The Legend of Zelda is due for release on the Wii U this year, provided the game isn't delayed. Yet, Nintendo has released very little on what we can expect from this next adventure.
We've taken a look at what footage has been released so far and picked it apart to see if we can find out any new details or suggestions for what is coming next. You never know, we might find out soon whether or not we're right!
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Comments 106
Hey! I had almost forgotten about this I don't want to think about it 'till E3 or I'll die of anticipation along the way xD
I try to keep this (along with hopes for Metroid Prime 4) out of my thoughts because the wait for E3 will be too painful.
I'll be taking a week off work when this comes out. It shall be called "Super Wii U Zelda Week Off From Work Special Edition" I'll have to get Pizza Hut when I start playing as that's what I had on the day I got SNES Zelda, over 20 years ago!
We know enough to want to know a mango of a lot more. Speculation is ubiquitous and theories are running rampant. My money says it's a sequel to Skyward Sword in the sense that the land isn't terribly populated and civilized. Would partially justify a lack of abundant population, and would encourage highly naturalized exploration. I'm hoping for streamlined crafting elements as well.
@Gamecubed At least Zelda U is a real thing. Metroid can't die, it just can't
man that sounds awesome
Summary of video:
Basically we know nothing. Link uses different arrows and the sail cloth. It's colorful. Epona. You use buttons.
I would love to see this new Zelda game as a direct prequel to Wind Waker. I want to see the flooding of the earth. I want to see the conflict between good and evil that caused the gods to flood the earth as a last resort.
@Gamecubed Hear Hear!
@abbyhitter It would be interesting for sure... but it wouldn't work as the reason that Hyrule was flooded was because there was no Hero to take up the Master Sword.
Metroid was already killed.
That's what Other M was. Like shooting a family member as a gangland warning to keep your mouth shut.
Nintendo made a Metroid game so bad that they'd hope we'd stop asking.
And it worked! If that's the direction they want to take the franchise in, I don't want to see it anymore!
I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with the Sacred Realm era. My guess is it will follow the Hyland rebirth era.
@Quorthon it's not like you to be negative about Nintendo, did someone take the Jam from your Donut?
@Quorthon Nintendo didn't develop it though.
Ehhh, that was kinda pointless. Ever since the reveal trailer and the quick gameplay demonstration, absolutely nothing has been revealed about this game. If we had gotten some new info recently, I'd understnad you guys making this ivdeo, but at this point, it's wasted on the lack of information, as well as the upcoming E3 (which will undoubtedly yield new material for us to discuss and deconstruct).
@Quorthon "Killed" is somewhat an overstatement. People haven't given up on Metroid, and neither has Nintendo, otherwise, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Fusion and Zero Mission on WiiU wouldn't be a thing. And while the lack of announcements or hints at a new Metroid game is worrying, Nintendo knows that they can easily redeem themselves with a return to what fans love about Metroid - they just need the right hands to develop it (sadly, Retro Studios doesn't seem interested, so they have to keep looking for now).
I am starving for AAA Wii U titles... I would expect to have grown wise and patient by now, but nope. Feed me more!
This hopefully is not motion control garbage and will be able to use pro controller.
There better not be any smart-ass robots in Zelda Wii-U like the ones in Skyward Sword.
@nesvc I hope not either. I didn't mind them in TP but felt they were terrible in SS.
I suspect the next one will be more like Wind Waker HD for ranged weapons, which I thought worked very well.
One thing we do know is that will game has no hope of being released this year.
Let's not think about this too much, we may overhype ourselves that we may have high expectations for it.
@Boxmonkey I don't understand why people keep saying this when they have absolutely ZERO evidence to support it.
I just want to say thank the goddesses for the motion controls (wiimote) on Skyward Sword and gyro-assisted aiming on the gamepad. I can't stand playing Wind Waker HD (all fps in consoles in general) on the pro controller when aiming with Link's weapons. The gamepad's gyro controls is awesome for me who came from mouse and keyboard controls. I think it's the reason I quit console gaming back then after the SNES, Megadrive and PSOne when they've introduced the "sticks" on their successors.
