. Though maybe I shouldn't jinx it?
So a SSM article is suddenly allowed to have comments here when any other time it's disabled?
Well, if they're allowing comments on this one, let's not ruin it.
Normally I would say play the game how you want to play it, it doesn't affect me, but in this case it kind of does. I don't want my relationships to advance into a homosexual S Rank. I don't want it. I want to level up my relationships as far as they'll go without having to worry about NOT fighting by someone's side out of fear of advancing an S rank.
Now from what I hear, it's just one character, so I guess it's not that bad. It's just one character I have to worry about that with. But that's still one character I have to worry about that with. And I shouldn't have to. If they're going to include things like this they should at least include an option to turn it off.
You can turn it off. It's called "buy the other game", "play as the other gender" or "marry someone else first".
So many options.
"Buy the other game" is not really an option because they are different campaigns and if one appeals to you more you should get that one, and not have to worry about accidentally getting a guy married in that game. "Play as the other gender" also isn't really a very viable option as most people want their character to be their gender because they are their avatar in the game. The "marry someone else first" is the only really viable option here and it isn't that hard. You also do not have to do the S rank conversation with the character, you just have to watch out for it.
@JaxonH +1.As usual!
@SMEXIZELDAMAN well, they're still options
Anyway, I don't see that many people ending up "accidentally" marrying those two characters.
Edit: oh! I forgot, there's a fourth option: "make them marry someone else first". Turns out the characters are perfectly capable of having heterosexual relationships with the other members of the team.
What's the name of the background FE:Fates song in the video?
I'd prefer it if there wasn't an option to turn off the same-sex marriage, but instead you get dialogue choices to choose whether or not to marry someone of the same sex.
I was under the impression that there was only one possible character for the player to marry of the same gender so I don't even see how you could suddenly have your friendships develop into something more...?
The playable octolink is just a model swap, like the video said. That's why they are some oddities. Also, NWPlayer123 can also change the ink colors. He tested things like blood red, black and white.
And I don't care about the SSM in a video game, and will never do it in game anyway, but its nice for those kind of people who are into that to be included, so they can stop whining FE:A didn't had this
I'll be honest, this was the first time I watched one of these, and I actually liked it. Keep up the good work (also, dat Shovel Knight poster...I wants it.).
@EverythingAmiibo There is literally one gay guy in the game, so you won't be able to get S rank with any of the others. This won't happen.
@JaxonH You're really this worried? Just pair them up with someone else sooner. If you give the option to turn it off you may as well not bother including it because that goes against making the game inclusive in the first place. Are you supposed to just stop the character being gay?
People are so focused on the fact there is a "same-sex marriage" as a thing in Fire Emblem Fates that they're forgetting/ignoring to look up the details on the matter, and there is some bits about it that may actually turn off even the people who got excited about click-bait subject of "same-sex marriage" in the game. For example, the female character is actually from the "child generation", and therefore cannot have offspring with the female Avatar as, unlike Robin's Morgan from Awakening, the Avatar in Fates does not have a specific child character to call their own. Additionally, because the female character is a child character herself, she cannot exist unless her male parent gains S-Support first (Although most child characters in Awakening were dependent on their female parents gaining S-Support, in Fates they switched roles and most child characters are now dependent on male parents gaining S-Support to exist.)
Additionally, if you're not interested in any of it, it doesn't matter anyway as the characters in question can still be given S-Support with characters of the opposite sex too, including the Avatar. It is all really your choice in the end - there are no obligations for it and you won't get penalised or something. I personally still believe "same-sex marriage" is a nonsense thing in general, but I'm still interested in getting the game though. Fire Emblem is an amazing series in the end. One of Nintendo's more mature-oriented series, but still great!
@Plateface Sweet, I'm sure I'll find a way around it.
I really don't really see the big fuss about same sex marriage. There is only 1 pair that can get married and same sex marriage is mostly fine with most people and christians like me.
@Plateface @EverythingAmiibo The guy isn't "gay" per se, as he can still have potential relationships with the female Avatar, and various other female characters. The same goes for the girl character in Birthright as well, who can still hook up with the male Avatar, or various other male characters.
Well my Nintendo boycott has officially begun with my trip to GameStop last night for an all in Nintendo trade in. I have emailed NOA corporate, The American Family Association and their nationwide radio station network, Mr. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, and the American Pastors Network calling for an all out Nintendo boycott. I am also writing letters to the editor of local/statewide newspapers. I will e-mail Todd Starnes next.
