![Miiverse Image](https://images.nintendolife.com/6b4fe5fed837b/miiverse-image.900x.jpg)
Nintendo has today announced a fresh update for Miiverse across the web and Wii U / 3DS versions. The positive change is that the web version will now have the same community search functionality as the console equivalent, as well as a "Posts from Verified Users" tab that acts as a shortcut to authorised developer accounts; this is useful for keeping track of updates on various titles.
There is a negative change, at least from the perspective of some regulars posting their thoughts on the platform, in that there is now a time restriction on posting comments to other people's posts. Whereas before you could post rapidly, there will now be a three minute period that you must wait to leave consecutive messages on another user's post. This will potentially take away any scope for a "chat" vibe, due to that time delay, though from a moderation perspective will no doubt help Nintendo's Miiverse team. It will be possible to post multiple times without an enforced wait on your own messages, however.
Full details are below, from the official Miiverse post:
There has been an update to Miiverse today.
1) We’ve added two new features to the web version of Miiverse to bring it in line with the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions.
The first is the "Posts from Verified Users" icon at the top of the Communities screen, which you can select to display only posts by verified users.
The second is the community search function, which lets you search for communities by software title.
2) This affects all versions of Miiverse: You can no longer post several comments in quick succession on somebody else's post.
From now on, after posting a comment on someone else's post, you will have to wait around 3 minutes before you can comment again on the same post. This doesn't apply to your own posts, where you can comment as frequently as you like.
So there you have it. Are you affected by this change, and if so what do you think?
Thanks to Spoony_Tech for the heads up.
Comments 113
I suppose it'll put an end to silly things like this from happening on Miiverse... for a little while at least. www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPme2gSE46U
Thank goodness! Now all of Sakurai's pics won't be spammed with "LAST" or stupid character requests over and over and over again.
Considering it takes me about 5 minutes to type a message on the Gamepad I don't think this will have any effect on me.
i dont really use it at all but i think its dumb for them to put a time limit on how long u have to wait between messages. i dont see a reason for it.
I think it's time to demand some games on miiverse. I am going to spam Konami for Axelay, Kemco for Top Gear and Sega for Saturn and Dreamcast games.
@3dcaleb Spammers. That's why
lol, now people are spamming #Save Miiverse everywhere. /facepalm
Oh, and people are actually angry that they removed people's Yeah counters? It's finally stopped those stupid "thanks for 10 yeahs" posts.
@DiscoGentleman The only limit before was on posting not on commenting.
I think this is a step backwards. I have a group of friends I chat with and all this does is take up more time. I don't see many spammers and most of the time it's activity feeds posts that I comment on! Way to go Nintendo and take some of the fun out of Miiverse. First you take away Swapnote now you just went backwards imo on Miiverse.
@mystman12 That's exactly what I was thinking about.
The Miiverse admins can screw themselves.
SSB4 pic of the day is saved.
Miiverse rocks.
Nintendo sure loves restrictions...Sometimes they really go too far in my opinion.
They have enough cash to hire more moderators. Or why not let people mod comments on their own posts? Let them delete nasty comments themselves since they are posted on their own Miiverse posts.
@DestinyMan They could always enforce different rules on important posts like Sakurai's.
Hopefully they increase the allowed size of a post. Sometimes I've had to write two posts back to back in order to explain something. It's like twitter, imposing that character limit just causes more two and three part posts.
though maybe I just need to practice writing shrtfrm txt spk 2sv space. I just canna do it cap't!
I'm 100% for the delay. I posted a question asking why people thought Waluigi was worthy of a character in Smash, which turned into a flame war starring one child. The delay would've helped prevent that. Ultimately, I deleted that post altogether. Anything to help prevent things like that from happening is a thumbs up in my book.
This isn't really a negative and most of us who use miiverse enough will welcome it.
@evildevil97 I know it's a discussion for a different article, but that's a very valid question.
I'm not bothered by this in the slightest. It was nice to have long theoretical discussions with other Zelda fans, but the reality did get away from what Nintendo intended the service to be.
@TreesenHauser That video made my night.
@Deathgaze Haha, awesome. When I feel bad about myself, I like to remember that happened and I realize thing aren't so bad.
Oh God, this is Tv Tropes all over again.
Not a huge deal.