We know it was originally called an open world game, so people were expecting Skyrim, but than they backpedaled and said some older Zelda games were already open world.
Maybe a name.
Maybe a release year.
Maybe Link is a boy or girl.
It doesnt look anything at all like the Wii U tech demo.
Besides that, absolutely nothing.
@MrBelmont Nintendo should add a Pizza Hut ordering system within the new Zelda game like was available in Everquest.
We know Link is in it, Epona won't run into trees, and the bow has a bigger role.
@Quorthon Metroid : Other M was directed, produced, and written by the series creator, Yoshio Sakamoto and made to be a more cinematic adventure filling in on Samus' backstory. Sadly, apparently not that many people cared and the game got okay to mediocre reviews and only sold about 1.3 million units worldwide. I thought the game was great, but then again I only got into Metroid later on only recently picking up the digital Metroid Prime Trilogy.
I thought Metroid Other M was one of the best games of last generation (certainly not as good as Prime, but that doesn't mean it wasn't great). I couldn't care less if Samus had emotions. It was manga-based after all, and stuck to those themes and story pretty closely. The entertainment of the game (like any good game) came from the gameplay.
The one thing that held Other M back from being even better though, was the lack of Nunchuk. Had we been able to use the Nunchuk's analog to move, not only would 360 degree control have been better, it would have given more buttons to use, AND, the Wiimote would have been pointing at the screen already, so no awkward pointing to shoot missiles then going back to sideways.
Even with those faults, the game will live on as one of the best games on the Wii. In fact, if they would fix the controls (which the Gamepad by default would solve the previous control issues) I would love to see a sequel. Too bad that'll never happen though. People hated the game for the most trivial reasons. And really over-exaggerated the extent of its faults.
Merely having a story does not magically make it good. Sakamoto tried to convince us that a character who had previously, coldly, hunted entire species to extinction, destroyed an entire planet, and cooly dispatched various forms of Ridley half a dozen times was a scared little girl with daddy issues and bizarre mommy complex to an intergalactic alien woodtick.
If I was reading disturbing, half-assed beastility slashfic between Captain Kirk, a green alien woman, and a horse-man, I would have, no doubt, experienced a vastly better story.
Just because it's Sakamoto spreading sexism like creamy butter doesn't mean he's doing any justice for the franchise or character. Would you accept Link, Master Chief, or Marcus Fenix in the role of Samus in Other M? If you say no, but say it was okay for Samus "because ladyparts," that is the same kind of sexism that ruined that game.
Also, the gameplay and exploration were shallow, empthy, gimped, boring, and an obvious attempt to clone Super Metroid in the worst way possible. Duke Nukem Forever is like a masterpiece of human equality, empathy, and excellent game design by comparison.
Or do you think Star Wars Episode I~III are excellent Star Wars movies, because George Lucas did them? Here's a hint: No one thinks that. The reason the original trilogy is so strong is precisely because Lucas was not 100% in charge of them.
And Team Ninja washed their hands of the game, laying all blame on Sakamoto.
It was Nintendo's fault:
Nintendo celebrating the Prime trilogy so publicly fills me with some hope, but given their decision-making and games these days, I have no hope for the next Metroid game.
Other M was bad. Unbelievably bad. I was fuming when I finished that game. I've never been angry upon finishing a game before, but that--that piece of crap was the worst thing I've ever seen from Nintendo.
I saw the early reviews and calls of sexism and other criticisms, and thought, "there's no way. It's Metroid! Samus is awesome!" But those critics were so right.
It reminds me of that South Park where the kids talk about watching their friend being hamburger, and how they just sat their and watched, and it was so horrible--and they were talking about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls.
