Despite a few highlights on the horizon, we can all agree that Wii is in its final throes for hardcore gamers, but there are bright lights waiting to be translated: Pandora's Tower, The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles. Of those three however, only Xenoblade has a Western release confirmed, and even that is currently only announced for Europe. As you can imagine, Wii fans are unhappy about this turn of events, and they're making their feelings heard.
The official Nintendo Facebook page has been flooded with comments demanding the three games, with several fans taking it a step further and requesting other unreleased games. Here's a sample of comments:
J. Noble Gibbins: Good day, gentlemen and ladies of Nintendo. I am here to inquire about the--oh, how do I say this--lack of Xenoblade. It seems it will be getting quite the rousing cup of tea over in Europe, but none of such delightfulness in the States.
Myriam Maon: Nintendo wants core gamers to come back to the WiiU - what kind of message do you think you are sending them by not localizing Xenoblade and Last Story in the US? By not bringing Xenoblade and Last Story to the US you are losing any credibility you had with lots of core gamers. Why should core gamers believe things will be different with the WiiU that they were with the Wii when even Nintendo doesn't bother bringing its most praised "hardcore" games to the US?
If you want to lend your voice to the growing throng, several dedicated players have created Operation Rainfall, a campaign to prove to Nintendo the desire to purchase that exists for these games.
We'll keep you updated on the release status of these much anticipated games.
Comments 80
Fight the powah.
Nintendo's great!
this'll be a good opportunity for ninty to show that they care about the fans. let's see how it plays out.
oh and LOL @Minjo_Master
I wish developers had more faith in the American market. I hated all the shovelware of the last generation. I wanted some of the Tales games but nope. They never localized.
Good to 'hear'
Excuse me, the last story has been confirmed for europe too. We're only waiting on pandoras tower, and the french Nintendo rep suggested that it might be happening when he/she confirmed The last story.
Awesome. Here is your "to-do list," Nintendo!
Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Earth Seeker
Make it so, number one!
just release the damn things and be done with it!
I was a little late to the party, but I very quickly recorded a video on this, (right before this story was posted, coincidentally) to hopefully get the word out to more people.
Glad that silliness over in Palestine has been sorted out, was getting a little formulaic. What's this about Xenoblade?
Since Game Informer is covering this thing too, I went and dropped this gem in their comments sections,
Just wanted to remind people to head over to Nintendo's Facebook page too. There are over 700 comments about this issue there currently:
Now, I'm not telling people to bomb nintendo's facebook page, but I will say this: Nintendo of Europe wanted to give NOA their localized (in progress) Xenoblade Chronicles so they could bring it to e3 this year, and NOA SHOT 'EM DOWN. Source:
Now that you're good and pissed at Reggie and his NOA tools, do what you feel like:)
So thanks Nintendolife for your article on what incredible d-bags NOA's tools are, because I like to think it inspired a few Nintendo fans at least to head on over to the Nintendo facebook page and start voicing some opinions! How could I galvanize anyone without your rage-inducing article concerning NOA's decision AGAINST bringing Xenoblade to e3?
Seriously, wtf is NOA thinking? They'd rather go a whole year without anything to release for the Wii than bring over a game NOE is ALREADY LOCALIZING? What lazy, greedy a--holes. They've been doing this sh** for the whole generation, ever since Reggie became president. I hate that guy so much. Minoru Arakawa (NOA's old prez, from the 80's to 2002) would've been much cooler. He also would've probably advertised the awesome games for Nintendo's consoles, instead of pocketing the change himself and going to Jimmy Fallon's show to spit out some mindless PR speak.
"It will be getting quite the rousing cup of tea over in Europe" What?
What? Isn't that how all you Brits speak?
Well, I'm contributing. I'm glad we're getting Xenoblade, but it's stupid that NA won't get it. This kind of crap is why you shouldn't region-lock
aaaw schucks!
I like a good cup of PG Tips as much as the next man, but we don't normally use cups of tea as a rating system. For example, it would be somewhat unusual to say: "that TV programme was worth at least three rousing cups of tea".
I don't drink tea and I hate people who do.
i drink tea but i also drink cappucino eh man of many beverages jolly hockey sticks
Anyone up for trying to get ExciteBots released in Europe?