Just speaking for myself, if post something, I then go back to playing. If I do check back on the post, it is many minutes later.
Miiverse was never suppose to be a chat forum. Good riddance.
would be nice if there were proper chat options (text or voice) at OS level, something you could use while gaming. has become a standard feature everywhere else...
With 24hr a day world wide use maybe the traffic is getting too much for Nintendo.
Deh. It's only 3 mins. Don't mind.
Basically a good thing. I'm just afraid that in combination with the 200-letters-restriction it might make it difficult to give someone a detailed reply if, for instance, he wants to know how to continue at a certain passage in a game where he is stuck.
But leaving that aside, a good thing. And one can still write without the 3 minute restriction on DIFFERENT posts. I was first worried about that.
That's so stupid! Horrible update Nintendo..
@MrCanzine How about creating Nintendo style 'txt spk' if it has'nt already begun.
Miiverse is a community and is being regulated like a prison... freedom of speech should be most important. Let it run wild. Ban those who are rude or disgusting or perverted but dont ban someone for just being stupid or supporting ps4 pr xboxone. Let the verse flow through the miiverse.
@Spoony_Tech Pic of the Day is the major reason. I see nothing wrong with this as this doesn't affect Private Messages.
@PrincessEevee9 Nope, but it does effect 3-4 people getting together to chat which otherwise we would have to go elsewhere to do!
Not to mention I just want to have a good honest adult conversation and when I post 3 messages in a row because of the letter limit, now I must wait a total of 9 mins just to do what takes 2 or less to do. Very disappointing!
I like the idea Nintendo, but you guys need to get with the program already. Take out FC, make us use usernames already. Let us have a private chat, but without posting pictures. Cause people seem to abuse that.
@DinoFett perhaps. Or Nintendo should add a new feature, "shorten this post" and have it "translate" common words into the Ninty newspeak. That way we could write normally, then just click the shorten option and it makes it txt frndly.
Say goodbye to actual conversations. Once again Nintendo regulates exactly how we interact with each other on their platform rather than just letting us make our own choices.
Wow Nintendo....just wow....
This is good especially when Sakurai posts the Pic of the Day on the Smash Bros. Community. However... I think Miiverse is already very, very strict on pretty much everything now :S. With this 3 minute restriction per comment is gonna be difficult when you are trying to get help when you're stuck in a game and you would easily lost your patience because of this. Oh well...
@AyeHaley call me crazy, but I remember being able to delete other's answers from my posts.
@TreesenHauser That video...
LMAO good on you Nintendo! Hopefully this will discourage horny 12-14 year old boys and girls from seeking attention and such.
@TreesenHauser such a tragedy XO
@AyeHaley - The reason they have moderators is to prevent bullying/abuse and to keep it family friendly.
Guess what? I like it...and I'm an adult. Why?
Because we have a million places online to make personal attacks, swear, troll, and be general d-bags. If Nintendo wants to provide one service where things stay light and friendly, then more power to them.
Surely people can manage to live in a world where one out of thousands of anonymous online gaming forums can be mostly free of whining, hate, cyber-bullies, and trolls?
@andjahiam "freedom of speech" is not an absolute right to say or type whatever you want, wherever you want on privately run forums.
When you post on Miiverse, there are terms of use, and Nintendo has every right to regulate their privately owned and operated service as they see fit. If you want to say whatever you want, say it. Find the appropriate forum or start your own blog.
I'm not trying to be mean, but I think it's important to understand how this works. If you think Nintendo is the only company that regulates its on-line forums, you are mistaken as well.
One last point: Nintendo wants to maintain an image of being a "safe" buy for parents with younger children, and it's important they maintain a level of moderation.
Trust me when I say the scandal hungry gaming media, and the anti-gaming mainstream media LOVES to report on negative stories where kids get cyber-bullied or exposed to inappropriate and pornographic posts. This is why they had to get rid of swapnote.
One hasn't been able to "post messages in quick succession" for a long time. There has been a two-minute wait to post comments for a long time now. All that Nintendo did was to increase the waiting time from two to three minutes. So it's not a big deal at all.
I think MiiVerse can only benefit from this. The forum is about Nintendo games, not about random rambles and spamming. If you use MiiVerse as intended, you're not gonna be affected by this change.