Ugh, that's exactly how I felt with Other M. I can't believe I paid full price for that disaster. Samus was so... so useless. She literally stood around while a plot happened around her. She was constantly emotional about an idiot daddy character who had clear hatred for her. She was a spoiled, rotten brat. Instead of Ellen Ripley, they put Paris Hilton in her power suit.
What a disgrace. I went from the biggest Metroid fan to wanting the franchise to just be dead. Just so I don't have to watch this violation happen again, in another form.
Nintendo should seriously farm out the franchise to From Software. Bloodborne is basically just a super-hard Metroid game. Dark, brooding atmosphere. Player-driven story and progression. Exploration is mandatory. No awful sexism, no shallow, linear gameplay. None of that crap that plagued Other M, and started in Fusion.
They took the strongest female character in gaming--one that wasn't stupidly defined by her gender--and defined her ONLY by her gender, and in the worst way possible. It's like saying the only defining part of your Mom's or sister's life is that ex-boyfriend that used to beat her. That's how they defined Samus.
@Quorthon Pretty much anyone that's produced Metroid has done a better job storywise than Sakamoto. They just need to find someone that isn't Sakamoto to do the writing again.
in the second video miyamoto says that last time there were apples and not now. Why is that, why wouldnt there be?
my theory, there is seasons, not just weather cycle but actual winter, summer, spring and autumn. No fruit in winter
@Quorthon I disagree whole-heartedly with you. I think Other M gave a very human and emotional side to Samus that I could personally relate to. I loved her voice and her backstory. Of course, I was sad that Adam sacrificed himself in the way he did. I think that made Samus stronger and gave her the will to fight and continue her mission on the Bottle Ship. Yes, there were some controller issues with the game. Personally, I did not like having to hold the Wii remote one way to move around and then turn it around to point and aim. The nunchuck should have been used. Other M and Fusion are my favorite Metroid games.
20 posts in and we're already talking about Other M and sexism, must be a record!
Take it easy kids, Other M was a pretty fine game, I (at least) thoroughly enjoyed it.
@MrBelmont That sounds like a pretty good plan if you ask me, I'm in as well.
Other M is a GREAT game and personally my favorite along with Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission so everyone, SHUT UP. If you don't like Other M than you're dead inside and were never really a "Metroid fan", because the game just oozes EVERYTHING METROID. And yeah, we need a Nintendo Direct to start the Zelda U hype train.
Sorry, had to say my piece. I'm done.
I could use this...and Xenoblade X. It seems like I haven't had a good new Wii U game since Smash (Not interested in Mario Party 10 or Kirby. Thank goodness for Fire Emblem.)
@abbyhitter "Other M and Fusion are my favorite Metroid games." You know, it's funny how much alike the two games really are and yet people usually despise Other M much more. If you think about it, both are more linear than past installments, relying more on action and tension than isolation and exploration. Plus, you're taking orders from someone in both (which for some reason is considered sexist when it occurs in Other M but not when it occurs in Fusion or even Corruption). And let's not forget they both take place on a Galactic Federation biological research vessel.
I agree that some mistakes were made with Other M (I can SORT OF justify the Ridley scene (Samus having PTSD because she thought she had finally killed Ridley only to have him come back) but it's still kind of messed up in my opinion. Should have just blasted him as soon as he appeared. Also she broods over the past a lot which is a bit annoying). It's still one of my favorites too though. If they had just left that scene out, I think it might not get the level of criticism it does.
Who the hell brought Other M in this?Oh wait reading all these comments the one and only @Quorthon did.Good job you brought a game in this that doesn't even relate to the main topic!