Isn't it odd that there's going to be same-sex marriage in Fire Emblem Fate just days before USA made that law legal now? Hopefully Harvest Moon and Rune Factory won't jump on this, I want to keep my farming family experience pure and straight.
Hopefully I can display a Confederate Flag during my Fire Emblem gay wedding
Who is really that bothered about a same sex marriage in a game? Are there not more important things going on in the world to be concerned about?
@HopeNForever I wondered if this was the case. Why couldn't they then have just made more of them bisexual.
I am actually so disgusted at all these people up in arms over the same-sex marriage like you sound so stupid. I can't believe it is 2015, and there are still conservative bigots in the world. Makes me sick. I for one am so happy Nintendo is showing that it cares about the diversity of its gaming fanbase. I think the only other game where I have seen this as an option was Dragon Age, so its nice to see again. After the issues regarding Tomodachi Life, which didn't bother me, but I understand, this shows Nintendo is aware of who plays their games. And what perfect timing than with what just happened in the U.S. Glad to see some real progression.
@DiscoGentleman preach it
@ShadJV yes. idk the specifics, but unlike Awakening, the men now dictate the children and they get the mom's hair color. You also get a child specific to the avatar regardless of who you woo
@crimsontadpoles In the third version of the game, which I believe comes free no matter which version you buy, both are available.
@JaxonH you won't have to worry about it at all. Like people you can make them have heterosexual relationships and never have to worry about the gay relationship as if it is some type of curse that'll kill you. It's an option for those that want it.
@DiscoGentleman I feel like you are the only person making sense in this place.
Please, stay classy-Morpheel
@Plateface judging by the ridiculous community, if even more were made bisexual, these bigots would be burning down Nintendo.
@tsukipon @Plateface
How much is "this worried"? Never said how worried I was, in fact I don't recall saying I was really worried at all. I think I said I don't want it, which is very true.
Unfortunately it's not something I can just turn off. Playing next to this particular character can rank up to an S relationship whether I wanted to or not
Please, as I said before, let's not ruin this comments section with tasteless jokes or attacks of any kind.
@JaxonH "Normally I would say play the game how you want to play it, it doesn't affect me, but in this case it kind of does. I don't want my relationships to advance into a homosexual S Rank. I don't want it. I want to level up my relationships as far as they'll go without having to worry about NOT fighting by someone's side out of fear of advancing an S rank." This sounds worried to me.
You can, like I said before, marry them to the opposite gender first, or NEVER DOING THE SUPPORT. It can be S rank, but unless you view it, it wouldn't go that far. I've done it in Awakening, trying to get the best marriages (by my standards) and I would farm Florina to get supports up until all I had to do was go through all the A-C ranks and then on the one I liked best, I would watch the S-rank which shuts out the other potential S-ranks that were available.
So yes, like I said, it wouldn't accidentally happen at all so like please stop.
Please, let's not go there.-Morpheel
After reading that comment section... I'll just go back to Neogaf. Where people would get blocked for writing such disgusting and hateful comments and moderators have a job that goes beyond filtering curse words.
@JaxonH: Gay people are surrounded by straight people all the time in all kinds of media, as well as the real world. Someone gay has to play as straight in those kind of games very often and you make a big fuss over an OPTIONAL same-sex marriage with ONE character? Really? Do you realize how silly, selfish and insensible that sounds?
@tsukipon Wait...what did @HollywoodHogan say?
@JaxonH 'I want to level up my relationships as far as they'll go without having to worry about NOT fighting by someone's side out of fear of advancing an S rank.'
'Now from what I hear, it's just one character, so I guess it's not that bad. It's just one character I have to worry about that with. But that's still one character I have to worry about that with.'
You seem pretty worried.
And the second part, you keep saying it's forced, but it isn't. Just don't rank up to S...
@tsukipon 'you guys' excuse me?
@NintendoFan64 "Hopefully I can display a Confederate Flag during my Fire Emblem gay wedding"
The confederate flag is everything about bigotry and white supremecy so waving it a a gay wedding is poor taste and generally offensive, which is most likely to offend a bunch of people. If this is what you are talking about anyway...
I guess that's a poor figure of speech. What I'm trying to say is I'm not actively worried about this whole ordeal. It's something that I'll have to be actively concerned about to avoid.
That's what I was trying to explain. It's a nuisance. Something I don't want to have to deal with to get around. Worry was a poor choice of words
@JaxonH "People make lifestyle choices and that's their business."