Actually, considering the kinds of posts flooding them, Nintendo should allow developers (or trusted users in general) to disable replies on their posts. There hasn't been anything worthwhile on Sakurai's Pic's of the Day, or any other dev post to begin with.
100 times this... spaced out in 3 minute intervals...
Literally I get so many comments on posts like "hey whatsup" from 10 year olds. Thanks Miiverse
I like the update. Hopefully this will help stop those 9-16 year olds looking for boyfriends/girlfriends...
Got bored of Miiverse a long time ago, so it doesn't affect me.
@Yorumi they need to go, if they do they should do user-name interface. So that if someone is doing something bad. You can report them. They need to step up.
Another update that seems to have gone unnoticed is that you can now access the web version of Miiverse from the WiiU web browser. I'm probably the only one who finds this handy.
The time limit is lame. Screams of hand holding.
Finally! More restrictions!
Nintendo is just being stupid.. AGAIN!!! So now if I want to post in a community, then I want to post in another one, I'll have to wait for 3 minutes?! Why not 1 minute or less? This is just bullpoopiedoodoocacapoopledoople, I luv miiverse, I really enjoy drawing and the ppl I've met there, but some of these rules are just dumb.. Nintendo needs to learn that we are the clients, we bought the product, they should at least respect us more.. they r behaving like gestalt or something..
Please watch the profanity — TBD
@Noonch I've been able to do that since I first got my Wii U, in December 2013.
I think this is good and dumb at the same time. Yes it's a good idea that will help communities receive less spam, but the activity feed posts should be unaffected since people who respond to those are almost always people you know. Another thing that's dumb is that this limit appears to also be in effect on the PM system as well....
@Yorumi I did and I'm saying that FC needs to go they need to get with the program already. Apparently there still in the DS era.
@MarceloKamui I agree its like we're in prison.
^ lol
Weird, mine always said I could not view that content through web browser and to click the Miiverse icon in the main menu.
@DestinyMan So your position is, its worth effecting EVERYONE on Miiverse from having healthy group topics with each other, as long as it makes Sakurai's posts better? YGBFKM
Hasn't it been like this for a while now? Considering you're mainly supposed to post for help or an accomplishment, I haven't seen a problem with this.
Quite honestly, all of these things are being put into place due to the demographic that frequents Miiverse. Sure Miiverse has people of all ages and maturity levels. But the main frequenters of the service are either people that are 14 or mentally 14. And it shows. I see like one legit, mature, interesting post for every 10-15 posts.
And the introduction of Miiverse on 3DS has only compounded this issue. Too many children, man.
used miiverse once when it was first added to 3DS, then never used it again
I approve. Miiverse isn't meant to be a chatroom. It was meant for people to share empathy on shared Video Game topics, not RP'ing or dating or whatever else. Besides, if you want to talk about something that isn't game-related or about other things, there's always the Messages tab.
Spammers, too.
I can see it from both ways good and bad. I do use it and chat and interact on there regulary so this will put me off doing so though I do agree there is some piss poor posts on there by children but then again its interaction for them to socialise through the console
For those who have been dabblint woth it it isnt actually restricted to one post. If you comment or post or perform amy action you cannot post on ANY other post or comment. This was my experience last night
@DestinyMan Exactly, way too many spammers on Miiverse. You want to chat? schedule a PM session or something.
@jakysnakydx True! The same thing happened to me.
I don't mind the restriction, though. As far as I'm concerned, we'd all be better off if people on Miiverse stopped to think for three minutes before posting.
The problem is that this will not affect the biggest offenders, and punish normal users. The biggest trolls and annoying posters on there are young. If they have anything it is unlimited time and unwavering persistence. I think it will just slow them down, not deter them.
The better approach would have been to issue temporary bans to the offenders, such as the people using a public forum to engage in private chat or those trying to add "Last" or "First Post" to comments.
This Update seems really good!
Now Spammers can now Deal with it while other can actually Review their Posts and not be Complete Idiots!
gh, this is good i theory, but because of the character limit, it's gonna take a lot longer to say what you wanna say...
@Action51 Yep.
It's both hilarious and disheartening to know that so many people think that they are entitled to go stomping around as they please inside of Nintendo's services. Let me enlighten you, these services are NINTENDO's services. Owned by Nintendo and operated by Nintendo. They have the right to do whatever they please with their service. On top of that, you people aren't even paying for the service.
