It's Nintendo Download time, North America, and this week brings the long-awaited Pikmin 3 to stores. There's plenty more to consider, with new and old download-only options on the Wii U eShop, more retail goodies and a few diverse offerings on the 3DS eShop. Without further ado, let's get to the details.
Wii U eShop
Cloudberry Kingdom (Ubisoft, $9.99) — Developed by small developer Pwnee Studios, this began life as a crowdfunded game on Kickstarter before Ubisoft was suitably impressed to step in and publish. It's a platformer that randomly generates stages, and features an Arcade mode to cover a range of difficulties, right up to levels that look positively impossible for all but the most skilled players out there. With online leaderboards, a level builder and lots of running and jumping, we'll see whether this mixes it with the best on the Wii U eShop in our upcoming review.
Wii U eShop Promotion
Hulu Plus (free app, $7.99 per month subscription) — Hulu Plus is offering a two month free trial to new customers. Those interested should visit www.huluplus.com/WiiU2months.
Wii U Virtual Console
Harvest Moon (MarvelousAQL, $7.99) — Though the series has recently returned to life on the 3DS Virtual Console, this Super NES version is where the series began. This simulation RPG tasks you with managing and improving your farm, which requires plenty of effort and attentive care. Despite a premise that some may consider to be dull, it's a series that's delivered to a loyal fan-base for many years, all based on this 16-bit template. We'll work the land on the Wii U, but until then you can check out our Wii Virtual Console Harvest Moon review.
Wii U Retail Download
Pikmin 3 (Nintendo, $59.99) — After years of waiting since the GameCube era, the third entry in this franchise is finally arriving on the Wii U in North America. With lush visuals and the usual super-cute minions, the single player campaign is joined by multiplayer content and a variety of control schemes to suit any player. With the GamePad opening up new possibilities and a delightful level of care and attention to detail on show, we gave this a strong recommendation in our Pikmin 3 review. Available from 4th August.
Disney Planes (Disney Interactive, $TBC) — Available from 6th August.
3DS eShop
Bike Rider DX (Spicysoft, $5.99) — Announced last week, this promising retro-style action bike game has reportedly sold around 150,000 copies in Japan as Chariso DX. You pedal through multiple stages while trying to grab three trickily placed coins; Japanese artist and DJ, Ram Rider, has contributed the soundtrack and has themed stages included. The footage looks encouraging, but we'll put on our helmet — safety first, remember — and do some daredevil cycling over skyscrapers for our review.
Family Kart 3D (Arc System Works, $4.99) — The Family range of games from Arc System Works continues with this kart racer. It looks positive in raw numbers — there are three modes (Grand Prix, Free Play, and Time Mode), eight characters, eight karts and 12 tracks. We'll see whether this is a fun racer or a kart crash in our upcoming review.
My Farm 3D (Bigben Interactive, $7.99) — After multiple budget releases in this series on DSiWare, this title takes a more conservative approach to delivering a farm management sim. It's full of good intentions, but an unimaginative interface and grinding repetition drag the experience down, as we explained in our My Farm 3D review.
3DS Virtual Console
Kirby's Dream Land 2 (Nintendo, $3.99) — The long wait for this Game Boy platformer in North America has been surprising, as it arrives well over a year after hitting the 3DS Virtual Console in Europe. It originally arrived on the system in 1995, towards the end of its lifespan, but delivered fun and simple platforming that shows how the humble portable could dish up some serious entertainment. Oh, and Kirby rides around on the backs of animal chums, so read all about that and our overall recommendation in the NL Kirby's Dream Land 2 review.
3DS Retail Download
Disney Planes (Disney Interactive, $TBC) — Available from 6th August.
Quite a few options to choose from this week, to suit most budgets and game tastes. Let us know what you're planning to download in the poll and comments below.
What will you be downloading first this week? (296 votes)
- Cloudberry Kingdom (Wii U eShop)
- Hulu Plus (Wii U eShop app)
- Harvest Moon (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Pikmin 3 (Wii U retail download)
- Disney Planes (Wii U retail download)
- Bike Rider DX (3DS eShop)
- Family Kart 3D (3DS eShop)
- My Farm 3D (3DS eShop)0%
- Kirby's Dream Land 2 (3DS Virtual Console)
- Disney Planes (3DS retail download)0.3%
- Nothing for me this week
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 73
I already have hulu plus on my wiiu what's this.
Buying a physical copy of Pikmin3 + Cloudberry Kingdom. Excited!!!!
Wow! Not the best week but a lot of nice stuff! But isn't Hulu already on the Wii U? I could be wrong. Either way that 2 months deal seems pretty nice especially since they have the entire DragonBall saga on it now!
Despite all this, I'm probably just gonna pick up Fire Emblem: Awakening so I can get the $30 deal.
I want to say Pikmin 3 on the poll, but I'm getting the disc version.
Getting Kirby for sure. I already have it on the Kirby Collection disk, but eff it I loved that game to death. The final boss still beats my butt to this day!
No temporary discounts this time. So depending on the reviews, Cloudberry Kingdom would be the one I pick this week.
