Earlier today Nintendo of America announced in its Download Update that it'd be offering some tasty discounts to celebrate Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Details have emerged, confirming that there'll be four weeks of discounts to celebrate the various challengers from the upcoming brawler.
To start off below are the confirmed discounts for week one, live right now until 11th September — we've also listed the fighters being honoured in each batch.
Mario, Bowser, Peach and Luigi
- Super Mario Bros. 3 — Wii U eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 — 3DS eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- New Super Mario Bros. U — Wii U eShop, $39.99 (normally $59.99)
- Super Mario 3D Land — 3DS eShop, $19.99 (normally $29.99)
- Super Mario Bros. 2 — Wii U eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- Super Mario Bros. 2 — 3DS eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- Yoshi's New Island — 3DS eShop, $29.99 (normally $39.99)
Little Mac
- Punch-Out!! — Wii U eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- Punch-Out!! — 3DS eShop, $3.49 (normally $4.99)
- Super Mario 3D World — Wii U eShop, $39.99 (normally $59.99)
In terms of future weeks, price details will no doubt be published every Thursday, but below are the characters represented and some of the games that will be reduced.
Week 2 — Zelda, Sonic, Pit, Captain Falcon, Palutena, Mega Man, Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik, Marth, Ike, Lucina and Robin
- Fire Emblem: Awakening (Nintendo 3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Wii U)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Nintendo 3DS)
- Mega Man X (Wii U)
Week 3 — Pikachu, Lucario, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Charizard, Mii Fighters, Greninja and Wii Fit Trainer
- Pokémon Battle Trozei (Nintendo 3DS)
- Pokémon Rumble U (Wii U)
- Metroid (Wii U)
- Metroid (Nintendo 3DS)
- Wii Fit U (Wii U)
Week 4 — Kirby, King Dedede, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Pac-Man, Pikmin & Olimar, Fox and Villager
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo 3DS)
- Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
- PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures (Wii U)
- PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures (Nintendo 3DS)
Lots of discounts on the way, with more sure to be confirmed each week. Which of the current and future discounts will you be picking up in North America?
Thanks to MrNintendoSense for the heads up.
[source nintendo.com, via nintendo.com]
Comments 125
How do you give you all a 'heads up?' I posted this on the forums since I wasn't real sure where to go to show you all.
@Whopper744 There's a contact button at the bottom of the site.
Damn, I wish Europe had gotten the Tropical Freeze, Sonic 3D and Ghostly Adventures sales.
PS: "Kind Dedede"? I thought he was quite mean
Love this, however my only complaint is that Tomadachi Life isn't going on sale, I was holding out on it for some extra savings.
@lividd3ad Haha, yes, I've fixed that
Awesome. I might see about getting Super Mario 3D Land for my son since he lost it somewhere.
@MoonKnight7 The lists for Week 2 onwards are only some of the titles. Given that Mii Fighters are being represented in this sale I'd expect Wii Party U and Tomodachi Life.
See now US users are being treated the same by NOA or are they still useless?
Maybe GBA Fire Emblem will show up next week on Discount like Europe got......probably not but I can dream
Finally, some good news for us Americans...
Luchario? XD
This is pretty weak all around.
With a few exceptions like Fire Emblem and Yoshi's New Island, almost everything being offered are games they've discounted deeper before, or offered as rewards and bonuses.
How about offering some discounts on stuff that hasn't been discounted or given away for free before?
More discounts than in Europe - lucky guys!
Wish we got the Tomodachi Life discount tho!
DKC and pikmin3!....come in the same week....my wallet won't resist!
@Action51 When has 3D World or Tropical Freeze been discounted ? The best two Wii U games. Superior Digital 4 Lyfe versions.
I'm thinking about getting Punch-Out, I don't really know why I haven't picked it up yet actually. Now seems like a good time to get it.
Luchario??? Who's that?
I was hopping some of the NES Mega Man games would be on sale for the Wii U vc, I'll get The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap next week and the week after that I might get Pokémon Rumble U depending on how much it's on sale for.
I almost got Yoshi's new Island, and then I rewatched some gameplay. I'm so glad I rewatched it, saving me 30 bucks
I was actually hoping for X2 and X3.... Oh we'll.
@Swiket That game is worth it even at full price. It's a very good game.
