When Koji Igarashi - the producer on classic Castlevania titles - teased a Kickstarter campaign, there was an unsurprising meltdown online. The eventual Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Kickstarter campaign delivered what many hoped for - an action platformer that brings to mind the heritage of Igarashi-san's best work, albeit with modern touches.
Unfortunately for Wii U owners the Wii U wasn't included as a supported platform, but that was before the campaign exploded in popularity. It obliterated its $500,000 target quickly and - at the time of writing - has passed $2.5 million with over 20 days still to go. It's been blasting through stretch goals as a result, and now there's very real hope that Wii U will come in at $3 million. It's from the teasing image below.
That area at the bottom certainly looks like the top of the Wii U logo, and fans in the comments for the campaign update have played around with contrast and brightness, reinforcing the impression that Nintendo's system is finally in the running.
We'll know soon enough, of course, but we suspect this title would be rather popular on Nintendo's hardware.
Thanks to all that sent this in.
Comments 89
What a horrible night to be teased. Anyway, wasn't it previously stated on the kickstarter FAQ that they would have to make two different games to make it fit onto the Wii U? I am a patient man, I will wait to see how this turns out.
Exactly. The Wii U may end up a gimped version if they'll port it. I'll wait for reviews IF it comes on the Wii U. I would have backed this if it comes to the Wii U along with the other two consoles using an engine supported by the U.
@outburst Same here, this does not change my initial resolve: No Wii U = no money from me. It's not like they need my money anyway...
They may use a partner company for porting purposes and it will likely be a different engine altogether. I hope there's an enthusiastic secondary party that may work on Wii U when the goal is reached. Much like how Renegade Kid pushed for Mighty no. 9 and even Yooka-Laylee to be on 3DS.
I don't see it.
So if I want this game really badly for the Wii U I could pledge with the hope its real and the rest of the money is also found, and then wait two years for release. If it doesn't happen I have no way of playing the game and I lose my money.
This is the reason I'm not the sort of bloke to back kickstarters.
Well, I told ya! IGA probably just found a partner for the port, so they were able to tease the stretch goal now. Though it leaves a bitter taste to see it at a whopping 3 Million...
If towards the end of the campaign there is no Wii-U version confirmed, simply cancel your pledge and you won't be charged.
After reading the comments section of the article written about how the developers of Monochroma dropped support for many platforms it's clear that not many people understand how Kickstarter works. As Kingrat says, pledges can be dropped towards the end of a campaign and Kickstarter projects actually take that scenario into consideration.
@manu0 took me a while. It's a small icon to the left of the $ sign at the very bottom. It does look like the top of the Wii U logo.
Pledging now and dropping out later sounds like a waste of effort. I would rather they confirm the WiiU before I do anything.
As big and lucrative as this campaign has been I'm actually surprised that not enough achievements have been smashed to unlock the basement yet.
Why a WiiU version and not a 3DS Igavania? The 3DS market is 5 times bigger than the WiiU one and games with 2D sprites like Azure Striker Gunvolt, Project X Zone or Shantae did very well on it
If this makes it to the Wii U, i will buy it.
Wow, you people are terrible. First, you guys are all like, "I WOULD have backed it, but there's no Wii U version. No Wii U=no buy. Wah wah wah..." (even though it was obvious that it was going to be a stretch goal from the beginning. From the FAQ: "What about Nintendo and/or handhelds?
Our budget left us with two options: Build the biggest, most beautiful game we can, or make sure it runs everywhere from the start. As things stand today, we can't afford to create the two separate versions of this game that would be necessary to make it run on every console. THAT SAID, WE'VE HEARD LEGENDS ABOUT A REMARKABLE TREASURE HIDDEN IN THE CASTLE BASEMENT...").
Now when it's all but confirmed that Wii U is a stretch goal, suddenly you're all like, "I'll wait until it comes out before giving it my support." Which is fair enough, but you all seemed gung-ho about backing it before if it included a Wii U release.
Also, those saying, "it shouldn't have been a stretch goal, it should have been included from the start" have completely forgotten that Wii U support was a stretch goal in the Mighty No. 9 campaign as well, and also that it costs money to bring the game to more platforms, especially to a third-place console like the Wii U.