It's 2015 and people still make that argument. The own sexuality is not "a lifestyle choice".
"Which is why I say there should be an option to turn it off because although you may find it hard to believe this kind of thing is still offensive to some people."
Having to deal with black people is offensive to some people. Let's ban all black people from all media. /s
@Plateface I misread your comment, and I thought you were saying bad things about the same-sex marriage. Instead of you guys, I mean all those who are being bigots.
How is letting fellow parents of children know what is being put into a game made by Nintendo hate speech? The ESRB does it all the time.
Your reply was rather aggressive and biased toward me regarding my values and caring for others.
And comments being locked in 3...2...
@tsukipon "In the third version of the game, which I believe comes free no matter which version you buy, both are available."
Are you sure that the third game is free? I was thinking that it was paid DLC.
Stop right there.-Morpheel
Guys I am afraid both parties of the discussion are going too far right now.
Please stop.
This is your last chance to stop this-Morpheel
@crimsontadpoles I was told otherwise but looking at the article I found ""Fire Emblem Fates comes in two different versions, called the Conquest and Birthright editions," Nintendo said. "In the U.S., Conquest and Birthright will both be sold separately, as is already the case in Japan. For those who have purchased either the Conquest or Birthright edition, a third edition will be made available as downloadable content at a later stage. Details on how the three storylines will be made available in other regions will be announced at a later date." it seems that it will probably be paid. There's speculation that the price will be $16. I thought when it said you get the game, you get the DLC free, but it seems just owning the game unlocks the DLC for you. Sorry about that misconception.
@NorthLightSuplx I feel you don't have the right to boycott. Nintendo markets to a diverse community. You can choose to not buy this game, but to boycott every single thing by them because one game has offended you is foolish in my opinion. By doing so, you are denying same-sex couples the right to be heard and represented and to even just basically exist. They don't deserve to hide in the shadows behind closed doors. You don't want your family playing this game? Fine. Don't. That's the end of it.
I'm done.
Might want to fill these guys in too because apparently they haven't gotten the memo
In sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I should select my words more carefully- not something I've ever been really good at.
When people respond to me and try to make me appear as stupid for not believing what they do, the natural response is to do the same. Show them the stupidity in not believing what I do. That's where that was coming from- returning the condescension in kind. Which wasn't the best way to go about it.
I'm done as well. I expected better from Nintendo fans regarding the LGBTQ community. I thought they would be pleased to see Nintendo being progressive. I'm glad and I hope they do more like this in the future.
@DiscoGentleman Hi
I have had an EA, bioware, Atari, squareenix, and netherrealms studios boycott for awhile. Nintendo was my go to until this week. Now I need to look into other gaming choices. As much as I have ranted about indie games in the past that may be my next step. I will figure it out.
@tsukipon So I guess you've not been around for the Tomodachi Life articles, before the comment section for LGBTQ articles got closed by default? Believe me, as sad as it is, this is nothing.
I think some people here are overreacting. It sound very hard to accidentally have a same-sex marriage in the game. I'm glad that the option is now available. However, I would have preferred it there's at the very least one person of each gender who can have a same-sex marriage in each version of the game, instead of the male being tied to Conquest and the female in Birthright.
I'm sorry to hear that, but you're right. I believe what I believe as a Christian, and I will always stand by those beliefs. I'm sorry that will cost me any friendship with you.
But do know that I hold no malice toward those who believe otherwise, or live otherwise. I certainly don't agree with it, nor do I condone it, but, That does not mean I think myself better nor does it mean I hold any ill will.
Just so you know.
@scamander ah no, I wasn't part of Nintendo Life yet.
Of course I have the right to boycott it is my money, my family, and my house. My family will not be playing it or any other Nintendo games that is what a boycott is all about. I am not denying anybody anything... except Nintendo a profit.
I'll say here what I wanted to say on the proper Fire Emblem article. I'm really glad Nintendo is fully embracing the diversity of its demographic, and despite it shouldn't be, it's still kind of a big deal. It's audacious, courageous and worthy of respect.
Still, I'm afraid a lot of conservative Nintendo users will get rather salty due to this bold move. I'm a straight dude, if it helps.
@NorthLightSuplx you know you are right. You do have the right to boycott and that's fine. Whatever helps you leave the Nintendo community.