Additionally to that reason, don't forget why Miiverse was created in the first place, for people to seek out help for video games and for other people to help them. You do not need a quick posting forum for that.
Well in that case this is a bit upsetting. Especially considering u can't go back and edit your posts. On the other hand it means fewer Miiverse love stories and annoying things like that.
This is exactly what I've been trying to say.
@DimetriWarrior Message tabs don't work on net browsers or the 3ds so what your saying is I have to be on my U all the time. I'm on Miiverse a lot but on my phone where it's instant and doesn't take a while to load. U is better then 3ds at load times but nothing beats the net browser!
And who care about the Miiverse love stories?? If it bothers you then why do you look at them. I post a lot. 10-20 posts a week sometimes more. Very rarely do I even see a spammer. Maybe it's because I'm not posting in the Nintendo game topics as much but still. I probably post in way more 3rd party topics then any other. Nintendo needs to decrease the spam in its own 1st party topics more then anything.
Why don't they just age restrict certain topics and features? That would make Miiverse a better place!
Oh and the new company motto should be one step forward 2 steps back!!
@andjahiam You get banned for product promotion regardless of the product.
@grimbldoo Yep you're absolutely right but don't giveth then taketh away! When you're expecting something then all of a sudden it's taken away I do believe we have a right to voice our opinions. First Swapnote, now this. What's next all online gaming because a few bad people swear and aren't nice to kids and others. Stone age my friend!
This just in, one person was being bullied on Smash Bros and instead of banning his account we decided to make it easier on ourselves and will be immediately shutting down the online servers! However you can still play locally as always. Thank you for your time! We are Nintendo and you'll still love us tomorrow!
I thought this 3 min. cool down applied only to our own posts, not comments to others'. Part of the reason why I do consecutive comments to begin with is because Miiverse has a pathetic character limit to even discuss some of these games. They of course didn't expand the character limit to 400.
So it isn't just within one person's comment, it's across the board for all comments. They want to limit the activity in the best thing gong for the Wii U don't they? Stupid decision if you ask me.
Well that's what happens when people request Powerpuff girls and Goku and ponies for Smash ten bazillion times in a row. lol
Well that bytes I haven't chatted with my Miis in a few months but I do chat sometimes. Whatever. There are gonna make me loose interest little by little.
I don't know about you but why don't they put a restriction on 13 year olds hitting on me. It's annoying. Who knows what kinda crazies are out there young and old. I think Nintendo has it's hands full with this Miiverse. They are just trying to protect the kids.Lets hope some creepy freak doesn't ruin it for us.
chatting became impossible since they stopped sending you notifications for a "thread" you posted in (it stopped the super notification flood if you accidentally commented on a news post or something similar, but it ruined two people communicating in a third person's post). this is just stopping people from going over the 200 character limit by posting multiple 200 character packed sagas
@Spoony_Tech #98
But they aren't taking away. The purpose of Miiverse is for players in need to seek helper from other players. By limiting the rapid fire posting it dissuades people from treating it like a chatting forum and keeps the focus on helping fellow players.
On the matter of Swapnote, Nintendo had no way of keeping kids from posting their friend codes on public forums. It was the only course of action they could take to protect kids that only wanted acquaintances and not crude messages.
@grimbldoo Imo they are taking away. What's the activity feed for then? Its like the general topic in most forums to talk about whatever you want. That one is just for friends and followers. Why can't they at the very least leave that one alone. And yes they are taking away, my time!
I would be inclined to agree with you if Miiverse was not a multitasking app. However, because you only have to suspend the game and can jump right back in while you wait. And it's not as if conversations will be impossible to carry. They will have to wait 3 minutes as well and both people will just end up taking turns while better formulating their response.
Most of the people here are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
@rjejr Like!
@grimbldoo I would once again agree with you except why should I have to do that? Its both inconvenient and bothersome. In a normal forum I can type one message and get my point across. On Miiverse I have 200 characters to do that with and I would say half of my responses go well beyond that. I'm not going to put my phone down and do something else when I shouldn't have to. They need to remedy this with at the very least adding another 100 characters.
