Although the dust has only just settled for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Capcom has wasted absolutely no time in announcing the newest game in the series, Monster Hunter X (Cross).
Taking inspiration from the arguably more dramatic Frontier series, this game seems to build heavily upon the engine and assets found in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Various new moves were shown off in Nintendo's latest Direct presentation that increase the over-the-top action from the previous title. New monsters were also revealed, as well as a generous number of classic foes from past titles, in true Monster Hunter style.
There's no word on a release outside of Nintendo's home country, but considering the increased success of the series in the West we're remaining cautiously hopeful.
Be sure to check out the video below to see the game in action! Monster Hunter X Cross will be released Winter 2015 in Japan exclusively on the 3DS.
Comments 74
This was a treat for the eyes. Can't wait.
This in a way to me is bittersweet.
I'm starting to see a trend of rapid franchise releases in Japan, something I'm not too keen on. Then again, we in the West aren't innocent with out remasterings, director's cuts, Game of the Year editions (even if it probably won no such award, looking at you Lords of the Fallen!)
How long ago did MH4 originally release in Japan in its original form?
It truly is the Japanese Call of Duty!
September 2013
Seems like a pretty typical late system lifetime game release. Looks like a compilation of some old parts of the games. Hopefully this will be the last 3DS game of the series as the 3DS is getting pretty old.
I can't wait for 2017!
So monster hunter X Ultimate 2017 western release for the NEWER New Nintendo 3DS XL?
I am excited but I would be more excited if MH4U was out longer then again by the time it is localized or maybe I should say if it localized MH4U will have been out for a good while.
Cross? Cross what? I must know!
@FX102A Monster Hunter has always release rapidly in Japan because...well...they buy it. Its a HUGE game over there and they are willing to double dip so capcom does exactly that.
@AceTrainerBean Monster Hunter 4G came out in Japan in Oct 2014 just to put it in perspective
So hyped!
According to /r/MonsterHunter there is 4 classes in which the super attacks are based off of. So each weapon has a new feature dependent on your class of choice. No word on anything else on classes so far.
To everyone complaining about this being so close behind 4U I thought what we got this year was the translation of Japan's 4G from last year, and that 4G was 4 with extra content added after the main story. From what I've seen this series gets rapid releases in Japan and with 4 they just decided to make us wait for the final version.
I hope we don't get stuck with a big wait for this one, it looks pretty fun.
Oh man this is looking awesome, loving the new combat options and monsters (especially the elephant one) really hope this doesn't take too long to make it to the west but fear we'll have to wait for the G equivalent version.
Woah! Monster Hunter X? What happened to Monster Hunters 5-9?
That trailer was amazing!! I am officially super hyped for this game!
Whoa, the new moves and monsters look great. I like the idea of having more attacks based heavily on timing and positioning.
So much win!! Fingers crossed for a release sooner rather then later.
Ate they ever going to make a version for wiiu?
Yet again no love for home consoles. C'mon Capcom!
Total HYPE!!!
Must have now! Gosh darn it I may move to Japan I can't take this anymore!
We're never getting another Wii U one are we?
Whoa, they're pulling every last ounce of power from the 3DS they can get.
Have to say I would like a Wii U port but can't see it happening, Monster Hunter on a large TV with a pro controller is so enjoyable.
Dammit, I still need to beat MH3U Gonna have to step up my game if I want to beat both 3U and 4U (which I haven't even started nor picked up yet) before X comes out.
Since I've not picked up MH4 yet, I may just wait to get this. Looks absolutely incredible.
I must say, monster hunter is seriously beginning to damage my variety of video games, I just play MH, that's about it!
Also, as a Welshman, I approve of this sheep kissing!
@nf_2 Monster Hunter 4 came out in September 2013 in Japan. 4G came out October 2014, and the West got the 4U version in February 2015.
I'm just saying, it might take a while before this game comes to the West (I'd expect a late 2016 / early 2017 release date). Unless you're willing to wait that long for another Monster Hunter game of course.
oh no, as if I don't have my hands full with MH4 right now and other games lol!
Looks impressive graphically for the 3ds, even more so than Ultimate 4.
Anyway, I'm still working my way through 4 so this can wait.
That's what people said about 3 Ultimate when monster Hunter 4 was announced.
Point being, it's going to be at least a year to year and a half before this reaches the west. And chances are when it does come out you'll put it off and then they'll announce the new one and then you'll say well I'll just wait until that one comes out. I know how these things go.
I would recommend you pick up MH4U. It's a truly fantastic game and will prime you for any future game coming our way. There were a lot of new mechanics added in MH4U not present in previous entries. It sits among my favorite games of all time- I exhort youto pick up this game and enjoy it for everything it's worth.
I'm not even done with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and they are announcing a new one for Japan? Good thing it won't arrive in North America for at least a year. That will give me plenty of time to play the game I already have. Still have a decent amount of stuff to do in it too.
Nibelsnarf, Pokke, and more drama?
Well I was just commenting on the other MHxAC game how poor the 3DS graphics look but this game - though still jaggy SD - looks really great, a fully 3D alive vibrant world. Guess they just weren't trying on a game aimed at kids.
