The folks over at Tiny Cartridge have discovered a couple of interesting design changes made to Rusty's Real Deal Baseball during the localization process. Nintendo's next foray into free-to-play garnered some attention for its unconventional take on the model, which involves in-game haggling to lower the real life cost of additional content.
That being said, it seems Nintendo felt some aesthetic alterations were needed to help Western gamers fully appreciate the title. Specifically, Rusty himself has undergone a full makeover — in a side-by-side comparison of the two versions, Rusty's original incarnation features traits easily identifiable with its Japanese origins, while the Western version adorns him with large eyes and a more general "cartoon dog" look. Also of note is the box art for the game behind Rusty, on which the batter's design is slightly different: blond hair and wide blue eyes replace the dark hair and closed eyes of the original.
What's your take on the redesign Rusty underwent on his way to Western shores? Are you a fan, or do you actually like the designs in Japan more?
[source tinycartridge.com]
Comments 72
Is anyone even actually interested in this title?
He actually looks creepy now.
And blond hair and blue eyes... yay, white man stereotype.
Both look kinda creepy.
The hair color of the batter hardly needed changing.
And yeah, both dogs are creepy.
@hcfwesker heh, yep.
@hcfwesker Yeah to an extent really depends on reviews and if it will get a pal release.
I prefer the original version. I always thought that guy looked beyond creepy. Does the original character really look that Japanese? I honestly have a hard time seeing why any American or European would have a problem with him.
Changing the kid's hair color and opening his eyes are textbook examples of "changing for the sake of change." That's not a localization team's job. Just translate the material and only change something if absolutely necessary. This is abusing your power a tad.
But I'm afraid I couldn't care less about this game, so it's really only the principle of the thing that gets me.
Bit more of a fan of the US version. Why is everyone giving this game such a hard time? I'm personally somewhat curious about this game.
@hcfwesker Depending on the prices for games the yes maybe here...
Also, Rusty for smash bros 5!
Neither. Doesn't seem like my type of game.
Is it for Europe as well? I hope that if it comes to Europe, we get the old design!
@Dave24 lol yeah totally agree
The kid in the background seems superfluous, but I suspect they changed the dog in an effort to avoid misinformed claims of "racism" for the original design. It's sad, but I bet someone would make that argument otherwise, unaware and/or uncaring the game came from Japan in the first place.
In japan he likes raw eggs for some reason.
Yikes, he looks awful. I really wish they wouldn't do this, I bet the changes are only so it feels more familiar with westerners. That or they don't want someone accusing it of racism.
OK any interest I had in this game just went out the window and got ran over by a car
The American makeover is a creepypasta waiting to happen.
Thanks for proving the stereotype that people want Nintendo to make new IPs and then bash said new IPs.
I will be first in line to Rusty' s shop next Thursday. I actually prefer his western look.
I'm actually interested in this title. I mean, a haggling game with REAL money? Sign me up!
@Dave24 Err wut.
I'm getting this. I'm also gonna see how much I can get the games as close to free as possible...
I really don't think either versions of Rusty look that bad, and I'll certainly be giving this game a try once it hits the eShop. Steel Diver: Sub Wars surprised me how good of a game it was and still is. Perhaps this game can surprise me too.
Original looks like Japanese comedy piss take surprised they accepted it and west version looks like a stoner lol but none would bother me like a other coment more interested in how much I can haggle seen as it will b real money but I fear it will b over shadowed by wiiU virtual console for those who have the gampad awesome size big hd tv makes them look dated hd tv show up 2 much and not what built for IMO
Are there really those who lost interest on this because they learned this?
@hcfwesker Yes. A new franchise? Anything nintendo makes that isn't "new" or "returns" is welcome in my book. It probably won't be an Ocarina of Time, but should be a fun little title.
@Dpullam My thoughts exactly!
Sub Wars was so addicting, and I plan on getting the premium version sometime soon. I'm not even much of a baseball (or sports) person, but hopefully Rusty will do the same thing and hook me.
@sinalefa Maybe I watched a completely different nintendo direct than everyone else. Because what I saw was a game where you haggle prices with a dog for baseball themed micro games. The haggling will lose its charm very quickly, and the micro games themselves don't look to have any lasting appeal. I could be wrong, and hope those looking forward to it are happy with the end result. But just from what interests me and my own personal tastes ... this game in no shape or form holds any appeal to me.
They also changed the table
The Japanese version has a couple of extra nails on it there
Western!Rusty looks kinda stoned...
The only important question regarding this: How will this affect the Puzzle Swap panel for this game (So far only released in Japan with the Japanese design.)
I actually like the Japanese one better...
The Western one creeps me out.
I do find the Japanese version of the dog a bit off-putting. The nose hairs are more prominent and you can look up his nostrils, the comb-over is uglier, imo. On the other hand, he is more expressive while the western one looks kinda dead in the eyes. I'm not familiar with any stereotypes involving old unkempt Japanese hagglers, but I'm betting that was a consideration.
The box art with the kid playing baseball. I don't understand why would even be considered for a change.
Ours looks better.
I respect your opinion and I see that you don't care about this game, but your first comment actually makes it sound as if NO ONE should be interested.
Personally I don't think the haggling will lose its charm, as anyone will love to pay less for the game's content. Nice to see Nintendo trying not only a new payment option, but actually using the game's content to engage the customers so they get a lower price per minigame.
I am not expecting a mind blowing experience, but again, I like Nintendo developing new IPs and I will support them.
