Super Mario Bros 3 Banner

It's that time again, North America, when you're tempted to part with your hard-earned Nintendo coins in exchange for a free download game, and for Europeans to unite as one and say "why don't we get monthly game offers?" In any case, there are four new games to consider if you have a Wii U, Wii or 3DS to hand, with three retro delights and a fun DSiWare puzzle game thrown into the mix; these will all be available until 30th June.

Super Mario Bros. 3 — 150 coins
F-Zero X — 200 coins
Link 'n' Launch — 150 coins
Metroid II: Return of Samus — 150 coins

As always, head on over to the Club Nintendo page if you want to claim any of these rewards; let us know what you plan to pick up this time around in the poll and comments below.

Which Club Nintendo Reward will you pick up first? (247 votes)

  1. Super Mario Bros. 324%
  2. F-Zero X19%
  3. Link 'n' Launch6%
  4. Metroid II: Return of Samus7%
  5. Bah! I already have all of those games...16%
  6. Nothing for me this time28%

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