Bunch of hypocrites.
P.S. Don't get the wrong impression, I love my Wii U. Doesn't change the fact that it's in third place.
Wow, I can barely see it. How'd people find that? Were they looking for a minuscule, partly shown Wii U logo on one of the pictures?
@proffrink1986 I think you may have the wrong idea here, personally, I'd love to have this on the Wii U and if it was confirmed Wii U, I would back it however since it is only a stretch goal, I don't want to back it unless I know it is going to make that $3,000,000 to get it to the Wii U because I don't want to support something when I am not sure if it is going to make my platform. Sure, they managed the make it to $2.5 million in a decent time but the funds have REALLY slowed down and when you think about it, how many games actually made it to $3 Million? Not many, to my knowledge it is only 4 so the chances of me backing and it not reaching what I want are very likely. At least The Might No. 9 had a more reasonable stretch goal when going to the Wii U and the stretch goal was not solely for the Wii U rather for the Wii U and two other consoles. It just seems like a lot just for the Wii U. I am sure this is the mindset and attitude that many are taking here.
@DBPirate https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/003/831/679/26be2bd654f09510eeab008b0895db51_original.jpeg?v=1432176013&w=700&h=&fit=max&auto=format&q=92&s=b66e91f61f73d237786753d6670a2b84
zoom in on the bottom left. you will notice three lines to tops of a circle and something blue at the very bottom.
If the Wii U version becomes a stretch goal and that target is reached, I'll look into backing this. I'm not sure my old PC would be able to run this game.
Let's not go there, please.-Morpheel
@Grimlock_King and.... you just lit a match....
Guys, like Proffrink said, it's obvious that the Wii U was always a stretch goal. I can't see any tiny part of a logo and I don't have to. What else can the quote "That said, we've heard legends about a remarkable treasure hidden in the castle basement..." possibly mean? I am 100% positive that a Wii U version is planned if the stretch goals are met.
So if you want a Wii U version, the only way to guarantee it is to donate.
@ikki5 Mhm, perhaps, but as others have said, you can always withdraw your pledge if it doesn't look like it's going to hit $3M (though personally I have every confidence that it will, especially if all the people who want a Wii U version end up backing it). And as BoilerBroJoe said, the -only- way you can guarantee a Wii U release is by showing your support now. So if you want a Wii U version, you know what you gotta do. You have your marching orders, soldier!
Full disclosure: I've backed it at the $300 level, which is WAAAAYYYY more than I've ever spent on any single piece of entertainment (gotta have that collector's box and signed Michiru Yamane soundtrack!). Been waiting YEARS for this, the true successor to Castlevania: SOTN!
Also, if it comes out on Wii U, I'm definitely getting the digital download of that version (and maybe the Xbox One version, too, eventually), in addition to my physical PS4 version.
A little brightening and contrast clarifies the stretch goal http://i.imgur.com/TOOpnwZ.png?1
If it goes to WiiU I'll buy it when it launches. I'm a customer not an investment broker. I don't put money down unless I get a product to take home.
@Grimlock_King Was that comment really necessary?
I know some Wii U owners/fans don't want to back this project anymore because of how Iga treated Nintendo platforms, but there are others who are willing to forgive and back it if the Wii U goal was MORE CERTAIN. Why keep it covered and just "hint" at it? Why not post something about new features intended for the platform? I'm not gonna even think about backing something based on a lone indirect comment and part of an image that only slightly appears to include the Wii U logo.
People like certainty.
@LouisXIV That's pretty obvious indeed.
I sure hope it works out well
@Grimlock_King A female can't be a strong character? I guess a kid wrote this ,cause wow.
@Ryu_Niiyama Sure, that's a legitimate attitude, and certainly people should work within their budgets as well. I suppose it depends on how big a Castlevania fan you really are. If you're like me, and have played most of the games in the series, including the Igavanias on PS1/GBA/DS, and loved them, then supporting this is a no-brainer, since we know we can rely on IGA to produce a quality 2D side-scrolling game, something he's proven time and time again.