Pikmin 3 I'll be getting on disc, will pick up both Cloudberry Kingdom and Harvest Moon - never played the original
Ten bucks for Cloudberry Kingdom sounds about right... I'm still not sold on the random-generated levels concept, though. Eagerly awaiting your review!
Definetly Cloudberry Kingdom for me but i still dont know about kirbys dream land 2.
I'll probably download cloudberry kingdom today. Its just a matter of when it comes on eshop
@kingston589 If you've played other Kirby platformers, you kinda know what to expect here. It's a little on the easy side, but it's an enjoyable experience. The only thing that will keep me from getting it is that the GB cartridge has an awesome 16-bit sound enhancement when played in the Super GameBoy!
Yeah, Hulu Plus has always been available on the Wii U.
I'll be getting Pikmin 3 at the store, does that count?
Well, even if not, that's what I'm getting this week.
I'm from the uk and even I knew Hulu plus has always been on wii u in the us - maybe this is just a new app or something ?
The Awesomes = Clone of the Incredibles? What's next, The Wonderful ? Oh yeah...
Pikmin 3 is in the mail.... hopefully in time for the weekend!
Pikmin would be first if it was out not next week.
My bad on Hulu Plus, being here in the UK I thought it was new. I've updated the article to reflect that it's a two month trial promotion.
Just give me the MAN OF STEEL and ARROW skins for INJUSTICE already Warner Bros!!
I am stoked for Cloudberry Kingdom. Definitely picking that, and Harvest Moon up this evening.
I'm buying Pikmin 3 retail and downloading Kirby's Dreamland 2 this week
It will be cool if Disney Planes turns out to be an awesome game.
Voted for pikmin but definitely picking up all three hitters on the WiiU.
Happy its finally here.
Digital plus promo will net me 5bucks for pikmin purchase which gets me a free game or cloud for halfoff- nice
I'll be punching my GamePad buttons with Cloudberry Kingdom later~
Going to Nintendo World this Saturday to pick up Pikmin 3 a day early!
But for now, Cloudberry Kingdom!!!
Probably gonna get the PSN version of Cloudberry Kingdom at some point. (Account systems, Nintendo! Account systems!) Probably gonna grab Kirby's Dreamland 2 though. If I get Pikmin 3, it'll be on disc.
boring. Where is dungeons and dragons?
A free 2 months
Ah! Still no Dungeons and Dragons!? Why?! Where are the Sega 3D classics for north America! The 3D bike game looks decent...but man, $6? I think I may have to get nothing this week.
Couldn't atleast ONE of the games release with a demo?
Playing Cloudberry K right now... Bloody great little platformer of doom it is
@nyxk gotcha
Dreamland 2
Woah, Dreamland 2 just came out of nowhere. o.o
Anyways getting Pikmin 3 digitally. :3 (guess Dreamland 2 too)
@SmaMan: I often wonder if Nintendo takes the time to remove, from applicable VC games, any game code that isn't accessible via the specific emulator they use to run the game? I personally wish Nintendo would emulate the SGB, & all of its features. I mention this every Club Nintendo survey i fill out.
As for this week's d/ls, if I owned a WU, I would get a physical copy of Pikmin 3. When I can, I always get physical copies, especially w/ Nintendo's current policies. Since my birthday was just this past week, I am in the rare position of having Wii points, as well as my earlier saved up bit of 3ds e-Shop points. I am going to do what I always do, & only spend on 1 d/l this week, & wait, & see what pops up the following weeks; Wii VC is still getting games, just at a trickle smaller than before. I pretty much know how, or more appropriately where my Wii points are going. Mega Man X2, Solomon's Key, & either Smash Bros. or Ocarina of Time, over the course of the next 2 weeks. Still saving 3ds e-Shop points toward Shantae Pirate's Curse this fall.
God bless, & Enjoy your games, everyone! I have a feeling Pikmin 3 is really awesome! For anyone who has never played Dream Land 2, the game cart was playable in the Super Gameboy. The enhancements are wind, & hand-clapping sounds, a border, & dynamic(that means during the actual gameplay) changing colors/palette(s) to suite the area of the game you are in. I imagine the 3ds VC release will not allow play w/ these enhancements. Rest assured, the lack of ability to play w/ these enhancements does not affect gameplay. I am simply not getting it b/c of this, & also the fact that I have owned, & beaten this game before.
Getting Kirby 2. It was about time.
I hope the wait for Wario Land 3 won't be as ridiculously long.
@MadAussieBloke Nice! I like the input. I'm a huge platformer fan. Will pick up after work f'sho!
Picking up Pikmin 3 on Sunday at retail, but I wonder if Bike Rider DX is any good?....
I hope we get Super Mario Bros. 3 on 3DS soon. I also hope Mega Man X2 and 3 along with Xtreme and Xtreme 2 release soon.
@GeminiSaint Tell me about it! We should have seen Wario Land 3 by now. I've been waiting ridiculously long for that and the first Blaster Master on 3DS VC, yet Europe has had them for months.
