Photos with Mario

Earlier this week we told you about the launch of the official Photos With Mario website, with some tongue-in-cheek comments about Nintendo of America finally remembering that it had released the download in the US. The rather nice web page has demonstration videos, attractive design and details on the Target-exclusive special edition $10 eShop top-up cards — if you fancy new AR cards and some eShop funds, they could be a decent option.

Nintendo has now released a pretty reasonable trailer for the app, explaining what it is and showing some of its features in action. As is appropriate for this title's stumbling history, however, at the time of writing the YouTube video in question has the snappy title "Photos With Mario Trailer v12 h264 2" — we expect that'll get edited soon enough.

It gives a nice look at the free download, in any case, and as a bonus Nintendo of America has also posted a Wii U-focused trailer for Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes; it's actually the same as the reveal trailer, but gives you an excuse to catch up if you missed it first time around.