@NorthLightSuplx Well, believe it or not, gaming industry is pretty progressive. That's especially true for Indie developers. Maybe you should consider a hobby that's full of people fighting the evolving world around them. Maybe something with the NRA? Go on, find your own niche. You won't have much time until there is no niche anymore.
@tsukipon Oh, I already saw that, and I found it offensive. But I was referring to the post that was deleted by @Morpheel.
Don't worry about it. It was just another joke that would have gone over your head!
Nah I will hang around here as long as they let me.
I like to follow the business side of the industry whether I am buying the product or not.
@NintendoFan64 I didn't see it lol.
Ha. The debates have already started.
@tsukipon It was really bad, believe me. I was so disappointed, not only in the community, but also by the way the mods handled it, that I asked for a ban for my first account (after being a member since 2006).
Sorry, but let's not reply to deleted messages.-Morpheel
Guys, really, if the religion vs homosexuality debate continues, I'll need to hand out some bans.
So please, let's drop the subject.
@Morpheel May I ask why you deleted the Youtube link I posted?
@scamander I'm sorry this has happened to you. I hope that community will progress so these types of "debates" never happen again, or at least to that extent.
@NorthLightSuplx Seems like an odd reason to boycott Nintendo. Can't you just not marry the gay characters? Seems a bit much to ignore a company just because of one little thing like that..
@scamander Wow. You saw my post... so why am I not seeing it? Whatever, though.
TBH, I really do not want to be having this type of conversation. Have a nice day.
Hey guys, we should totally drop the debate and subject and just talk about good things like how maybe Nintendo will in fact release an F-Zero title in the future, and that maybe Nintendo will give us Octoling skins....or patch it and never talk about it.
@scamander Just in case, I really only saw the title of the video. However, if it's not meant to be an (indirect) attack to other users, then feel free to post it up again.
@Morpheel No attack, just a statement.
@VeeFlamesNL: Ok, fair enough. Hope, you have a nice day, too.
@HollywoodHogan ...What's that supposed to mean?
Haha, I was thinking the same thing. I actually got news of the supreme court decision and the Fire Emblem decision on the same day! (I'm a little behind with the news sometimes).
And people wonder why the comment section was locked last time. Also nice video as always Alex!
Man...I really want a time to come where talk of homosexual anything doesn't spark heated debates.
@TeeJay Yeah, me too. Though, living in Germany, these discussions are really baffling to me. We are not very religious people and there are only very, very few adults in Germany who are against homosexuality. I've never met one in person, to be honest. Heck, I am part of an organization, which is going into schools to educate kids about LGBTQ-related matters and just a few weeks ago, I was in an elementary school, talking with 10 years old's about trans- & homosexuality, because their parents wanted (!) us to come. I'm really glad the US finally allowed same-sex marriage in all of its states (something Germany still has to do -.-), but in discussions as these I often feel like some US-Americans are still living in the 50's.
I think all this talk about homosexuality in game has turned me off from the game.
Gay marriage is legal in Shibuya, Tokyo.
...F Zero?
@AlexOlney What was the song used at 2:50 of the video? It's really calming and I'd love to listen to the full version.
Reminds me of the time I replayed FF7, and somehow went on a date with Barrett in his sailor suit. This was years and years ago... Needless to say, "Eugene was confused."
That would work, an item like the second seal perhaps? Good idea. If they don't, I'll just pair the person with someone of the opposite sex and keep them separate, but, I heard they're adding some changes to the pairing system this time around so I'm not entirely clear on all the details of how it's going to work.
I came expecting comments on same-sex marriage and I was not disappointed.
Anyways, there's a lot more that goes into a game than just a single company. While I understand where you're coming from, Nintendo is still one of the few developers that develop games with the entire family in mind (although we can debate whether FE is one such game because it's not exactly pick-up and play).
Boycott FE if you feel you must, but to just avoid Nintendo completely is to avoid a large part of gaming history and culture, as well as experience and values. Mario games have and always will be one of the quintessential "innocent" games you can expose to a child without fear of them emulating the actions of a game like Grand Theft Auto for example.
You could even use same-sex marriage in games as a way to have a discussion with your children because sooner or later they will have to deal with these issues if they want to participate in any sort of manner with the world.
It's an interesting future we're going into, and Americans will have to learn to be tolerant on both sides of the aisle, those in support of LGBQT and those not in support. Because remember, tolerance doesn't mean we have to accept the other person's point of view, but it does mean we support and act towards each other with kindness as fellow human beings.
btw, I'm buying Birthright (that's the white one, right?).