On a side note, because of a recent Retronauts, I downloaded and am playing "WarioLand 2" right now. They called it the "best deal on the eShop". They were absolutely right. It is one of the best handheld platformers I've ever played! It is really, really good...
That farming game looks scary. Get Harvest Moon if you want simple farming. Get Farming Simulator 3D if you want realistic farming. Both are probably loads better than My Farm 3D.
i may sound like an idiot asking this but what does tbc mean
To be Confirmed?
@ArkOne77 Yeah it's definitely worth it. I like how it eases you into the pain then gradually starts kicking your head into the wall while being addictive... Full of win
Nothing for me
@ThomasBW84 There were several discounts offered in NA today, like Myst for 4.99 instead of 9.99, and the downloadable Nano Assault on the 3DS eShop for 6.99 instead of 14.99
When you say "Available from 4th August." Doesn't sound correct. Should be Available on August 4th. Or just Available August 4th.
@MadAussieBloke Sounds great! Can't wait to get home. Have fun! Cheers
America 30% off 101 with purchase of pikmin 3??? Or are we deep pockets?
The price of Disney Planes is "to be continued"...?
@letsplay I wonder if it's a UK vs. American thing. US is accustomed to 4th of August or August 4th and not using "from" but "on". I personally think that "on" is less descriptive than "from". Available on August 4th could mean that you're out of luck on August 5th, for instance. Anyway, I suspect it's just fine, grammatically in both areas.
Kirby 2 for me!
I'm super excited as it'll be my first time playing this game
I will be downloading Pikmin 3 tonight. I went for the Gamestop preorder deal to get the game early... Nintendo says August 3rd. Gamestop says they will pass out the codes on August 2nd..... Is the North American Eshop going to let us download the game as soon as we type in the code like our friends across the pond did 2 days before launch day?
Well I know it's really hard to emulate the SGB aside from the custom borders and such, but the code for all the bonus features is stored within the ROM chip on the cartridge itself, but rendered and decoded by the adaptor. The GB video signal that originated from the adaptor itself, and only the end result was processed slightly as it went to the screen. Still, you'd think Nintendo would have way better, more detailed disassemblies and schematics to work from since they, y'know, made the dang thing.
The GB Donkey Kong is almost a completely different game when played on the SGB, and KDL2 has some really neat features that we're missing out on the 3DS VC right now. I really hope we get SGB support in the future.
Once I get another card I will get dreamland, Bike rider DX looks good and going to see what family kart is like.
I wanted to pick both Cloudberry Kingdom AND Pikmin 3. I thought it was $39.99 though. :L
Is there any way I can vote Pikmin 3 a hundred times? BECAUSE THAT'S HOW HARD I'M DOWNLOADING THIS MOFO.
It's tempting to get it a day early by buying through Gamestop, but one of the major draws of digital is that Nintendo makes a substantially larger amount of profit from each sale. I don't want Gamestop to get in on that sale, or else I might as well have bought a physical copy. Plus, I'm already getting it the evening of the 3rd anyway. (Pacific Standard Time, behbeh! XD)
@Rockman_Onion How do you know that? If that's true, I will scream like a little girl.
I'm getting Kirby's Dream Land 2 for this week! It's about time!!
I'll have to put Dream Land 2 on my wishlist - once I get a card, that'll be one of many I'm downloading.
Cloudberry Kingdom doesn't even look like fun.
My source says it's out next week. Hopefully Super Mario Bros. 3 will come out this month. They used to release at LEAST 2 Virtual Console games a week but now we're lucky to get one.
I'm too busy trying to perfect my town in Animal Crossing New Leaf to buy anymore games! Also, I'm having a blast playing Epic Mickey for the first time. It is a much better game than I thought it would be.
Also, Lords of Shadow is on sale! At 29.99, I think it's a good bargain.
Harvest Moon is probably going to be the first game I bought on Wii Virtual Console that I'm not paying the upgrade fee. I bought it on Wii years ago and tried to love it, but I found the chores boring and just messed around and quickly tired of it. It's probably a great game for a kid who has hours to spend building a farm (Similar to how I played the crap out of Sim City PC back in the day as a teen), but I'd rather have a bit of action in my gaming diet.
I quite enjoyed Family Tennis 3D, so Family Kart 3D could be good fun.
Might get Cloudberry Kingdom at some point. I likely won't get Pikmin 3 right away though.
Downloading Cloudberry Kingdom since I'll get Pikmin 3 as a physical copy.
Great week!
I got the bike game. It is pretty cool, actually. Like a Mario-style game with great use of 3D.
Pikmin 3 for me, might look into Harvest Moon and Kirby's Dream Land 2 out of curiosity. The wait for Aug 4th is killing me
@SuperiorTech My source says "August 15, 2013". Source = the eShop
make sure while yer downloading it you do it in a trill manner, i know you wouldnt have it any other way
Definitely getting Kirby. I may check out Cloudberry Kingdom.
As for Pikmin 3, I'll be getting that one on disc. It will be my first Pikmin experience outside of Nintendo Land. Time to discover what all the fuss is about.
Yes, I saw that, too. But according to the website, it says it's already been released. So, I'm not sure I trust the eShop.. xD
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