Only one thing we know, massive overworld map...that's pretty much it. lol
(also, weird robo thing)
It's a dang good thing I an into other series besides Zelda because my Kirby craze right now is one of the few things keeping me from breaking down Nintendo's door just for info. So, as of right now, I'm trying to ignore stuff for ZeldaU right now. I don't want to think about it till June. I'll die of anticipation if I do. Another thing, whenever something is annouced and then kept silent for a YEAR (though we had that gameplay demo that NO ONE was expecting) I tend to forget about it simply because there's nothing to ponder on after the first month of it's annoucement. The only exception being SSB4 and Hyrule Warriors, but's that's because both of those had constant updates on characters and stages and mechanics.
Gah! I must know more about this game... I just hope the next Nintendo Direct sheds some more light on the project.
I dont believe it will make it this year. March 2016 at the earliest is my guess.
@Mr_G yeah I agree with you. I've been thinking over the zelda u footage a lot and there is actually a lot there to dissect. I think that a lot of the stuff they showed in the e3 trailer and game awards are all subtle, smart hints being dropped by nintendo. And before people go and say that I'm over analyzing and hyping it, it honestly makes perfect sense that nintendo (would at least try) to make the biggest zelda game ever, on a scale we have seen from them before. This is the game that will appeal to "hardcore gamers" or just a wider audience if they make it absolutely insane, which I see them doing.
@outburst FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO HAS THIS PROBLEM. Whenever I've had to aim the bow, boomerang, etc., with an analog stick, I have the hardest time. One of my favorite things about the remakes for OoT, MM, and WW, as well as the Wii version of TP, is the gyroscope and motion-cotrol aiming. I don't know how ANYONE successfully played the shooting gallery mini-games with an analog stick.
I just hope there's plenty to do outside of the dungeons ,a ridiculously long trading sequence and a master quest/hero mode for after comepleting it.
@Giygas_95 Although I really don't want to talk more Metroid on a Zelda topic, I had to reply. The imfamous Ridley scene made more sense to me considering that Samus killed Ridley along with Mother Brain and all the remaining Metroids. When I saw Ridley return, it was quite a shock, because the first question I had was; ''What about Mother Brain and the Metroids, are they back as well, and how?'' I mean, the return of Metroids were a given, but still, that scene meant more than just a ''oh noes, here's Ridley again.''.
@Zelda64L I know what you're talking about. I recently replayed the N64 Zelda games, and after getting used to all the motion control aiming over the years, the analog aiming was a pain in the arse. Patience and practice are your friends in those challenges.
@nesvc I suspect it will work in a similar fashion to The Wind Waker HD. It'd be cool if they included a Skyward Sword-esque Wiimote option along with the Gamepad and Pro-controller though, for the people who liked Skyward Sword's controls. I personally enjoyed Skyward Sword's controls, though I prefer traditional controls.
Just keep the gyroscope an option, please. I'll DIE without it.
Just recently played through Twilight Princess again and I've just never met a 3D console Zelda game I didn't love. Will it be the best thing ever, win over new people and bring back an audience who abandoned Nintendo long ago but still wants to get lost in this new Zelda game? I sincerely hope so, while betting on a more modest success.
Thing is, I know I'll personally be just as happy if none of that happens and I still get a brand new Zelda experience that compares to Ocarina, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword.
On Other M: I haven't revisited Other M in awhile but it obviously rubs some people the wrong way. I personally found there to be issues with the story/characterization and the game play but overall I enjoyed most of it. I think the perspective and even the general approach was pretty good. Agree that nunchuck movement would have been better. I had nowhere near the reaction some did to the potential sexism but I think part of that is I never imagined Samus as a cold human being in the previous games, just someone that was willing to do what needed to be done against all odds. I still regard all the previous primary Metroid games higher.
--> @Quorthon<--
So much to say about this subject....
I think it would be cool to be able to have a wiimote at hand to use as a sword during combat, a dual control scheme if you will. Play on the gampad, lalalalala, hand to hand combat, pick up wiimote and nunchuck, fight, win, continue adventure with gamepad.
I do get the feeling it will be set soon after Skyward sword, I just get the feeling that now that there's a starting point for the series, along with the hardware, they can really push on with a certain story and head into a certain direction on consoles, whilst allowing other stories to be told on handheld.