Nice. I'm finally to gonna pick up SM3DL and then Tropical Freeze when it goes on sale.
gonna get pokemon trozei
Cool. Although I have all of those games that i want already. Also, some of the retail downloads u may be able to find cheaper now as carts (?)
I guess it's time to crack open that wallet one more time and finally get Super Mario 3D World. Let's see what responsibilities I can fluff off to find more play time.
Totally getting Super Mario 3D Land at that price.
Holy mother of gods, i already pre-ordered, Both super smash bros games, pokemon Omega ruby, bayonetta 2, and hyrule warriors, now this sale aswell >_> RIP IN PEACE WALLET xD
Awsome. Wishful thinking that Kirby Triple Deluxe will be on sale. I dropped the ball on the b1g1 free sale they had at Bestbuy and I do like my digis.
Where is Metroid Prime Trilogy!?
"Runs away crying"
Good deals, will keep an eye on DKC: TF
Definitely nice to see Nintendo giving some nice discounts on these games, especially the full retail titles. If Tomodachi Life gets discounted significantly, I might give it a shot. I'm still very much on the fence with that one, but a good sale might just push me over.
Hawlucha x Lucario = Luchario
Wrestling cosplay lucario confirmed! Luchario!
I've already got all the virtual console games on this list. Might grab Super Mario 3D Land and give the physical copy to my girlfriend
Isn't offering 3D World to represent Rosalina a big ol' spoiler?
Will try to get both Mario NES games this week and will see about the upcoming sales.
Luchario sounds like a disease.
Now, Lucario however. That's a poke i can stand behind!!
Yep, minish cap should do.
Meanwhile, to those that don't have 3d world, pikmin and donkey kong - pick em up, you owe it to yourselves
Americans complain that Europe is getting Smash Bros. Challenger discounts; NOA announces discounts WAY better than NOE. I'm sorry but DKC:TF, Pikmin 3, FE:A AND SM3DW ALL AS EXCLUSIVES TO NOA?! That just isn't fair.
Ah! The Yanks will stop moaning for a bit now!
Not too shabby. I already have have the good ones, but hope everyone else enjoys!
Good on them for releasing the full list at once
Super Mario 3D Land for $20? Excellent. I finally have an opportunity to get that game at a lower price.
@Jazzer94 Yes, I seem to have a hat to eat.
Now I need something new to complain about.
Pac mans ghostly adventure on 3ds is actually a quality game, it is very underrated, it does feel like it should have been on the snes
Maybe I'm missing something, but where's the game to represent captain falcon on werk 2?
nice! will buy minish cap for sure!
Decided to get SMB3 for 3DS to have a portable version. Debating quadruple-dipping on Punch-Out!! to get a portable version (have the Tyson's cartridge, Wii VC, and Wii U VC).
@dizzy_boy Weeks 2, 3 and 4 don't have all discounted games announced.
Well if the DKTF discount is good I may get that digitally instead of retail.
Week 2 could be a spendy week. I'm prepared.
Hoping the DKCTF discount is as good as the SM3DW one is!!
It's awesome too see the deals. But scrolling down all I could think was I have way too many video games. Already have every game on that list that I want and bought this week...the fall, steamworld dig, thorium wars, whole 2nd season of walking dead, and Kirby fighters. I haven't touched my ps3 in weeks. Nothing but pc and Nintendo bleeding my time and money away. And add cubeman 2 too that list.
Luchario, heh
Holy moly mole. That's a lot going on sale there!
@TeeJay @ThomasBW84
LOL so true. In the other article, they didn't mention 3D World because they might spoil it.
Anyway, I want 3D world and DKTF discounts on Europe so I can already sell my retail discs.
@BensonUii I followed Nintendo's lead there!
Im expecting all Megaman and Zelda vc titles on 3ds to get a discount. If that happens, I might be spending some money next week...
@ChemyNoSurfea Hoping you're right about Mega Man. I don't think it'll be all though. Mega Man on VC alone could be more sales than all of the sales this week.
Yes I'll finally get Fire Emblem: Awakening
Why does the last week have Fox, when there is no Star Fox 64 3D on the list?
Have to check Canadian eShop
So much sales, ehhh I'm currently saving for either Hyrule Warriors or Alpha Sapphire. But those sales, makes me want to just throw away my money into eshop cards so I can buy some games. Decisions decisions.