Japanese version is cuter our version looks like one of pedophiles I saw on the news the other day ew
I don't think it is that unconventional. (It is the equivalent of the junk mobile apps that spam you with a 50% off IAP offer in the notification tray). i.e the worst types of pay to win. (Free to Play should be like the old shareware model where you just get a 3rd with no restrictions - even the Microsoft model is better because the free character in KI is as good as any other).
Very strange how people will accept this kind of rubbish when Nintendo does it but they are totally against better cheaper versions of stuff on mobile that supports physical controls (And is great on a Tablet).
While both versions look very lame (what has happened with the Nintendo character designers?! First the new "Doctor Mario" ghosts, and now this?!), I guess the Japanese one is slightly better!
I don't get it why there should be 2 versions of the character though!
@unrandomsam because Nintendo have a far superior track record than pretty much all mobile developers.
@MadAdam81 Totally irrelevant if they take on the unacceptable ever traits of mobile.
Isn't the point of the character that they are a local retired baseball player gone into another business?
In that context it makes sense to have made changes to localise what the player would be familiar with.
@DiscoGentleman what doesn't make sense? I'm no longer interested in this game, free or not
If they wouldn't have changed everybody would say the dog looks racist. 100% garanteed!!!
Why do people think Rusty looks creepy or ugly? I think he looks great.
Then again, this is a dog-lover talking. Who happens to have a dog that looks somewhat similar to Rusty.
The character design is so gross and weird... Bleh
He looks as baked as a potato lol
Western version still looks very Japanese IMO, just not offensively so.
As for the games quality, I like Nintendo's experimental spirit with this and Steel Diver 2.
The problem though is this doesn't look very enticing to me. I REALLY hope I'm wrong about this but based on ND this looks like it could very well be shovel.
Let's Catch on WiiWare looks like it might be a better choice. Again I hope not as I am cautiously awaiting the title.
I noticed this from the very beginning. Interesting design choices. I like it! Can't wait to get this game!
A game about feelings. Like the feeling of hitting a baseball.
Me: What? and why? You want the feeling of hitting a baseball go out and hit a real one.
I like the Japanese version because it reminds me of Ebisumaru.

You'd think the Japanese have the idea that most Westerners have blond hair and blue eyes despite the fact that it's not all that common. I'm one of 5 children, completely of Western European descent, yet my entire family has brown hair and brown eyes except for my mom having green eyes.
Both look creepy. The big difference is that the international one won't trigger any racial stereotype complaints among the parent comunity.
Also, let's all keep in king what this game is suppsed to about. You're meant to relate to baseball and feel baseball. Like you're a kid in a cheesy old movie about baseball.
Excuse me, but I really doubt any of you will find a link between baseball and an obviously-japanese businessdog who likes whole eggs. The changes had to be made to adapt the message and make it clear.
The western version does remind me of the stereotypical "retired baseball player who lives in his past but its too old and fat to play himself". With cartoon dog features.
both of them are kind of hideous, really. can't tell which i prefer. all i know is that i don't like sport, or sports mini-games, so no interest for me. i'm not sure if the game is micro-transactions or not, like if you use real money to haggle. probably and hopefully not, maybe something stupid like play coins.
@HappyHappyist the game itself its like a hub for sport minigames.
All of the minigames themselves cost a base price of four dollars. But if you're good at them and haggle with the owner of the shop (mister dog) you can get a discount.
I agree with everyone that both dogs look creepy. Not interested in the game though. Not a big fan of shelling out cash for what appears to be just little gimmicky mini games. I'd rather pay for a full pledged baseball game.
@mamp and this is what I say about all sports titles. Like the sport so much? Play it in real life. Even so EA still makes enough money from those games to keep the franchises going.
The western version looks super high...
This game supposedly has some pretty clever commentary on contemporary mobile monetization models.
Which I of course acknowledge to not be a subject of everybody's interest.
@5ony Trust me. You won't regret putting down the cash for the premium version of Steel Diver: Sub Wars. The online multiplayer is even more immensely satisfying when you are using new submarines that not everyone has. It is probably one of the best purchases I've made in recent memory and as an added bonus, the new campaign missions are great training for the online!
Pretty certain he's supposed to look like a creepy, dodgy back-street dealer in both versions. I like this experiment with DLC
Ugh. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
@Dpullam What is satisfying about winning when you have an advantage just by having spent money or played it for longer. (If anything the opposite would be better - more interesting game).
I'm glad they decided to take the nose hair away in the final version.
No EU (not PAL - the 3DS isn't a TV!) release?
@unrandomsam Perhaps that is true for you, but just as I said in my previous post I find the game to be more fun when you can use a greater variety of submarines. Just being able to use two different ones would make the game boring and would at the same time make leveling up almost useless besides unlocking new skins. Continually leveling up and receiving new upgrades is definitely where the fun is had for me.
Please let this come to the UK. It looks really good.
Well the one thing I learned is that apparently Japanese dogs age far more horribly and old western dogs are toasted 24/7. Both are terrifying in their own way. Still, kinda interested in the game and seeing how well I can haggle Creeps McGruff.
I would like to see more gameplay footage on this title. its like a big secret. why is that? If its a great game why haven't we seen any gameplay video? usually titles that don't show the game off before release end up being pretty lame.
@Windy I think its just them trying to get the HYPE machine running, hence the lack of footage. IDK
It does look interesting....
Hasn't anyone noticed the biggest change of all!!!
The Japanese version of the batting game is 100X more expensive OMG!!!
It's four bucks vs four hundred bucks! Wow, they must really be rich in Japan, or they're getting massively ripped off!
(okay, April fools a day late...I know the yen and dollar are different lol)
good god... and i thought the us one was creepy.
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