Yeah it's pretty exciting, heck, I don't even care if Australia doesn't get The Last Story or Pandora's Tower, I'll buy an American Wii just for those two games. I can't wait to see these games stem the flow of party games for Wii
It might also happen that these two games are so bad that they are not worth any localization, who knows ... ... the fact is that Wii has become a plain and empty desert for these liking RPGs during these past 7 years, something really hard to explain/understand, and this will not change even with 2 RPGs released at the very end of Wii's life.
@17 you hate me? ;-;
I agree with @19 Where's our ExciteBots, Mario Super Sluggers and Fatal Frame IV?
Those would hold me over until Skyward Sword. I was hoping Wii Play Motion would last me a while but I've got a Platinum Medal on all 12 games.
yea i loved excite truck seen vids of excitebots it looks like a right blast put it on 3ds
Well i support a US realease of all of them, although even if they make it to US i doubt we'll get an Aussie release...
I'm totally in on this.
I hope this works
@Vinsanity i totally agree with you(even that i'm from Europe) where are those times, where Big N consoles where cheap for gamers(i mean why do i have to pay so much for only different controller? - Wii, Wii u) even when they have the power of past gens. When Satoru Iwata become Nintendo Global President it changes everything, i mean i like the DS, 3DS or even Wii, but i like even more old GBA, GameCube etc. because "it was all about games" not about stupid TV programs on my console, or dvd player inside it, because they were true home or portable consoles, that was the different, if i want have those crapy stuff have in my consoles i would buy Sony platforms or MS not Nintendo, and now? now "it's not about games" "it's about machine for everything" and that's not good, like everyone here says, if Nintendo want core gamers back then they should start from the Wii to bring several games that the western gamers are waiting for years(hello where's Tales of Graces?), but no, they're hipocrytes where's those catch phrase "actions speak louder than words" so mr. Iwata? where are those actions instead of words?
@ LightSamus &WiiLovePeace: Why don't you just import the Europeane versions of Xenoblade and Last Story? O_o
(EU and Australia have both the PAL standart, or not? So this shouldn't be a problem...)
It's amazing how Nintendo acts as if the Internet doesn't exist and pretends we're stupid and don't know these titles exist. All the while they try and shove move minigames in our systems.
My how NoA has fallen.
It also pisses me off when NOA doesn't release titles that are already done and translated (I'm also looking at you NPC Pikmin 2 - No I will NOT get over that). Once it's translated, so what if it will only sell .2-.25 million. Just do a small run. The only costs are printing and distribution, pretty much. More than made up for with a $50 retail disc. The preorder for the game is still the number one best selling game on Amazon for Wii, even with a $10 markup over the average title, so I'm sure it won't do terribly.
I hope it works, but many of you seem to be ignoring the fact that these types of games fail miserably on the Wii in NA as far as sales go. Right? "Just release them" sounds nice, but you have to reach a certain number of sales to break even on shipping/distributing/advertising/shelf-space. Unless demand gets up to a certain number, you are all essentially demanding Nintendo cough up a large cash donation.
This is why the Amazon pre-order thing seemed much more effective to me. That's money where your mouth is.
Grab your torch and pitchfork!
I'm only concerned for Xenoblade, the other titles look kinda meh.
@Token_Girl: I'm right there with you on NPC Pikmin 2! I'll never ever forgive Nintendo for not releasing that one in the US! As for this fan riot for these 3 games, good for them! It seems to really be building steam and I hope Nintendo will be made to see the light. Perhaps this could be the beginning of an era where fans vehemently demand Nintendo games and they actually listen!
I wish this would work, but NOA doesn't listen. Mother 3 never came. There are hundreds of good games never localised in the west, but Nintendo is too damn greedy.
If only Captain Rainbow got this much outrage... XD
Honestly don't know about the other two but have been waiting for Monado, since, well, it was called Monado. And I'm also still waiting for NPC Pikmin 2 (well my 8 yr. old is waiting more than I am, he keeps asking me for it). I don't know what the sales numbers would be, though I've read many good things about Xeno, but with Zelda and Kirby being the only 2 games left to come out on the Wii I would thing Xenoblade and the others would have a chance to sell. ESPECAILLY important if the WiiU isn't due out until the holidays. If WiiU is coming out in early spring with a decent launch list then at least Nintendo will have something. Maybe they are saving all 3 for WiiU release?
