When revealing the 3DS Circle Pad add-on, Famitsu also confirmed the existence of one of the most-requested 3DS games: Monster Hunter Tri G, an expanded version of Wii adventure Monster Hunter 3 (~Tri).
The magazine reports that unlike PSP's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd the 3DS version will retain the underwater combat introduced in the Wii game, although apparently the controls will be slightly changed: apparently tapping the touch screen will make you automatically face large beasts. Could this be the first hint of an inclusion of the much-requested improvements to camera control?
Also confirmed is the obligatory local wireless multiplayer, though there's no mention of online play yet. We expect plenty more details on Monster Hunter Tri G in the next week, so stick to Nintendo Life for more.
[source andriasang.com]
Comments 34
It's confirmed?! HECK YEAH!! No mention of online play sounds kinda sucky but the inclusion of local wireless multiplayer sounds pure awesome sauce.
Finally, the real news. Underwater fights? Please NL, ask your translation team to search for the Japanese word for "BOW"
This... is going to be epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But if this doesn't include online compatibility...were in for some trouble.
Nintendo/Capcom would've lost ther mind if this wouldn't work online.
I was hoping for an all new Monster Hunter game for the 3DS. I'm not sure if I am interested in this. I guess that I'll just wait for more information to see if this game is worth getting again.
Better see some online play.
So... the big question will be, should I experience Monster Hunter on the Wii or the 3DS for the first time?
@timp29 I'd say Wii but we need some more details about this first.
If there's no online then the Wii will probably have a longer, more enjoyable experience but even if it does... the Wii supports a USB keyboard which makes it really easy to communicate with other party members (even if they're mostly German) and ethernet cable support can be handy if your Internet sucks like mine.
I'm sure the 3DS version will be a great game to have while travelling around but I'd personally stick with the Wii version from what I know about this so far.
Sounds cool. Hopefully the online content from Tri will be available offline in the 3DS version though.
this will suck so bad without online.
MH3 on wii was great. i loved it. but i spent most of the time with online co-op. i dont think i will buy it without online co-op
:3 Hmm maybe I'll get this iteration of MH.
We'll see what gets announced next week. I want this game badly, but I want online mode for sure. I'm sure its a given, and that's why it was left out of the details... right?
it needs online. if not, i will probably let it rest on shelves. there is so many titles i wanna buy.
heroes of ruins will probably kill it if monster hunter doesnt have online.
@14 I totally agree. If it doesn't have online then heroes is where ill be. However those monsters would sure look good in 3d!
A remake of an old Wii game? I'll pass then.
Cool, I've always wanted to start MH.
This was bound to happen sooner or later.
The Wii version of this looked EPIC. The underwater scenes are epic. Never been too into Monster Hunter or RPGs but this one just looks too good to pass on. Famitsu gave the Wii version a perfect score so I do believe I'll be trying out my new analog stick when this game launches. To quote Jaws, "We're gonna need a bigger 3DS..."
why don't you guys wait until after the Tokyo Game Show to make the decision whether or not to get this game. That's when more information will be out about this game, including whether they will have online or not
Too bad this news had to come alongside that horrendous second circle pad add-on. I really wanted to be happy about this.
My first impression of this news: Whoooo! Whooooo!
But then my mum said: "If you have that much energy you'll be taking the dog for a walk", I shut up after that! Hopefully this game has cross platform online multiplayer beetween the wii and 3ds versions
Cool, but I wish it was a brand new game rather than an upgrade of the Wii game. Not sure if I will be getting this.
i cant wait!!!!
Ugly to Lovely just like that. Insta buy when i get a 3ds.
Yay, will definitely pick this up. Never quite got into the MH3 Wii community, but will have to try with this.
@16: Hey Sockymon! I've Streetpass'd you in Leeds quite a lot the last few weeks (my Mii's name is Kai)
I will pass. I was going to get it if it was new but this is just a port of the wii game I already have. I beat that game online and offline. And still play it time and time again. But I am not doing that all over again with only one new monster and a few tweaked things. Now when this is new or has more monsters and new locations I am back in.
NES Open Tournament Golf + Monster Hunter for the 3DS. Pixleman must be happy.
Hmm. Never played a Monster Hunter game before perhaps this will be my first.
Yes! I missed the wii version, this should do nicely.
Japan only for now they sez.
boooooooooooooooooooooooo local multiplayer.
I hate you so much >
It is fine when it is on a home console, but on a handheld it is useless
What about bad camera controls? No one complained until they realized it was coming to the 3DS.
It looks amazing but with Monster hunter must have online if it does I will buy it day one too.
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