It looks like European Theatrhythm fans can start to get cautiously excited, as it turns out Square-Enix filed a European trademark for "Curtain Call" on Christmas Eve last year.
There's always a chance that this just another bit of boring legal legwork done to keep less scrupulous developers from pinching Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call's name in non-Japanese territories, but considering the largely positive reception the first game received and how profitable the iOS "freemium" version must be, it's surely only a matter of time before we're all tapping away at our screens to tunes from Final Fantasy XIV and Lightning Returns.
Which tracks would you like to see in Curtain Call's 200+ playlist? Are you dying to get your hands on this sequel? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 22
Still unsure if I should get this. I loved the first one but since the sequel will have songs from the original game I feel the price is not going to be worth it.
I'm defiantly getting this! I'm a big fan of the original and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one more!
I've enjoyed the first one, but it can get really frustrating for completionists like me, so I guess I'll probably pass this one.
~wavin' my hands in the air~
I'm so stoked for this! Even if there are going to be a lot of songs from XIV which I won't know, I'm sure the composers won't disappoint!
I haven't finished the first one & I barely bought any of the DLC (though I wanted to get all of it) so if this has it all in there then that'd be awesome!
Seeing as I pumped about 60 hours into the first one this is a definite buy for me...
I liked the demo of the first one quite a bit but didn't get the game. I'll probably fix that getting this one. I hope it comes out with A LOT of songs included in the game. The dlc of the first one is ridiculous.
No, the first Theatrhythm game ruined my touchscreen!
Shows my taste for gameplay when im more looking forward to this than any "next gen" game announced right now. Cant wait
@FishieFish Well you must play like the little kid you have for avatar then! Mine is quite intact
Still dying waiting for a Dragon Quest version. But I guess getting one of those would break the new tradition of not giving Dragon Quest games to the West. :L
@FishieFish Lol. A game doesn't ruin your touch screen. Unfortunately its the user that ruins it! I played the game for over 50 hours without any problems and I didnjt beat up my touch screen to register hits.
Loved the first Theatrhythm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Easily one of my top 3 3DS games. I'll gladly pick this up once Square Enix gives the word on wether or not this is coming west!!!!!
@FishieFish no need to smash your touch screen! My launch day 3ds is still mint and I pay it every day.
@Marshi Absolutely! Gameplay beats graphics any day. . . . but then. . . theatrrhythm looks gorgeous!
i loved the first one is this game a complete edition of the first one with all the dlc ?
To get all the dlc for the first game would have cost £64 or more
@cfgk24 @Spoony_Tech @fchinaski
I got some plastic styluses off eBay and they are awful. My screen was fine before I started using them.
It seems to have the same scoring system as the first one, which sucks. 9999999 from every level. Osu scoring system is so much better.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy was one of the early greats on 3DS. Looking forward to the sequel.
I think they needed to sahke the gameplay up a bit to make it stand out from the first one,perhaps improve the rpg elements to provide added depth to the gameplay, but this doesnt appear to be the case,so no sale from me even though i loved the original.
Basically, the more FF6 music, the better.
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