Look I'm not trying to convince you that my way is the best way. All I'm saying is I'd like to talk to my online friends the way it was not the way it is now. Change isn't always better for everyone. There is a good reason why people are complaining. I did however type a message in one of my friends rants saying in a week or 2 we will all forget about this but it doesn't make it a better change for me, a user that doesn't abuse my posts!
Oh and like I said in a earlier post I use my phone for 90% of posting on Miiverse not the Wii U. Playing videogames 2-3 mins at a time isn't fun or shouldn't be an option. Once again convenience is the issue.
Oh and one last thing, Miiverse might have started has a means to help other users out but it has become so much more. Nintendo wants to keep it simple as they can which makes sense for them but one change can change the scoop for everyone else to the point where it isn't fun anymore and that's what they seem to be doing lately.
In reality it probably takes most people a few minutes to compose a response anyway so this likely won't have much of an impact but it still feels slightly silly and potentially annoying/frustrating at times on the face of it.
I don't understand why everyone is whining though. It isn't much of a problem. It slows spamming down.... And it's a free service! It's pathetic when people complain about free things......
@kereke12 @MarceloKamui Yeah, a prison.... A prison that we all CHOOSE to visit, and one we can leave at anytime.... Stop whining and grow up!
that first comment/ link just destroyed all of these. Thanks, funniest thing I've seen in a while!
I tried miiverse once for about 10m when it finally came to 3ds and it was about as boring and over-moderated as I'd expected. Basically Jr.High-nintendo-twitter, I can't think of a thing more irritating (except maybe actual twitter).
@Ren Haha you're all welcome.
well if it helps keep it clean and friendly then it's fine by me
@Spoony_Tech #110
Spoony_Tech wrote:
Yikes, what triggered that reaction?
Spoony_Tech wrote:
I feel like it should be at least 500 and then just automatically collapse comments.
Spoony_Tech wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you just PM your friends? Or even find a different method, like Skype, Facebook, or an actual forum? A method that you would have used if Miiverse wasn't a thing?
Spoony_Tech wrote:
And Germans supported Hitler because he started out by telling them that he was restoring Germany.
Well now that the discussion has made it to Hitler I guess it's reached its natural end.
I couldn't care less about Nintendo adding more restrictions to miiverse... I haven used it since December
Ugh... what about those of us who need to make multi-part LONG posts?! Which I need to often?!
I first thought that the three minute block is a bad idea, but now that I've spent some time thinking about it today, it's not actually such a bad idea. There is way too much spamming in Miiverse all the time when I check various places and especially the Verified users posts are filled with stupid comments where often people spam a lot just to fill the post limit.
Nintendo could however up the limit of characters in a Miiverse post to be maybe twice longer than what it is now. Also when a Verified user posts a link to a website, then there link should be a hotlink straight to the Wii U browser. Now it's just a line of text and since there is no copy/paste function in Miiverse or Wii U in general, then that would help a lot. I just saw for example some verified user post a website link but there is no way to click it and have easy access there.
With PC Miiverse that is of course possible, but not in 3DS or Wii U Miiverse.
I think this update is good to prevent spamming. However, sometimes my friends are asking for help in some games, and to help them it usually takes me about three consecutive posts to tell them everything that's necesary.
So, I don't like this update. Maybe 1 minute would be OK, but 3 is too much.... and Miiverse is already slow! 0_o
Well, this only means that I will spend even less time using it than I already am.
If it was like one minute I would be fine but three.. that needs to be fixed.
Okay, everyone, I know everyone's disagreeing with the Miiverse rule, but I think #SaveMiiverse is basically your way of saying, "I'm going to go overboard with this one rule, because Nintendo's a dumb(CENSORED)." I disagree with the three minutes, but I prefer it be shortened to one minute, not start a flame war with all the other noobs out there. Otherwise, just don't worry about Miiverse. You'll get used to the new rule, it just takes time.
I think this restriction might be me and my friends fault....we started flooding several of my friends posts rapidly with comments....2 days or so later this update came out...
@rjejr You could plug up a usb keyboard to the Wii U, I think I remember trying it and it worked.
@techkenb "You could plug up a usb keyboard"
Wouldn trelaly help m emuch, I'm a horribl etouch typst, and most ot th ekeys ahi tare worng.
That's an example of my actual typing, I spend more time editing my texts than actually typing them up.
@Linkuini HAHAHA!!!
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