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Hugo Smits is the man behind Goodbye Galaxy Games, which has produced two Flipper titles, Nintendo Life's "DSiWare Download of 2012" winner Ace Mathician and, most recently, the rather enjoyable Color Commando — all for DSiWare.

We've spoken at some length to Hugo about his history working on Nintendo's portable platforms, as well as seeking his views on the current eShop platforms. He has many positive things to say about Nintendo, its systems and its gamers, emphasizing that he's keen to continue on the 3DS eShop where he left off on DSiWare:

My own games will probably not work on anything but a Nintendo platform. Since I really like to create innovative things and the Nintendo crowd (more than any other console crowd) appreciates that.

We asked for Hugo's view on the experience of working with Nintendo, and though his direct interaction has been minimal — all four of his games have been published by third parties — as a Dutch developer he sees a key area where Nintendo of Europe can evolve to match up to its North American counterpart.

There are many smart and motivated people working over at Nintendo Europe, some I personally know. They all love innovative games and they love what is happening in the indie scene.

But the problem is, according to my personal opinion, that nobody has ‘full control’. Everybody has a specific job over there and they always need other people to paint the full picture. This works great for big console games (and I can totally see why Nintendo works this way). But with small indie games, it just doesn’t work so great.

Right now you need to submit a game proposal to person X, if he likes it; you need to submit a budget proposal to person Y. Marketing person Z will go over it and so on; this process can take up many months for a small eShop game that might take me three months to create. It’s just really a hassle.

You need somebody who can make decisions on multiple levels. Who can just say ‘hey I like this game, let me help you bring it to the eShop!’, and who can decide to give you a budget, as well as help planning marketing and give feedback on the actual game design.

Basically, we need somebody like Dan Adelman in Europe.

The moment we get somebody like Dan in Europe, it will change the future of the Nintendo 3DS, because it will allow Nintendo to tap this huge pool of developers that would love to make new 3DS software. There are so many cool people over here in the indie scene (a lot of them even have Nintendo experience working on retail DS and GBA games).

Dan Adelman is the manager of business development at Nintendo of America, but best known for his leadership role in supporting indies to bring their content to Nintendo's download platforms; you can learn all about him, his work and his views in our extensive interview from the Holiday period. Meanwhile, let us know what you think of Smits' comments, and be sure to check back later today to read the full interview.