They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels is a tough, retro-styled action platformer that was originally slated for Xbox Live Indie Games, but after a fair amount of development time was switched to Steam on PC. That release was fairly well received last year, with the title earning a fair bit of attention around the web.

It's the work of indie developer Spooky Squid Games, and while being a tough platformer with hints at other games of a similar genre — footage is reminiscent of Super Meat Boy and recent Wii U eShop release Kung Fu Rabbit — it has neat features such as checkpoints set by the player once a meter is filled; it also has some combat elements to enjoy, as well.

With the increasingly indie-friendly approach that we're seeing from Nintendo and — it's worth noting — Sony, the developer was recently asked whether it was considering bringing the title to the eShop or PSN, with the following response.

We've been looking into this so it's definitely a possibility. We will of course make a big announcement if it happens!

Naturally the studio would only make the move to the Wii U eShop if it makes financial sense, but with all we've heard of Nintendo's support of small developers, perhaps this one could happen. With a decent selection of similarly-scaled projects lining up potential Wii U versions of games, this is another example of a title that seems well suited to the platform.

Check out the PC launch trailer below and let us know whether you'd like to try this on Wii U.

Thanks to James Crooke for the tip.
