You shoot a gun, stuff blows up

E3 came and went without much talk of Activision's contribution to Wii U, and with no news of the inevitable blockbuster, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Of course the Los Angeles event doesn't cover everything, and it looks like the yearly shooting-fest will indeed make its way onto Nintendo's new system.

News has spread like wildfire, from a source inevitably on Twitter, confirming that the title is on the way courtesy of an upcoming preview in Nintendo Gamer magazine. It seems that the publication has been given the exclusive reveal, though the nature of the internet has seen to that. There's apparently very little detail about a release date or how the title will make use of the Wii U GamePad, and time will tell whether it's there on the system's yet-to-be-confirmed launch day.

It seems no modern console is complete without a hugely successful game where you shoot bad guys in the face, and we've even argued for the critical importance of Black Ops 2 on Wii U. So, are you interested in picking it up?