I just can't stand the hypocrites who are all, "I'll back it if there's a Wii U version," and now that it's in sight, they're like, "I'll wait until it comes out for Wii U and buy it," but there's no guarantee it WILL come out for their system of choice unless they support it now.
@Kogorn733 Yeah, it's kind of stupid that they didn't just come out and say it openly, I agree. But I mean, c'mon, how much more obvious does it have to be now? That's indisputably the top of the Wii U logo, and the $3M goal really isn't that far away.
This is great news, but I'm still not backing. My reasoning is this: there's a big chance the Wii U version will be released at a later time, and likely with less polish and features than those on PS4/XB1/PC. If that's the case, I'll still buy it when it finally comes, but I'm not "pre-ordering" by contributing to the campaign.
If Iga can guarantee an early release date with all features intact, then I'm in.
Cool, but I will probably still get this on Xbox One.
@Grimlock_King Samus,Jill Valentine,Chun Li and Lara Croft would like a word with you
Despite me not making out anything from the image() and whether or not a Wii U version is "obviously" the stretch goal,I'm still hopeful for a Wii U version will eventually come,even if it takes a bit longer to develop
I would like to play this game on the Wii U (or the Vita) but I don't want them to downgrade their vision of the game. If they port it or pay to a team to do the port the game may be an inferior version. I will stick with the PS4 version.
So the kickstarter is at 5x the goal right now, and the original goal didnt include nintendo support, but im somehow supposed to believe that at 6x the goal nintendo support will come into. Just sounds fishy to me.
She's not a fragile woman though. She's pretty strong.
"Teasing" a stretch goal is ridiculous. "Oh ho ho, give me crazy money, and MAYBE I'll think about <X>, or maybe I'll just take the money and run!" It undermines everything Kickstarter is trying to accomplish.
I'll just buy it for PS4 if the Wii U version is gimped. Both when its on sale though.
I'm glad to see the game is doing so well! I wouldn't mind a less technically impressive version as long as all the content and features are there. But I'm not too worried either way. The Steam release pretty much guarantees that I'll be able to play it someday, whenever I can upgrade from my old dinosaur of a computer.
I hope it gets there. Still not enough reasons for me to get a PS4 yet.
Yeah there is no doubt about it, it's the WiiU logo.
People if you don't think that's the WiiU logo, please take a look at this little comparation I did, it's the same image posted in stretch goals, I just added more light and balance it's colors a bit and added the WiiU logo below:
No doubts about it, it IS the WiiU logo, but just done in pixel art form to match the rest of the goals.
I agree with @proffrink1986
I can't believe some comments...
Come on people -__- first you were saying "HEY I won't back because there is no WiiU support, I WOULD HAVE backed if there was a WiiU version" Now WE HAVE a WiiU version (we'll get the stretch goal with your support) and now, they're just making up more excuses =/
What's worg with YOU????
Maybe you din't have much interest in the first place?
Come on people, please support the campaign, with your support there will be a WiiU version.
Did some people expect a game on level with the ps4/xbox one? WiiU isn't as powerful technically speaking. Those people need to get over it.
Having said thet, considering they're going to do a WiiU version if we meet the goal is a GREAT step forward, as for technical stuff is like making an entire new game because of the technology to be used.
We all should be happy. Please support NOW and not later. Please re consider it. Thanks
I've already pledged some money and if there is a wii-u stretch goal I'll pledge some more
@proffrink1986 I've always stated that I don't back projects. However if a developer doesn't give me an Nintendo option I usually ignore it even if i have the other platforms it releases on (nintendo option doesn't mean I'll buy it for nintendo system..I just want the chance to decide what is best for me).
It's not even a budget thing...I just don't throw money at vaporware. If it comes out then sure I'll be happy to buy even day one. I just don't feel that I should have to pay someone to develop a game...especially given that the finished product could turn out to be something I don't like. I've been burned with CE preorders for that. I'm one of the few people that doesn't like Mass Effect 2 and 3 for instance, however I bought the CE of 2 because I loved the first one so much and I bought 3 in the hopes it would (for me) redeem 2. Wasted money.