I honestly don't think that there is anything to worry about regarding the fact that we haven't seen much of this, E3 will be huge and reveal a lot of information. Same for star fox.
A direct is probably just around the corner and whilst I'm sure we will get another teaser, I think the main focus will be on Splatoon and Yoshi's Wooly world.
Last but not least, and apologies for going off topic, I agree with all the Other M haters. It remains to this day the only Nintendo game that I have started and not finished.
Peace and love x
@Octane And I agree with you. I just feel they could have toned her reaction down a bit. Maybe left it at a gasp and then let that be it, but I still enjoyed the game. In a way though, I feel silly for contributing to the off-topicness of this thread...
This should be my first Zelda game I don't pick up years after it's actually come out, so I'm pretty excited for this instalment.
@G0dlike That is the big question on my mind. Nintendo was bullish about having motion controls for future Zelda swordplay. Where is the thinking on this now? I'm all for it, myself, but switching between GamePad and Wiimote + nunchuck seems awkward to say the least. :/ My guess is that motion control sword swinging will be left by the wayside this time.
there is a lot of great Wii U software coming out this year, and I can't wait! Zelda, Xenoblade, Yoshi's Woolly World, Splatoon are at the top of my list. I really hope we get to see more of the new Zelda at E3 (or on a Nintendo Direct) because what little they showed last year still had me pumped up for this game!
@JaxonH Thank you! I thought I was the only one who enjoyed Other M. Sure, the story was clunky and I didn't care for Samus' endless dialogue, but it played great. People are waaaay too hard on it.
Personally, I was not a huge fan of Other M, but I thought it was okay. I don't see why everyone says it killed the series though. One mediocre game, if anything, is a good thing because now they know what NOT to do in the next Metroid
@Tazcat2011 motion controls in TP good compared to SS.? What, did I read that right. Flawless 1:1 motion control in SS was worse then the waggle in TP? I mean people are titled to opinions but when science can prove u wrong , I cant just twiddle my thumbs and let that kinda of trolling left alone to be excused. Skyward Swords execution of motion controls was perfect, limited but perfect. I wish more puzzle elements were achieved with motion controls not just battles, but MC was far superior without doubt in SS then with TP. TP was great none the less overall but MOtion Control wise not so much. Have u even played them.
@andjahiam yes, I've played them. SS controls were terrible for me and it's the only zelda game I've gotten rid of.
I love how a different opinion than yours = trolling. Hilarious.
@aaronsullivan As I'm sure you know, Link was historically always shown as being left handed until Skyward Sword. They made him right handed to match the motion controls and animations with the fact that most people would be swinging the wiimote with their right hand. If you look at the picture at the top, (and the gameplay video), Link is shown drawing the bow with his right hand, soooo... motion controls confirmed? Maybe multiple controller options so you can play with your preferred style, a la SSB4, while always having at least the gamepad as a map in front of you?
@DoctorWily I had not noticed that. Good point. It could be, however, that you use your right trigger to shoot the bow and left thumb for movement. :/ But probably not. that gives me some hope.
@DoctorWily don't forget that they flipped everything in TP for the Wii for that reason as well.
I played and loved just about all of the Metroid games and I found that Other M was pretty darn good. There was a few questionable design choices but I thought the combat was pretty inventive. I really don't understand why there are some people that just totally hate the game. There was nothing Metroid killing about it. It sold well and earned good reviews. I think a 3rd person hybrid with some of the Prime's series elements would be great for a sequel but I don't believe Other M is a certified "throw the baby out with the bathwater" situation.
For some reason, I'm not into this game yet. There's definitely not enough info about it. The problem is, I see so many other games that look so much better, and they are on other systems. Not a good sign.
