Which would you like to see revealed in 2014?

If you cast your minds back to this time in 2013, it would have been tempting to wonder what games were coming for the rest of that year and into 2014. Long-term line-ups were a mystery, though educated guesses could be made, and then Nintendo blew away some of the obscuring smoke in a January Nintendo Direct. As the year wore on we regular broadcasts, and gradually more and more games were revealed. The end of the year even brought us confirmation of Hyrule Warriors, a Tecmo Koei spin-off that looks set to combine the Zelda and Dynasty Warriors franchises; we don't think many would have put a bet on that 12 months ago.

And so we can expect a similar year, as Nintendo will strategically hit us with announcements and reveals, with some to possibly sneak into 2014 and others to entice us ahead of 2015 arrivals. With that in mind, and considering Nintendo's ability to spring surprises, we've put together a list of 15 games we'd love to be announced this year. We include Wii U and 3DS, and would hope that at least some of these ideas appear — in some form — in a Nintendo Direct or E3 presentation this year; while we've had a bit of fun with these, we also think they're all feasible, albeit to varying degrees. We also want to know what you think, so there are plenty of polls for you to share your thoughts, too.

To be absolutely clear, however, these are game ideas or long-awaited games that the Nintendo Life editorial team hopes to see; there is no suggestion or insight to suggest any of these projects are in development or on the way. This is simply a wishlist.

With that said and without further ado, let's begin.

Metroid Prime IV (Wii U)

If you persisted to 100% completion in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption you will have seen an extended ending — we won't give it away (YouTube is the answer if you want to see it) but it suggests that the Prime saga isn't finished. While the Trilogy follows similar mechanics and ideas, a fourth entry in the franchise from Retro Studios could pursue additional gameplay ideas beyond the main first-person adventuring — moments of strategic control of Samus' ship on the GamePad, optional co-op that can be played single player (with AI), local or online, and perhaps cinematic moments and sequences that take cues from the core ideas seen in Nintendo Land's Metroid mini-game. This is a candidate for an ambitious, epic adventure to entice new audiences.

Would you buy Metroid Prime 4 if it was released? (1,052 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!70%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first21%
  3. Nah, not interested10%

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Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread (3DS)

Metroid Dread has been rumoured for far too long, practically confirmed for DS in 2005 / 2006 before gradually disappearing; its existence isn't really in dispute, with persistent suggestions that a storyline is practically finished. A 2D Metroid on Nintendo's current handheld would be a delight, and we'd hope that concept work from Dread's early days can be revived and brought to life — a portable Metroid title is long overdue, and would add further diversity to the 3DS library.

Would you buy Metroid Dread if it was released? (1,023 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!63%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first26%
  3. Nah, not interested11%

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F-Zero AGX (3DS)

While F-Zero GX was a fine game, it always hurt that Nintendo fans were never given the chance to play the arcade edition - AX - on their GameCube system (at least not officially or easily, anyway). With that in mind, we'd love to see a 3D remaster of this fantastic racer which not only includes all of the content from the domestic edition of the game, but also provides the unique coin-op experience, too; we know the 3DS can push visuals in the GameCube to Wii range. Online races and leaderboards? We'll take those those too, thanks very much.

Would you buy F-Zero AGX if it was released? (969 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!49%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first32%
  3. Nah, not interested20%

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Fzero Ux
F-Zero UX (Wii U eShop)

No, that's not a typo, we're suggesting a Wii U eShop release for a new F-Zero HD title; this caused raging debate in the team. While the 3DS title above fits into the retail remake category, we feel that this franchise could be perfect for an eShop structure on the Wii U, and allow Nintendo to produce a new title with less financial risk. This would have new tracks and look fantastic, but be available at an initial budget price of $10-$15, with additional tracks and cup packs over a number of months to gradually bring the title towards a standard retail price and level of content. It's lower risk for Nintendo, tempts those unfamiliar with the series — it was last seen on GameCube, remember — and follows the increasingly common driving game model of adding content after day one. We'd go crazy for 30-player online multiplayer, too, as the visuals can be attractive without taxing the Wii U's processors too much, leaving room for dealing with all those racers on the track.