Coming from a handheld RPGer I won't play as much as I would play my handheld RPGs, but Nintendo please bring at least 1 of these RPGs to the America's. Like Myriam Maon said on Facebook if you hardcore to return to the Wii U, you need to release Xenoblade Chronicles. Also if you could bring The Last Story that would be appreciated too.
This is good and I did my part, I just hope NOA will take note and act accordingly!
wasn't there also some kind of "escape from crazy people chasing you through the woods" game that got good reviews and never made it here either?
good luck to you all; Facebook is so annoying I try not to even go there ever. Nintendo probably checks their facebook page less than I do.
I preordered Monado on Amazon. LET'S DO THIS PEOPLE!
I look at Nintendo as one of my parents
I can't always get what I want, but if I beg and reason, then maybe there's hope.
As for Earth Seeker, Nintendo has nothing to do with that game. Maybe petition XSEED games, as they do a phenemal job of localising originally-Japan-only games.
Don't forget Earthbound Zero. That game was FULLY translated and marketing and advertising was ready to go. But they held back because they didn't think people would buy any more new NES games now that Super Nintendo is kickin'.
Another interesting thing is that NoA will localise unpopular games such as Glory of Heracles and publish titles such as that Dinosaur games... But not games that would potentially do well such as The Last Story and then some. Maybe they don't want to localize those games because hey, they are BIG titles and will ask for big money but the amount of people who are going to buy it is not enough for 'them'. Of course, all they have to do is push for advertising, hold special events as they did with DQXI and surely, the games will do well if word spreads like wild fire.
As for Earthseeker, Nintendo has nothing to do with that game. I would say petition XSEED games as they do a phenomenal job of bringing originally-Japan-only games to the states and all around.
I am one of those protesters. I want Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story, New Play Control Pikmin 2, Earthbound, Terranigma, Donkey Kong 64 and FF6 for the VC. That's not to much to ask considering all of those have been released in other regions....(except for some of the VC, but come on!)
Part of the reason why these kinds of games are not brought over to the Wii is that nobody buys them. So many great games get poor sales because they don't have 'Mario' in them.
NOA has been awful though. Just look at the Club Nintendo rewards, Japan and Europe get controllers and Wii Points, yet North America gets... a poster or some stickers. So why is one of the largest markets treated as the least important?
The Last Story is particularly vexing as to why they won't bring over. All they have to do is put "From the creator of Final Fantasy" on the box and people will buy it based on that alone.
Did my part though, I both e-mailed them AND pre-ordered the game on Amazon, the latter of which I think will speak volumes more than anything else being done to persuade Nintendo on this. Normally I wouldn't think petitions and the like would do much but this time it seems different and that everything happening will be hard for Nintendo to ignore. But yeah, we Nintendo fans stand united on this and I'm very proud to see it.
Get Amazon to post Last Story and Pandora's Tower on the game listing and preorder the game. That will be EVEN better.
I could care less. The only titles I've ever wanted Nintendo to localize were Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, in which they gave us Elite Beat Agents, and Captain Rainbow, which is never going to happen due to vulgar humor and bad sales in Japan.
I feel Kind of bad for Nintendo Customer Support. First they were bombarded by over 29,000 people asking for their Zelda Soundtrack, and now people are constantly calling, emailing, and complaining about Xenoblade and two other games I didn't know existed.
Sweet. I really hope Nintendo listens to them. We've lost so many from these shenanigans.
NOA, this has to stop. You're better than this. It was fine in the past when we would never know different regions had entirely different line-ups, but now it's impossible to NOT know. What happened to the Nintendo being open arms to developers? What good is it to developers if you refuse to let their products have a chance in a major territory?
it is a pity that guys in US get the shaft. but we on the other side of the pond get the shaft too when it comes to prices. So i guess because they are selling us premium price they bring these out to the region.
otherwise we would get the same!
That's true. For some reason I'm never going to understand Mario and Party type games sells well for the Wii, good games sell way worse. And Nintendo is all about business, dont forget this. 1000 Amazon preorders will not change anything.