@NorthLightSuplx That amused me so much, I just pre-ordered 10 copies of each version of Fire Emblem just to make sure they get back all the profit you think you're denying them.
Ehh, it's 2015. Make that 15 copies.
@ain An opinion I heard, which i thought was nice- not everyone is gay. If we just made EVERY Fire Emblem character a marriage candidate, then aren't we just going "meh, everyone is bi i guess, whatever you want".
Whereas a single male romance lead, and a single female romance lead- are they then CANONICALLY gay? Not simply a character blank slate that you can convince to love you- ie, they "Choose" to be gay, or you the Player choose for them- but a realistic romance, where out of 50 soldiers in your arm, only 2 are gay, and only one is your gender?
It might be disappointing from a gameplay perspective, but from the perspective of the characters as a living, breathing world- one gay man in a group of 10-20 makes perfect sense.Its not as much fun to play, but it IS realistic, and makes the love that much more beautiful, and tragic.
"You might not be perfect for me, but you're literally the only other gay man within 10 years of my age in this small town in kansas"
This website really loves harping on the F-Zero that never was. No where else is talking this hard about this crap.
Yay for the gays!
Glitter bombs for all!
@russellohh That is a very good point, which has bubbled to mind as I read about this stuff. Still have yet to play Awakening, so I don't know how romances work in that aside from what I've read up here, but it's one thing to have custom companion characters turn out how ever you, as the player, guide them to be (as I'd imagine for a Tomodachi Life followup), and another for these characters to have defined personalities. Haven't played BioWare's stuff much, either, but I want to say the romance options also fall more in line with the characters' traits. So while it's groan-inductively restrictive as the player to have but one character in each game who can swing for same (what I'm reading, they can also swing for opposite?), in-game, this can fall in line with statistics.
(But then, take any given non-customs RPG, and you're apt to see a whole spread of ages, races, etc., so "reflective of real-world populations" has never been the go-to line for these ragtag heroes to tow.)
Regardless, that there's any effort on Nintendo's part, it's a great start. From here, they just need to keep pace, rather than stagnate for fall back.
As for concerns of accidentally triggering unintended/unwanted relationships, I have to ask if, in Awakening, one could "max out" an opposite-sex relationship without triggering a romantic interest. If so, just do that. If not, just do what the straight not-interesteds have done before. Yeah?
Grabbed Yoshi, the game is absolutely delightful
Hooray for Nintendo! Them being more inclusive just makes them a smidge more awesome in my book!
Once FE starts allowing you to divorce characters, then, and only then will it be truly representative of the diverse range of relationship types available to us! ;P
Sigh. Guess we're not safe from homophobic behavior even on Nintendo Life of all places, seemingly the nicest gaming website I visit.
"ERMAHGERD! gays are invading my vidya games! Whatever shall I do!"
Homosexuality is a natural thing that's been going on for AGES. It's the 21st century: Stop protesting and instead live with it like decent human beings.
Oh hey Alex is here! Remember Alex? The smexy man who made the video we just watched??! Yeah him!
Keep up the good work Alex!
@whodatninja What do you mean by saying "natural"? Propagation of species hardly points to same-sex relations.
Also, not directed at you, why do we censor opinions we don't agree with? I was looking forward to respectful conversation on the topic. I harbor no hatred or malice towards anyone. I stand on the side of the Moral Law Giver. Every life is precious.
You can't title an article and present what you do without allowing for conversation on the given topic. It is a shame that so many debates, including this one are cut off immediately because only one side is viewed as correct. Last I checked debate required two sides and we were free to do it albeit respectfully.
Ok NL...not the forum for the debate, but it is hard to not respond with a title like you gave this article and the choices Nintendo is making. I will dispense with my tirades now. You have to understand, what just took place in this nation (USA) was rather traumatic for the majority of folks. The title of this article and the "open" forum mixed with what just happened in America spurred this on. I will shutty on this post. Thank you for the work you all do...I thoroughly enjoy it.
Nintendo should leave the institution of marriage out of video games. Our culture has done enough to destroy it as is.
@Grafeaux "What do you mean by saying 'natural'? Propagation of species hardly points to same-sex relations."
This may come as a shock you to, but humans aren't just sacks of meat solely meant to reproduce. That would be a very sad way to look at life at least!
We are individuals each with own thoughts, feelings and attractions. You know, natural human qualities!
@whodatninja I whole-heartedly agree with you. We are so much more than "sacks of meat".