I'm sure many of the other posters that won't kickstart are willing to buy the game when it comes out. I don't get why there is such a push to shame someone into financially backing a game that doesn't exist yet.
Now that there is a stretch goal for WiiU most likely confirmed the pity parties are still crying. So ridiculous . I'm supporting him now. You cheapies can either wallow in self-pity or be happy that it might come to WiiU. I know I am.
3DS?!! :'-(
After all Nintendo has done for Iga's franchise and no solid info on this coming to a Nintendo console. Also she looks fragile compared to Simon, Richter, Gabriel Belmont.
Well, I said I would back if the Wii U was a stretch goal. Now that it is, I'm backing.
@Grimlock_King So Alucard, Juste Belmont, and Soma Cruz don't look fragile? Keep in mind that this is a -fantasy- game, it doesn't have to be 100% realistic. Personally, I'm looking forward to playing as a dainty, scantily-clad female who wields massive swords.
Fun fact: Soma Cruz was originally female.
But that aside, I am not a backer nor have I ever said anything negative about the platform of choice. I was fine with the other systems they chose. A Wii U version would be almost an instant buy for me, but I'm not a backer simply because I don't really do kickstarting. I agree there is a lot of hypocrisy here, sort of like how people always whine for new IP's but then don't bother to actually buy the new IP or give it a chance.
Really though, it all comes down to the fact that people don't have to back/buy/support something if they don't want to. I fall into the latter criteria Ryu_Niiyama mentioned of someone who will buy the game when it comes out.
Little Devil Inside just added WiiU as a stretch goal with just 4 days to go too
@outburst if i recall it has been announced that unreal engine 4 does work on wii u but no1 wanted to put the effort to make a game that uses it on wii u.
@Grimlock_King...Sooooo a woman can't fight monsters because she'd be "fragile"? WOW. There are just so many things wrong with that comment.
Heh, this 90% looks like a WiiU logo. And nice touch adding the individual stretch goals for the 8-bit soundtracks.
So half a million for PS4 and Xbox One but for Wii U it's 3 million? Damn that is a huge difference.
This is one project that I'll wait for the reviews before buying. Post-SOTN Castlevania has been all over the board quality wise to merit a day one buy or Kickstarter support.
Interesting that Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee both raised ~ $2.5mil but Bloodstained did it with 20,000 fewer backers.
Aw come on a 3ds version...
i don't know man,the protagonist of "Order of Ecclesia" was pretty cool and strong.....
Nice to go back to the good old days where Mega Man, Rare, and Castlevania used to be some of biggest things to play on Nintendo consoles
Three Dee Esssss!!!!
So, the PS4, XBO, PC guys (that supposedly don't love Castlevania as much as Nintendo fans, or so I have read in many sites) were able to give 2 millions and a half so far in a couple of weeks.
But the Wii U guys (that supposdly love Castlevania far more than anyone else because the series have more games on Nintendo systems) will not able to gather half a million in 20 days?
@ikki5 " I don't want to back it unless I know it is going to make that $3,000,000 to get it to the Wii U because I don't want to support something when I am not sure if it is going to make my platform"
I'm slightly selfish like you, I feel the same way. That's what I did with Hover and that's what I'll do here. I have an Xbox One but I don't usually buy indies for it unless there is literally no chance of the game going anywhere else, which is rare.
This game probably costs way more than 3 million to make. Anyone who thinks this could actually have been made for $500,000 is lying to themselves.
Seems less a teaser more of a confirmation. Would be nice to see all those dungeon level stretch goals though. At this point in time I'd be more than willing to back it, but alas I am broke.
Told you so back on May 12...comment number 208
Well my friend you are very very wrong about this game not coming to Nintendo ....
What you think as an Easter egg is actually it....
How did I know? It is very simple, he has two types of stretch goals mentioned on the campaign. The first one is called castle level SG and the other is called Dungeon level SG....
I bet that once we sweep all the stretch goals in the castle (which will happen sooner than what we all think), the first SG in the dungeon level will be a Wii U port....