That's a good point actually. When Aunoma was demoing the game in an extended video, he's seen pressing I think "X" to swing a sword while on horseback. So, to appease those who are put off by motion controls, sword swinging with buttons seems to be available. But... Link is indeed right handed in this game when he's historically been left handed. And Nintendo doesn't make subtle design changes to a character like that unless it has something to do with gameplay. Judging by Twilight Princess's and Skyward Sword's right handed Link, I'm willing to bet they'll be an option for motioned controlled swordplay again. Which, frankly, I'm hoping for!
Zelda Wii U might actually convince me to buy another Wii U. I love Zelda but I already sold my Wii U cause I wasn't happy with the games... I was gonna wait but... Eh.
@Quorthon I see where you're coming from, and as @Ernest_the_Crab said, it's just a matter of keeping Sakamoto away from the script (and declaring Other M non-canon). Well, and returning back to the roots with the gameplay.
But please, anyone but From Software. If there's one thing these guys couldn't make if their lives depended on it, it's an engaging environment. Their map designs always incorporate a high level of dirtiness, sometimes to a repulsive degree (Bloodborne is really getting silly with how gross and dirty it looks). Also, their character models are nothing short of terrible nightmares.
@abbyhitter There's nothing wrong with you liking it, but this "emotional" side was completely out of character for Samus and a very lazy drama tool to shoehorn suspense into a game whose predecessors were defined by the atmosphere, something Other M never had to begin with.
@outburst I shall boo your .gif instead.
@Turbo857 It's all about character and continuity. Samus personality made no sense, the story made no sense, Adam's pathetic sacrifice made no sense, the gameplay made no sense - nothing in Other M made sense. The game doesn't do anything right as a Metroid game.
It's not a bad game per se, but it's clear beyond all opinions that Other M is an awful Metroid title.
After the announcement of the NX, I don't know if I should get the Wii U even if this game is something that I absolutely want.
@Quorthon so what did you hate about the game play? I'm assuming you to much of an adult to let one bad story in a franchise that normally doesn't have much of a story kill it for "you". I certanly am.
@Artwark the nx won't come out for another two years.
@Artwark What if the NX is just the 3DS succesor? Buy a Wii U, it's awesome
I don't thing Ninty can offer SS Motion Controls as an option. The enemies (not all, but most) weaknesses were specific to which angle your sword striked. Unless they figure out how to mimick that with buttons, or, they have it so that enemy kills are not specific to 1:1 motion. If the latter, is it worth having SS controls? (I liked SS controls)
I have high hopes for this title. I hate to say it but I just couldn't get into Skyward Sword. The art direction seemed too "Disney" for me. I grew up with the darker Hyrule from the first Zelda game. That's what I'd like to see in the future as well. Just Hyrule overrun with monsters and people hiding in caves with Ganon being the main villian as a monster and no human form.
@MrBelmont Sounds like an excellent plan!
Because Nintendo never delays games right?
I will be worried until I see a green tunic.
@MrBelmont haha love it!! That's gonna be a whole lot of pizza hut!
I hope they keep this 'not revealing anything' thing up because the less I know the more magic this will be
"The Legend of Zelda on Wii U - What Do We Know So Far?"
That i will be buying this game.
Zelda Wii U is my most wanted game by far. Words can't express how excited I am for this!
The visuals look truly outstanding - especially compared to bland, glitchy dreck like Skyrim. Hell, I'll even go one further, and say that this game looks better than Witcher 3!
With this, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Maker, Starfox, Yoshi's Woolly World, Splatoon and (hopefully) Devil's Third, this is going to be an amazing year for Wii U.
@Spectra_Twilight - You do realize that image almost guarantees Zelda in 2016, right? Affordable Space Adventures is due in April, NOT last Oct. Sword and Soldiers 2 is May, NOT holiday. We haven't heard a peep out of Mario Maker, so almost no way no how "1st half of 2015". Same for Project Giant Robot. By the end of the year that image will be LUCKY to be half right for 2015.