Would you buy F-Zero UX if it was released? (946 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!57%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first27%
  3. Nah, not interested16%

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Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection (Wii U eShop)

We may be wrong, naturally, but we think this is a no-brainer and likely to be on the cards. We've already had The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, and the release of both Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in a single, standard price set would give the popular Wii games another shot at the market. These games already look great — the same could be said for the original Wind Waker — but HD compilations are a chance to fill out a quiet release month with a little less effort.

Would you buy Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection if it was released? (1,022 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!57%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first21%
  3. Nah, not interested23%

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Kid Icarus: Fallen (Wii U)

Masahiro Sakurai is rather busy right now, but we'd love an announcement along these lines in 2014, perhaps with another team beginning work with Sakurai-san consulting. Kid Icarus: Uprising was terrific, but with the Wii U there's the possibility of utilising various control schemes to satisfy anyone — options of the GamePad or Wii Remote and Nunchuk — while the world of the 3DS title could be even more epic and visually impressive with the Wii U's capabilities. This would be a follow-up featuring Pit and Dark Pit working together — with optional co-op possibilities — that follows on from Uprising; a darker storyline with flashes of humour could pave the way for truly outstanding set-pieces.

Would you buy Kid Icarus: Fallen if it was released? (1,003 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!63%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first26%
  3. Nah, not interested11%

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS)

Given the success of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, surely this is a given — the numerous rumours we've seen in the past year would certainly seem to suggest as much. While Ocarina of Time was a seminal title which already had plenty of fame (and fans) behind it, Majora's Mask is perhaps less renowned and therefore a more exciting candidate for re-release. The N64 original was released late in the life of the console, when many players had perhaps moved on to other formats. This is a title which deserves more attention, and we hope that Nintendo is already hard at work on porting it to the 3DS.

Would you buy The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D if it was released? (1,047 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!75%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first14%
  3. Nah, not interested11%

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Mario& Luigis
Mario & Luigi's Mansion (Wii U)

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon was a 3DS highlight of 2013, and loose rumours have suggested a port onto the Wii U. We don't want a port, but a new game that brings the brothers together in the franchise. We love the Mario & Luigi handheld games, with Dream Team showing that Luigi doesn't have to play second fiddle, and think a charming adventure in the Mansion series would suit the Bros. nicely. The Wii U setup would easily support co-op, while a multiplayer mode could borrow plenty of asynchronous ideas from Luigi's Ghost Mansion in Nintendo Land.

Would you buy Mario & Luigi's Mansion if it was released? (984 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!50%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first31%
  3. Nah, not interested19%

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Mario Paint (Wii U eShop)

Art Academy is all very well when it comes to touch-screen painting, but where's the love for Nintendo's original creative package? Released alongside the SNES mouse, this tool was surprisingly deep for the time, even allowing you to craft tunes. The Wii U GamePad would be the perfect way to replicate the mouse-driven interface, and Nintendo could even retrofit the game with the ability to publish content to Miiverse.

Would you buy Mario Paint if it was released? (943 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!28%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first30%
  3. Nah, not interested42%

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Animal Crossing: City Life (Wii U)

This seems inevitable. With the success of Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS, a Wii U entry could up the scale for cities, albeit quaint AC-style settings, with plenty of online interaction. The GamePad and its microphone are perfect for online socialising, too, with the Animal Crossing Plaza on Wii U hopefully representing an initial step towards a new title. This could do everything seen before in the series, and take features a notch further.

Would you buy Animal Crossing: City Life if it was released? (957 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!41%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first29%
  3. Nah, not interested30%

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SNES Remix (Wii U eShop)

NES Remix has already proven the merit of ransacking Nintendo's back catalogue to create new and inventive gameplay ideas, and the logical progression is to move onto other classic formats - the most obvious being the SNES. Imagine Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and many other classic 16-bit titles, all mashed-up in a mini-game focused Wii U eShop download. While we're here, we'd also like to see GB Remix and GBC Remix on the 3DS eShop, too.