It would likely pass 3 mil but they should tell us to speed the process. One of major factors that contributed to the huge success of the Mighty No 9 and Yooka Layee campaigns is all the Nintendo gamers upset over the problems with their predecessors in recent years
@Quorthon What? Where'd you get that nonsense?
@Kaze_Memaryu Iga confirmed they had outside funding in the kickstarter video. In fact, he claims to have secured 90% of the funding for this game:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ldi/little-devil-inside this game have a goal for wiiu and just left 3 days...lets support
@proffrink1986 Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mighty No 9 was mostly supported by Megaman fans from all possible platforms. They (including me) wanted to see a new Megaman game, that Capcom denied us. This, however, is something completely different. No one asked for this. It just appeared and because it was not given for a Wii U port, non of the people saw a need to support it. Far from it, I see it as a bad taste to grab so deep into the pockets of the Nintendo fans just to make a port. This is an insult for a game that no one asked or even heard before unlike Mighty No 9.
@GraveLordXD In most cases, this is only given for the backers when they pay a specific price (in this case 60 bucks, correct me if I'm wrong), but for the rest of the people, it is only available as digital game.
@CharlyDunst I find it cute that people still thinks that meanie Capcom stopped making Megaman because, just because.
MM stop selling. That's why they stopped making them. M#9 is just a game for niche audiences just like this one. No difference here. Niche games for niche audiences funding their own games because nobody will. The industry is a now an ugly, big, rotten monster that cannot make such kind of games without filling for bankrupcy. Modern gaming is BS.
And I really doubt they will reach the 3M mark.
@minotaurgamer The problem with this is, that Capcom proudly proclaims that they haven't given up the Blue Bomber. That is the reason why people are pissed at Capcom. They can't say "Look, guys. We have no money to make new Megaman games, it is over. Sorry, but that's reality." No, they tease fans with this crap and are surprise why fans are mad at them. This is why we cling to games like Mighty No 9, because it gives us something, that reminds us to this once golden time, and if this might be a niche game, so be it. You don't have to agree with us. Be happy about your favored games, but let us be happy to support what we think we want to support. It is our money, not yours. But I agree with you, the 3m mark will not be reached. The hype for this is not as strong as with other games but they will try to milk the backers as much as possible, just as in Might No 9, where even I said "that's enough, it went out of control".
@GraveLordXD Don't ask me, I have no idea. According to the text, it says:
>>A physical copy of the game for XBOX ONE, PS4, or STEAM (PC/Mac/Linux). Includes exclusive backer-only content and a special Kickstarter-exclusive slipcase!<<
It is pretty wage to say if they will make one later for normal customers or not. Thing is, if you pledge for this, you will get a physical version of it. But I see no limitation of backers, so I guess you have time until the project ends. Again, better ask someone else before you step into action.
Ah,now I see it
@Yomerodes @IronMan28 Except you're forgetting that a number of people that would want it on the Wii U/ have a Wii U may have already backed it as they usually have the option of another console or PC. Especially those that are Castlevania fans. So the numbers for people with the Wii U and will back it for a Wii U release only may be a lot smaller than you think. Also, the fact that Kickstarter campaigns almost always die off after the first few days with then only little bits coming in, even with 500k left to go with 20 days, I still question if it will make it. This is always a case, take a look at Yooka-Laylee, it was funded over 1 million in like a day or two and then over what two weeks or more only a few 100k? Personally, I'd rather not back it until I see it more likely for it to make the goal than back it now and risk forgetting to withdraw my backing if it will not make it and then I am stuck with this game on a platform I don't really care too much about. You might see a drive for the last few days but as of now, the numbers coming in have really slowed down.
Also, I did a quick calculation, if it remains steady at what it is making now from what I have observed today until the end, it won't make it and we all know, the money coming in will only slow down and not pick up so I am not expecting this to reach that Wii U mark. So really, I see no reason to give to this project just for my money to vaporize.
I would likely buy this for Wii U, but as others have said I will wait. I have PS4 and XONE but with Amiibo and Splatoon out soon my money is elsewhere. Plus I also just backed Yooka Laylee, a game I know will be coming to Wii U. If they want Wii U owners to back it they need to confirm this as an actual stretch goal.