No NSMB2 for the 3ds sale prices? lame.....
YES! I would have been so pissed if NA didn't get these discounts like Europe.
"In terms of future weeks, price details will no doubt be published every Thursday, but below are the characters represented and some of the games that will be reduced."
I hope there will be more games. They really should throw in Star Fox 64 3D, because that one is NOT worth $40, no matter how much I love it and want to replay it.
Maybe Megaman X and Mario bros 3 for me. I already have most of these games, and I don't feel like spending too much money right now.
Excellent list. I hope North America gets the Hyrule Warriors sale too. I'd liked to complete my Zelda VC eShop collection.
Heads up to anyone in Canada:
Starting tomorrow eShop cards are 10% off at Target (additional 5% for Redcard members).
Ungh now I have to look through my budget and figure if I am going to purchase Fire Emblem Awakening, Super Mario 3D land, or DKC TF. Any Advice?
@Undead_terror Haha...I used to hear that a lot when my brother played zombies.
@NextChannelGame I was wondering the same thing. Also, why does week 2 mention Captain Falcon, Pit, and Palutena if there are no games related to those franchises? Also seems strange that 3D World is not under Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Bowser, but under Rosalina. Seems like she could just be grouped in with the other characters. Not that it makes a big difference.
I already own most of these, but I might as well get Super Mario Bros. 3 for 3DS. I already have it for Wii U, but it would be nice to play it on the go. Might get Sonic the Hedgehog and Metroid too. Is Ghostly Adventures any good? I was thinking of that one too but not if it's not any good.
@Giygas_95 Same here! Maybe Nintendo well announce more discount games?
Like F-Zero, Kid Icarus Uprising, Kid Icarus.
Well have to wait and see
I'll def get Super Mario 3D World
@TICGS I'd say go for Awakening. It never goes on sale physically or digitally (I can only think of one time it has happened, maybe I'm forgetting another time). Feels like the best chance for people unwilling to pay the full 40.
@TICGS Super Mario 3D Land is amazing fun, but quite easy. DKC TF is a fantastic game. One of the best on Wii U. FE:A has an enormous amount of content for your money. It really comes down to what you want though. Do you know if you'd rather have a new 3DS game or a new Wii U game? If you want a new 3DS game, would you rather have a fun pick up and play 3D platformer or do you want a really in depth strategy RPG experience? I'd sort of have to agree with this guy ^. That game has a whole lotta bang for your buck. As a second choice, I'd say DKC TF.
As a side note, FE:A is the one 3DS game I have that I kind of wish I'd gotten the physical version of instead of the digital version. Love that box art.
I'm hoping they'll release the Pokemon TCG in time for week 3 so we can get a discount on it. It's only fair for having to wait for it for so long ^____^
It's on the Wii, where you can't download it, but can find it at a decent price online or from Gamestop.
Looks good.
@ThomasBW84 - No difference in Canada on the Mario ones.
No Kirby games discounts?
These are some really good deals. I love seeing this. In fact...
I was thinking about trading in all of my physical 3DS games and downloading all of them when they go on sale. Anyone think this is a good idea or should I just keep my physical copies? I love physical copies of games (I am a collector), however, the portable convenience would be very nice, especially since I go out a lot. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
@Whopper744 https://www.nintendolife.com/contact
Select "News Tips" for any news that you find
No Kid Ikarus, no Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, no Zelda WW HD and ALBW. Come on, NoA. Double standards have been terrible on the eshop.
Ah yes, I see what you mean. I didn't fully read the line above the other weeks. Thanks for the clarification.
maybe ill pick up pikmin and sm3dw now? still prefer a physical disc but these are very tempting
I'm saving up for smash... B-but 3D World though...
I like how Nintendo doesn't even think to lower the price of 3D World...
So much good stuff coming up! Minish cap and the two pokemon games will deinetly be mine
I got Punch-Out this morning for the 3DS this morning. As for the rest of the sale, I don't see too much I don't already own or want, but good on Nintendo for throwing North America a bone.
Please ocarina of time 3ds for the next week
Fire Emblem Awakening for me next week, and maybe Mario 3D Land this week.
I remember people here saying NA wouldn't be getting the Smash Bros discounts.
I'll definitely be getting Minish Cap and Pokemon Battle Trozei.
