The Wii U controller is brand new, but as the machine will interface with all existing Wii accessories and games Nintendo has wisely chosen to show off the controller's possibilities with what it could bring to Wii software.
The HD video below shows the ideas it could inject into Wii Sports, Wii Fit Plus and more, as well as unique software created exclusively for Wii U.
Tell us what you make of Nintendo's Wii U console in the comments section below.
Comments 24
I love it! i think its going to open up soo many new possibilities in gaming!
After soaking it in and reflecting on it, I'm very, very pleased with this.
A most intriguing performance, I do say. It shall be revolutionary.
I'm all over this like a bad rash! I can't wait
Karny: I'm more on it like a fat kid on a cupcake
If only the software line-up was as interesting as the hardware.
Hmm, I wasn't all that impressed when I woke up this morning and read a few articles about it, but this video has me a little more excited. It'll be good to see what the devs can come up with!
@7 I think you need to look at this in context. If the console was launching this year, you'd have every right to be worried; but it's not. It's coming out the second half of 2012 and there's PLENTY of time for games to be made. What we saw yesterday was just an unveiling of the tech. Now's the time for developers to hop on board and start making games for it. This year was all conceptual, and by next year, we should be seeing some actual games for it.
Dudes, that just blew my mind.
Everything made sense except for the baseball demo. How in the heck does that work?
Finally, next year Nintendo will have an HD system!
I have to share this video with my xbox loving friends
I'm still a little worried about what the price of this fancy new hardware will be. At any rate, that controller looks infinitely more attractive and usable than the mock-ups we were seeing on websites before E3.
I like the idea of streaming the game to the controller. I'm glad Nintendo is keeping the Mii's alive, and I definitely want to play Chas Mii.
oh man, what's that Zelda game???
Wii U sports will be 20 X better...
THIS has just blown my mind. Way to go Nintendo, innovation WIN!
Now only if all those possibilities get explored to a very decent extent.
I like how this take the Wii and expands on it even further AND is a new system altogether.
F*** it, I'm sold.
@17 I was wandering that myself. The game was in HD soo i am wandering if there making the new Zelda game for Wii AND WiiU. Or it could be a new Zelda game for WiiU but idk.
If this controller works as well as it seems in the promotional video. If Nintendo and 3rd party developers are creative with the possible outcomes using this tablet controller. If Nintendo has decent on-line this time the yes the Wii U will be a huge suceess.
Or the Wii U ends up as the "Could've been console"
video chat sweat get that on the 3ds and i wil be so happy
@Scrafty When pitching, you take aim with the new controller - you can see the catcher following your aim with his mitt. Then, control switches to the defensive player closest to the ball, where you look through a semitransparent glove in an attempt to catch the ball and get an out. That's what it looked like at least.
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