@Shiryu yes but this is what stretch goals are for, that is definitely a wiiu logo.
at the point of funding it will be six times over its initial goal. The fact that inti creates are working on this and they have so much experience of nintendo platforms puts this in the bag.
I backed it sometime ago because well, I would love to see more of metroidvania style games, even if they weren't going to be on Nintendo consoles (had in mind to get a PS4 copy to play with friends if the co-op is really available for the entire campaign...), but well... if it does come out on the WiiU... YNot?
Also, Kickstartdo what Konamdon't. Hopefully this game will do well.
@YANDMAN Yes, I have more than confidence in Inti Creates, but using "Mighty NÂş9" as a reference, it's gonna be a long, long time until we see this game's final build.
@CharlyDunst "No one asked for this." Try telling that to the legion of Castlevania fans who have been waiting with bated breath for IGA to announce his own Kickstarter.
@GraveLordXD There will be a general physical release. However, it won't include the Kickstarter-exclusive slipcover or any of the Kickstarter-exclusive bonus content (maybe they'll release that as DLC later on...we shall see).
From the FAQ:
Will there be a physical release of the game after it comes out?
There will indeed be a physical release of the game in the future. However, the Kickstarter-exclusive box set is a celebration for fans willing to support IGA in his time of need, so the retail version of the game will not contain any of the Kickstarter-exclusive bonus content.
Why is the disc $60?
The Kickstarter Edition of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night won't be sold at retail. It comes in an exclusive slipcase and it's preloaded with backer-exclusive content—the Swordwhip, the only weapon powerful enough to unite Teams Sword and Whip, and a super-secret boss who you'll have to foil to earn it.
@GraveLordXD I suppose not. What you can do is click the link next to the big green "Back This Project" button that says "Remind Me," and it'll send you an e-mail reminder 48 hours before the Kickstarter ends.
I got it from reality. Video games cost way more to make than you think, and when you aren't supporting the industry, you're forcing it to either die or take drastic measures like "Freemium" models to make money back.
I doubt you'd be willing to work for free, but gamers these days appear to expect game developers to work for nothing, or next to nothing.
@ikki5 Ehh... Kickstarters make not much less in the last few days than in the first. This one will make at least $5,000,000, if not more.
According to Kicktraq it's trending towards around $7 million at the moment.
@Quorthon Haha, man, I'd love to see the reality you live in!
But in all honesty, Polygon hasn't been a trustworthy source for years, so that articlre's credibility is laughable, at best. More specifically, it's blatant black-and-white painting to blame Kickstarter for the peoples' decision.
Now, with that out of the way, you seem to completely miss the point. I really don't care how much the overall production of Bloodstained will cost, that's their business. I merely stated that it's bitter to see a WiiU stretch goal that far behind everything else.
It's Quorthon. Missing the point is what he does. Being desperate to start arguments has that effect I suppose.
@ikki5 I don't think you realize how close I waited for Hover to get to its goal before I backed it. I didn't know I was arguing with you, lol...
@scamander LOL, 7 million?? If you believe that then you need a reality check. in about the 48 hours since I have checked it last, it has gotten 57k (plus or minus a few k as I don't know exact) so about 26k (we can say 30k to be on the safe side) per day on average, it's a bit more than what it was yesterday but over the next 20 days, that is set up to be about 520k (or 600k if you went with the 30k), if it keeps at that, hey, great, it'll make the goal. However kick starters always decrease over time over all so there is no way this will ever hit 5 million, it will be lucky to get over that 3 million mark and if it does get over that, it won't be much more. Anyone who tells you 7 million or even 5 million has a mental disorder and you should take what they say seriously.
@ikki5 I never said it will make 7 million, read again. I said it was trending at that specific moment towards that. That is no prediction, it is mathematics. And no, kickstarters don't only decrease over time, the last few days usually make not much less than the first ones and interest is increasing rapidly again. Another thing you didn't even consider is the fact that in other places of the world credit cards (which you need to pledge on kickstarter) are not very common. So now that you can pledge using Paypal the project can be supported by a much larger group of people.
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