
New Jersey developer Big Deez Productions has finally passed its $450,000 crowdfunding goal on Indiegogo for the upcoming Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, set to hit Wii U, PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360; it raised $473,884 of its $450,000 goal, hitting its target relatively late in the day.

When it made its début to huge fanfare and direct involvement from Shaquille O'Neal himself, A Legend Reborn struggled to reach its initial audience. Yet after promoting Wii U support from stretch goal to base goal and distancing the game from its infamous 1994 predecessor, Shaq has finally pulled through.

Will you be picking up Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn when it finally dribbles onto Wii U? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip.
