With an all-new Star Fox game for Wii U on the way later this year, our thoughts sometimes drift back to the good old days of the Super Nintendo. With the critical and commercial success of Star Fox on the SNES, a sequel of some description was inevitable and it seemed that the SNES would be the platform to host it.
However, Star Fox 2 was never released, despite being almost complete - according to legend, Shigeru Miyamoto himself pulled the plug on the project. Of course, the N64 would later get Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars), but the dream of having Star Fox 2 on your shelf has remained lost in the mists of time - until now.
Talented graphic designer Stu Brett - aka Super Famicom Guy - is based in Scotland and is one of the many Nintendo fans that wondered what Star Fox 2 might have looked like if it ever went into production back in the day. Check out what he came up with:
In Stu's own words:
It all sort of started because I'm now taking Japanese lessons. I thought I'd work on a little design project at home that would tie in my studies and with my gaming, so I thought I'd create some Super Famicom boxes, carts and manuals for games that were never released over there and so that they'd look cool on my shelves and match my collection. My Katakana is far from perfect but I'm still learning.
Starfox 2 was fully completed back in 1995 but was shelved by Nintendo but thankfully, the game is now available as a repro, so I just ordered the American 60hz cart, disassembled it and created a new SFC version, complete with new custom label. The translating was the tricky part! I then just started drawing the Arwing and space backdrop for the box in Adobe Illustrator. I also did a little illustration of Fox McCloud for the spine and re-worked the original logo to suit, along with a Lylat system illustration. I worked on a few versions, but this one stuck. The SHVC codes are references to my initials. It's a great game and it's nice to have both SFC titles now sitting boxed, side by side. I thought it deserved something special as it's a Starfox game.
And that led to me picking up all the good SNES games that weren't released in Japan and I Super Famicom-ized them! The manuals are still in the works as my Japanese isn't that good. It was just a bit of fun and something for me to work on at home while I learn Japanese. It's great that I can now run my favourite SNES games on my Super Famicom without the need of a convertor sticking out of the console and they look Japanese... It was just a bit of fun that snowballed into working on more.
This image below shows Stu's mock-ups which he worked on before creating his final masterpiece:

So what do you think of this labour of love? Did it make you do a barrel roll?
Comments 22
This just increases my Starfox Wii U hype!!!
It's nice, although I prefer this one that someone made: http://www.bababaloo.com/arrivage-starfox-2-bs-f-zero-grand-prix-2-sfc/
I saw one like that on eBay once, it went for £120 (and it didn't even include the game)!!
I am not bothered about the box art. The leaked ROM was much more interesting.
The original box art looks better.
@BulkSlash the box art looks good on the one you posted but the font on 2 looks ugly
[Insert obligatory barrel roll joke here]
@BulkSlash @Reigning Semtex I was actually offered that very copy a few months back, before I made my this one. Once I saw some detailed pics, I realised that it wasn't very well made... so, I made my own instead
so u can buy this game as a physical cart? even if its new and not an original old game that would still be awesome.
I wish this guy all the best in regards to learning to speak Japanese. It's difficult, but once he visits Japan and finds a waifu all that effort will have been worth it!
I would rather have that game. The box and manual would be a nice bonus. Like my Nightmare Busters game.
@3dcaleb Bootlegs of it exist (Labelled as reproduction carts but it is the same thing) the process involves destroying a Super FX2 game however (i.e Doom or Yoshi's Island (Winter Gold is only PAL).
@unrandomsam Rosecoloredgaming just recently released it with a 100% new cartridge and FX Chip. A beautiful but really expensive edition.
Recently got a repro of this game, probably one of the more expensive repro ever though due to the benefit of the added Super FX2 chip.
Nintendo Power really had ways of teasing me when I was a kid, with this game especially the Epic Center. It really drove my dad and I both nuts when we saw screenshots and coverage of this, BS Zelda, and remastered Dragon Quest in Japan.
Looks nice. And is indeed a shame the game was never released officially.
I played it on all 3 difficulties and it was a pretty fun experience.
I really wished Nintendo released Star Fox 2 even if the N64 was about to come out. It really sucks since the game was 99% completed. I also really find the reasoning for cancelling it crappy since one of the Fire Emblem games (Fire Emblem: Thracia 776) was release in 1999 and it was by Nintendo! That was 3 years after the N64 release in Japan yet Nintendo said that couldn't release Star Fox 2 because of the N64 coming soon. Sorry for going on a tangent, the case and the cart look amazing and it looks like something Nintendo would release in the N64 days.
@chaoz And I wished they bring starfox (snes) to virtual console to celebrate Star Fox U's arrival. Also, BEFORE you say but the fx chip is the reason, two things: 1. the chip is actually not hard to emulate and 2. even if nintendo never owned the rights to the super fx chip (argonaut games did), the fx patnets expired a while ago. I wish people would listen but no one will believe me and no thanks to that stupid chip blocking the (imo superior) yoshi's island (snes) version we will be stuck with the gba port of that game...
sorry for the inconvenience I'm new here.
P.S. brownie points to whoever knows what's in the link.
@gamemasterb Isn't that from The Sandlot?
Also, I am in the minority (apparently) that actually likes the box art created here for SF2 than the original box art. I'm weird I guess.
@superfamicomguy you done a great job with it, unfortunately all my snes games have no box's or manuals except for starwing ironically
Awesome work!
The problem is that Star Fox 2 wasn't actually that great, imo. If you've tried the version of the game floating around the Internet you should have some idea of what I'm talking about. I constantly look forward to the day I'll see a great new Star Fox game but at the same time I'm still waiting for one that I think actually meets or surpasses the sublime original...
Pretty cool, but I wish Nintendo finished and released that game.
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