A new Rayman Legends trailer has rolled out of Gamescom, and there's an interesting if not entirely unexpected fact at the end — it's a Wii U exclusive.
That's slightly at odds with what Ubisoft's Michael Micholic said during E3, when he stated that the publisher was "not really saying it's a Wii U exclusive". Has Nintendo secured a deal with the French publisher since then, or is this a case of timed exclusivity? Time will tell, but the implication right now seems to be that it's only heading to Nintendo's console.
Don't worry about that for now, though: rejoice in this delightful new trailer, which features Rayman and company dodging around obstacles a-plenty with a little helping hand from their flying froggy friend. And if you're ever in a tight spot against a gigantic monster, remember: all foes have their ticklish spots.
Rayman Legends will be released in time for Christmas 2012.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 48
Wii U is now a 200% must buy!!!
I don't think I'm getting it. Not the biggest fan of the character designs.. I'll go with New Super Mario Bros. U for my multiplayer platforming goodness.
My god this game just keeps looking better and better
This is easily my most wanted Wii U game, looks incredible
Yup, an insta-buy. Wouldn't have mattered to me if it was multi-platform anyway. Would still have gotten the Wii U version and its unique versions.
This game is the only reason I'd consider buying a Wii U.
Still, I think it will be released on other platforms eventually. Nintendo never buys games exclusivity and Rayman Origins Wii sold less than the HD versions. I'd definitely buy it on PS3.
There's your killer ap.
While every time I watch a Rayman Legends trailer I feel the urge to pre-order a Wii U, I still wonder if this can be played solo as well. If you have to deal with the action on the gamepad as well as guide the other character, it could be very tricky.
Yay? Sorry I just dont care for Rayman games much.
nintendo will be happy to hear your comments...they still know how to make their fans happy...^^,
An exclusive sequel to a game that released on so many different platforms? I'll be surprised if it remains that way indefinitely. But I didn't much care for Origins (damn you, time trials!), so whatever.
Keep your Mario rubbish and give me this instead. Oh, you are? Great!
It wouldn't be smart to exclude this on one console. Ubisoft's sales for the first game was built on the HD consoles. And Murphey can simply go on PS Move and Kinect (or better yet, SmartGlass) but it still feels nice to that it is an exclusive for now.
Not my cup of tea, but hey, there are plenty of tea drinkers out there.
I kinda hope it's not exclusive Wii U. It will probably be overshadowed by Mario. Didn't this happen with Rayman 2 on N64?
This will kick New Super Mario Bros U.
you guys notice the new character, right?
Anyway, this is a Day one for me.
It appears that the Wii U box designs have been set.
@Kid3dizzy Yeah we noticed it.... 3 Days Ago
don´t like rayman!!! i just keep waiting for a new metroid game or a zelda game for wwii u
If I get a Wii U I would get this, but I won't get a Wii U for this. I am still waiting for a killer app (or two or three) to pick it up
honestly I love this game but its just crazy... I tried the origins game and was playing it with no real objective ( obviously there is one but everthing is just a blur....)
If I had money to burn I might get this later on.....
I'm so happy that it's coming out this year!
Disappointing to hear. Still, would rather not have a lot of that touch screen gimmicky kind of interactivity, something more like Origins instead, so for now the exclusivity isn't that big of a deal. Hopefully this(meaning a timed exclusive) or another new Rayman game will come out next year to all consoles. Anyways, this does look pretty good, hopefully the single player is solid.
Im waiting for a rayman to be like the great escape one. Never liked raymans origins at all :/
I've seen how this works. Other consoles get superior ports.
The "At least for now" sub-header is key here. Because there's no way Ubisoft won't eventually port the limbless wonder to every current system under the Sun. Heck, they're still porting Rayman 2 to stuff.
I'm not sure if I'm getting it. I was really disappointed with Rayman Origins for 3DS.