That's why I disdain politics... They wrap themselves up in too many things and cause hordes of problems. I don't hate you Reggie, but the time for great speeches has stop. You can't just plop down the WiiU next year, and everything will be ice cream and cake. You need to start building momentum now with these 3 core games. I gave you guys a bye with Sin & Punishment for the N64, but not anymore. You want to regional lock for anti-piracy but you don't want a game to have a shot accross the globe. I bet if you put as much, if not more, advertising into these titles, and if they sell better than Wii Play Motion, then you'll see what you've been missing. I'll sign every petition I have to because this, Nintendo, is inexcusable.
I'm 100% for this
@49. shame on you if you didn't know they existed. they are probably 2 of the best, i dare say MUST have games that came out for wii for every action fantasy gamer. Although i do feel for them, this is their job. I also feel for the nintendo fans who instead of being paid like the guys there to do their job, are actually paying with their hard earned money every nintendo product for a series of years. I feel more for the later, because some save for months to buy the hardware and games.
i also want that rpg with the boobs for 3DS but it's not going to come either.
I think this article missed the big news (I'm sure it's been mentioned in the comments but whatever). Despite this just starting around Friday, Monado has been #1 out of ALL video game preorders on Amazon since Saturday.
Nintendo has two options:
1. Release ALL three games in the US and EU.
2. Lose the hardcore Nintendo fans that have backed them up for years.
The Wii has its days numbered now with the release of the WiiU next year. The Wii works because it appeals to a vast audience; not just hardcore gamers. But the Big N forgot in my opinion about these people who played all the classics like Zelda or Mario back in the day.
I live in the UK. I've been playing games since the beginning of the 90's. It wasn't until the Virtual Console came out that I was able to play games like Chrono Trigger and Sin and Punishment (Japanese exclusive). Its taken me, without using emulators on PCs, more than a decade to truly appreciate these classics cherished in the US and Japan.
My point is, you'd think after giving people exactly what they wanted years later, asking them to PAY for these titles when you could download or use an emulator to play; they would give us the consumer what we needed.
I love Nintendo. I'm old school at that. Been ridiculed by mates who had other consoles or games.
Nintendo please sort it out now and give your people what they want or good luck selling the WiiU when it comes out.
Nintendo has two options:
1. Release ALL three games in the US and EU.
2. Lose the hardcore Nintendo fans that have backed them up for years.
The Wii has its days numbered now with the release of the WiiU next year. The Wii works because it appeals to a vast audience; not just hardcore gamers. But the Big N forgot in my opinion about these people who played all the classics like Zelda or Mario back in the day.
I live in the UK. I've been playing games since the beginning of the 90's. It wasn't until the Virtual Console came out that I was able to play games like Chrono Trigger and Sin and Punishment (Japanese exclusive). Its taken me, without using emulators on PCs, more than a decade to truly appreciate these classics cherished in the US and Japan.
My point is, you'd think after giving people exactly what they wanted years later, asking them to PAY for these titles when you could download or use an emulator to play; they would give us the consumer what we needed.
I love Nintendo. I'm old school at that. Been ridiculed by mates who had other consoles or games.
Nintendo please sort it out now and give your people what they want or good luck selling the WiiU when it comes out.
I still don't believe anything will come of this, unless Nintendo had been planning to release them all along.
Lol reggie posted a comment stating that they never said they wouldn't release Xenoblade in america on the facebook page,keep it up dudes it looks like we're close to breaking reggie |D
I honestly don't think it's THAT big of a deal for these three games in particular, and I daresay most people don't, but it's the principle of the thing. Nintendo seems to think it can just abandon its fans when there are clearly decent core games out there, just waiting to be released.
@61 I have to disagree, as two of them are being called the best JRPGs of this gen and have gotten a ton of praise. Not to mention, there are some big JRPG names involved with them. The Last Story is made by the CREATOR OF FINAL FANTASY. Kind of a big deal.
By not giving these games world-wide release Nintendo is actually telling their fans to go play with their PlayStation3 (or Xbox360) instead. It is such a betrayal, disgusting! Ever since I bought my Wii - and I even drove 500km to buy mine in Germany as the Wii was sold out in Holland for months - I find it is quite a disappointment! Only a hand full of gems, the rest is utter garbage! And now Nintendo has decided to keep the last few pearl just for themselves! How unfair!