Would you buy SNES Remix is it was released? (955 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!57%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first29%
  3. Nah, not interested14%

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Rosalina's Observatory (3DS eShop)

Rosalina has been getting a lot of exposure lately, appearing in Super Mario 3D World as an unlockable character and being confirmed as a fighter in the forthcoming Super Smash Bros. title for 3DS and Wii U. Sense a theme here? Surely Nintendo is looking into giving Rosalina her own outing, and we'd be willing to bet it's going to be a download title, possibly with a star-gazing focus. How about a puzzle title which uses the 3DS console's augmented reality capabilities to simulate looking through a telescope, gazing at the real night-sky in some activities? It could be a welcome, and educational, change of pace.

Would you buy Rosalina's Observatory if it was released? (910 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!21%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first50%
  3. Nah, not interested29%

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Star Fox: Battle for Corneria (Wii U eShop & 3DS eShop)

At last year's Eurogamer Expo in London, we noticed that the Star Fox 64 3D multiplayer mode went down very well with those that attended our StreetPass Zone and took part in the various challenges we had running. Taking the dog-fighting concept and expanding it feels like a no-brainer for us; cross-platform play on Wii U and 3DS would ensure a bountiful number of players, and the second-screen prowess of the GamePad could allow for some proper asymmetrical gameplay - one person per team could be assigned the role of commander, issuing orders, deploying item drops and generally overseeing the battle. While many would rather have a new single-player Star Fox, this would tide us over nicely for the time being and represent Nintendo's first online-only eShop game.

Would you buy Starfox: Battle for Corneria if it was released? (947 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!59%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first28%
  3. Nah, not interested13%

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Fire Emblem Anthology (3DS & Wii U)

Fire Emblem might be one of Nintendo's hottest RPG franchises right now, but it's easy to forget that the series didn't make it to the west until 2003. The previous five entries have all remained Japan-only, but given the success of Awakening, could we possibly see Nintendo localising the games for release on the 3DS and/or Wii U eShops? We're willing to bet that many fans would also be willing to pay for all five titles — with modern tweaks and the additional option of Awakening's "Casual" mode — on a single 3DS game card, or a Wii U disc. You're sitting on a cash mountain, Nintendo!

Would you buy Fire Emblem Anthology if it was released? (943 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!64%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first21%
  3. Nah, not interested15%

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Paper Mario Origami
Paper Mario: Origami (Wii U eShop)

The Paper Mario series is typically associated with lengthy RPG adventures, so we're suggesting a slightly more free-form, shorter quest. Taking some cues from Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! but being far superior, this would include a fun adventure where Mario and chums solve puzzles and take on challenges not with stickers, but by crafting Origami on the GamePad screen. While the main game would be structured and help gamers along as they master touch screen crafting — it would be like a puzzle game when forming shapes — a custom option could allow for new Origami shapes and models to be formed from scratch or begun from templates representing the Paper Mario universe. A true Virtual Paper adventure that could make great use of Miiverse, too.

Would you buy Paper Mario: Origami if it was released? (941 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!44%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first37%
  3. Nah, not interested18%

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Those are some of our ideas. We've left some big franchises out, we know, but have tried to capture ideas that we think would be enjoyable and have decent odds of being close to reality for announcements in 2014. We want to know what you'd love to see in 2014, however (Advance Wars has to be one, right?) so hit us up via the Contact Form — we'll pick some of the best ideas for a follow-up article.

In the meantime, let us know which of these ideas is your favourite in the poll below, and share your thoughts in the comments section.

Which is your favourite from this Nintendo game wish-list? (1,090 votes)

  1. Metroid Prime IV25%
  2. Metroid Dread8%
  3. F-Zero AGX2%
  4. F-Zero UX7%
  5. Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection5%
  6. Kid Icarus: Fallen10%
  7. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D16%
  8. Mario & Luigi's Mansion4%
  9. Mario Paint  0.7%
  10. Animal Crossing: City Life4%
  11. SNES Remix2%
  12. Rosalina's Observatory  0.5%
  13. Star Fox: Battle for Corneria4%
  14. Fire Emblem Anthology8%
  15. Paper Mario: Origami3%
  16. I don't like any of them2%

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