First 4 Figures are known as rather talented figure manufacturers, covering franchises such as Assassin's Creed, Kirby and Sonic the Hedgehog. Most notable, however, is its beautiful range of The Legend of Zelda collectible statues, spanning various games of the brand's rich history. They boast a slew of character statues, from Ocarina of Time's Dark Link to Twilight Princess' Zant — prices typically range from $99 to $479USD.
First 4 Figures has now announced a new collectible statue - Link on Loftwing, a first from Skyward Sword:
It captures Link and his Loftwing together, soaring through the air as they explore the skies. They appear to be flying above a base that looks like a mass of swirling clouds. Both of them include the most exacting details, from the Loftwing's feathers to Link's chainmail.
Currently, the largest figure First 4 Figures possesses in its collection is the Twilight Princess rendition of Ganondorf, standing at a Deku Tree-sized 23 inches tall. Now knowing that this latest figure is the biggest yet — 26 inches tall — it's unsurprising that it's been priced at $459USD; pre-orders are open ahead of delivery in Q2 2015.
Let us know what you think of this extravagant figure in the comments below.

[source first4figures.com]
Comments 35
Wow. It looks so cool!!
Nope as much as I want I don't want enough to give $400 + for it.
just preordered it
Too expensive but cool. I don't think Link would actually make that face
that link's expression though !
Why do you hate my bank account?!
Dang, they are coming out with new ones every couple weeks! I ordered the exclusive Light Suit Samus and that is already sold out.

Skyward Sword Amiibo confirmed....somehow. lol
Link's face is too ridiculous.
Stunning! I wish I was rich.
@PvtOttobot Sooo happy!
@Xiao_Pai Skyward Sword HD Remaster confirmed. Unlocks when amiibo is placed while playing Zelda U
@PvtOttobot That's the face Link should make when he passes someone in Mario Kart 8
@Dipper723 lol that would be awesome. xD
@Mega719 it looks like they were told to say 'cheese' for a picture
But can you display it at night?
If these are still available, I'll ask for one next Christmas
http://i.imgur.com/ZrpZy2a.jpg The resemblance is uncanny
@Mega719 He would if the bird had just saved him from an involuntary skydive...
@TheRealThanos we seen his reaction
Whaah that face! meme-worthy.
I want it.
That face is yhe ONLY reason Im not getting this...
That face reminds me of something..
He's looking over at Zelda on her loftwing if you are wondering about his expression. It's perfect... except now there needs to be one for Zelda!
@rjejr Nice one.
He looks jacked up.
I can't wait until I have that kind of disposable income...
I don't like it. The detail is impressive, but Link's expression is ridiculous and the coloured plastic piece sticks out a bit much.
I don't recall Link smiling like that, it seems off
I came in here to mention that the face is far too expressive for Link, but after reading the comments I see I don't need to.
The good news is F4F respond to criticism and given the response, they are likely to change it. They are doing so for their Mega Man (weird expression) and have made minor tweaks to other statues in the past.
welp about to preorder. Sigh. This is why I have no money.
@Mega719 Well, it was either that or him flying underneath his girlfriend and sneaking a peek...
@MegaBeedrill Link... touching... himself?
Looks great, though Links expression looks a bit scary.
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