I don't see why where not getting Xenoblade and Last Story they would sell well here in the states and why make games if you don't plan on releasing them and making money.
Talk about annoying! I know you guys want them, I do too, but spamming won't get you anywhere. It's like kids whining to their parents for candy.
^For once I agree with this guy.
Look spam doesn't work, but calling their corporate 800# (not the normal 255-3700) line, physical letters, detailed emails auto reply won't work on, and other wiser methods would be best.
The great sad point here is by doing this to Xenoblade and the rest they're coming off as two faced. They want to get a restart type grasp on the gamer market they've had for decades, the 'real' gamer, not the passive adults or old people with friends doing trivia and little things who buy almost nothing after the fact. They want to serve the core they said with their new device, but how does one be convinced when you shut down the only real 'core' remaining non-1st party methods of such on the Wii exclusively out of the NA market? I'd understand if they weren't in or going to be in english already on the backs of their European branches efforts, but to just not take free data and box it up shows a total lack of of care, respect, and honesty. I know a lot of people are just bandwagon hopping sheep in this probably, but those pre-ordering or pre-interest marking on Amazon for interest are dead serious as are others who haven't put up yet. This just isn't a way to tell someone you'll be true to your word and convince them to pony up $300 or whatever for a new machine when you pull a tactic like this.
THAT. is. amazing. ^
Everyone who is peeved that Nintendo isn't bringing Last Story, Xenoblade and Pandora's Tower to the US (and Europe for The Last Story and Pandora's Tower) head over to the official Nintendo Facebook page and let your voice be heard in the comments on their wall. Also "liking" the respective games on the list will also get these games noticed, come on people!
Also preorder "Monado: The Beginning of the World" on to have your voice heard!!!!!
bro2dragons, you deserve a medal for putting that up XD
but seriously, if we knew about all these awesome Japan-only games back then then, we should have done this YEARS AGO!!! Far East of Eden, Mother, Terranigma, Macross Scrambled Valkyrie, Spriggan, Radiant Silvergun, Der Langrisser, Final Fantasy 2,3, and 5(original), Alien Soldier, Monster Hunter 2, Frontier, and Freedom 3, Sakura Wars, Super Robot Taisen, Fire Emblem, Front Mission, Castlevania Rondo of Blood, and Symphony of the Night(Saturn) all stayed in Japan without anyone doing anything about it!!! Let's join together nad stop this from ever happening again and bring hose awesome games to our shores!!!!
you have a point, but look at it like this; we can only get so many games, and the Wii is starved for great RPGs in the US. Let's take it one step at a time...otherwise it will just seem like we are whining.
@L_Brown - Well for starters The Last Story has NOT been confirmed for release in any PAL region. & second I said: "I don't even care if Australia doesn't get The Last Story or Pandora's Tower, I'll buy an American Wii just for those two games." - so if you had've read it the 1st time you world know that I know Xenoblade is getting a PAL release...
If PAL gamers would freak out like that over any game that isnt released or just announced yet in europe/pal area... Maybe I should start a campaign for ExciteBots.
D: I'm still waiting for Last Story!!!
@Traxx: so true XD. I didn't see any uprising about Europe not getting Arc Rise Fantasia, and the US did.
If Europe gets these games, then isn't it as easy as using the UK and French versions for the US and Canada?
I hope you North Americans get these games!
You know, while it's true that Japanese styled RPGs are not popular in the U.S. compared to games that often feature high action shooting with little to no reason as to why you are killing anything, and short single player campaigns with extended playable multiplayer, it's not as if releasing these RPGs will be a profit loss. Localizing to meet cultural standards and dubbing takes too much effort? I think most people who want Japanese RPGs "localized" would be happier with subtitles and references that haven't been "Americanized". FYI: Ramen becomes hamburgers.
I don't even need the games to be dubbed. Subtitles will do just fine.
Frankly, I would rather have Captain Rainbow come to the US. How come no one made a big whiny stink for that?
Gaming companies still treat us like little kids. We can understand Japanese references just fine. We are not in the first grade and we can understand them. The world is more accepting of other cultures nowadays.
I hated the spam. Whining shpuldn't really get you what you want! Glad the last story is coming, though. I kept an eye on it during the campaign, and will pick it up sometime.
Now if only NOA can keep the rest of the annoying spam away...
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