Two Brothers

It was way back in the latter half of 2012 that Two Brothers — from AckkStudios — was announced, a top-down 2D RPG that excited some retro gamers with its Game Boy aesthetic, and intrigued plenty of others with the idea that colour is gradually restored to the world.

The concept was attractive enough that it enjoyed a successful Kickstarter campaign, but as is increasingly common with these projects development fell well beyond the original January 2013 target. Nevertheless, the title is now available on PC, and considering the heavy retro Nintendo influence an intrigued fan quizzed the developer on progress for the overdue Wii U version. The good news is that it's still coming, though a third-party has stepped in to deliver the port.

The studio's Twitter account later stated that news on who's producing this Wii U version would come "soon".

An extensive trailer from last year is below; is this still on your radar?
