Street Fighter II was massive back in the day. After launching on the SNES it would be ported to practically every other games machine on the face of the planet, including the monochrome Game Boy. One format that didn't get it was the ill-fated Virtual Boy - understandable when you consider how much of a commercial bomb it was - but two talented homebrew developers have fixed that.
Developers Mr. Anon and MK are the ones behind Hyper Fighting, and have not only produced an impressive game on a legit-looking cart, but also a manual and box to go along with it. As you can see from the footage below, the game actually looks pretty amazing - certainly much better than we'd have expected.
The game will never be sold, however - the moment someone actually tries to make cash off the back of the back of this project is the moment when Capcom is likely to get involved due to the obvious similarity of Hyper Fighting to Street Fighter II. Still, the copies that have made it into the wild are certain to become highly-desirable collector's items.
Comments 30
Simply incredible. Great work!
Would be interesting to see the value of this game if it shows up on eBay
Really cool, I'd actually buy this.
DAMMIT. I would buy this in a heartbeat. I love this kind of stuff.
I bought Nightmare Busters for my SNES last year.
The amount of detail lol. Awesome.
I would have loved the VB if it wasn't made for people with tiny heads. If only they could adapt the games for a vc on the N3DS.
That package cover begs for a hologram! It would be perfect for a Virtual Boy game and the fighting action picture.
It would be nice if street fighter 2 on the 3ds virtual console and get virtual boy games on the 3ds virtual console
Awesome stuff, it's too bad I don't have a Virtual Boy anymore. Mine broke back in 2005 and I sold all my games away. Would be nice if there was a port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo though.
What if I happen to donate, say, $50 to them, and they just so happen to mail me a copy out of the kindness of their hearts?
Now 3ds and the hd remix for wiiu
I still have my virtual boy in a box with all the games(even waterworld)
Cool, odd, and yeah... why not?
Perfection. _
I want one! My VB is in need of games! LoL
This is pretty impressive! The only thing that I think hinders it is that Virtual Boy's visuals aren't exactly good on the eyes.
@vdallos i would kill for any "new" SF on Wii U, Street Fighter 2 turns 25 next year and it would be fair to say Nintendo helped SF2 in the west and in peoples homes. It seems a shame that it's likely any "celebrations" will be PlayStation exclusive.
SF shouldn't be exclusive to anybody
I still think Nintendo should put Virtual Boy games on the 3DS eShop.
this is real 3d!!! balrogs "piece" just popped out the screen and hit me in the face
System seller.
@abe_hikura amen
@aughra That would be awesome!!
FINALLY! Now someone just needs to homebrew up a system link and I am set for life!
@AshFoxX And that´s exactly what will happen.
@NintendoFan64 I play the Virtual Boy for hours without any issues. As long you have healthy eyes and your machine is alligned properly everything should be fine.
Yeah, I played it quite a bit at last year's SXSW Gaming Expo, and I didn't have a problem with it. It literally has the exact same effect as the 3DS. The only difference is it's graphics are only in red and black, and there's no option to turn the 3D off. Also, it's much less powerful of a system (obviously).
Not gonna lie I would actually like to buy this.
Virtual Boy needs to come to 3DS. It's the only system that truly is born to be brought back alive to 3DS.
What I have been thinking for years already is that Nintendo should bring all the Virtual Boy games to 3DS and have a few colour modes available, one with the original eyes exploding red&black colours, one with Gameboys green&black colours and then even one with full colours like the mock up picture that Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham showed at some point last year.
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