Still, 3DS is getting old, and it wasn't all that when it released to begin w/. I wonder if Nitendo will make an impressive hardware handheld in a year or 2? HD would be a nice start. Must be hard to even get manufacturers to want to build those low res screens, most phones have better.
Sorry, but this game on some real hardware would just be so nice.
Dang, this looks really intense! I really hope this comes to the west.
@Ichiban seeing the trailer, the game involves things from all previous generations.
So I guess it's MH X MH.
If they release it as a New 3DS exclusive then this will be the game to force me to get one. I'm also surprised ppl are talking about an "MHXG" game but we'll only know for sure if this one only goes up to High Rank quests.
Darn, I was hoping for a Wii U version.
I was about to purchase MH4 but now it's time to wait a bit more.
It has star wars jhen music and nibelsnarf!
Hoping for a European release as this will be a definite purchase
@sevignator They already had one though, use that. nawt super effective, but it works.
I swear it seems like mh4 came out yesterday, japanese CoD confirmed.
No Wii U? Disappointing because this seemed like something that they could have launched on a console.
This also only reminded me I haven’t played Monster Hunter 4…and that I’m probably missing out on one of the best games the 3DS have to offer.
@Uberchu Except Japan got Monster Hunter 4 in 2013.
Looks pretty neat. Meanwhile I'm not even dome with MH3U, which is good because I guess 4 will be on sale by the time I want to get it...
I would be more excited if it was coming to wii u too.
@AVahne Yeah, it's Capcom. Them along with Vd-dev, RK and Shin'en are the only devs who know how to pull every last ounce out of the 3DS. This games looks like a GC/Wii/OG xbox game.
@Peach64 But actually entertaining.
@rjejr Nah, id prefer it on 3DS. The 3D will enhance the resolution.
That was fast. Guess I have some catching up to do, I'm still trying to play through MH3U!
@rushiosan You know this will most likely to be released approximately 1 year later right?
September 14, 2013 - 4 vanilla
October 11, 2014 - 4G/4U
This game is just announced so expect a 2016 release date. Not the worst as far as sequel timing goes (I'm looking at you Five Night's at freddy and call of duty).
Though I do feel it is still pretty soon especially if you take the American market into consideration who only recently got the 4G version.
This looks so great. How great would it be if you could play Monster Hunter on your 3ds and WiiU and have your progress sync up?
Technically, we already had 5-9:
1. Mh1
2. MhG
3. Mh2/F
4. MhFG/U
5. MhTri
6. Mhp3rd
7. MhTriG/U
8. Mh4
9. Mh4G/U
10. MhX
I wish they would turn monster hunter into an open world with no loading screens, like xenoblade chronicles x
I wonder how ProJared would react to this.
@rbmoura85 I like it that MH isn't open world. Half the point is battling the monster in each section, and dealing with the environment in that section.
It looks like either the Dual Blades approach attack got nerfed heavily, or Demon Dance got replaced with a new attack that is used for approaches instead of rapid hits, or both.
God. I still haven't gotten MH4U. Need to finish MH3U before getting that game. And MHX around the corner?
Imma be overloaded.
I can do with 3ds version but plz make the Wii U Version ~
Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter Frontier. I know it sounds silly, but while they're apart of the same franchise, they're made and handled by separate teams. Its sorta like how Atlus handles Shin Megami Tensei/Persona.
I take it they're just bringing MH Frontier settings and monsters into MH4/4U's engine, which is good. They have a lot of cool monsters, its just that frontier is still on the old pre-MH3 engine, and from what I've heard its a lot more grindy.
Chances are that the west will not be receiving this iteration of X but an Ultimate edition of the game. So I'm seeing early 2018 western release of MHXU. I would prefer simultaneous release of MHXU in west and MHXG in Japan so that we can get it 2017. G 9 sure to come out because that is the trend they started.
@rbmoura85 This I'd really like.
This looks awesome. Call me bitter, but all I see is Capcom siphoning money from Nintendo fans to make games for other systems. I know for a fact that their funds are coming from MH fans.
Now thats the game I want on the WIIU. I can't play 4 for awhile damaged my arms playing that tiny 3DS. 600 hours in a very short time. I had to stop plus it was all I could think about in la la land. I'll probably ease my way back in with 3 later. I kind of miss that. I better not think to much about it or I will turn into a zombie. Capcom needs to release that stuff simultaneously because us Westerners don't live forever. This crap of waiting is insane. Damn the PUSHER MAN!
I'd love to see what Capcom could do with a Wii U, but it seems that Monster Hunter 3U it's all we'll play. No way I'm gonna play it on a 3DS because my eyes and my hands don't like it...
I hope this comes to NA. Instant buy for me. I actually like it on the 3DS. I have no difficulties playing it on the 3DS and I actually prefer having it there so I can play it anywhere. I'm able to play MH4U more because it's on the 3DS versus being on the Wii U.
I want it on home consoles. We already have 4-for our portables.
There goes my hope of a Wii U MH announcement...
I hope theres underwater battles. I actually didn't mind those.
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