@Captain_Gonru - So the game ends w/ Link coming out of the shower and Zelda laying in bed saying - "Link, I just had the strangest dream..."
I'd prefer that over anything Assassins Creed related - in the future a guy is sitting in a chair and he goes back in time to play as each Link in every LoZ game.
As much as I disliked Skyward Sword, and Windwaker HD had some horrible mechanics - WAY too much jumping for a game w/o a jump button, they remastered a game, they coudln't add a jump button? - I'm still holding out for something like Twilight Princess, only more colorful.
It almost doesn't matter though as the game is likely to seem boring as all get out after so many hours of Hyrule Warriors. I just hope it's good.
Yeah, from Zelda U to Other M. Honestly...
I dunno. Link's blatant right-handedness would be entirely unnecessary if motion controls aren't at least an option. And that would be taking a step back for a portion of fans (like myself) in terms of immersive sword combat. It'll still get a day 1 purchase but I know I'll be bummed if we're restricted to just pressing buttons to swing a sword.
@Shadowkiller97 Imagine a Zelda game where Link actually fails in the end, never achieving the Master Sword, leading to the flood. That would be a serious twist.
@Turbo857 I totally agree with you. I would also prefer SS controls, I was referring to the way the combat is used (if 1:1 sword play is not required to attack or counter, it might as well be TP waggle), button bash would also be needed if Off TV is an option
Yeah, that's true. But I think that problem could be solved for Off TV if they'd incorporate sword slices to the right analog stick in similar fashion to Metal Gear Rising's sword mechanics. That way, the immersion from 1:1 sword play could still be retained with non-motion controls.
This is what we know for certain about the new Zelda on WiiU:
It will have a Collector's Edition that will sell out immediately and be sold for 5 times the price on eBay thanks to Nintendo not making adequate quantities.
we don't know much. lol
@JaxonH I fully agree that Other M is one of the best games of last generation. I thoroughly enjoyed it and think it did a lot of really clever and unique things. It's a shame that most people can't look past elements of the story. I agree it could have been better but I don't think it irrevocably damaged the game as a whole and there are parts of the story that are really pretty good. In any event, I think this will end up on some "Hidden Gem" lists for sure.
@Elementalisman Nintendo killed it with that pathetic Wii spin off.
@liveswired We got three Star Fox misfires in a row and Nintendo didn't give up on that series did they?
Not to mention it was seven years between Super Metroid and Fusion/Prime. Yes Other M was ass but don't discount Nintendo's ability to learn from mistakes.Besides, Japan actually liked Other M overall, and given Metroid has always had more relevance in the west, it's a surprise that the home front took more of a liking to such a bad entry.
Metroid isn't dead, it just took a serious blow.
@b5234 Limited means limited, and if retailers did a better job of policing stock against scalpers, it wouldn't be such a problem.
@Elementalisman I never said limited. They don't need to make ANYTHING limited. There are so many die hard fans that many get left out. If they are going to make a cool collector's edition, they should make WAY MORE than they currently do.
@Rezalack I actually really like this.
@abbyhitter this sounds amazing imagine if the world changed over time too as the main quest went on villages flooded ravines filled mountains collapsed 😭😭😭
...We know it got delayed...something Ive been predicting for months now.
TP and SS got delayed as well and it looked like they needed more time.
@crimsoncavalier you should visit nintendo life again mate.
@Boxmonkey Well, a day can make a lot of difference, I guess.
But hey, there's evidence now.
"The Legend of Zelda is due for release on the Wii U this year, provided the game isn't delayed. "
Thanks for going and jinxing it for us
@rjejr It's all my fault.
Feature: The Legend of Zelda on Wii U - What Do We Know So Far?
That's it's not coming out in 2015 😇
@LeeGarbutt - Are you holding that tiny kitten hostage until the game releases?
Oh, look! It's almost a year later, and we still know nothing more about it! YAY!
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