I really think this will be a timed exclusive. This will be a 2012 Christmas exclusive. Realistically Nintendo probably won't be able to supply the demand for the console. The WiiU's install base will be smaller then that of the 360/PS3 combined because of the lack of supply. All this will effect the initial sales of Rayman Legends. And after the disappointing initial sale figures they're going to want to sell it to the larger install bases by Christmas 2013. The only way Nintendo can keep this exclusive is if they paid Ubisoft a very large sum of money to keep it. When was the last time Nintendo paid a third party a very large sum for permanent exclusivity? I don't know.
I'm going to wait for the Vita version.
This is going to be an expensive year
I didn't enjoy Rayman Origins as much as I thought I would, TBH.
It felt as though the game outstayed its welcome, and it began to feel like a chore to play. Oh, and 19Robb92, I actually agree. Though beautifully animated, I found the character designs to be pretty lame...as if they were sketched in 5 seconds before being placed into the code.
Oh, and Ubisoft - palette-swaps do not constitute multiple playable characters!
Can't wait!
@Kage_88 I would have to agree with you too, I own this game and it takes EVERY power in my body to want to push on with this game, but I STILL end up quickly putting it down. It's just not really a game for me I guess, even though I love playing Mario games
Also, this is a Wii U exclusive because on the other systems, it just didn't sell. This kinda game works WAY better on a Nintendo system anyways.
This won't be exclusive forever, they are probably just working the kinks out of Vita-PS3 crossplay and Surface-Xbox360.
Will wait to play it on PS3. It will come eventually.
With that much going on with the controller, how the hell are u supposed to keep track of anything on the TV screen? It sems like a handheld more than a console.
Only the 1 player with the screen pad, will always be staring at his/her controller, so they can control Murfy(the flying frog guy) and with the screen pad the player will be able to see everything the other players see on the TV. While the other 1 to 3 players will be staring at the TV screen using Wii Remotes playing along side the Screen Pad Player simultaneously!
@k8sMum You clearly didn't watch the trailer. One person with the Wii U GamePad controls Murphy (the magic frog) and interacts with the environment along with other things. They're still able to see other players and stuff since the GamePad is replicating everything on the Tv screen. So that means that the other players look at the Tv screen and can also see Murphy interacting with the environment and among other things.
The other players can use either Wii Remotes or the Wii U Pro Controller. Make sense?
@Dauntless Lack of supply? How would it lack supply? You say this like you know it will somehow magically run out of everything. Wii install base and casual install base is much bigger then the 360, PS3 & PC install base. Combine Casual along with the Wii install base and you have millions of dollars in your hands. Everything on Nintendo products sell. They always pay for exclusives, ex: Xenoblade, KH 3D, MH 4, MH Tri G
@WolfZombie You aren't forced to use Murphy. Ubisoft made it clear that you can beat the game without Murphy. Touch screen gimmicks? Please were past that era. Almost every smartphone has a touch screen, just like motion control it has become a standard.
that box art is gorgeous * - *
As was already mentioned it's probably just timed exclusive for Christmas but the game does seem better tuned to the Wii U hardware than anything else and eventhough a 2D Mario platformer is all Nintendo will need to sell systems, it never hurts to have another good exclusive next to it, timed or not.
Who needs skyrims, call of duty and Crysis? All people want is a Rayman exclusive (if they are under 10)
This really should be exclusive. For at least a year. Honestly, one of the best games of E3, and one of the only ones to display how well asymetric gaming could be used with the wii u. Exclusive....please.
Well, Ubisoft really is a multiplatform developer in the biggest sense of the word! But while Sony and Microsoft always got served, we where left out many times. So it would be incredible if Sony and Microsoft get left out for once! But I won't hold my breath! It also depends greatly on how it sells on the Wii u!
Anyway we won't have to fear for a half-hearted port this time (how many half-hearted ports did we Nintendo followers get over the years?)! The game looks awesome, and looks like the first Wii u must-have!!
Oh, by the way: If you have to choose between this game or New super Mario bros Wii u, choose Rayman! What's better, a cheap cash-grab or a game with actual effort!!
We shouldn't have gotten our hopes up.
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