Wii Fit U for me, depending on the price. If it's $20 or less I'll probably go for it.
Um... Luchario? It's Lucario.
So how is rosalina sm3dw? If yoshi's new island was $20 I'd bite but not $30
Oh hey, Tropical Freeze! Glad I held out on that.
Only thing that interests me is minish cap
Great, now I can play Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Lame sale. Most of the games for the 3DS that are being featured I already own. The ones I don't own I either don't want, or the bargain isn't big enough (for me).
Some gamers may think this isn't a great sale, but when are you going to get Nintendo's first party titles for 20-30$ off, outside of a greatest hits collection?
Good time to pick up Super Mario 3D World, for all those who haven't yet.
I like the spectrum of games.
Here's hoping for Sonic: the Lost World (personally) and Wind Waker HD (for those who haven't picked it up yet).
Rosalina, for reference, was the only unlockable character in SM3DW, a game which marked her first appearance since Galaxy and her last appearance before MK8 released this past May.
i can't wait for tropical freeze discount
@lilpieri I've been thinking along similar lines. Ever since New Leaf came out, I regret not getting it digitally. Same for Fire Emblem. I'm not sure if I'll pull the trigger on replacing them, even with a sale, but I am more than primed to go digital on many 3DS games in the future.
Here's something INSANE: you know how Amazon has Amiibo up for preorder? Well, I'm not sure what it's like in other countries, but the top 12 on Amazon.ca's Best Sellers list are all 12 Amiibo figures.
Every. Single. One.
Honestly, it could be what turns the Wii U around and shoots the 3DS / 2DS into the stratusphere.
Hooray! A big sale on games most of us already own!
Still, appreciated.
Man you get 3D World and Tropical Freeze.... and what did we get?
Uninteresting games and games I already bought for full price.
No that's not true. We got Fire Emblem for 2,50 less, what a bargain!!
Wait, NoA is having a real sale on games people want? That never happens.
Cool. Too bad I already own almost all of these games.
I just had to grab 3D World and am now waiting on the Tropical Freeze pricing.
I'd almost be tempted by 3D World, except that I can find a new copy for about forty bucks, anyway.
Of course I bought Mega Man X just before these sales.
I wonder why Super Metroid isn't going on sale for this. Only the original Metroid? I have like, four copies of the game, already. I don't need to get it on Wii U, too, but I do think I'd buy Super Metroid again to have it on da Wuu.
@Jazzer94 Well Europe is getting the Smash 3DS XL as a bundle sooooooo.
@ZachBeacon The Mario Kart 8 sale and the Fire emblem/Shin Migami Tensei sales?
Aw no Kirby Triple Deluxe?
I'm hoping Tropical Freeze will go on sale come week 4.
No "h" to Lucario.
That's really good news. The problem is that I already bought everything on launch days. I'll tell my friends about it tough.
What?! No Ocarina of Time 3D? Man, I was hoping there would be some kind of discount to commemorate our favorite Moblin slayer.
Have most of the other games. Been waiting for Super Mario 3D Land to go on sale. So I will be grabbing that.
So anybody else notice the sale advertising on the Wii U Gamepad?
I love the quick start menu and use it all the time, but I see now why Nintendo gave it to us, the perfect place for advertising. It's impossible to ignore that blue circle glowing and those screens across the top. Guess it's a win - win.
On the bright side, it was nice to see something besides the MK8 DLC, I was afraid I would be looking at that ad for 8 months.
@eleccross Pretty sure Shin Migami Tensei is the only game you mentioned that has ever been on sale on the eShop.
@ZachBeacon No I mean when you bought Mario Kart 8 you got a game with it free and if you owned shin megami tensei and fire emblem awakening you got $30 or $40 free. Those were two sales in NA that Nintendo did that were pretty amazing. And those are only two of them.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is probably the only one out of these listed I will get. I'd rather have Triple Deluxe or Tomodachi Life though so if the lists aren't complete then hopefully those get added to Week 3 or 4 (since my lack of funds for the time being will cause me to miss the first two week sales).
Granted that Sonic on the 3DS is the 3D one I'll probably get that. Nothing else though, retail deals just aren't good enough. I can still get physical cheaper.
@ThomasBW84 - You got Luchario is that suppose to be Lucario?
@Aqueous Yep, it was!
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