Why does society treat people as if they are? I was arguing from solely a biological/scientific vantage point, seeing as that is typically the only "acceptable" form of argument, but you've made it clear you are better than that.
Since you brought it up (rightfully so) where does attraction and beauty come from? Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder? Who gave us those "natural human qualities"? Can we agree that some "thoughts, feelings, and attractions" are inappropriate or even wrong?
I love your avatar by the way!
(NL--I will not start anymore conversations regarding this with anyone else...I just simply needed to and will probably need to respond...I honestly mean no disrespect.)
@TJF588 Some people found the "maxed out" or even A-level friendships kind of weird. A male Avatar who is married with children and gets Tharja's first two supports has a creepy stalker who is madly smitten with him.
Likewise, Chrom sees the Avatar naked several times if she's female- silly if they're dating. Weird if she's married to his son. Other times, the lines were kept so distinctly non-flirtatious, that you go from "hey, good skills out there" At C, to "Can you help me be a better archer too?" at B, to HAVE MY BABY NOW DIRTY MAN at A, and S.... i won't even go there.
In an effort to make all of the conversations be both romance and BEST FRIENDS, the game made everyone seem a little too casual to be dating, and a little too flirty to be friends.
@Aki77 The SSM comments in Splatoon were just more annoying than necessary in my opinion. From my experience several people had written and drawn squid drawings saying that squids have same sex marriage, which seemed a bit extreme as squids don't marry. But maybe squidlings do (as they are part human apparently) but squidlings seem to have more gender issues than marriage with female characters named Luke and so on . Others somehow got away with drawing questionable drawings in their Miiverse posts. At least there is no in game chat I suppose. So my point is comments seemed to be in the extreme for issues outside of the game.
@ain Hey, there might be dragons and time travel, but i'd hate my romance with not-Chrom to be based on lies
It is your money if that is what you want to do with it go ahead. You will have to buy a lot more copies than that to offset all the money my family would have spent during our lifetime with the company.
That was their best option
@NorthLightSuplx Good thing 6 billion other people on this planet feel like i do, and aren't going to boycott a 120 year old company because one game had one gay character that one time.
Oh, btw- Google, Apple, and Microsoft all have homosexuals in their board of directors, as well as primary shareholders. Ford and Chevy do as well. It might be better if you just threw out your phone, computer, and car, and just walked to work. Just make sure everyone at work knows you're boycotting all tech companies that are infected with "The gay".
As long as you're not wearing Reeboks. If you are, boy do i have some bad news for you...
I do not care if those people at those companies are gay. I am not against gay people, I am against their lifestyle.
@NorthLightSuplx So don't play a gay character. If you can't go 20 minutes without accidentally being gay, then uhh... well. There are some clubs you should really look into
I will not be buying the game hence I will not be playing a gay character.
@NorthLightSuplx Okay...I told myself I would try not to get involved, but I can't help myself. You're being a bit ridiculous, here. I mean, really? You're boycotting Nintendo just because of ONE game that let's you be gay? Not only that, but just what is wrong with being Gay, hm? Can you just tell me WHY you have a problem with Gay people? Also, the fact that you said you're against their lifestyle makes me think that you're under the impression that they chose to be this way. If so, fun fact: Being Gay is not a choice! It's something you're born with! I could think to myself "Hm, I think I'm going to be Gay from now on!", but it wouldn't change the fact that I'm straight.
@Nico07 I haven't seen any ssm comments on Splatoon but I'm sure there are some out there. I'm more bothered about someone scrawling "F*** off c***" on Wii Sports Club, Nintendo are pretty good at clamping down on idiots but as my son is starting to read I'd prefer not to have to explain things like that!
I am not against gay people, I am against their lifestyle.
The gay lifestyle is part of being gay. So you're either against them or with them - you can't be against their lifestyle but not against the people. It doesn't work that way. I myself am straight so I am against practicing homosexual acts myself. But for those who are gay, they can do it by all means.
If you are against practicing homosexual acts, you will never get better at them. Don't give up! It may seem difficult at first but with enough practice you will be able to compete with the best.
@Aki77 That was one of my thoughts as well. With a heated subject like SSM there were bound to be heated profane messages for and against it. I saw a few explicit ones the other night with drawings of genitals I wouldn't like to explain to my kids yet. I think Nintendo has become a little relaxed in their filtering which my son saw a few profane posts in NSMBWU. I don't remember seeing any when I played through the game at launch.
Isn't discrimination also some sort of sin?
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