We've just gotten word from WayForward that its upcoming 3DS eShop platformer Mighty Switch Force is coming to Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America, Europe and Australia on 22nd December. The game will also only set you back a paltry $5.99 (€6 in Europe).
If you're somehow still on the fence, you can check out our Mighty Switch Force preview. Of course, we'll have a full review of the game soon to further help you make up your mind.
Comments 41
I might get this, I don't know yet. I heard the previous one on DSi was pretty good.
Was really looking forward to this game the second I heard first news about it! This will definatly be a release date purchase for me!
they should put them in santa suits since its xmas about then
Now why would you get me hyped and say the American release might be the same as the others if Nintendo said it won't release here until 2012? Did Wayforward imply the release would be the same date as others? I hope it is. I want this game badly and I'd be really annoyed to know 2 regions have it before us for no good reason. (If there is one though it should be stated.)
I'm looking way forward to this one. Now give us Shantae Capcom!
There's a possibility of it coming out next week?! Damn. I need money.
Damn you Wayforward!
It's nice to let Europe get somethings first. We Americans have it way too easy.
It's official, NoA is asleep.
Wait a second...that is countsonhisfingers....next week!!!! When am I supposed to play al these games? I won't get anything done for university this christmas. ^^
http://nintendo3dsblog.com/ says NA isn't getting it until 2012
Might have to pick this one up.
My game collection on my 3DS is starting to become pretty large with all my DSiWare, 3DSWare (including the 3D Classics), VC games and the 20 Ambassador games...
Looks like I'm not going to be short of something to do on the train any time soon.
@Daisaku36 ikr? They only made 3 of the best DSiWare and are releasing an amazing 3DSware that looks as if it will surpass their other games.
/me hands out the pitchforks and the torches
YES! I've had money on my 3DS for months waiting for this.
@Retro_on_theGo - That's why I got you hyped.
YES!!! I just saw WayForward's announcement about the game coming out in the US next week. Fantastic news indeed! Thanks for the update NL!
Nevermind my other post, Wayfoward themselves says that it will launch in North America, Europe, and Australia all at the same time! https://www.facebook.com/WayForwardTech/posts/291662820870906
Nintendo3DSBlog is otherwise a good blog other than that error, everyone makes mistakes.
How can I find time for all these games?? But I cannot pass on Wayforward!
@Clinker - That's why I went to the horse's mouth. LOL
Now the gnawing question left will be how much it costs...
Little sad that i just spent my last few dollars on Pushmo, but it was so worth it.
Hopefully £5.40, any more and I'll pass, since price is what put me off the first 2 games.
Good god ! That's much sooner than i expected.
Nlife's present to us will be a December 24th review then ?
Actually it will be a December 21st review. It's already done.
Early Christmas present!
can't wait
If it's £5 - £8 price range, it's a Day one purchase for me.
Shantae is currently £10.80 on eShop, which works out at around $15. On iOS, it's about $3!!
Things like that make me sick!!!
I didn't notice this in all of the Ambassador madness, but that's awesome! I probably won't get it for a while because of the GBA games, but I look forward to reading the review and impressions from forum members.
Even better for 'em. Guess a WayForward / Ninty employee can still buy a cheap, quick & dirty present with my money then. The cheaper the better for me though.
Ahhhhh class. Wasn't expecting this til next year sometime. I'm gonna be absolutely swamped in games! I just got back in, downloaded all the Ambassador games, and what do I play first? Pushmo. I just can't keep up!
Wow BEFORE Q1. I told you guys to take Nintendo's release schedule with a grain of salt. I also bet a number of those title will slip to Q2 (if they don't, then when the heck can we expect more 3DS VC)?
Great news! This looks like it will easily be the best 3DSware yet. I wonder if it will be better than the previous Mighty games.
@Corbs !
I love you Corbs! Never again will I doubt you. Screw dumb NOA's press releases!
Just in time for Christmas! Looks like WayForward was right on schedule - no delays this time!
According to Nintendo's site, this game will cost only 5€! If that's true... nice!
^Which is practically $6 at our end.
I don't know why, but this game kinda looks lame. Not too excited for this one.
Wow, only $6. If I had a 3DS, I would surely buy this day one. I think the price is to coincide with the $6 price tag of the Playstation minis version of Mighty Flip Champs, $6 being the price they probably originally wanted for each of their Mighty games.
@Ntommy Thats only £4.50 in the UK, making it one of the cheapest 3DSWare games! However, £4.50 is 500 points, so why are the other Mighty games 800 points?
@Corbs I hope in future more download reviews will be up before the game is out, it means I will make more day one purchases! Although I did get Pullblox on day one - so worth it!
I have a feeling you will review Mutant Mudds before it is out...
man i don't know what to play anymore SM3DL MK7 pushmo GBA games and its too hard to decide what to play XD
The other Mighty games are 800 points because it was a big game. 16mb or something. Nintendo based the price of the DSiWare software on how big it was. Biggest size category, biggest price category...
I was hoping Wayforward would lower the price now they can, since 3DSWare doesn't have such strange rules.. (:
So Great, a day one purchase for me (:
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